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Zen subscription

minecraftukminecraftuk Member Posts: 10 Arc User
Back when I subscribed two years ago, subscription was mandatory to be able to play the game (AKA it was NOT FTP). Now that there are proper benefits to subscribing, I was wondering if there are any plans to re-instate previous subscribers who wouldn't have received any of these benefits?

By reinstate, I mean, for example:
  • Granting of zen equal to months subscribed prior to this benefit
  • Extra character slots
None of which were benefits when I subscribed, and now suddenly are.

I consider this somewhat unfair on the part of the STO team to not reinstate previous subscribers for perks they SHOULD have gained upon such perks being created.
Post edited by minecraftuk on


  • cidjackcidjack Member Posts: 2,017 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Just a couple of questions:

    At the time you purchased the subscription, do you feel you were ripped off two years ago when you had active subscription?

    At the time you signed up for your subscription, did you enjoy the rewards that came with it?

    Lastly, are you the type of person that eats the whole steak except for one piece and then complain about it?
    Armada: Multiplying fleet projects in need of dilithium by 13."
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  • minecraftukminecraftuk Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Q1: At the time, it wasn't a 'ripoff' situation seeing as you couldn't actually play the game without subscribing. You gained no benefits other than being able to play the game.

    Q2: Yes, although given what STO has transformed into, I likely would not have been able to because of how pay-to-win the game has become.

    Q3: Are you the kind of person who completely misses the point and instead resorts to idiotic statements that bear no relevance on the subject whatsoever?
  • darkjeffdarkjeff Member Posts: 2,590 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    If you buy a product, and 2 years later the product is sold with a bonus item, do you go and demand the bonus items?

    You got what you paid for.

    What you have is a former-Gold account. Neither of the two things you stated are things that anyone keeps if they were to subscribe now, and then discontinue that subscription.
  • cidjackcidjack Member Posts: 2,017 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Q3: Are you the kind of person who completely misses the point and instead resorts to idiotic statements that bear no relevance on the subject whatsoever?

    Simple answer, Yes, I added that question in there to gauge on the type of consumer you are.

    Detailed answer: darkjeff is completely right, when the game went free-to-play, the subscription you purchased was no longer available. With free-to-play, subscriptions had to be changed, (and changed over time) to intice people to purchase the subscription.

    Companies change their products all the time to gain marketshare, increase profits, etc. It is the simple nature of business.
    Armada: Multiplying fleet projects in need of dilithium by 13."
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  • borastborast Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    My only question is when do I get the Zen, and as a subsidiary question, will I be backdated to my original lifetime subscription date...Jan of 2012? :D
  • section31agent#8506 section31agent Member Posts: 665 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    The answer is NO you will not be compensated for months you were not a lifetime member. That is the deal which is why after my first month way back in 2010 I signed up as a lifer because after 40 months I would break even. [I got the lifetime on sale for $200.00]

    So now Cryptic/PWE pays me 500 Zen a month to play. You get what you pay for in this game.
  • taluntherattaluntherat Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    arnthebard wrote: »
    The answer is NO you will not be compensated for months you were not a lifetime member. That is the deal which is why after my first month way back in 2010 I signed up as a lifer because after 40 months I would break even. [I got the lifetime on sale for $200.00]

    So now Cryptic/PWE pays me 500 Zen a month to play. You get what you pay for in this game.

    Quick question for you, I too purchased the lifetime sub, way back when it came out, however, I haven't played for a while due to real life issues. So I am back now, I am assuming I will get the 500 a month yeah? I noticed I am not getting the bank slots, and inventory slots so maybe I am missing something, dunno. Would be cool if I got back dated ZEN since the last time I played, or when they turned it on that is.

  • darkjeffdarkjeff Member Posts: 2,590 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    If you have a LTS, you should have been accruing 500 Zen per month, and have a large amount banked right now.

    You are missing something - your account was never transferred over. You need to stop playing immediately (because it's possible you might lose progress) and contact customer support, to get them to migrate your LTS account over.
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Back when I subscribed two years ago, subscription was mandatory to be able to play the game (AKA it was NOT FTP). Now that there are proper benefits to subscribing, I was wondering if there are any plans to re-instate previous subscribers who wouldn't have received any of these benefits?

    By reinstate, I mean, for example:
    • Granting of zen equal to months subscribed prior to this benefit
    • Extra character slots
    None of which were benefits when I subscribed, and now suddenly are.

    I consider this somewhat unfair on the part of the STO team to not reinstate previous subscribers for perks they SHOULD have gained upon such perks being created.

    you should not get any zen but you should be due some of the rewards for playing for X days. I don't know how those work since I bought my way in with lifetime and was granted all at once.

    Unfair is a word thrown about too often these days. Life is not fair. Its not "fair" if I buy a car the first day it is available for $80K and it is sold for only $50k when the next year's models come out 10 months later. It is not "fair" if we both go to subway for a sammitch and you have a coupon for 1/2 off and I don't. But that is how it goes ... you agree to buy something under a set of conditions that are subject to change at any time without notice. Sometimes, that is good for you --- the price went up the day after you bought it, for example ... would it be "fair" for the store to call you up and demand the difference?? Sometimes that is bad for you ... the price went down. Life goes on.

    In some cases, time is money. Lets say someone goes out and buys that shiny new ship for 3k zen. And this time next year they put it on sale for 1500 zen. Well, the first guy got a whole year of time to enjoy the ship while the bargain hunter was still flying his old ship. That time has a value for the entertainment provided.
  • taluntherattaluntherat Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    darkjeff wrote: »
    If you have a LTS, you should have been accruing 500 Zen per month, and have a large amount banked right now.

    You are missing something - your account was never transferred over. You need to stop playing immediately (because it's possible you might lose progress) and contact customer support, to get them to migrate your LTS account over.

    Don't the LTS get the additional content as well?

    I have looked at my account on line and it shows LTS, I just don't see the additional stuff like additional bank slots, inventory slots, etc. I just started playing again and started a Romulan and I have him at level 34 or something like that. He hasn't had a single increase in bank slots, inventory, or shared bank slots either, none of the characters do.

  • grouchyotakugrouchyotaku Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Don't the LTS get the additional content as well?

    I have looked at my account on line and it shows LTS, I just don't see the additional stuff like additional bank slots, inventory slots, etc. I just started playing again and started a Romulan and I have him at level 34 or something like that. He hasn't had a single increase in bank slots, inventory, or shared bank slots either, none of the characters do.


    Most of the 'additional stuff' is gated to your Rank increases, so you won't see the 'whole package' until you hit Rank 50, though some items, such as additional BO slots you should already seen hints of at level 34... http://www.arcgames.com/en/games/star-trek-online/news/detail/3026713
  • taluntherattaluntherat Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Most of the 'additional stuff' is gated to your Rank increases, so you won't see the 'whole package' until you hit Rank 50, though some items, such as additional BO slots you should already seen hints of at level 34... http://www.arcgames.com/en/games/star-trek-online/news/detail/3026713

    I have 4 level 50 characters already. Although I haven't played them in a long time. That is why I know my account bank isn't expanded, for example.

    I did notice a few things in the ZEN store which were available, like Captain's table, things like that. But nothing like expanded inventories, etc.

    I don't know if I need to play one of the level 50s for a bit and complete a couple of missions or something.

    I will read the link you sent though so thanks for that.
  • darkjeffdarkjeff Member Posts: 2,590 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    If you haven't played for (let's say) a year, that's 12 months - you should have 6000 Zen when you logged in. If you don't, that's something you need to prod customer support about.
  • medic670medic670 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    He who knows nothing, loves nothing.
    He who can do nothing understands nothing.
    He who understands nothing is worthless.

    Paracelsus 1540
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