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Item upgrades and their costs

swatopswatop Member Posts: 566 Arc User
Does anybody have any information on the costs of the new upgrade system?

I mean... certainly most players had very rare mk12 equipment on their ships prior delta rising.
Now with the new upgrade system and the elite missions upgrades to mk14 epic are possible for ship gear.
While ive noticed that superior upgrades are extremly hard to get since they only drop (rarely) from missions that current can not be played by most of the playerbase due to the difficutly and certainly also not in amounts that would be required for upgrades - this leaves most players to go with the improved upgrades which are by far easier to obtain.
Problem is that you need more of these upgrades and so the dilithium costs increase.
Next problem seems to be that the chances of rarity upgrades are extremely low.

So whats the best way of upgrading a very rare mk12 gear to epic mk14?
How many techxp do you think is required to get this done?
How much dilithium does it cost?
How much EC would it cost?

Ideas, suggestion ... input please.
Thank you in adv.
Post edited by swatop on


  • atomictikiatomictiki Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I'd wait until they complete the system and you can choose the mods.

    The RNG b******t is just laziness on Cryptic's part.
    Leave nerfing to the professionals.
  • guilli88guilli88 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Hard to say because some items need more tech xp than others (weapons/shields take A LOT more). I havent looked at deflectors or engines yet so can't say for sure.

    In terms of Dilithium? I've been using rare tech upgrades mostly since the very rare tech upgrades cost too much for me). So far I have 15 items at rank 14. (5 weapons the rest consoles and shield.)

    I've burned trough 400k dilithium so far. Couldn't tell you how much EC, but probably in the 20m ballpark?

    It's very hard to give numbers since I havent kept track of anything except dilithium to some extend. I'm sure there are people who have numbers though.



    It is a peculiar phenomenon that we can imagine events that defy the laws of the universe.
  • stonewbiestonewbie Member Posts: 1,454 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Here is something i had posted in a different thread where someone had asked a similar question.


    Should be easy enough to do on you own. To make it easy do the following:

    -right click each piece on your ship if you see "upgrade item" then take it off and put it in your inventory.
    -from your inventory right click the item and make sure it is in the "item to upgrade" window
    -look and see how many tech points it needs to upgrade
    -do the same for all other pieces of your gear that are upgradeable and that you want to upgrade

    Say if i were to take a piece of gear and do the above steps to find that it needed 72000 tech points to upgrade. Well a basic tech kit adds 2000 tech points and costs 700dilithium to apply. Improved tech kit is 5000 tech points and costs 975dil to apply. Superior tech kit is 12800 tech points and costs 1075dil to apply.

    72000 divide by 12800 = 5.6 kits

    But obviously you cant use 5.6 superior kits so you have to decide. Do you use 6 superior kits or 5 superior kits and a few improved/basic? 5 superior kits gives you 64000 tech points so you still need 8000 tech points. You can do that with 1 more superior tech kit OR 2 improved tech kits.

    6 superior tech kits = 6450dilithium plus however much you have to pay to get the actual kits themselves

    5 superior & 2 improved tech kits = 7325dilithium plus however much you have to pay to get the superior and improved kits

    Just for comparison and to make sure you know what i'm talking about here is another example using basic tech kits.

    72000 / 2000 = 36
    36 tech kits costs 360000 E.C. from the vendor
    36 tech kits will cost 25200dilithium total to apply

    You see how it works? thats how you do it for 1 item. To figure out your total cost in dilithium and energy credits just do it for all your gear. If you look different pieces of gear have different tech requirements. My weapons might be 72000 tech points each, but yours might be 42000. So there is no way somebody else can come up with your estimates. Its pretty easy anyways, just do the above steps i mentioned.
  • stonewbiestonewbie Member Posts: 1,454 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    With the above info it should be easy enough to calculate for your own gear set. You can do comparisons to find out how much dil and EC it would cost to upgrade if you use only basic tech kits. How much dil and ec it would cost if you used improved tech kits. How much dil and ec if you used superior tech kits as well as a mixture of all 3.

    Dont forget about the interchangeability between dil, zen and EC using the master key purchase and selling method and factor that into your pricing. By that i mean using superior tech kits will cost less dil but a lot of EC if you buy all your tech kits on the exchange. BUT you can trade some dil into zen and buy master keys to sell for EC. So if you had no EC before now you do using the master key trade in method.
  • swatopswatop Member Posts: 566 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Well I am aware of how to see how many tech xp are required for an upgrade and certainly can do the math based on that but that does not work if you want to consider rarity upgrades in your calculation.

    Ive been speculating (initial speculation until ive seen how rarity upgrades really work) with about 500.000 tech xp for epic rarity upgrades. (keep in mind it was just a speculation and im trying to find people which have more experience with such upgrades).

    So 500.000 tech xp mean to have at least 100 improved tech upgraded (5000 upgrade xp each). It also means that you have to spend at least 100.000 dilithium for the upgrades and at least 10mio EC.

    Meanwhile I think that 500.000 tech xp for an epic upgrade was more than just an optimistic guess now that ive tried to do such an upgrade.
    But since Ive no other number right now Id like to stick with it for now (unless somebody can tell me more realistic values).

    Fact is that my calculation is for just one item.
    100k dilithium and 10mio EC. (if you dont have the resouces to get better tech upgrades or the resources to craft them).

    So my cruiser has 8 weapons, 1 shield, 1 deflector, 1 warp core, 1 engine, 11 consoles, 2 ground weapons , 1 ground shield, 1 ground armor.

    That are 27 items to upgrade (putting aside that i have all items sets but lets just stick with one loadout).

    So 27x100.000 dilithium and 27x10mio EC.
    2.7mio dilithium for all items and 270mio ec.

    But like i said... i meanwhile think you need much more tech xp for such upgrades.

    If someone has more than 1 loadout, multiple toons or needs to support a fleet on fleet projects it would take several years to get to the point where playing elite missions is possible.

    The costs for an endgame toon are literaly 10 times (if not more) higher than just a few months ago.
    The ability to earn the required resourced on the other hand appear to get reduced.
    If you take the rewards for an adv. PVE (460dil) and try to cover the costs of 2.7mio dil then you would need to play 5870 missions. Assuming you can play them in about 20mins per mission you would be busy grinding dil for 1957 hours. That means you have to play 5,36 hours per day for an entire year in order to get hands on the resources (or longer since the entire calculation is based on relative optimistic tech xp assumptions and only for one loadout and just for one toon). Considering that you also need insane amounts of EC aswell it turns this gear upgrade system into a full time job.

    Im not sure whats with you guys... but for me motivation and fun somehow looks different.
  • maskedmarvel1maskedmarvel1 Member Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    what about the accelerators , and you can only get them by using zen or paying ridiculous amounts on the xchange , should have been able to craft them too.
  • swatopswatop Member Posts: 566 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    just reading this thread here: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1263431
    shows that even if you spend such ridiculous amount of resources on upgrades you might end with lots of TRIBBLE that you dont need and dont want.
    So in worst case you have to buy new items and do the whole upgrade process again.

    That hits hardest on rep system items.
  • swatopswatop Member Posts: 566 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Crafting upgrade modules or accellerators would be nice.... IF you would be able to get hands on the resources.

    Thats currently not possible. (putting aside that you cant craft such boots at all)
  • sorojisoroji Member Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    The cost of the upgrading our existing equipment is ridiculous. They honestly shouldn't cost much more than what the fleet items would run you in terms of dilithium. I still think the fact that the rewards and even the new items with the DA rep are mk XII...I've seen less resource sucking upgrade systems in the bigger MMO's. I'm disappointed to say the least.
  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    swatop wrote: »
    I mean... certainly most players had very rare mk12 equipment on their ships prior delta rising.

    Ya, right.
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
  • swatopswatop Member Posts: 566 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    lordmalak1 wrote: »
    Ya, right.

    ok then not, dunno
    but at one point i had to start with the calculation and this appeared logical
  • swatopswatop Member Posts: 566 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    ok, Ive upgraded a ultra rare mk14 ground weapon to to epic now
    (note: it already was mk14 and already ultra rare)

    it took 8 cycles to upgrade it
    about 200k dilithium and 40mio EC

    upgrading from very rare mk12 certainly would have cost the double
    this is just insane

    i dont know what the developers did smoke when they created the gear upgrade system but something must have been terribly bad about it
  • soundwisdomsoundwisdom Member Posts: 248 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    swatop wrote: »
    ok, Ive upgraded a ultra rare mk14 ground weapon to to epic now
    (note: it already was mk14 and already ultra rare)

    it took 8 cycles to upgrade it
    about 200k dilithium and 40mio EC

    upgrading from very rare mk12 certainly would have cost the double
    this is just insane

    i dont know what the developers did smoke when they created the gear upgrade system but something must have been terribly bad about it

    Considering Epic is meant to be the 'epeen' items; IE: unnecesary. It's essenitally the top tier cosmetic in the game at the moment.
  • swatopswatop Member Posts: 566 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    true but it shouldnt take multiple years to get such stuff while abandoning real life and families
    hell this is a game, it should be fun... not work

    there should be a motivation behind all this.... not trustration
  • soundwisdomsoundwisdom Member Posts: 248 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    swatop wrote: »
    true but it shouldnt take multiple years to get such stuff while abandoning real life and families
    hell this is a game, it should be fun... not work

    there should be a motivation behind all this.... not trustration

    Years? Playing 2-3 days a week and capping dilithium; it's not going to take years.
  • panz3rupanz3ru Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    The game is free to play not all for free.
    You have 2 options:
    1 .invest 0 real money and advance at a moderate rate,
    2. pay the equivalent of 2 month sub and insta-get endgame gear.
    Your choice.
    Personally i am in the middle i had some dil and i bought some dil (like 50-50)
  • darkdog13darkdog13 Member Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Years? Playing 2-3 days a week and capping dilithium; it's not going to take years.

    Well if you convert the ec cost into master keys and that zen back into dilithium exchange you are looking at 65 days at the 8k cap per day.

    200k/8=25 days
    40 mil ec/ 2.3 mil master key cost= 17.39
    18 keys x 112 per (10 packs) = 2016 zen x 155 (current exchange rate)=312480 dilithium

    so total is 312480+200000=512480/8000=65 days

    65 days to upgrade 1 item from UR to Epic is insane.

    2 weapons, body armor and personal shield would take around 8 months to upgrade.
  • swatopswatop Member Posts: 566 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    panz3ru wrote: »
    The game is free to play not all for free.
    You have 2 options:
    1 .invest 0 real money and advance at a moderate rate,
    2. pay the equivalent of 2 month sub and insta-get endgame gear.
    Your choice.
    Personally i am in the middle i had some dil and i bought some dil (like 50-50)

    i really wonder how 2 months payment can get you upgrades for several million dil
  • panz3rupanz3ru Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    swatop wrote: »
    i really wonder how 2 months payment can get you upgrades for several million dil

    I am curious too how did you made the number several milion dil. We are speaking here about going lev 12-14, not legendary which is e-peen.
  • panz3rupanz3ru Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    darkdog13 wrote: »
    Well if you convert the ec cost into master keys and that zen back into dilithium exchange you are looking at 65 days at the 8k cap per day.

    200k/8=25 days
    40 mil ec/ 2.3 mil master key cost= 17.39
    18 keys x 112 per (10 packs) = 2016 zen x 155 (current exchange rate)=312480 dilithium

    so total is 312480+200000=512480/8000=65 days

    65 days to upgrade 1 item from UR to Epic is insane.

    2 weapons, body armor and personal shield would take around 8 months to upgrade.

    Actually having legendary in other games is a lot harder. And legendary is only for bragging rights and e-peen.
  • futurepastnowfuturepastnow Member Posts: 3,660 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    My only real problem with upgrades (well, let's be honest, I have a lot of problems with the upgrade system, but I realistically expect none of them to be changed) is that Reputation set gear specifically has a *far* higher upgrade cost than any other gear. It seems a bit out of line. I realize they don't want everyone running around with Epic rep sets but the cost should be adjusted a bit.
  • swatopswatop Member Posts: 566 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    panz3ru wrote: »
    I am curious too how did you made the number several milion dil. We are speaking here about going lev 12-14, not legendary which is e-peen.

    the topic ive opened is about going from very rare mk12 to epic mk14
    thats what this thread is about
  • darkdog13darkdog13 Member Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Even mk 12-14 is expensive WITHOUT any rarity upgrades.

    For just 7 ship weapons you need a little over 100k dilithium (which is not bad) but around 105 superior upgrade kits which last time i looked are going for at least 880k per and rising rapidly (before DR they were under 500k but with removal of old estf mats are harder to get)

    So 100k dilithium and 88 milliion ec for 7 weapons.
    88 mil ec divided by 2.3 mil per master key = 39 keys or 4368 zen or 677040 dilithium at the exhange rate of 155 dil:zen.
    Thats about 98 days of refining dilithium. In us dollars its about $7 per weapon to go from mk 12 to mk 14.

    And the superior beam kits are currently underpriced compared to the materials atm it costs about 1.55 million to craft 1 superior beam upgrade kit (yes level 20 crafters have almost a %100 chance to craft an extra free kit everytime) Still this means if you craft them yourself with level 20 in R&D its still 750k per kit.

    Unless they increase the drops for the materials required in superior upgrade kits not many people will be able to use the upgrade system.

    (there is one alternative that takes 2.5 times the dilithium but %33 of the ec cost which currently results in a total of 59 days of refining dilithium)
  • platewearingbirdplatewearingbird Member Posts: 455 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I think the biggest problem here is that people want to have all Epic Mk 14 equipment within one week of the expansion.
  • ironchefbbqironchefbbq Member Posts: 198 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    swatop wrote: »
    Does anybody have any information on the costs of the new upgrade system?

    Refer to Mighty_BoB_cnc's spreadsheet (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nhc_Zu9vG5BRqJuuIQP25kJ-jE5fCwlyrwk_rP0PsTA/edit?pli=1#gid=994290326).
    It has everything you need to know.
  • guilli88guilli88 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I think the biggest problem here is that people want to have all Epic Mk 14 equipment within one week of the expansion.

    This. I'm glad it's going to take a while to fully deckout in mk 14 very rare/ultra rare/epic

    Epic rarity of gear is supposed to be a very long term goal. I'm glad for that. It means in 4 months I'll still have something to do.



    It is a peculiar phenomenon that we can imagine events that defy the laws of the universe.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Heh, I think it's really the Rep Space gear, at UR Mk XIV going to Gold Mk XIV which will have folks needing to change their shorts. Cause you're looking at ~358k TP for a 2.5% chance...
  • krilldarnkrilldarn Member Posts: 211 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    On Tribble I decided to check the upgrade cost from mk 12 to 14 epic. I got all the new rep gear inc weapons and the only epic console fitted was the plasmonic leech. everyhing else was Mk 12 very or ultra rare. I used only the basic upgrades that can be bought from the vendor and thanks to rep input box that give 10k refined dilithium started the upgrading including not allowing project to cool normally.

    The chosen ship was the JHAS..... I returned to the rep input freebe console 12 times and filled my inventory each time with 78 boxes, that turned in 780k dil i still have 3 mil refined left... and spent the rest on the ship upgrades meaning i had spent just over 5,000,000 dilithium and i started with 389 mil ec and had 114 mil left at the end.....


    With out serious financial investment this would be beyond most players. it would take one character 625 days to refine that amount of Dil.... you can speed it up with the superior and improved upgrades and with normal game play you can pick up most resources to make the improved/superior upgrades yourself i would estimate that the cost would drop by about 40-60 % if done with the correct accelerators.....

    the result is a ship that rarely uses shield heals and makes mincemeat of most things it encounters.... solo'd a SB24 and killed everything
  • mightybobcncmightybobcnc Member Posts: 3,354 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    krilldarn wrote: »
    On Tribble I decided to check the upgrade cost from mk 12 to 14 epic. I got all the new rep gear inc weapons and the only epic console fitted was the plasmonic leech. everyhing else was Mk 12 very or ultra rare. I used only the basic upgrades that can be bought from the vendor and thanks to rep input box that give 10k refined dilithium started the upgrading including not allowing project to cool normally.

    The chosen ship was the JHAS..... I returned to the rep input freebe console 12 times and filled my inventory each time with 78 boxes, that turned in 780k dil i still have 3 mil refined left... and spent the rest on the ship upgrades meaning i had spent just over 5,000,000 dilithium and i started with 389 mil ec and had 114 mil left at the end.....


    With out serious financial investment this would be beyond most players. it would take one character 625 days to refine that amount of Dil.... you can speed it up with the superior and improved upgrades and with normal game play you can pick up most resources to make the improved/superior upgrades yourself i would estimate that the cost would drop by about 40-60 % if done with the correct accelerators.....

    the result is a ship that rarely uses shield heals and makes mincemeat of most things it encounters.... solo'd a SB24 and killed everything

    *Whistles* Check that out, eh?

    Hmm, but it's strange.. if I try to calculate backwards from your dil expenditure or your EC expenditure it doesn't match up.

    If you spent 275 million EC on basics from the vendor at 10,000 per pop then it should have cost roughly 19 million dilithium to apply them all, not 5 million, and that's not including finish now skip costs.

    If it cost you around 5 million dilithium then that means you would have spent only about 72 million EC to buy all the basics needed for that (again, not deducting skip costs).

    Joined January 2009
    Finger wrote:
    Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
  • darkdog13darkdog13 Member Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    krilldarn wrote: »
    On Tribble I decided to check the upgrade cost from mk 12 to 14 epic. I got all the new rep gear inc weapons and the only epic console fitted was the plasmonic leech. everyhing else was Mk 12 very or ultra rare. I used only the basic upgrades that can be bought from the vendor and thanks to rep input box that give 10k refined dilithium started the upgrading including not allowing project to cool normally.

    The chosen ship was the JHAS..... I returned to the rep input freebe console 12 times and filled my inventory each time with 78 boxes, that turned in 780k dil i still have 3 mil refined left... and spent the rest on the ship upgrades meaning i had spent just over 5,000,000 dilithium and i started with 389 mil ec and had 114 mil left at the end.....


    With out serious financial investment this would be beyond most players. it would take one character 625 days to refine that amount of Dil.... you can speed it up with the superior and improved upgrades and with normal game play you can pick up most resources to make the improved/superior upgrades yourself i would estimate that the cost would drop by about 40-60 % if done with the correct accelerators.....

    the result is a ship that rarely uses shield heals and makes mincemeat of most things it encounters.... solo'd a SB24 and killed everything

    The crazy part is when you turn that 5 million dilithium into zen it is equal to $320 us dollars coverting the 275 million ec into master keys that another $133.

    I don't think i have anyone complain about the amount of time required to get epic.

    We are complaining about how much of an epic cash grab epic gear is.

    If you use mighty_bob chart using superior tech upgrades it is 2.8 million dilithium and nearly 2 billion ec at current prices if you are level 20 r&d and craft your own upgrades. Using superior tech upgrades currently will cost you about $1000 to epic a ship. So in reality your better off using even the vendor kits unless you have alot of ec to burn. (ofc you also need to factor in the cost of a new mouse because all that clicking will wear it out just counting the clicks need for 33,286,728 tech points /2000 per basic is equal to 16,643 mouse clicks)
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