Azure Nebula Rescue. The timer is 3 minutes, right? Three minutes, are you serious? You need DPS out the [REDACTED] to take out those uber-hardened recluses in time. un-f***ing-believable.
And you're wondering why queues have become more barren since DR launched. :mad:
Rage aside, add an extra minute or two and this MANDATORY optional objective will be more feasible. Hell a lot of these queues would be more feasible by slightly extending all these damn timers.
You can complete azure nebula without ever killing a single ship, in fact it is easier and faster/than killing them. Split into two teams and one grabs all the tholians while the other deactivates the tractor beams.
Using pulls and pushes to get the tholians out of range is most successful.
Some people can stealth to a position below the asteroid and hit tractors without aggroing the tholians at all and thusnsolo points. I've seen this done but cannot duplicate it myself.
There's what gavin said, and there's the T2 singularity power, Quantum Absorption. Due to adding secondary (damaged before primary, which makes no sense but whatever) HP to your ship, it seems to block any damage that would otherwise cause you to cancel your interaction.
Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.
There's what gavin said, and there's the T2 singularity power, Quantum Absorption. Due to adding secondary (damaged before primary, which makes no sense but whatever) HP to your ship, it seems to block any damage that would otherwise cause you to cancel your interaction.
I call those "bubble" powers. The way they work is to add a third layer to your ships defenses between Shield and hull. There's a pretty long list of them now. Vestas have one, the Fed intel cruiser has one, warbirds have theirs, and the pilot skill for improved attack patterns is one.
With that last one ANY ship can do it now. It's a weak bubble, but you get it every time you use any Boff attack pattern.
I'll keep those in mind. I usually use rock 'n roll for interacting with objectives with a short activation. I did the TBR thing a while back, guess I'll look into rigging up that build again.
DR's just been an unnecessary headache. I need the argonite for crafting, but I'm better off just buying it instead. Save myself the frustration.
Some people can stealth to a position below the asteroid and hit tractors without aggroing the tholians at all and thusnsolo points. I've seen this done but cannot duplicate it myself.
I love doing this in my cloaked warbird and Defiant. By the time the others kill the Tholians, there's only 1 tractor beam left, if at all.
A Romulan Strike Team, Missing Farmers and an ancient base on a Klingon Border world. But what connects them? Find out in my First Foundary mission: 'The Jeroan Farmer Escapade'
While great tactics and skilled, outside the box gameplay, should be rewarded, getting a boot in the a$$ for any reason, valid or not, is just bad business.
You attract more flies with honey, than vinegar. Instead of the kick in the seat of the pant and a don't let the door hit you on the a$$ on the way out, why not just offer MORE reward for completing the rescue and just let players who fail it stay and have some fun. Maybe then there would be MORE people in the DEAD QUEUES!
The objective is "free all Romulan ships", not "destroy all enemies. Work with what you have, not just weapons. The Tholian NPCs are laughing at you for aggroing you so easily.
That said, the 3 minute timer IS pretty tight and makes it impossible to PUG. It would be ok for Elite, but drop it for advanced. Replace it with " save at least 3 ships" instead for advanced.
This one has had my highest success for pugs of the "exotic" missions. Maybe 25% If your group doesn't split up properly there is zero chance.
The timer on this one makes no sense whatsoever. After you rescue 3 you then lollygag around? A more sensical objective would be rescue x number of ships total. Maybe 6 or 8?
I've given up hope on the failque issue tho.
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
There are several things that would make this more likely to actually work:
1. Change it from "free 3 ships" to "earn 3 points" (hence a Falchion alone would do it, or 1 T'Liss and 1 Dhelan)
2. Add 30-60 seconds to the timer (allowing time for a successful group to cross the map and reinforce a struggling one)
3. Just get rid of the fail trigger - duh, but probably won't happen
Azure as-is is doable, yes, but it requires a level of coordination that simply isn't reliably there in all except coordinated groups. It's extremely frustrating to free a Ha'pax and a Falchion, then still fail because the other three couldn't release a T'liss in time.
You can complete azure nebula without ever killing a single ship, in fact it is easier and faster/than killing them. Split into two teams and one grabs all the tholians while the other deactivates the tractor beams.
Using pulls and pushes to get the tholians out of range is most successful.
Some people can stealth to a position below the asteroid and hit tractors without aggroing the tholians at all and thusnsolo points. I've seen this done but cannot duplicate it myself.
Did they fix the AFK Penalty on this mission?
Last I heard is that if you don't do any killing (Only freeing ships) you get an AFK Penalty.
I nearly always pug STFs these days so this mission is rarely doable anymore as most pug teams can't coordinate too well. You occasionally get a killer team and nail it first time but most of the time it is just a waste.
Add a bit of time to the timer, or change it to freeing x ships over the whole match.
At the moment it's just not worth the trouble even with supposed improved rewards.
If the US Seals can TRIBBLE up by crashing a helicopter but still power on through to complete their mission the I think us less then fit gammers should still be allowed to complete the damn mission while there is still time on the clock..
Sry OP, but you're wrong. Dps actually doesnt matter at all in this mission. There are quite a few other ways of dealing with this, and they are far more effective because they take a lot less time. All it takes is one ship to stealth in under and behind the tholians and deactivate the tractor beams. Its actually possible to do this without having your team there. Its far .ore efficient than trying to dps through it like a Neanderthal.
^And what do you do if no-one on your PUG has stealth or a cloak? You're sunk.
I'm having very limited success on this because you can't get back for the third ship, even wehn people pair up and distract the Tholians. I tried slotting jam sensors and mask energy signature as the best alternatives available, but they don't cut it.
I would say what it comes down to is that you have to specialize if you have several characters. One does Azure and borg disconnected. One does ISA. Then some do pure dps missions.
I would say that. Except that all queues are now officially deceased except CCA ISA.
Also if the other 4 players can't free a single borg or romulan warbird then you're wasting your time anyway.
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
I managed to stealth free on ship on my own the last time i played, but the other 4 guys were bogged down with a group of Tholians and didn't have a chance to get any of the tractor beams down before the timer ran out.
I would say that in time players could maybe get used to the mission and would get better at using tactics to free the Romulans without resorting to DPS. are players meant to learn these new tactics when literally nobody is playing the mission? The queue is dead, so nobody will ever improve on it.
They need to go and make the free 3 ships timer optional on Advanced, that way people can at least try for it to get more marks and if they fail at least they can complete the rest of the mission for a lower reward.
Obviously by the time you are running the mission on Elite there should be no excuse for messing up and the timer should be mandatory and more than adequate to free those 3 ships as everyone in the match should know what is required.
There are 3 often used tactics I will call the basic tactics.
1. Kill tholians and then release tractor beams. Usually break into 2 teams, often the strongest 2 as one group and the remaining 3 in the other group, tackle the easiest 2 ships to free up first, then converge at the easiest remaining one as a team of 5 to knock out the 3 quickly.
2. Using small vessels and/ or threat reduction consoles, have 1 get just within range to release tractor beams without firing, often coming from under the asteroid.
3. Use abilities to push/ draw the group of tholians away from the tractor beams and have 1 player release tractor beams out of return fire range of the tholians.
All three tactics, and the variations of them, are effective when executed properly.
If you don't have the DPS for number 1, either improve your damage performance by asking for helpful build advice, or use tactic 2 or 3.
Positioning and not having anyone initiate contact with the tholians is essential for number 2. It takes practice, but is totally viable.
The last one is often used by ships with tractor beam repulsors and evasive maneuvers to push the tholians a considerable distance away, sometimes followed by grav wells and warp plasma to keep them from quickly returning to the fight to provide time to release tractors.
All three are viable.
Teamwork helps alot. When using the DPS method, have all players fire at the same shield facings on the tholians to take them out quickly
That said, the 3 minute timer IS pretty tight and makes it impossible to PUG. It would be ok for Elite, but drop it for advanced. Replace it with " save at least 3 ships" instead for advanced.
I've done it a few times on a PUG but it was close each time and the team was very good. Split into halves, went after the low numbered ships (drives me mad when people go after the 5's which mean harder enemies) and piled onto loads of Alpha strikes.
The time is way too unforgiving though. I think it needs an extra minute on it at least.
The time I PUG'd this, everybody was smarter than me.
While I was trying to stealth-solo one thing (Attack Pattern Expertise, Quantum Absorption, Warp Shadow Decoy trait), the other four had split into two pairs, freed two ships, and one of them came over and freed the ship I was working on while I was still trying to not get interrupted.
The rest of the match, I played the part of "TRIBBLE off the group with FAW" while somebody else would free the ship. Unless it was a 1 or 2, they'd usually free the thing before I could kill the group.
The most annoying thing for me is the disparity of the experience
When my team does complete the objective, its usually with plenty of time to spare, when my team fails it seems we always fail by a long way, often with just one ship freed
I really hope more players come to realise the objective is to free the Romulan ships not fight the tholians, and I still see players zoom off the the dreadnought spawns right at the start, when they really should be going for the T'liss
These are the Voyages on the STO forum, the final frontier. Our continuing mission: to explore Pretentious Posts, to seek out new Overreactions and Misinformation , to boldly experience Cynicism like no man has before.......
^And what do you do if no-one on your PUG has stealth or a cloak? You're sunk.
I'm having very limited success on this because you can't get back for the third ship, even wehn people pair up and distract the Tholians. I tried slotting jam sensors and mask energy signature as the best alternatives available, but they don't cut it.
The most reliable tactic seems to be to either get the Tholians out of firing range of the second player or, if solo, use stuff like Quantum Absorption that gives you temporary 'secondary' HP. This secondary HP USUALLY takes all the punishment until it runs out, thus allowing you to continue freeing ships while being bombarded. (I emphasize 'usually' as there have been instances of me taking 1 hull damage through my QA's secondary HP.)
Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.
I think for pugs the best course of action is to assume that everyone else is clueless & won't follow instructions and aim to solo at least 1-2 of the ships yourself. Assuming the rest can free one ships in those few minutes you get spare then working on solo tactics seems a good plan.
I'm aiming to get good at stealthily going in under the asteroids to drop the tractor beams solo, combined with speed to get between the asteroids. I can't take out all the Tholians solo in the time given and I have to assume anyone else will be a hindrance more than anything else.
Clearly if I end up on a team that actually knows what to do then tactics can be revised at the time.
Look at the asteroid from the front. Approach the ship from the right side at either:
1) a 45 degree angle towards the major axis (wide)
2) along the major axis (wide)
Once you are at 8 km you should be able to free the ships. If not, move a little closer, I usually go between 7.94 to 7.98 km.
Do not attack any enemy ships, do not activate any power, especially Tac powers. They will draw aggro to you. I have found that Tac ships have issues with this, cruisers less so.
Doing it this way allows you to release ships quicker as you don't have to spend a minute or so to eliminate the enemies and then free the ships.
I have found that I can earn usually around 37 marks or more from this method. Even more if you can free 4 Falchions. Speaking of Falchions, imagine being able to free a Falchion without having to take down the Tholians in front of it.
Some players don't like this. I have been called a hacker who exploits maps. Been called a F_G for using this method. I don't care. I play for the marks, not for the loot. Not sure why anyone would be playing ANR for the loot. Once I had someone ***** at me for freeing a Scimitar this way, that person wanted the amazing loot that dropped. Funny I usually get batteries when I fight the Tholian.
Would a Science ship loaded with Stealth modules help with this?
It worked out well for me in Mirror Incursion. As long as I didn't fire, the NPCs were shooting but kept flying away and finally went out of 10km... that's if I got too close. Most of the time I was able to slip in behind and close the rifts without issue.
Star Trek Battles Channel - Play Star Trek like they did in the series!Avatar: pinterest-com/pin/14003448816884219Are you sure it isn't time for a "colorful metaphor"? --Spock in 'The Voyage Home' SCE ADVISORY NOTICE: Improper Impulse Engine maintenance can result in REAR THRUSTER LEAKAGE. ALWAYS have your work inspected by another qualified officer.
Would a Science ship loaded with Stealth modules help with this?
It worked out well for me in Mirror Incursion. As long as I didn't fire, the NPCs were shooting but kept flying away and finally went out of 10km... that's if I got too close. Most of the time I was able to slip in behind and close the rifts without issue.
I don't believe it would be needed. I don't have stealth modules on my cruiser or escort.
My thinking is that the Intel ships are perfect for the whole stealth rescue tactic.
Warp signature masking, cloak, practically built for snooping around under people's noses!
Add in some nifty flying and it should be no problem for any of them, even the Scryer. In fact I reckon that one would do best, less aggro grabbing to begin with and can shoot off some CC to keep the Tholians busy if needed.
Using pulls and pushes to get the tholians out of range is most successful.
Some people can stealth to a position below the asteroid and hit tractors without aggroing the tholians at all and thusnsolo points. I've seen this done but cannot duplicate it myself.
Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.
But really, azure is easy. Super easy as long as the build, pilot and team are at least competent.
With that last one ANY ship can do it now. It's a weak bubble, but you get it every time you use any Boff attack pattern.
My character Tsin'xing
DR's just been an unnecessary headache. I need the argonite for crafting, but I'm better off just buying it instead. Save myself the frustration.
I love doing this in my cloaked warbird and Defiant. By the time the others kill the Tholians, there's only 1 tractor beam left, if at all.
A Romulan Strike Team, Missing Farmers and an ancient base on a Klingon Border world. But what connects them? Find out in my First Foundary mission: 'The Jeroan Farmer Escapade'
You attract more flies with honey, than vinegar. Instead of the kick in the seat of the pant and a don't let the door hit you on the a$$ on the way out, why not just offer MORE reward for completing the rescue and just let players who fail it stay and have some fun. Maybe then there would be MORE people in the DEAD QUEUES!
That said, the 3 minute timer IS pretty tight and makes it impossible to PUG. It would be ok for Elite, but drop it for advanced. Replace it with " save at least 3 ships" instead for advanced.
The timer on this one makes no sense whatsoever. After you rescue 3 you then lollygag around? A more sensical objective would be rescue x number of ships total. Maybe 6 or 8?
I've given up hope on the failque issue tho.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
1. Change it from "free 3 ships" to "earn 3 points" (hence a Falchion alone would do it, or 1 T'Liss and 1 Dhelan)
2. Add 30-60 seconds to the timer (allowing time for a successful group to cross the map and reinforce a struggling one)
3. Just get rid of the fail trigger - duh, but probably won't happen
Azure as-is is doable, yes, but it requires a level of coordination that simply isn't reliably there in all except coordinated groups. It's extremely frustrating to free a Ha'pax and a Falchion, then still fail because the other three couldn't release a T'liss in time.
Did they fix the AFK Penalty on this mission?
Last I heard is that if you don't do any killing (Only freeing ships) you get an AFK Penalty.
Fleet leader Nova Elite
Fleet Leader House of Nova elite
The rest of the team I ask to split in pairs and take care of two more, but pugs never listen
I stopped playing Azure after discovering better sources with Elite ques for the same R&D rewards.
Add a bit of time to the timer, or change it to freeing x ships over the whole match.
At the moment it's just not worth the trouble even with supposed improved rewards.
My Ship Builds: USS Conqueror, HMS Victorious, HMS Concord, ISS Queen Elizabeth, Black Widow III
Click here to view my DeviantArt.
I'm having very limited success on this because you can't get back for the third ship, even wehn people pair up and distract the Tholians. I tried slotting jam sensors and mask energy signature as the best alternatives available, but they don't cut it.
I would say that. Except that all queues are now officially deceased except CCA ISA.
Also if the other 4 players can't free a single borg or romulan warbird then you're wasting your time anyway.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
I would say that in time players could maybe get used to the mission and would get better at using tactics to free the Romulans without resorting to DPS. are players meant to learn these new tactics when literally nobody is playing the mission? The queue is dead, so nobody will ever improve on it.
They need to go and make the free 3 ships timer optional on Advanced, that way people can at least try for it to get more marks and if they fail at least they can complete the rest of the mission for a lower reward.
Obviously by the time you are running the mission on Elite there should be no excuse for messing up and the timer should be mandatory and more than adequate to free those 3 ships as everyone in the match should know what is required.
1. Kill tholians and then release tractor beams. Usually break into 2 teams, often the strongest 2 as one group and the remaining 3 in the other group, tackle the easiest 2 ships to free up first, then converge at the easiest remaining one as a team of 5 to knock out the 3 quickly.
2. Using small vessels and/ or threat reduction consoles, have 1 get just within range to release tractor beams without firing, often coming from under the asteroid.
3. Use abilities to push/ draw the group of tholians away from the tractor beams and have 1 player release tractor beams out of return fire range of the tholians.
All three tactics, and the variations of them, are effective when executed properly.
If you don't have the DPS for number 1, either improve your damage performance by asking for helpful build advice, or use tactic 2 or 3.
Positioning and not having anyone initiate contact with the tholians is essential for number 2. It takes practice, but is totally viable.
The last one is often used by ships with tractor beam repulsors and evasive maneuvers to push the tholians a considerable distance away, sometimes followed by grav wells and warp plasma to keep them from quickly returning to the fight to provide time to release tractors.
All three are viable.
Teamwork helps alot. When using the DPS method, have all players fire at the same shield facings on the tholians to take them out quickly
I've done it a few times on a PUG but it was close each time and the team was very good. Split into halves, went after the low numbered ships (drives me mad when people go after the 5's which mean harder enemies) and piled onto loads of Alpha strikes.
The time is way too unforgiving though. I think it needs an extra minute on it at least.
While I was trying to stealth-solo one thing (Attack Pattern Expertise, Quantum Absorption, Warp Shadow Decoy trait), the other four had split into two pairs, freed two ships, and one of them came over and freed the ship I was working on while I was still trying to not get interrupted.
The rest of the match, I played the part of "TRIBBLE off the group with FAW" while somebody else would free the ship. Unless it was a 1 or 2, they'd usually free the thing before I could kill the group.
When my team does complete the objective, its usually with plenty of time to spare, when my team fails it seems we always fail by a long way, often with just one ship freed
I really hope more players come to realise the objective is to free the Romulan ships not fight the tholians, and I still see players zoom off the the dreadnought spawns right at the start, when they really should be going for the T'liss
The most reliable tactic seems to be to either get the Tholians out of firing range of the second player or, if solo, use stuff like Quantum Absorption that gives you temporary 'secondary' HP. This secondary HP USUALLY takes all the punishment until it runs out, thus allowing you to continue freeing ships while being bombarded. (I emphasize 'usually' as there have been instances of me taking 1 hull damage through my QA's secondary HP.)
Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.
I'm aiming to get good at stealthily going in under the asteroids to drop the tractor beams solo, combined with speed to get between the asteroids. I can't take out all the Tholians solo in the time given and I have to assume anyone else will be a hindrance more than anything else.
Clearly if I end up on a team that actually knows what to do then tactics can be revised at the time.
Look at the asteroid from the front. Approach the ship from the right side at either:
1) a 45 degree angle towards the major axis (wide)
2) along the major axis (wide)
Once you are at 8 km you should be able to free the ships. If not, move a little closer, I usually go between 7.94 to 7.98 km.
Do not attack any enemy ships, do not activate any power, especially Tac powers. They will draw aggro to you. I have found that Tac ships have issues with this, cruisers less so.
Doing it this way allows you to release ships quicker as you don't have to spend a minute or so to eliminate the enemies and then free the ships.
I have found that I can earn usually around 37 marks or more from this method. Even more if you can free 4 Falchions. Speaking of Falchions, imagine being able to free a Falchion without having to take down the Tholians in front of it.
Some players don't like this. I have been called a hacker who exploits maps. Been called a F_G for using this method. I don't care. I play for the marks, not for the loot. Not sure why anyone would be playing ANR for the loot. Once I had someone ***** at me for freeing a Scimitar this way, that person wanted the amazing loot that dropped. Funny I usually get batteries when I fight the Tholian.
Also this doesn't work at the North asteroid.
It worked out well for me in Mirror Incursion. As long as I didn't fire, the NPCs were shooting but kept flying away and finally went out of 10km... that's if I got too close. Most of the time I was able to slip in behind and close the rifts without issue.
SCE ADVISORY NOTICE: Improper Impulse Engine maintenance can result in REAR THRUSTER LEAKAGE. ALWAYS have your work inspected by another qualified officer.
I don't believe it would be needed. I don't have stealth modules on my cruiser or escort.
Warp signature masking, cloak, practically built for snooping around under people's noses!
Add in some nifty flying and it should be no problem for any of them, even the Scryer. In fact I reckon that one would do best, less aggro grabbing to begin with and can shoot off some CC to keep the Tholians busy if needed.