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Lifetime membership bug - unable to sell Zen on Exchange

terrilllterrilll Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited December 2014 in PC Gameplay Bug Reports
Error: Due to recent purchase history. You are unable to sell Zen on the exchange.

See thread here: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?p=20441191&posted=1#post20441191

Issue: many that have purchased lifetime membership are presented with the above error when attempting to use the dilithum exchange. Some used steam to do so, I personally and many others do not use steam and still have the problem.

I urge people experiencing this problem to post here with their situation.

1. When did you first notice the issue
2. Did you recently purchase lifetime membership
3. Did you use steam to buy your membership/Zen
4. Your experience with CS so far
5. Any other potential info that could help the dev team

In addition to the above, there are also people reporting that their steam accounts are getting banned, some have even been banned in STO while the rest are simply restricted from using the dilithium exchange in STO.

The anti-fraud system appears to be malfunctioning. I'm sure, the system is likely catching a lot of legitimate frauds, however I can assure you, I am not one of them. Your bug is causing much distress and your customer support team are making it worse.
Post edited by terrilll on


  • biscuit86biscuit86 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Noticed it friday 31/10/14
    Purchased liftetime sub on wednesday 29/10.
    Went through arc to purchase lts.
    Also purchased around A$150 worth of zen

    Customer service have been, well polite is all I can say about them.
  • terrilllterrilll Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    biscuit86 wrote: »
    Noticed it friday 31/10/14
    Purchased liftetime sub on wednesday 29/10.
    Went through arc to purchase lts.
    Also purchased around A$150 worth of zen

    Customer service have been, well polite is all I can say about them.

    Thanks for your response - you're another non-steam situation then.
  • briggers810briggers810 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    1. When did you first notice the issue
    Friday, 31/10/2014

    2. Did you recently purchase lifetime membership
    Have had Lifetime membership since early this year.
    *1 Year, 5 Months, 16Days since 04/11/2014.

    3. Did you use steam to buy your membership/Zen
    Yes, have been using STEAM to make purchases, and have been using STEAM since I started playing back in 2012.

    4. Your experience with CS so far
    Had contacted CS on 01/11/2014 with the following message:

    I've just spent money on Zen through my STEAM wallet (something I do on a regular occurrence - normally spend £100 -> £200 a month on purchasing Zen through STO, where 50% of the Zen purchased gets exchanged to Dillithium to use for various things including speeding up crafting & on Fleet projects. (It did used to get spent on the Dillithium store but that's been removed)... But I'm digressing...

    I've just purchased 3,000 Zen and am getting a message saying that "Due to recent purchase activity, your account is temporarily unable to sell Zen on the exchange", I normally purchase Zen through STEAM using Paypal, and have done this since I got the game and have never had a problem with it...
    I've checked on the STO before posting and noticed this topic - http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1279831 that the same problem has happened to other people. Normally I would check with STEAM support, but I thought since I've already purchased the item with you, then this may be something you can help me with.

    Please can you advise as to what the problem is, and how I can go about getting myself released from this Dilithium exchange block?

    Kind regards,

    Simon Brignell
    Got the following response

    Thank you for contacting us! Due to your recent Zen purchase from Steam, your account has been placed on a temporary probation period, and you will be unable to use the Dilithium Exchange, or purchase unbound Zen Market items until the probation ends. We apologize for the inconvenience, but Customer Service cannot remove or alter the duration of this probation.

    Thank you for your understanding. Should you have any other questions or concerns, please let us know.

    Game Master
    Perfect World Entertainment

    5. Any other potential info that could help the dev team

    *Please note dates are in the format DD/MM/YYYY.
  • terrilllterrilll Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    2. Did you recently purchase lifetime membership
    Have had Lifetime membership since early this year.
    *1 Year, 5 Months, 16Days since 04/11/2014.

    Interesting, so your block wasn't specific to lifetime membership purchase like most others. Could potentially be an issue for some people with lifetime membership in general, not directly linked to the purchase.
  • briggers810briggers810 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    terrilll wrote: »
    Interesting, so your block wasn't specific to lifetime membership purchase like most others. Could potentially be an issue for some people with lifetime membership in general, not directly linked to the purchase.
    Yeah, I just thought it was an issue with STEAM & Lifetime subscription in general, hence why I've sent this message to support:

    I've noticed that this has been happening still with STEAM.
    Could this be a problem at STEAM's end rather than a problem with the game?

    I have noticed that this issue has happened to other members, and I've noticed that the majority of them are Lifetime subscribers who purchase ZEN through STEAM - http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?p=20441271

    Got this response, which I'm not too thrilled about, as it doesn't answer my question/query.
    Hello Captain,

    Yes, you are correct with your findings. This was due to your recent Zen purchase from Steam, your account has been placed on a temporary probation period, and you will be unable to use the Dilithium Exchange, or purchase unbound Zen Market items until the probation ends. We apologize for the inconvenience, but Customer Service cannot remove or alter the duration of this probation.

    Thank you for your understanding.

    Game Master
    Perfect World Entertainment

    I'm really hoping Cryptic aren't doing this to try persuading people to use ARC, as I'm not going to be doing that.
  • decroniadecronia Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Inetntional anti-fraud system:

    It takes ten day apparently to remove this status as that is how long it can take for a payemtn to be fully complete.
  • oniralasoniralas Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    LTS on Nov 1, strait credit card purchase.
    Prior to that, 60$ in zen over the last 40ish days.

    Keys bound to account on purchase Nov 2nd. Same canned response from customer service as has bene posted here. No response to my request for more info in the last 24hrs.
  • terrilllterrilll Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Usually game updates are Wednesday's right? Appears there may not be a fix this week :(
  • terrilllterrilll Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    The patch notes did not mention a fix of this issue, nor did the already known list mention it.


    Appears that when CS say it has been escalated, it hasn't been investigated as much as it should have been...
  • pwecaptainsmirkpwecaptainsmirk Member Posts: 1,167 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Thanks for the reports on this.

    I have forwarded on the info to the appropriate teams to check into what is happening and to see if we can get this cleared up.

    Please respond back to this thread if you're experiencing this problem.

    Please include the following info:

    In-game Account @Handle:
    Steam Users: (Yes or No)
    When You Received This Notification:
    Ticket #: (if you have already submitted a support ticket)

    Thanks for your patience everyone!

  • misyyenmisyyen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    In-game Account missyyen:
    Steam Users: (Yes )
    When You Received This Notification:31/10/214
    Ticket #: (if you have already submitted a support ticket)
    Support Replied
    10/31/2014 05:00 PM
    11/01/2014 04:23 PM
    Star Trek Online
    Customer Support
    Account Inquiries
    Operating System
    windows 7
    Internet Service Provider
    sky fibre
    Computer Manufacturer
    Connection Type
    Date/Time of Problem
    23.58 31/10/2014
    Transaction ID

    used steam as before this date no problems after the above date 31/10 getting the same message as everybody else,
    to be honest i have now stopped buying zen,i use cash to buy steam wallet code from game shop add to steam wallet then buy zen, so inmy case there are no CC,or any other thing involved except cash £££££ and to be honest i was spending well over £300 in what 3-4 weeks
    did not buy lifetime sub or DR pack just normal stuff, keys ships etc.
  • briggers810briggers810 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Thanks for the reports on this.

    I have forwarded on the info to the appropriate teams to check into what is happening and to see if we can get this cleared up.

    Please respond back to this thread if you're experiencing this problem.

    Please include the following info:

    In-game Account @Handle:
    Steam Users: (Yes or No)
    When You Received This Notification:
    Ticket #: (if you have already submitted a support ticket)

    Thanks for your patience everyone!


    Hi Smirk,

    Here's the information relating to the issue for me:
    In-game Account @Handle: @briggers810
    Steam Users: Yes
    When You Received This Notification: 30/10/2014
    Ticket #: #141101-001299
    1. When did you first notice the issue
    Friday, 31/10/2014

    2. Did you recently purchase lifetime membership
    Have had Lifetime membership since early this year.
    *1 Year, 5 Months, 16Days since 04/11/2014.

    3. Did you use steam to buy your membership/Zen
    Yes, have been using STEAM to make purchases, and have been using STEAM since I started playing back in 2012.

    4. Your experience with CS so far
    Had contacted CS on 01/11/2014 with the following message:

    Got the following response

    5. Any other potential info that could help the dev team

    *Please note dates are in the format DD/MM/YYYY.
  • asokolovski1984asokolovski1984 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Hi to all,
    when i log into my arcgames com page, after then i go to my account, and i try to select menage subscription, the page is unreachable. What will happen to my monthly subscription?

    Where can I go to enter my credit card info for the monthly subscriptions, I hate to loose my sub. benefits.

    Thanks in advance for nay help.

    Regards, Alex.
  • pwecaptainsmirkpwecaptainsmirk Member Posts: 1,167 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Hi Alex,
    Are you still having this problem?
  • kadajmkadajm Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Im having this issue right now, i just got bought Zen with my Steam account and not I can do anything on the exchange. I also have been a lifetime member since the start of this game.
  • tinemunetinemune Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    In-game Account @Handle: @Number213
    Steam Users: Yes
    When You Received This Notification: Was Flagged today, December 14th 2014 at around 10pm Eastern Time.
    Ticket #: I thought I had submitted a ticket, but could not find it under my tickets.

    I purchased 1000 Zen through Steam, Was given the probation warning when attempting to complete a purchase for the 4pack RnD material bundle with the chance to gain the Elachi Dreadnaught. I understood this and had no intention to sell the items from the RnD Bundle.

    Now, I find myself with 2 stacks of Lobi Crystals, unable to merge the two stacks together into a single one and using up an extra space in my limited inventory.

    I have already had a reasonable purchase history in the game, and have been a member for several years, making all my purchases through Steam in regards to Zen.

    Edit: I do apologize if this was in the wrong forum or topic.. but I havent seen any other topics discussing this sort of problem as of yet.
  • thexanthexan Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Thanks for the reports on this.

    I have forwarded on the info to the appropriate teams to check into what is happening and to see if we can get this cleared up.

    Please respond back to this thread if you're experiencing this problem.

    Please include the following info:

    In-game Account @Handle:
    Steam Users: (Yes or No)
    When You Received This Notification:
    Ticket #: (if you have already submitted a support ticket)

    Thanks for your patience everyone!


    So came back to Star Trek Online after a long break to find this message:

    "Due to purchase Activity, your account is temporarily unable to sell Zen On the Exchange"

    I did do some purchases in Neverwinter online not long ago, and logged in to check Neverwinter and I have the same problem there.

    The Problem happened after installing and logging in to STO...

    All mye purchase happened through Steam.

    In-game Account @Handle: @thexan

    Steam Users: Yes

    When You Received This Notification: Not sure, between 17.12.2014 and 21.12.2014

    Ticket #:
    Reference Number

    Support Replied

    12/21/2014 07:04 AM

    12/22/2014 10:09 AM

    • Star Trek Online


    Thank you for contacting us!

    Due to your recent Zen purchase, this account has been placed on temporary probation and you will be unable to use the Dilithium exchange, or purchase unbound Zen Market items until the probation period ends. We apologize for the inconvenience, but Customer Service cannot remove or alter the duration of this probation.

    For more information, please go the STO forums.


    We appreciate your continued patience and understanding.

    Then I would ask how long is this probation duration is?

    And what would trigger this great system of yours?

    Cause apparently a purchase through Steam triggered it for me, if there is a problem with the purchase its not with the customer but Steam.
    Steam has its own Anti-Fraud system, are you saying Steams Anti-Fraud system isn't good enough?

    Thank you for the update.

    We appreciate the feedback, we apologize for any inconvenience. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide any estimated timeframe regarding this concern since this is a system generated .

    We are truly sorry for this experience.

    We appreciate your kind understanding.

    What a great system you have.....
  • ghyudtghyudt Member Posts: 1,112 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I think 'distress' is a little over the top, don't you think? You should be able to do everything you want to within a matter of days. I'm a lifetime sub, and I have yet to run into this problem.
  • thexanthexan Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    ghyudt wrote: »
    I think 'distress' is a little over the top, don't you think? You should be able to do everything you want to within a matter of days. I'm a lifetime sub, and I have yet to run into this problem.

    Well good for you not having a problem...

    No matter what you think, having a system that fairly randomly tag people for possible fraud even with purchases through Steam is not a good system or Business Practice...

    And on top of that, having Customer Service very limited or even unable to alter or use the system.
  • pwecaptainsmirkpwecaptainsmirk Member Posts: 1,167 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Hi Thexan,

    You can find more in depth information about this system here at the following thread: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1286371

This discussion has been closed.