So, you're charging 30$ for a T6 ship. You're setting the price of entry to T6 at 30$.
Lockbox ships have a less than 1% chance of dropping, and buying Lobi ships with crystals from boxes will also take over a hundred boxes worth of crystals. What does it cost to open the statistically predicted hundred lockboxes? Well, ten rounds of key 10-packs comes to 11,250 zen. That's a lot more than the 3000 you want for a new ship, if your math is weak.
In other words, a lockbox or lobi ship will probably cost a player several times more than your new T6 ships and yet is significantly less powerful, being denied access to entire gameplay systems.
These ships need to be T6. Real T6. With traits, intel officers, and everything else. The "free upgrade" to T5-Mediocrity is frankly insulting for people who have invested in the rarest and most expensive ships you've made.
The boss being a gigantic Winter Epohh Researcher. As you lay waste to the Epohh Horde, she can occasionally cry out things like, "Didn't you want an Epohh friend?"
So, you're charging 30$ for a T6 ship. You're setting the price of entry to T6 at 30$.
Lockbox ships have a less than 1% chance of dropping, and buying Lobi ships with crystals from boxes will also take over a hundred boxes worth of crystals. What does it cost to open the statistically predicted hundred lockboxes? Well, ten rounds of key 10-packs comes to 11,250 zen. That's a lot more than the 3000 you want for a new ship, if your math is weak.
In other words, a lockbox or lobi ship will probably cost a player several times more than your new T6 ships and yet is significantly less powerful, being denied access to entire gameplay systems.
These ships need to be T6. Real T6. With traits, intel officers, and everything else. The "free upgrade" to T5-Mediocrity is frankly insulting for people who have invested in the rarest and most expensive ships you've made.
Pretty sure every time you open a lockbox you get stuff. Even if doesnt have a ship in it. Youre walking away with Lobi, which can be exchanged for customization items, and a variety of weapons, consoles, kits, Doff Packs, and Rich Dilithium Claims.
So its not like you actually spent hundreds of dollars on that ship. You may of spent it trying to get it. But you definitely got quite a bit in return for the money spent.
But doing that won't make the new Lockbox and Lobi ships as attractive to purchase. Tier 6 Lockbox and Lobi ships has everything a Tier 6 ship has and 11 consoles instead of the regular 10 consoles. By making all lockbox ships Tier 6, then there is less reason for players to get the new lockbox ships since a Tier 6 Recluse Carrier would be better than the current Tier 6 lockbox ships. This is why Cryptic won't change these ships to Tier 6.
Also, you seem to be missing something. Not every Lockbox ship costs the same. Some people have opened up one lockbox and got the ship while others have opened hundreds and got nothing. So the cost of my lockbox ship is different than your lockbox ship. You might have spent over $30 on a Lockbox ship, but not everyone has.
Also, you seem to be missing something. Not every Lockbox ship costs the same. Some people have opened up one lockbox and got the ship while others have opened hundreds and got nothing. So the cost of my lockbox ship is different than your lockbox ship. You might have spent over $30 on a Lockbox ship, but not everyone has.
You seem to be missing something; some people get such ships "cheap" with good rolls, and other people have to invest a lot more due to bad rolls. Don't act like the randomness only benefits players.
So your T5-Mediocre ship has ship traits, intel officers, and other things that a T6 ship should have? If no: it's not better. It's not comparable.
My Tier5U ship has the ship traits from the Scryer, Guardian Cruiser, and Dauntless (technically my captain has the traits, but same difference, they apply just fine to any ship I'm on). No intel officers, but honestly, none of the abilities would work for my build (sci exotic damage). It has 1 console slot over all of the tier 6 ships, and all I am missing is an Ensign slot (using the Palisade, I have 2 Lt Commanders and 1 Commander, so not like I'm missing a Lt Com ability).
So how is a Tier 6 ship better than a T5-U ship? Intel Officers are just different than other Bridge Officers. They are not any better or worse. Level 5 traits require getting to Level 5 to unlock them and there are other methods of getting these types of traits. Since every trait is unique, then it requires a case-by-case analysis to determine if they are better. The only real difference between Tier 6 and T5-U ships is the extra bridge officer vs. extra console and that is up to personal preference rather than one being better than the other.
My Jem'Hadar Dreadnought Carrier fit is worth over two grand.
Would you ever invest that much in another ship, if you knew that Cryptic will arbitrarily yank the rug out from under you at some point in the future?
"Lockbox ships" are merely prizes in a lottery game. While many people have actually used a lot of keys to eventually win a "lockbox ship", there are prizes that have low chances of popping out of a box.
Mirror ships are not considered "lockbox ships" because they are merely prime universe ship with slightly different Boff stations. They have no special consoles / abilities or extra console slot. Therefore, there is nothing that makes them comparable to the true "lockbox ships".
As for old lockbox ships not being upgraded to T6 level... like all other T5 ships, none of them are upgradeable to T6. They were released when the max level was 50. Only new lockbox ships will be T6 because they will be new products for Cryptic to entice people to play the lockbox lottery game.
You can continue to whine if it makes you feel better I guess, but you are simply beating a dead horse.
I'm not even talking about the new ones. (facepalm)
Apparently I am vastly outnumbered by whales that enjoy buying disposable things over and over instead of being able to invest in nice things for the long term. I sense a lot of Stockholm Syndrome in you lot. That's assuming any of you even have a valid opinion on the subject, because only one of you has indicated that you even own lockbox or lobi ships. Personally, I'm not in that whale pod. If Cryptic isn't going to honor past investments as being significant and valuable, then I have no incentive whatsoever to ever look for another of these ships. Oh well. And I was actually looking forward to some day completing the Voth set.
First off all tier 6 ships are not all intelligence ships. the current batch have intelligence bo seatings and some have innate intelligence powers. there is no guarantee the next batch of tier 6 ships will have those. they maybe be more traditional ships or they may have something totally new. intelligence is just the flavour of the week. a flavour not everyone might like or want.
lockbox ships that are upgraded are very powerful. they have superior hull and shields and an extra console slot that is i personally think better than the 13th bo slot. tier 6 is no better than an upgraded lockbox. they are just different.
they are not going to change the old lockbox ships now because that means taking away things from a ship players now have, and replacing them with things they might not like or want. if you give them intelligence slots and powers, they lose something. if you give the the 13th bo slot, they lose a console slot. it simply wont happen.
fleet tier 6 might make things a little more interesting but right now i find lockbox/lobi ships to be perfectly fine and comparable to tier 6, and in many cases i prefer my lockbox/lobi ship.
I'ld be happy with a T5U option of my mirror ships, which came out of lockboxes!
Mirror ships are cheap as chips. I am referring to the "grand prize" ships when I say lockbox ships, like the Galor, D'kora, Heavy Escort Carrier, etc. Especially time-limited or otherwise crazy rare ones like the Jem'hadar Attack Ship and Voth Dreadnaught. I'm sorry if this was not clear.
My Tier5U ship has the ship traits from the Scryer, Guardian Cruiser, and Dauntless (technically my captain has the traits, but same difference, they apply just fine to any ship I'm on). No intel officers, but honestly, none of the abilities would work for my build (sci exotic damage). It has 1 console slot over all of the tier 6 ships, and all I am missing is an Ensign slot (using the Palisade, I have 2 Lt Commanders and 1 Commander, so not like I'm missing a Lt Com ability).
So yes, it's comparable, and even superior :cool:
Thats not exactly a fair comparison- you're using traits from 3 other T6 ships on your T-5U and saying to the other poster he's wrong. Without your T6 traits your T-5u has a single console over the T6's, No second LtCDR or CDR BOFF seat, No trait, no weird T6 mystery power, nothing but 4 small buffs, token shield and hull increases, and a single console.
Cryptic have set the precedent they are meant to be at higher standard stats which is why Lockboxes end up with better stats than the standard tier.
Of course, Cryptic are such pathetic scumbags they relegated the old Lockbox ships to T5U so they could turn around offer a new T6 lockbox range and increase demand.
The issue is: When Cryptic do re-runs of the old boxes people are going to be getting T5 lockbox ships which are clearly inferior to the new lockbox ships. Those ships are not account bound unlocks so you will be forever at a disadvantage.
Especially when more and more T6 + T6 Fleet variants come out.
Otherwise, Cryptic can only turn around and make T6 lockbox ships of existing lockbox ships.
Oh you have a T5 Dominion Dreadnought with Attack Ship fighters...
Well... now you get to gamble again for T6 Dreadnought
The best you can hope for is they are nice enough to allow existing owners of those ships to upgrade but Cryptic's handling of T6 make it extremely doubtful they care about anything but taking idiots for as much money as they can get.
I'm not even talking about the new ones. (facepalm)
Apparently I am vastly outnumbered by whales that enjoy buying disposable things over and over instead of being able to invest in nice things for the long term. I sense a lot of Stockholm Syndrome in you lot. That's assuming any of you even have a valid opinion on the subject, because only one of you has indicated that you even own lockbox or lobi ships.
Dramatize much?! :P
Also, the vast majority of my current shipyard are lockbox ships, all upgraded to T5-U. Unlike you, however, I am not so self-centered as to demand of Cryptic that they turn all my lockbox ships into full T6, just because I happen to own a lot. T5-U is fine for them, honestly. In fact, yesterday I went back to flying my T5-U Aquatic Carrier, as I can still get the best DPS out of it (over my T6 Benthan Assault Cruiser).
Moreover, you can use unlocked T6 ship traits for non-T6 ships too. So, T5-U is far from obsoleted, really.
Eventually people are going to have to face up to the fact that their MMO has had an expansion & level cap increase. And just like in every other MMO that's ever done that.... your old gear is just that. Old.
It's a basic fact of the genre. /shrug
(And yes - those ships of your may have directly cost you money. Or they may have cost you time. Just like that Legendary Raid Gear in another game might have cost someone six+ months of running a multi-hour dungeon with 20-40 other people to get their rare drops. And is still.... old.)
Eventually people are going to have to face up to the fact that their MMO has had an expansion & level cap increase. And just like in every other MMO that's ever done that.... your old gear is just that. Old.
It's a basic fact of the genre. /shrug
(And yes - those ships of your may have directly cost you money. Or they may have cost you time. Just like that Legendary Raid Gear in another game might have cost someone six+ months of running a multi-hour dungeon with 20-40 other people to get their rare drops. And is still.... old.)
Let's raise the dilithium refining cap to 10K per day. You have to pay 30$ to unlock this service. Everybody who has a lifetime sub will get a Free Upgrade to 9K per day. Their initial investment is, after all, old and obsolete so they don't deserve the full package.
This is what you are arguing for.
My point on the other hand is that there is a certain level of investment that players expect to be "future proof".
BUY multiple 30 dollar ships you you can use their traits on the ship you overpaid for last month.
Your sarcasm despite, it actually really is BRILLIANT. Sure to make Cryptic lotsa money.
But also try and see it from the other side. They could have easily said that these ship traits only apply to other T6 ships (which is what I actually expected). The way it works now, they also benefit your T5-U lockbox ships. With 4 new Mastery skills each, and 4 usable ship traits in total, honestly, your T5-U ships are getting quite a boost in the process of ppl getting T6 ships alongside them.
Your sarcasm despite, it actually really is BRILLIANT. Sure to make Cryptic lotsa money.
But also try and see it from the other side. They could have easily said that these ship traits only apply to other T6 ships (which is what I actually expected). The way it works now, they also benefit your T5-U lockbox ships. With 4 new Mastery skills each, and 4 usable ship traits in total, honestly, your T5-U ships are getting quite a boost in the process of ppl getting T6 ships alongside them.
Thats what I was saying, buy 12000 zen worth of T6 ships to get your 2500+500+700 zen ship viable.
Marketing guru's get to keep their jobs for another season I speck.
Just wait till your fleet has to grind out another shipyard level to get that F-T6
So how is a Tier 6 ship better than a T5-U ship? Intel Officers are just different than other Bridge Officers. They are not any better or worse. Level 5 traits require getting to Level 5 to unlock them and there are other methods of getting these types of traits. Since every trait is unique, then it requires a case-by-case analysis to determine if they are better. The only real difference between Tier 6 and T5-U ships is the extra bridge officer vs. extra console and that is up to personal preference rather than one being better than the other.
+1 BOFF ability is waaaaayyy more of a bigger deal than +1 Console. More abilities for your ship in whatever you want it to do. As someone that's played a lot of KDF BOP gameplay before with their default -1 BOFF abilities, I can appreciate this greatly.
Also, when the Fleet T6 comes out, that +1 Console advantage (not that it was that big an advantage) will evaporate like a drop of water in the Sahara Desert.
Also, people touting about using T5 Starship Mastery Traits with their T5u? LOL! So what! Where DID you get those mastery traits from anyways? That's right. From T6 ships. You HAD to get a T6 ship to get those T5 Mastery Traits because, I'm sure everyone knows, T5 & T5u only goes to T4 Starship Mastery. So yes, you guys are paying it up to T6 whether you like to admit it or not.
And do not disregard the Intel BOFF abilities. They are quite useful in bringing your ship's performance over the edge, bending a ship to ways that a quick glance at the stats may not immediately show.
For example, in case you have not dived into looking at Intel abilities at all, they are in short, a blend of Tactical & Science abilities.
With that in mind, for example again, you could take a super heavy Intel ENG heavy ship like the KDF Qib and Fed Eclipse Cruisers into offensive machines that your T5/T5u Cruisers/Tac Cruisers/Battlecruisers were never capable of. The key?
Hybrid Intel BOFF seating. Most esp in the example of the Qib & Eclipse. With the presence of the Fixed ENG LtCdr Station, you could dive as much into Intel to provide that extra punch that you want your ship to have to make up for the "only LtCdr TAC station." In short, you could make the Qib & Eclipse into a sort of heavy Escort with more offensive abilities than a Escort. Only having 8 weapon slots of a Cruiser, the maneuverability of a Battlecruiser, the hullpoints & shieldpoints of a Cruiser. Even *IF* you devoted that entire Hybrid Cmdr ENG station totally to Intel, you STILL have a fixed LtCdr ENG station for survivability or whatever ENG you basically want.
There's LOTS of people around here that are still stuck in the old rules. Still clinging on to the old ships. Still clinging to past glories. Still not opening their eyes and seeing what you can do with the newer stuff. Still not seeing what Intel abilities can actually do and how good they are.
And the best part is this: This is being mostly done with the low-end T6 ships. Except for the new Lockbox/Lobi ships, they are the first entrants to the new tier of ships offering more. We haven't even seen the FLEET T6 ships.
Sorry folks. The King is dead. Long live the Queen! Long may she reign!
Also, the vast majority of my current shipyard are lockbox ships, all upgraded to T5-U. Unlike you, however, I am not so self-centered as to demand of Cryptic that they turn all my lockbox ships into full T6, just because I happen to own a lot. T5-U is fine for them, honestly. In fact, yesterday I went back to flying my T5-U Aquatic Carrier, as I can still get the best DPS out of it (over my T6 Benthan Assault Cruiser).
Moreover, you can use unlocked T6 ship traits for non-T6 ships too. So, T5-U is far from obsoleted, really.
Do you just spend a bunch of real life money and play the gambling game to get all those lockbox ships or are you buying them with energy credits? If you are using energy credits what are you doing to make hundreds of millions of ecs?
Im just curious because for the casual player (and even semi hardcore) having most of a shipyard full of lockbox ships would be next to impossible without paying tons of real life money.
+1 BOFF ability is waaaaayyy more of a bigger deal than +1 Console. More abilities for your ship in whatever you want it to do. As someone that's played a lot of KDF BOP gameplay before with their default -1 BOFF abilities, I can appreciate this greatly.
Also, when the Fleet T6 comes out, that +1 Console advantage (not that it was that big an advantage) will evaporate like a drop of water in the Sahara Desert.
Also, people touting about using T5 Starship Mastery Traits with their T5u? LOL! So what! Where DID you get those mastery traits from anyways? That's right. From T6 ships. You HAD to get a T6 ship to get those T5 Mastery Traits because, I'm sure everyone knows, T5 & T5u only goes to T4 Starship Mastery. So yes, you guys are paying it up to T6 whether you like to admit it or not.
And do not disregard the Intel BOFF abilities. They are quite useful in bringing your ship's performance over the edge, bending a ship to ways that a quick glance at the stats may not immediately show.
For example, in case you have not dived into looking at Intel abilities at all, they are in short, a blend of Tactical & Science abilities.
With that in mind, for example again, you could take a super heavy Intel ENG heavy ship like the KDF Qib and Fed Eclipse Cruisers into offensive machines that your T5/T5u Cruisers/Tac Cruisers/Battlecruisers were never capable of. The key?
Hybrid Intel BOFF seating. Most esp in the example of the Qib & Eclipse. With the presence of the Fixed ENG LtCdr Station, you could dive as much into Intel to provide that extra punch that you want your ship to have to make up for the "only LtCdr TAC station." In short, you could make the Qib & Eclipse into a sort of heavy Escort with more offensive abilities than a Escort. Only having 8 weapon slots of a Cruiser, the maneuverability of a Battlecruiser, the hullpoints & shieldpoints of a Cruiser. Even *IF* you devoted that entire Hybrid Cmdr ENG station totally to Intel, you STILL have a fixed LtCdr ENG station for survivability or whatever ENG you basically want.
There's LOTS of people around here that are still stuck in the old rules. Still clinging on to the old ships. Still clinging to past glories. Still not opening their eyes and seeing what you can do with the newer stuff. Still not seeing what Intel abilities can actually do and how good they are.
And the best part is this: This is being mostly done with the low-end T6 ships. Except for the new Lockbox/Lobi ships, they are the first entrants to the new tier of ships offering more. We haven't even seen the FLEET T6 ships.
Sorry folks. The King is dead. Long live the Queen! Long may she reign!
Great point about the Eclipse and the new Intel abilities. I have literally done exactly what you explained and its amazing.
Do you just spend a bunch of real life money and play the gambling game to get all those lockbox ships or are you buying them with energy credits? If you are using energy credits what are you doing to make hundreds of millions of ecs?
Im just curious because for the casual player (and even semi hardcore) having most of a shipyard full of lockbox ships would be next to impossible without paying tons of real life money.
I don't do gambling. I just buy em with EC. Usually sell a bunch of keys to get the EC. Most real life money I spent on a lockbox ship (2 actually) was the Temporal Destoyer and the Science ship, plus full temporal warfare set. About 300 RL Euros. I usually find about 100 Euros acceptable for a lockbox ship.
Pretty sure every time you open a lockbox you get stuff. Even if doesnt have a ship in it. Youre walking away with Lobi, which can be exchanged for customization items, and a variety of weapons, consoles, kits, Doff Packs, and Rich Dilithium Claims.
So its not like you actually spent hundreds of dollars on that ship. You may of spent it trying to get it. But you definitely got quite a bit in return for the money spent.
Also, you seem to be missing something. Not every Lockbox ship costs the same. Some people have opened up one lockbox and got the ship while others have opened hundreds and got nothing. So the cost of my lockbox ship is different than your lockbox ship. You might have spent over $30 on a Lockbox ship, but not everyone has.
You seem to be missing something; some people get such ships "cheap" with good rolls, and other people have to invest a lot more due to bad rolls. Don't act like the randomness only benefits players.
Sorry. Since they come out of a lockbox. They do count. Not our fault you have a gambling problem.
So your T5-Mediocre ship has ship traits, intel officers, and other things that a T6 ship should have? If no: it's not better. It's not comparable.
My Tier5U ship has the ship traits from the Scryer, Guardian Cruiser, and Dauntless (technically my captain has the traits, but same difference, they apply just fine to any ship I'm on). No intel officers, but honestly, none of the abilities would work for my build (sci exotic damage). It has 1 console slot over all of the tier 6 ships, and all I am missing is an Ensign slot (using the Palisade, I have 2 Lt Commanders and 1 Commander, so not like I'm missing a Lt Com ability).
So yes, it's comparable, and even superior :cool:
Would you ever invest that much in another ship, if you knew that Cryptic will arbitrarily yank the rug out from under you at some point in the future?
Mirror ships are not considered "lockbox ships" because they are merely prime universe ship with slightly different Boff stations. They have no special consoles / abilities or extra console slot. Therefore, there is nothing that makes them comparable to the true "lockbox ships".
As for old lockbox ships not being upgraded to T6 level... like all other T5 ships, none of them are upgradeable to T6. They were released when the max level was 50. Only new lockbox ships will be T6 because they will be new products for Cryptic to entice people to play the lockbox lottery game.
You can continue to whine if it makes you feel better I guess, but you are simply beating a dead horse.
I'm not even talking about the new ones. (facepalm)
Apparently I am vastly outnumbered by whales that enjoy buying disposable things over and over instead of being able to invest in nice things for the long term. I sense a lot of Stockholm Syndrome in you lot. That's assuming any of you even have a valid opinion on the subject, because only one of you has indicated that you even own lockbox or lobi ships. Personally, I'm not in that whale pod. If Cryptic isn't going to honor past investments as being significant and valuable, then I have no incentive whatsoever to ever look for another of these ships. Oh well. And I was actually looking forward to some day completing the Voth set.
lockbox ships that are upgraded are very powerful. they have superior hull and shields and an extra console slot that is i personally think better than the 13th bo slot. tier 6 is no better than an upgraded lockbox. they are just different.
they are not going to change the old lockbox ships now because that means taking away things from a ship players now have, and replacing them with things they might not like or want. if you give them intelligence slots and powers, they lose something. if you give the the 13th bo slot, they lose a console slot. it simply wont happen.
fleet tier 6 might make things a little more interesting but right now i find lockbox/lobi ships to be perfectly fine and comparable to tier 6, and in many cases i prefer my lockbox/lobi ship.
They can't sell un-offiical off their design - they depend on what other ships don't have, new animations and better stats...
Me playing UT2k4 (red guy) -
Mirror ships are cheap as chips. I am referring to the "grand prize" ships when I say lockbox ships, like the Galor, D'kora, Heavy Escort Carrier, etc. Especially time-limited or otherwise crazy rare ones like the Jem'hadar Attack Ship and Voth Dreadnaught. I'm sorry if this was not clear.
Thats not exactly a fair comparison- you're using traits from 3 other T6 ships on your T-5U and saying to the other poster he's wrong. Without your T6 traits your T-5u has a single console over the T6's, No second LtCDR or CDR BOFF seat, No trait, no weird T6 mystery power, nothing but 4 small buffs, token shield and hull increases, and a single console.
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
Cryptic have set the precedent they are meant to be at higher standard stats which is why Lockboxes end up with better stats than the standard tier.
Of course, Cryptic are such pathetic scumbags they relegated the old Lockbox ships to T5U so they could turn around offer a new T6 lockbox range and increase demand.
The issue is: When Cryptic do re-runs of the old boxes people are going to be getting T5 lockbox ships which are clearly inferior to the new lockbox ships. Those ships are not account bound unlocks so you will be forever at a disadvantage.
Especially when more and more T6 + T6 Fleet variants come out.
Otherwise, Cryptic can only turn around and make T6 lockbox ships of existing lockbox ships.
Oh you have a T5 Dominion Dreadnought with Attack Ship fighters...
Well... now you get to gamble again for T6 Dreadnought
The best you can hope for is they are nice enough to allow existing owners of those ships to upgrade but Cryptic's handling of T6 make it extremely doubtful they care about anything but taking idiots for as much money as they can get.
Dramatize much?! :P
Also, the vast majority of my current shipyard are lockbox ships, all upgraded to T5-U. Unlike you, however, I am not so self-centered as to demand of Cryptic that they turn all my lockbox ships into full T6, just because I happen to own a lot. T5-U is fine for them, honestly. In fact, yesterday I went back to flying my T5-U Aquatic Carrier, as I can still get the best DPS out of it (over my T6 Benthan Assault Cruiser).
Moreover, you can use unlocked T6 ship traits for non-T6 ships too. So, T5-U is far from obsoleted, really.
Ya, this.
BUY multiple 30 dollar ships you you can use their traits on the ship you overpaid for last month.
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
It's a basic fact of the genre. /shrug
(And yes - those ships of your may have directly cost you money. Or they may have cost you time. Just like that Legendary Raid Gear in another game might have cost someone six+ months of running a multi-hour dungeon with 20-40 other people to get their rare drops. And is still.... old.)
Let's raise the dilithium refining cap to 10K per day. You have to pay 30$ to unlock this service. Everybody who has a lifetime sub will get a Free Upgrade to 9K per day. Their initial investment is, after all, old and obsolete so they don't deserve the full package.
This is what you are arguing for.
My point on the other hand is that there is a certain level of investment that players expect to be "future proof".
Your sarcasm despite, it actually really is BRILLIANT. Sure to make Cryptic lotsa money.
But also try and see it from the other side. They could have easily said that these ship traits only apply to other T6 ships (which is what I actually expected). The way it works now, they also benefit your T5-U lockbox ships. With 4 new Mastery skills each, and 4 usable ship traits in total, honestly, your T5-U ships are getting quite a boost in the process of ppl getting T6 ships alongside them.
Thats what I was saying, buy 12000 zen worth of T6 ships to get your 2500+500+700 zen ship viable.
Marketing guru's get to keep their jobs for another season I speck.
Just wait till your fleet has to grind out another shipyard level to get that F-T6
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
+1 BOFF ability is waaaaayyy more of a bigger deal than +1 Console. More abilities for your ship in whatever you want it to do. As someone that's played a lot of KDF BOP gameplay before with their default -1 BOFF abilities, I can appreciate this greatly.
Also, when the Fleet T6 comes out, that +1 Console advantage (not that it was that big an advantage) will evaporate like a drop of water in the Sahara Desert.
Also, people touting about using T5 Starship Mastery Traits with their T5u? LOL! So what! Where DID you get those mastery traits from anyways? That's right. From T6 ships. You HAD to get a T6 ship to get those T5 Mastery Traits because, I'm sure everyone knows, T5 & T5u only goes to T4 Starship Mastery. So yes, you guys are paying it up to T6 whether you like to admit it or not.
And do not disregard the Intel BOFF abilities. They are quite useful in bringing your ship's performance over the edge, bending a ship to ways that a quick glance at the stats may not immediately show.
For example, in case you have not dived into looking at Intel abilities at all, they are in short, a blend of Tactical & Science abilities.
With that in mind, for example again, you could take a super heavy Intel ENG heavy ship like the KDF Qib and Fed Eclipse Cruisers into offensive machines that your T5/T5u Cruisers/Tac Cruisers/Battlecruisers were never capable of. The key?
Hybrid Intel BOFF seating. Most esp in the example of the Qib & Eclipse. With the presence of the Fixed ENG LtCdr Station, you could dive as much into Intel to provide that extra punch that you want your ship to have to make up for the "only LtCdr TAC station." In short, you could make the Qib & Eclipse into a sort of heavy Escort with more offensive abilities than a Escort. Only having 8 weapon slots of a Cruiser, the maneuverability of a Battlecruiser, the hullpoints & shieldpoints of a Cruiser. Even *IF* you devoted that entire Hybrid Cmdr ENG station totally to Intel, you STILL have a fixed LtCdr ENG station for survivability or whatever ENG you basically want.
There's LOTS of people around here that are still stuck in the old rules. Still clinging on to the old ships. Still clinging to past glories. Still not opening their eyes and seeing what you can do with the newer stuff. Still not seeing what Intel abilities can actually do and how good they are.
And the best part is this: This is being mostly done with the low-end T6 ships. Except for the new Lockbox/Lobi ships, they are the first entrants to the new tier of ships offering more. We haven't even seen the FLEET T6 ships.
Sorry folks. The King is dead. Long live the Queen! Long may she reign!
Do you just spend a bunch of real life money and play the gambling game to get all those lockbox ships or are you buying them with energy credits? If you are using energy credits what are you doing to make hundreds of millions of ecs?
Im just curious because for the casual player (and even semi hardcore) having most of a shipyard full of lockbox ships would be next to impossible without paying tons of real life money.
Great point about the Eclipse and the new Intel abilities. I have literally done exactly what you explained and its amazing.
I don't do gambling.