I've noticed a lot of topics lately with regard to disappointment regarding Delta Rising, specifically with regard to the reduction of rewards, and the added difficulty; thus making it additionally difficult to progress. I can sympathize with everyone on that, and the decision (regardless of which genius made it) I fear is going to have a knock on effect; that's not a positive one either.
If Delta Rising did anything right, then that's the story, so whoever worked on that, kudos to you. You deserve the commendations that many of us no doubt wish for you. Likewise, whoever made the decision to bring in Voyager cast, again, I applaud you. It was a welcome addition, specific cast members more than others. Hopefully Andrew Robinson and Jeffrey Combs aren't too far away from joining that list.
Anyway, to those players that have recently stated their desire to quit, don't. If you're finding the latest expansion a struggle, or are annoyed by it, simply take some leave from the game until the powers that be figure out they've messed up, then when they've fixed it you can come back. Those of you that are around, at least many of you have devoted countless hours to this game, some of you will have even paid toward it (be that a subscription, or small purchases if/when). It seems a shame to throw it all away when you may wish to come back to it all at a later date.
If you need to leave, that's fine - heck, I may soon join you for a while, but there's no need for an I Quit topic, and there's certainly no need to delete your characters and close down your account.
I've noticed a lot of topics lately with regard to disappointment regarding Delta Rising, specifically with regard to the reduction of rewards, and the added difficulty; thus making it additionally difficult to progress. I can sympathize with everyone on that, and the decision (regardless of which genius made it) I fear is going to have a knock on effect; that's not a positive one either.
If Delta Rising did anything right, then that's the story, so whoever worked on that, kudos to you. You deserve the commendations that many of us no doubt wish for you. Likewise, whoever made the decision to bring in Voyager cast, again, I applaud you. It was a welcome addition, specific cast members more than others. Hopefully Andrew Robinson and Jeffrey Combs aren't too far away from joining that list.
Anyway, to those players that have recently stated their desire to quit, don't. If you're finding the latest expansion a struggle, or are annoyed by it, simply take some leave from the game until the powers that be figure out they've messed up, then when they've fixed it you can come back. Those of you that are around, at least many of you have devoted countless hours to this game, some of you will have even paid toward it (be that a subscription, or small purchases if/when). It seems a shame to throw it all away when you may wish to come back to it all at a later date.
If you need to leave, that's fine - heck, I may soon join you for a while, but there's no need for an I Quit topic, and there's certainly no need to delete your characters and close down your account.
I like your reasoned approach to this mess that is DR and what you recommend. It probably would be best take a break from the game if anybody is on the verge of quitting over the myriad of issues going on with it; I know I will, and I already have. I didn't touch the game for the last 2-3 days and only got on last night to do a few normal borg stf's and that's it. Hopefully, communication between the devs and the playerbase will improve and bugs will get fixed, not to mention fixing the bad reward structure currently in place for stf's.
I've noticed a lot of topics lately with regard to disappointment regarding Delta Rising, specifically with regard to the reduction of rewards, and the added difficulty; thus making it additionally difficult to progress. I can sympathize with everyone on that, and the decision (regardless of which genius made it) I fear is going to have a knock on effect; that's not a positive one either.
If Delta Rising did anything right, then that's the story, so whoever worked on that, kudos to you. You deserve the commendations that many of us no doubt wish for you. Likewise, whoever made the decision to bring in Voyager cast, again, I applaud you. It was a welcome addition, specific cast members more than others. Hopefully Andrew Robinson and Jeffrey Combs aren't too far away from joining that list.
Anyway, to those players that have recently stated their desire to quit, don't. If you're finding the latest expansion a struggle, or are annoyed by it, simply take some leave from the game until the powers that be figure out they've messed up, then when they've fixed it you can come back. Those of you that are around, at least many of you have devoted countless hours to this game, some of you will have even paid toward it (be that a subscription, or small purchases if/when). It seems a shame to throw it all away when you may wish to come back to it all at a later date.
If you need to leave, that's fine - heck, I may soon join you for a while, but there's no need for an I Quit topic, and there's certainly no need to delete your characters and close down your account.
There comes a point in time, when the abuses become too much, the aggression is too much to swallow and the cost is more than can be reasonably bourne.
I have never seen a company, whose sole income is from the good will of it's clients, treat it's source of revenue with such disrespect, such malice, frankly, it's borderline hatred.
Why would anyone want to come back to that? We've all put up with this nonsense for years. There has been no indication of change coming, that things will get better, or that Cryptic sees us as anything other than moneybags to be squeezed till dry.
Anyone that does come back, is pretty much telling Cryptic "okay, even though you treated me like dirt, called me names and only loved my checkbook, we forgive you and will give you your 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, or 10th chance. Just don't hurt me again, ok?"
I won't tell anyone what they should or shouldn't do. If you still enjoy the game, more power to ya. But I fully understand and support anyone that is ready to walk away and give Cryptic the finger on their way out the door. With everything Cryptic has done, the people walking have earned the right to say their piece and express themselves accordingly.
"You shoot him, I shoot you, I leave both your bodies here and go out for a late night snack.
I'm thinking maybe pancakes." ~ John Casey
Well ... as LTA there is no point in "leaving forever" but the Active/Inactive ratio might increase to a point where it's probably not worth downloading the current Patch anymore ...
Season 8 : 2 month active / 2 months inactive
Season 9 : 1 month active / 3 months inactive
Season 9.5 : 2 week active / 3,5 months inactive
Delta Rising : 6 days active / inactive for now
Getting to a point ... wondering what this Starfleet Icon on my desktop is for ...
Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
You see Cryptic, even the most optimistic of players are thinking of leaving. Your greed and lust of our money is getting you nowhere. I have decided at this point the wallet is staying closed. You have taken enough of my money.
Looking for more info on Dilithium Rising? Click on the link below:
I'm not leaving unless the game itself shuts down or another game returns from the dead. I'm having too much fun with the game!
I'm in the above camp for now. I can only play one game at a time and I love Star Trek. Once I complete the current arc I'll just go back to playing Foundry missions because I have all the gear I want and R&D is not a "must do" for me.
To quote from a book I read to my 3 year old son on occasion: "No matter what you step in, keeping walking along, singing your song ... because it's all good."
Actually, i think leaving is a mistake. There's a steady inflow of new players, no matter what. This is star trek, afterall.
Then the new players come in, innocent of all the TRIBBLE that goes on, and become sheep, because there's no one letting them know any better. That's how the players' collective consciousness fades, and this behavior on part of management gets to keep perpetuating itself.
So yeah, old players are needed, exactly because of stuff like this.
IF the rewards and difficulty had always been what they are now, nobody would be complaining. It would be seen as the norm. The problem is though, Cryptic have always spoiled us with easier content and better rewards, and have now gone too far too quickly in changing this.
A new player coming to the game wouldn't see anything wrong, they'd just get on with it. Cryptic haven't actually done anything actually WRONG in making content more difficult, or in reducing rewards. What they have done is upset a player base that has gotten, dare I say it, lazy, complacent and greedy. Including me, as I'm not at all happy that they have made advanced level STFs so difficult to even complete (let alone get the optional), or that they have seriously reduced the rewards at the same time. I can just recognise the truth that they haven't done anything actually wrong. They've just done something that should have been done a lot lot sooner, and is now far too late to have done.
To anybody looking at these forums and seeing all of the negative feedback, DON'T be put off. Odds are you have played, and enjoyed, much harder games with much worst rewards than STO before now, and you WILL enjoy STO, if it's the type of game that you enjoy playing.
Will I be leaving? Heck no! I still enjoy this game, and still feel that it has a lot to offer. If somebody feels that harder content and lower rewards isn't for them, then they should leave yes, and find a game they enjoy. They shouldn't keep posting 100s of negative posts on these forums though when they have supposedly left, as what one person hates, another will love. Those who aren't sure, well the game is free to play, it costs nothing to hang around in the hope that things change more to your own personal tastes.
IF the rewards and difficulty had always been what they are now, nobody would be complaining. It would be seen as the norm. The problem is though, Cryptic have always spoiled us with easier content and better rewards, and have now gone too far too quickly in changing this.
Assuming this has anything to do with difficulty ... which it doesn't ... I wouldn't mind the challange if there'd anything to do but zerg down ships to gain 60 Spec. Points for the next year ...
=> The difficulty hasn't really changed it's just more tedious ...
PS : What's difficult about Crafting & Gear Updates i.E. hitting the Upgrade Button ? It's just busy-work with little reward ...
Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
IF the rewards and difficulty had always been what they are now, nobody would be complaining. It would be seen as the norm. The problem is though, Cryptic have always spoiled us with easier content and better rewards, and have now gone too far too quickly in changing this.
That's the "never look up, always keep looking down, where you could be" mentality. The XP rate as it is now would have made this game much more hostile to new players as well. We're not idiots, we know when we're being screwed over even without having witnessed it happen.
I get what you're saying, but don't think this would have been seen as normal just because it was introduced as so. Players would have just gotten frustrated and quit much sooner.
Based on what I have seen, and the responses from the devs...
I was playing on Normal the whole time. So I was only at 55 when this XP debacle happened. I will log in and check to see if I have lost anything. If I have had anything taken away I will be taking a long break from the game though I will still talk to my friends on the forum.
If I have NOT lost anything, I will likely continue as I was playing on Normal, but NOT purchase any more Zen. I'd already nearly stopped buying Zen outright but will also stop converting my Dil into Zen so as not to feed the market. I am disappointed and consider these, based on the new information, to be rational levels of response depending on the situation I find myself in when I get home and see what the situation is with my main.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-) Proudly F2P.Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by balsavor.deviantart.com.
Running the Bug Hunt wasn't to bad using the right hand gun. I was the Delta-Q Sphere #1 had 79 players and #2 had 49 that's it. Quiet there. Ran the mission called Resolution was really fun to play, might be my favorite one so far. I had to do something which made 7 of 9 upset with me, but it had to be done! Beside that game play was excellent. This is how all of Delta Rising should have been Why do we have 6 sets of Patrol missions to do. I am not doing the last 3 sets. Also the prizes are not saying WOW Wee! To me more like okay yeah I see.
XP rate? I'm level 58 already, WITHOUT any real grinding (just a few runs in the delta quadrant on elite with friends from the fleet I am in, and playing the story on advanced) etc. I'm sorry, but if you are finding levelling too slow, then you just need to stop been in so much of a rush. The level 60 cap was only released 10 days ago.....
As to trying to claim that things taking longer ISN'T the same thing as them been more difficult, yeah right whatever. Note that I didn't use the word more challenging, I used the words increased difficulty. You think things are too much here, go try some other MMOs... Go try a game where you spend hours doing a dungeon, with your team been wiped over and over, and repairs to your equipment costing more and more, only to get a reward at the end that turns out to be for a player lower level than you are some time. :rolleyes:
You don't like the changes, I get that, but please don't expect everybody to agree with you.
XP rate? I'm level 58 already, WITHOUT any real grinding (just a few runs in the delta quadrant on elite with friends from the fleet I am in, and playing the story on advanced) etc. I'm sorry, but if you are finding levelling too slow, then you just need to stop been in so much of a rush. The level 60 cap was only released 10 days ago.....
You're not getting more XP for "not rushing" ... sorry ... what's your point ...
PS : It's not 60 it's 110 ... hate to break it to you ... the real Grind is still waiting for you ...
Go try a game where you spend hours doing a dungeon, with your team been wiped over and over, and repairs to your equipment costing more and more, only to get a reward at the end that turns out to be for a player lower level than you are some time.
Sounds like pretty much every PVE Queue ... without the reward at the end ...
I'm not leaving either, although I'll admit that my playtime is going to dwindle significantly and my spending is going to cease completely. I'll play through the DR story on my main, but that's it. My alts are all staying at 50. Nor will I be upgrading anything for any of my characters.
Reducing rewards while increasing the tediousness of play is a sure sign there is a completely incompetent idiot at the helm of this game.
While I agree that the current individual at the "helm of this game" has been, since taking that helm, been nothing but detrimental to STO but I think it's equally Cryptic/PWE's fault for allowing him to take it down hill.
Just count me among those NO LONGER PLAYING until some serious changes are made. :mad:
IF the rewards and difficulty had always been what they are now, nobody would be complaining. It would be seen as the norm. The problem is though, Cryptic have always spoiled us with easier content and better rewards, and have now gone too far too quickly in changing this.
A new player coming to the game wouldn't see anything wrong, they'd just get on with it. Cryptic haven't actually done anything actually WRONG in making content more difficult, or in reducing rewards. What they have done is upset a player base that has gotten, dare I say it, lazy, complacent and greedy. Including me, as I'm not at all happy that they have made advanced level STFs so difficult to even complete (let alone get the optional), or that they have seriously reduced the rewards at the same time. I can just recognise the truth that they haven't done anything actually wrong. They've just done something that should have been done a lot lot sooner, and is now far too late to have done.
To anybody looking at these forums and seeing all of the negative feedback, DON'T be put off. Odds are you have played, and enjoyed, much harder games with much worst rewards than STO before now, and you WILL enjoy STO, if it's the type of game that you enjoy playing.
Will I be leaving? Heck no! I still enjoy this game, and still feel that it has a lot to offer. If somebody feels that harder content and lower rewards isn't for them, then they should leave yes, and find a game they enjoy. They shouldn't keep posting 100s of negative posts on these forums though when they have supposedly left, as what one person hates, another will love. Those who aren't sure, well the game is free to play, it costs nothing to hang around in the hope that things change more to your own personal tastes.
I look at things like this, I enjoy playing the game rewards are only secondary if the rewards get lowered or increased this is really unimportant, at some point I will level up how long that takes is also unimportant.
as long as I can play all the stuff I did before the expansion and gradually work my way through the new missions I will be happy.
im in no rush to do anything, I have still at this point only completed the first DR mission on my fed character, haven't done any on my kdf or rom yet, once I have completed all of the missions I will have none more to look forward to doing.
I rushed my way through the early missions and regretted it later so replayed the ones I could and didn't realise how much I had missed in rushing things.
I will probably do one mission on one character each week and the rest of the time just do my routine stuff that I used to do before, daily academy missions, tagging epohh and chasing after accolades I have not yet received, sometimes the odd pve like colony invasion, crystalline entity, starbase defence and such and sometimes other optional missions like aiding the deferi or the big dig.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
Anyway, to those players that have recently stated their desire to quit, don't. If you're finding the latest expansion a struggle, or are annoyed by it, simply take some leave from the game until the powers that be figure out they've messed up, then when they've fixed it you can come back. Those of you that are around, at least many of you have devoted countless hours to this game, some of you will have even paid toward it (be that a subscription, or small purchases if/when). It seems a shame to throw it all away when you may wish to come back to it all at a later date.
I'm not quitting entirely. I'll keep my account active. Probably slot some doff and R&D missions daily until they decide that those are exploits, too, and kick me back down to Ensign or something.
But STO has just become a tedious slog since DR. I don't mind grinding. I've done quite a bit of it and will likely grind more elsewhere. But maxing out a specialization tree on a main and an alt shouldn't require geological timescales.
Hopefully, Cryptic changes course and gives us back a game that historically has been friendly to casual players, alts, and PUGging. But in the meantime, my money and I will be elsewhere.
I'm not quitting entirely. I'll keep my account active. Probably slot some doff and R&D missions daily until they decide that those are exploits, too, and kick me back down to Ensign or something.
But STO has just become a tedious slog since DR. I don't mind grinding. I've done quite a bit of it and will likely grind more elsewhere. But maxing out a specialization tree on a main and an alt shouldn't require geological timescales.
Hopefully, Cryptic changes course and gives us back a game that historically has been friendly to casual players, alts, and PUGging. But in the meantime, my money and I will be elsewhere.
It has gone down a dark and ugly path, and the only ones enjoying this game are those who are taking the money to the bank, and a few blind and naive fools who still feel STO it's god's gift to mankind.
It is what it is now, F2P/P2W, it is designed to sift players out of existence on every expansion. It's main economic venue are from fresh players that come and go like the wind. It is designed to tempt you along your FREE journey to spend out of pocket out of convenience. No matter how small the amount, if they can get 40 players to spend 5 bucks, they have succeeded.
STO will not die, why? Because people will always finance this endeavor on the excuse that it is the Star Trek fix they need, it is akin to a bad drug addiction, idol worship at its finest. If us Americans won't do it, then the Germans Star Trek fanatics will always keep the game alive, since Star Trek is literally huge in Germany.
So even if folks leave by the drove, Cryptic has nothing to worry about, they will always have those passer buyers to support the game until the end of time. Great job security I guess. PWE are experts at what they do, and that is making money with minimum cost, ingenious if you look at it. Too bad the fans of the genre have to suffer through Cryptic's Bull**** all the time.
Assuming this has anything to do with difficulty ... which it doesn't ... I wouldn't mind the challange if there'd anything to do but zerg down ships to gain 60 Spec. Points for the next year ...
=> The difficulty hasn't really changed it's just more tedious ...
PS : What's difficult about Crafting & Gear Updates i.E. hitting the Upgrade Button ? It's just busy-work with little reward ...
Exactly. It's not more difficult. It's just more frustrating now.
I wouldn't have a problem with the new approach to combat if it was more tactical, but mostly it's just button mashing for 20 minutes until you get through every wave of ships that you're required to kill.
It wouldn't be so bad, if the story in DR was gated by level. Just when I start enjoying the story (which is some of the best that Cryptic has done) I get a "come back to me later" message from the quest giver, and have to go off and waste a few hours doing some boring patrol mission to level up.
I love this game, and play it every day, but I play it for fun, and sadly that sense of fun is being sapped and my play sessions are quickly turning into work.
Log in: manage DOFF missions, manage reputation, manage R&D...I spend a half hour just staring at UI screens before I even shoot anything.
At a certain point you start to realize that you've got better things to do with your time.
There comes a point in time, when the abuses become too much, the aggression is too much to swallow and the cost is more than can be reasonably bourne.
I have never seen a company, whose sole income is from the good will of it's clients, treat it's source of revenue with such disrespect, such malice, frankly, it's borderline hatred.
Why would anyone want to come back to that? We've all put up with this nonsense for years. There has been no indication of change coming, that things will get better, or that Cryptic sees us as anything other than moneybags to be squeezed till dry.
Anyone that does come back, is pretty much telling Cryptic "okay, even though you treated me like dirt, called me names and only loved my checkbook, we forgive you and will give you your 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, or 10th chance. Just don't hurt me again, ok?"
I won't tell anyone what they should or shouldn't do. If you still enjoy the game, more power to ya. But I fully understand and support anyone that is ready to walk away and give Cryptic the finger on their way out the door. With everything Cryptic has done, the people walking have earned the right to say their piece and express themselves accordingly.
Your Post was right on thank you for it , i totally agree.
If people like the graphics, cast, gameplay,ships, new rep, DR mission Play!
For the rest I understand they take take take give a lil an never listen to players and ruin Xp Ec's by drops , difficulty of gameplay is irrelevent if the you get something for playing and grinding but as of late I feel the Burn of whoever is making the numbers adjustments, they should be caned and bludgeoned there flat out morons that say players exploit !! hah thats just ludicrous and blame guilt of others like the players for there mistakes they are a joke at giving Ec's Drops , great drops for harder play , less assignments to do no more free areas in game that people can just grind, I don't have anything to do anything besides DR mission ? thats lame, they got the greatest game and there killing it by not making it worth grinding or to do DR to level fast , its so slow it like molasses.
PVP is Dead they killed it did nothing for it still only 1 Warzone left Kerrat they killed N'Vak which is the same as Kerret but you can grind oops thats an EXPLOIT !! if it isn't part of assignments episodes or missions it an EXPLOIT thats like taking all the free ginding areas out game and making it into a cattle run game only of what they want you to do , They don't even address PVP in game anymore because they make nothing doing it but they could make players happy with more war zones but they don't care at all , If it makes nothing for there pockets don't do it is there motto.
they want us all to play a game that takes super long to level and be controlled doing so its like concentration camp of planets other than have fun playing making crafting leveling up and make R&D but weee can't get enough gear components of the right type, or superior drops thats an EXPLOIT totally having them drop at all it seems but them shutting things down and drops still suck , good luck to all of that you that stick with it for the lies they tell with frosting on top , remember that top of the cake has a candle and you will get burned also , to those that blow out the fire of the burning candle, you've taken by years of let downs and you quit the game ! I Salute and Admire You All for having a backbone to do so from what abuse you've taken over the years Qapla
I'm not leaving either, although I'll admit that my playtime is going to dwindle significantly and my spending is going to cease completely. I'll play through the DR story on my main, but that's it. My alts are all staying at 50. Nor will I be upgrading anything for any of my characters.
Reducing rewards while increasing the tediousness of play is a sure sign there is a completely incompetent idiot at the helm of this game.
I think this last sentence bears repeating over and over again until we see some evidence that the "ship's" course is being corrected.
Looking for more info on Dilithium Rising? Click on the link below:
A very well thought out statement by the OP. I know I have gone on my fair share of breaks longest one was 9 months. It was just before LoR that I came back. After LoR I play for a month and leave for two.
I don't think anyone that has dropped decent money on this game would leave forever. Its a really tough decision to leave a game forever that you have put so much time and money in. Not sure how others feel about that but its my perspective. It's probably why so many people will go after the Devs, seeing as they are directly responsible for the state of the game. In which anyone that spends money for something believes that they should be able to speak up when the product they bought isn't meeting a certain quality. Of course there are the usual trolls and people who just want to complain about even the smallest things. (Done the complaining a few times myself)
When I first saw the youtube videos of players making 60 within hours I knew Cryptic would eventually respond, D'Angelo's response while heavily stilted by PR and Legal speak is a normal response it should have come shortly after the forums blowing up with Tau Dewa instead of today. I daresay the players were shocked by the direct intervention, an explanation would have gone a long way to help that.
My only real gripe about things lately was the change in the queues with HP sponges, and the nerf nuke to XP. The 5x value on the elite was fair for DQ enemies. I am also a bit annoyed by the low reward output for Delta Rep, its stupidly low. BHA will only payout 25 marks without the daily box.
For now I think I will log minimal effort and just watch to see what happens while not spending.
I like the OP's more reasoned response to the way Delta Rising has been handled by the devs; tin-foil hat conspiracy theories and idiotic rants written in all caps will get nothing accomplished. If anything different is going to happen the player base first needs to:
- Stop buying Zen. Money talks. We're not happy with the gameplay decisions being made right now, so there's no reason to contribute money to something we're not happy with.
- Voice grievances like a rational adult. Seriously. Resorting to personal attacks against the devs, tin-foil hat conspiracy theories about how much they "hate their players" and writing them IN ALL CAPS simply makes you look childish and idiotic. Would you listen to that kind of a person? No? Then why should the devs?
- Take a break. There are lots of other games out there. Run your dailies and log out or don't log in at all for a while. Let the numbers talk to the people making these terrible decisions instead of conversation if that's what it takes.
^ This. Best post in this thread.
All the rest of the whining and crying is just that. Some people's posts make it sound like the world is at an end.
Life is too short for some of you people to be wasting time lighting torches and grabbing pitchforks.
And for those few of you making 'final judgments' claiming that anyone who still likes the game is (insert negative name-calling here)... get a life. Seriously. Just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't mean they are 'wrong' or they have any worse issues than -you- do getting worked up as you are over a video game.
OP, I really did like your post, you make some valid points, I would like to add to yours.
From the way some of these players have acted, they should leave the game, and for a number of reasons.
1. Calling for, or demanding that the employee's of Cryptic to fired immediately or dragged out of their office and shot is uncalled for. That line of thinking should never be brought up, it is a game, a form of entertainment. This line of thinking just points to the uneducated nature of the person bringing it up.
2. Speaking of livelihood, The employee's of Cryptic report to their supervisors, who report to executives, executives report to shareholders. We as players of this game, and not in their chain of command, and do not require any sort of answer.
3. Speaking of answer, I have seen a number of threads, "I paid, so they have to do what I say, etc, etc." Customers have been screwed over by companies who were perpetrating real fraud. If this is a true case of fraud or theft, (which it is not), file a police report, see how well that goes.
4. Nerd Rage. I do personally like to thank you all for the nerd rage I have seen the last few days. Some of you will be personally cited in my term paper for my diversity management course. For the first time I really had to search for the proper way to cite a forum post in a term paper!
yes, before you know it they will be hybrids shouting double ended negatives as well, then there is the hate casts, the hate the hater casts, and before long, we got a well put mixed crop of posts all over the place
I like your reasoned approach to this mess that is DR and what you recommend. It probably would be best take a break from the game if anybody is on the verge of quitting over the myriad of issues going on with it; I know I will, and I already have. I didn't touch the game for the last 2-3 days and only got on last night to do a few normal borg stf's and that's it. Hopefully, communication between the devs and the playerbase will improve and bugs will get fixed, not to mention fixing the bad reward structure currently in place for stf's.
There comes a point in time, when the abuses become too much, the aggression is too much to swallow and the cost is more than can be reasonably bourne.
I have never seen a company, whose sole income is from the good will of it's clients, treat it's source of revenue with such disrespect, such malice, frankly, it's borderline hatred.
Why would anyone want to come back to that? We've all put up with this nonsense for years. There has been no indication of change coming, that things will get better, or that Cryptic sees us as anything other than moneybags to be squeezed till dry.
Anyone that does come back, is pretty much telling Cryptic "okay, even though you treated me like dirt, called me names and only loved my checkbook, we forgive you and will give you your 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, or 10th chance. Just don't hurt me again, ok?"
I won't tell anyone what they should or shouldn't do. If you still enjoy the game, more power to ya. But I fully understand and support anyone that is ready to walk away and give Cryptic the finger on their way out the door. With everything Cryptic has done, the people walking have earned the right to say their piece and express themselves accordingly.
"You shoot him, I shoot you, I leave both your bodies here and go out for a late night snack.
I'm thinking maybe pancakes." ~ John Casey
Season 8 : 2 month active / 2 months inactive
Season 9 : 1 month active / 3 months inactive
Season 9.5 : 2 week active / 3,5 months inactive
Delta Rising : 6 days active / inactive for now
Getting to a point ... wondering what this Starfleet Icon on my desktop is for ...
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
[SIGPIC]Click here to visit my STO YouTube channel[/SIGPIC]
I'm in the above camp for now. I can only play one game at a time and I love Star Trek. Once I complete the current arc I'll just go back to playing Foundry missions because I have all the gear I want and R&D is not a "must do" for me.
To quote from a book I read to my 3 year old son on occasion: "No matter what you step in, keeping walking along, singing your song ... because it's all good."
Then the new players come in, innocent of all the TRIBBLE that goes on, and become sheep, because there's no one letting them know any better. That's how the players' collective consciousness fades, and this behavior on part of management gets to keep perpetuating itself.
So yeah, old players are needed, exactly because of stuff like this.
IF the rewards and difficulty had always been what they are now, nobody would be complaining. It would be seen as the norm. The problem is though, Cryptic have always spoiled us with easier content and better rewards, and have now gone too far too quickly in changing this.
A new player coming to the game wouldn't see anything wrong, they'd just get on with it. Cryptic haven't actually done anything actually WRONG in making content more difficult, or in reducing rewards. What they have done is upset a player base that has gotten, dare I say it, lazy, complacent and greedy. Including me, as I'm not at all happy that they have made advanced level STFs so difficult to even complete (let alone get the optional), or that they have seriously reduced the rewards at the same time. I can just recognise the truth that they haven't done anything actually wrong. They've just done something that should have been done a lot lot sooner, and is now far too late to have done.
To anybody looking at these forums and seeing all of the negative feedback, DON'T be put off. Odds are you have played, and enjoyed, much harder games with much worst rewards than STO before now, and you WILL enjoy STO, if it's the type of game that you enjoy playing.
Will I be leaving? Heck no! I still enjoy this game, and still feel that it has a lot to offer. If somebody feels that harder content and lower rewards isn't for them, then they should leave yes, and find a game they enjoy. They shouldn't keep posting 100s of negative posts on these forums though when they have supposedly left, as what one person hates, another will love. Those who aren't sure, well the game is free to play, it costs nothing to hang around in the hope that things change more to your own personal tastes.
Assuming this has anything to do with difficulty ... which it doesn't ... I wouldn't mind the challange if there'd anything to do but zerg down ships to gain 60 Spec. Points for the next year ...
=> The difficulty hasn't really changed it's just more tedious ...
PS : What's difficult about Crafting & Gear Updates i.E. hitting the Upgrade Button ? It's just busy-work with little reward ...
That's the "never look up, always keep looking down, where you could be" mentality. The XP rate as it is now would have made this game much more hostile to new players as well. We're not idiots, we know when we're being screwed over even without having witnessed it happen.
I get what you're saying, but don't think this would have been seen as normal just because it was introduced as so. Players would have just gotten frustrated and quit much sooner.
I was playing on Normal the whole time. So I was only at 55 when this XP debacle happened. I will log in and check to see if I have lost anything. If I have had anything taken away I will be taking a long break from the game though I will still talk to my friends on the forum.
If I have NOT lost anything, I will likely continue as I was playing on Normal, but NOT purchase any more Zen. I'd already nearly stopped buying Zen outright but will also stop converting my Dil into Zen so as not to feed the market. I am disappointed and consider these, based on the new information, to be rational levels of response depending on the situation I find myself in when I get home and see what the situation is with my main.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-)
Proudly F2P. Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by balsavor.deviantart.com.
Time will only tell!
As to trying to claim that things taking longer ISN'T the same thing as them been more difficult, yeah right whatever. Note that I didn't use the word more challenging, I used the words increased difficulty. You think things are too much here, go try some other MMOs... Go try a game where you spend hours doing a dungeon, with your team been wiped over and over, and repairs to your equipment costing more and more, only to get a reward at the end that turns out to be for a player lower level than you are some time. :rolleyes:
You don't like the changes, I get that, but please don't expect everybody to agree with you.
You're not getting more XP for "not rushing" ... sorry ... what's your point ...
PS : It's not 60 it's 110 ... hate to break it to you ... the real Grind is still waiting for you ...
Sounds like pretty much every PVE Queue ... without the reward at the end ...
You're the only one within this Thread, gettin mad ....
While I agree that the current individual at the "helm of this game" has been, since taking that helm, been nothing but detrimental to STO but I think it's equally Cryptic/PWE's fault for allowing him to take it down hill.
Just count me among those NO LONGER PLAYING until some serious changes are made. :mad:
I look at things like this, I enjoy playing the game rewards are only secondary if the rewards get lowered or increased this is really unimportant, at some point I will level up how long that takes is also unimportant.
as long as I can play all the stuff I did before the expansion and gradually work my way through the new missions I will be happy.
im in no rush to do anything, I have still at this point only completed the first DR mission on my fed character, haven't done any on my kdf or rom yet, once I have completed all of the missions I will have none more to look forward to doing.
I rushed my way through the early missions and regretted it later so replayed the ones I could and didn't realise how much I had missed in rushing things.
I will probably do one mission on one character each week and the rest of the time just do my routine stuff that I used to do before, daily academy missions, tagging epohh and chasing after accolades I have not yet received, sometimes the odd pve like colony invasion, crystalline entity, starbase defence and such and sometimes other optional missions like aiding the deferi or the big dig.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
I'm not quitting entirely. I'll keep my account active. Probably slot some doff and R&D missions daily until they decide that those are exploits, too, and kick me back down to Ensign or something.
But STO has just become a tedious slog since DR. I don't mind grinding. I've done quite a bit of it and will likely grind more elsewhere. But maxing out a specialization tree on a main and an alt shouldn't require geological timescales.
Hopefully, Cryptic changes course and gives us back a game that historically has been friendly to casual players, alts, and PUGging. But in the meantime, my money and I will be elsewhere.
It has gone down a dark and ugly path, and the only ones enjoying this game are those who are taking the money to the bank, and a few blind and naive fools who still feel STO it's god's gift to mankind.
It is what it is now, F2P/P2W, it is designed to sift players out of existence on every expansion. It's main economic venue are from fresh players that come and go like the wind. It is designed to tempt you along your FREE journey to spend out of pocket out of convenience. No matter how small the amount, if they can get 40 players to spend 5 bucks, they have succeeded.
STO will not die, why? Because people will always finance this endeavor on the excuse that it is the Star Trek fix they need, it is akin to a bad drug addiction, idol worship at its finest. If us Americans won't do it, then the Germans Star Trek fanatics will always keep the game alive, since Star Trek is literally huge in Germany.
So even if folks leave by the drove, Cryptic has nothing to worry about, they will always have those passer buyers to support the game until the end of time. Great job security I guess. PWE are experts at what they do, and that is making money with minimum cost, ingenious if you look at it. Too bad the fans of the genre have to suffer through Cryptic's Bull**** all the time.
Exactly. It's not more difficult. It's just more frustrating now.
I wouldn't have a problem with the new approach to combat if it was more tactical, but mostly it's just button mashing for 20 minutes until you get through every wave of ships that you're required to kill.
It wouldn't be so bad, if the story in DR was gated by level. Just when I start enjoying the story (which is some of the best that Cryptic has done) I get a "come back to me later" message from the quest giver, and have to go off and waste a few hours doing some boring patrol mission to level up.
I love this game, and play it every day, but I play it for fun, and sadly that sense of fun is being sapped and my play sessions are quickly turning into work.
Log in: manage DOFF missions, manage reputation, manage R&D...I spend a half hour just staring at UI screens before I even shoot anything.
At a certain point you start to realize that you've got better things to do with your time.
Your Post was right on thank you for it , i totally agree.
If people like the graphics, cast, gameplay,ships, new rep, DR mission Play!
For the rest I understand they take take take give a lil an never listen to players and ruin Xp Ec's by drops , difficulty of gameplay is irrelevent if the you get something for playing and grinding but as of late I feel the Burn of whoever is making the numbers adjustments, they should be caned and bludgeoned there flat out morons that say players exploit !! hah thats just ludicrous and blame guilt of others like the players for there mistakes they are a joke at giving Ec's Drops , great drops for harder play , less assignments to do no more free areas in game that people can just grind, I don't have anything to do anything besides DR mission ? thats lame, they got the greatest game and there killing it by not making it worth grinding or to do DR to level fast , its so slow it like molasses.
PVP is Dead they killed it did nothing for it still only 1 Warzone left Kerrat they killed N'Vak which is the same as Kerret but you can grind oops thats an EXPLOIT !! if it isn't part of assignments episodes or missions it an EXPLOIT thats like taking all the free ginding areas out game and making it into a cattle run game only of what they want you to do , They don't even address PVP in game anymore because they make nothing doing it but they could make players happy with more war zones but they don't care at all , If it makes nothing for there pockets don't do it is there motto.
they want us all to play a game that takes super long to level and be controlled doing so its like concentration camp of planets other than have fun playing making crafting leveling up and make R&D but weee can't get enough gear components of the right type, or superior drops thats an EXPLOIT totally having them drop at all it seems but them shutting things down and drops still suck , good luck to all of that you that stick with it for the lies they tell with frosting on top , remember that top of the cake has a candle and you will get burned also , to those that blow out the fire of the burning candle, you've taken by years of let downs and you quit the game ! I Salute and Admire You All for having a backbone to do so from what abuse you've taken over the years Qapla
I think this last sentence bears repeating over and over again until we see some evidence that the "ship's" course is being corrected.
[SIGPIC]Click here to visit my STO YouTube channel[/SIGPIC]
I don't think anyone that has dropped decent money on this game would leave forever. Its a really tough decision to leave a game forever that you have put so much time and money in. Not sure how others feel about that but its my perspective. It's probably why so many people will go after the Devs, seeing as they are directly responsible for the state of the game. In which anyone that spends money for something believes that they should be able to speak up when the product they bought isn't meeting a certain quality. Of course there are the usual trolls and people who just want to complain about even the smallest things. (Done the complaining a few times myself)
When I first saw the youtube videos of players making 60 within hours I knew Cryptic would eventually respond, D'Angelo's response while heavily stilted by PR and Legal speak is a normal response it should have come shortly after the forums blowing up with Tau Dewa instead of today. I daresay the players were shocked by the direct intervention, an explanation would have gone a long way to help that.
My only real gripe about things lately was the change in the queues with HP sponges, and the nerf nuke to XP. The 5x value on the elite was fair for DQ enemies. I am also a bit annoyed by the low reward output for Delta Rep, its stupidly low. BHA will only payout 25 marks without the daily box.
For now I think I will log minimal effort and just watch to see what happens while not spending.
^ This. Best post in this thread.
All the rest of the whining and crying is just that. Some people's posts make it sound like the world is at an end.
Life is too short for some of you people to be wasting time lighting torches and grabbing pitchforks.
And for those few of you making 'final judgments' claiming that anyone who still likes the game is (insert negative name-calling here)... get a life. Seriously. Just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't mean they are 'wrong' or they have any worse issues than -you- do getting worked up as you are over a video game.
From the way some of these players have acted, they should leave the game, and for a number of reasons.
1. Calling for, or demanding that the employee's of Cryptic to fired immediately or dragged out of their office and shot is uncalled for. That line of thinking should never be brought up, it is a game, a form of entertainment. This line of thinking just points to the uneducated nature of the person bringing it up.
2. Speaking of livelihood, The employee's of Cryptic report to their supervisors, who report to executives, executives report to shareholders. We as players of this game, and not in their chain of command, and do not require any sort of answer.
3. Speaking of answer, I have seen a number of threads, "I paid, so they have to do what I say, etc, etc." Customers have been screwed over by companies who were perpetrating real fraud. If this is a true case of fraud or theft, (which it is not), file a police report, see how well that goes.
4. Nerd Rage. I do personally like to thank you all for the nerd rage I have seen the last few days. Some of you will be personally cited in my term paper for my diversity management course. For the first time I really had to search for the proper way to cite a forum post in a term paper!
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