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Skills Tray (Space)

alysvanyaalysvanya Member Posts: 28 Arc User
edited October 2014 in PC Gameplay Bug Reports
I am having trouble with my skills tray for space. I set it the way i want and then lock it. Then when I load a new map it resets and i have to reset it all over again, some skills i have to add again. I have tried saving to loadouts, I have even tried setting the tray in the alpha quadrant, and then in the delta quadrant and it still doesn't work. I have tried locking the tray after i set it and still doesn't work. Please help me with this problem, it is annoying to halt game play just to set the skills tray when i should be enjoying the game itself.
Post edited by alysvanya on


  • kavolkavol Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Exactly the same happening to me.

    Started happening to my Romulan toon from the start of DR, but oddly enough my Fed toon is completely unaffected.
  • unsacredgraveunsacredgrave Member Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    try following:

    1. dont lock your tray!

    2. setup your boffs, doffs, skills, ship gear, and tray like you want to have it

    3. now go to loadouts

    4. make two loadouts. loadout #1 and loadout #2

    5. save your setup to BOTH loadouts, #1 AND #2

    6. now switch the position of two passive consoles on your ship. like armour consoles. switch their position with eachother.

    7. now go to loadouts again, and activate loadout #1

    this should fix it. test it by changing zones.

    if it works for you, you have to repeat this steps everytime you change anything.
  • themartianthemartian Member Posts: 247 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I've started getting this on my KDF Trill. It's also removing all my space Doffs.
    My alt army:
    K'ymara, Orion Engineer. Caedera of Borg, Liberated Borg Tactical, Elyza Vix, Joined Trill Scientist. Christina Bellona, Augmented Human Tactical.
    T'Lana, Vulcan Scientist. Arbol, Martian Tactical. Ayzer Bryn, Joined Trill Engineer. Hawke, Betazoid Scientist. Karna Valkras, Klingon Engineer. Beth Parker, Human Tactical
    Sarel, Romulan Engineer (Federation). Yazuri, Reman Scientist (KDF)
  • vf1sveritechvf1sveritech Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    If it is effecting all yours and your boff abilities try switching ships and then switching back. Worked for my friend.

    My hotbar only has the occasional battery pop off, as well as equipment abilities will move themselves to a different spot.
  • nepsthennepsthen Member Posts: 212 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    It's popping up again when I have Nelen Exil in a boff slot. Works fine so far on the other boffs I usually use.
    Still alive.
  • gorndolfgorndolf Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    There is already a huge thread about this here http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1254191
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