Honestly I don't know why they changed it from a hourly thing to a weekend thing....
From the feel of the thing, its a Manual thing verses the automatic event it used to be. So cryptic forgets to switch on the event on the weekend all the time <.<
In my opinion if you can't do a weekend thing, just switch back to hourly x.x
Something that made it to number 1 in the charts and stayed there for two weeks in the "golden age" of music. Imagine it being played on the radio a lot.
Ironically.. I too got kicked off the server when trying to craft and R&D item. I am so close to level 10, I could taste it in the air. Unfortunately for me that sweet taste soon turned sour when the servers dropped and stayed dropped and is still dropped. Can I have a cookie?:(
ironically.. I Too Got Kicked Off The Server When Trying To Craft And R&d Item. I Am So Close To Level 10, I Could Taste It In The Air. Unfortunately For Me That Sweet Taste Soon Turned Sour When The Servers Dropped And Stayed Dropped And Is Still Dropped. Can I Have A Cookie?:(
Ironically.. I too got kicked off the server when trying to craft and R&D item. I am so close to level 10, I could taste it in the air. Unfortunately for me that sweet taste soon turned sour when the servers dropped and stayed dropped and is still dropped. Can I have a cookie?:(
I would, but when I tried to craft you a cookie, it gave me a cupcake instead....
I would, but when I tried to craft you a cookie, it gave me a cupcake instead....
How did you manage that?!? I tried to craft a cupcake and it said it would take 4 hours, then the server crashed, is it still going to craft in the background or do I have to wait for that as well?
I'm not THAT difficult to please, I just have a very low tolerance threshold for stupid BS! - George Carlin.
Ironically.. I too got kicked off the server when trying to craft and R&D item. I am so close to level 10, I could taste it in the air. Unfortunately for me that sweet taste soon turned sour when the servers dropped and stayed dropped and is still dropped. Can I have a cookie?:(
I tried to get a cookie for you, so I went to the best place in the galaxy.
But instead of 1 Cookie I got a whole pack, 17 in total!
Excited, I retrieved more and more packs of cookies!
Turns out I had too many cookies, I gained them too quickly, they were removed from me. I feel exploited
OMG I thought nobody else was having this problem!! I tried 3 times and it just stays stuck on "Connecting to Login Server". And they even Tweeted saying they where back up but they're not! HEEEEEEEEELP!
Don't really get it, I was properly playing the game before it went down, everything seemed fine... did they find another exploit or something like that?
Still down, btw.
Honestly I don't know why they changed it from a hourly thing to a weekend thing....
From the feel of the thing, its a Manual thing verses the automatic event it used to be. So cryptic forgets to switch on the event on the weekend all the time <.<
In my opinion if you can't do a weekend thing, just switch back to hourly x.x
I see your yt and raise you this one:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCARADb9asE :P
By the way are you suggesting it is going to take the 10 hours to sort this out? :eek:
PS: Given the forum timer countdown I might actually be able to log in before this can be posted........:mad:
In response to your sig, decronia:
They already thought about trying that. But they couldn't figure out how to link the forum account to the game account properly.
What did I just - I'mscaredwe'removingon! :eek:
I'm not THAT difficult to please, I just have a very low tolerance threshold for stupid BS! - George Carlin.
42 minutes ago
#STO Maintenance is now complete! Thanks for your patience. We'll see you back in-game!"
Well ... if we are lucky ... :P
I see your yt and I raise you this one
you guy on FB they say about an hour. https://www.facebook.com/StarTrekOnlineGame/timeline
Well THAT explains the server trouble ... the devs tried to patch the game with logic this time.....
Something that made it to number 1 in the charts and stayed there for two weeks in the "golden age" of music. Imagine it being played on the radio a lot.
Cuz raging is business as usual for forumites too. :rolleyes:
/300 secs too late for that quick and witty retort.
No Cookie For You!!;)
I would, but when I tried to craft you a cookie, it gave me a cupcake instead....
Hahaha! That's awesome! Thanks for the giggles!
How did you manage that?!? I tried to craft a cupcake and it said it would take 4 hours, then the server crashed, is it still going to craft in the background or do I have to wait for that as well?
I'm not THAT difficult to please, I just have a very low tolerance threshold for stupid BS! - George Carlin.
Are you serious right now?
Is this true?
What.. um. I'm just speechless if that is true.
This one's right in the nuts!
I tried to get a cookie for you, so I went to the best place in the galaxy.
But instead of 1 Cookie I got a whole pack, 17 in total!
Excited, I retrieved more and more packs of cookies!
Turns out I had too many cookies, I gained them too quickly, they were removed from me. I feel exploited
Seen it before with Activision servers.
Low priority to get them running again
Yeah, good reason for me not to buy DR. That's just throwing money away.
I feel your pain lol