I made a similar thread but it was removed before, maybe because it was in the wrong section but I hope they don't remove this.
Here is a screenshot of what I see when I try to purchase zen in game. Nothing comes up like it did before. I think the problem might be the recent Canadian currency update on stream, most games for sale on steam were converted to reflect the Canadian exchange rate, obviously this only effects Canadian users.
Will Cryptic ever fix this? Is anyone else in Canada or elsewhere experiencing this problem?
(if you are wondering why the screen is so dark, the screen always darkens when you buy zen)
I was disappointed with the scatter-shot of garbage games they have been adding, am very angry they have pushed shoddy recommendations of same, hate the too much useless information UI and now my STO transactions are probably reading as an offer to pay in scooby snacks.
I have quite of few games on Steam and will continue to play them but if they don't sort out what they have been doing in the last few months I'll be cutting out the middle man for all future transactions as many publishers sell digitally themselves.
2. yes, been having problems purchasing, so I go to the wallet, a different link. It seems to work. However that was a few weeks ago.
How can I buy Zen now? Is there some other way?
Thank you for contacting us.
I really appreciate the purchase that you are trying to make and I really feel how excited you are to maximize the game.
We appreciate your report about this case. Rest assured though that the appropriate teams have been informed regarding your inability to purchase using the Steam overlay and are already working on a fix as fast as possible. Should you wish to purchase Zen while waiting for the fix, you may try purchasing using the Arcgames site as an alternative.
Thank you for your patience and understanding."
I can find absolutely no option for getting Zen through any other mechanism than downloading the ARC gameplayer, but that's unacceptable to me, as so much as glancing in the direction of the ARC gameplayer causes the game to forget I've ever patched it, and re-download the ENTIRE 10gigs, which takes hours.
I had to re-download that 10 gig patch 3 separate times, first time with Steam, second time with ARC (the website seemed to insist I use ARC when I signed up, so I tried it, only for it to start the download again) and a third time with Steam again (opening the desktop icon defaulted to steam, and that somehow erased the memory of the ARC download, just like the ARC download erased the memory of the STEAM download)
As infuriating as that process was, I put myself through it and find myself mostly enjoying the game... to the point that I'm willing to give it my money. Apparently it doesn't want my money though, as I can't get buying Zen to work in game, and the only out-of-game option seems to be through ARC. I've uninstalled ARC, and will absolutely not be backtracking that decision. Could y'all devise a way to receive my money through steam?
Sooner rather than later would be a good call. Hassle tends to douse the flame of spontaneous purchasing in the heart of man.
Im just like. Wat.
Two days later and it still does not work. :mad:
If they are not provided or informed about link changes done by Steam, it's not their fault.
There are problems from time to time with the Steam wallet and it ended up to be a Steam problem, not the Game's one.
It was weekend, so either Smirk or Trendy will read this today, or you can send them a message over here or you send a message to Steam so that they provide PWE with the new Link infos to include into the game.
I have contacted Steam and STO and both said there looking into this problem and no fix at all yet.
Here is a screenshot just to let you know that its happening to others and like me http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b572/Eric_Rouleau/Steamwallet_zps13c29979.png
Please FIX this ASAP!
That is most helpful.
I will see if I can get some headway on this issue, or at least provide some fresh news.
Thanks for your patience!
I want to chime in with my 'two-cents worth" on this. I went to Lifetime membership on 16 Oct after paying for regular Monthly Gold membership for 15 months. I had the same problem for about a week. I even sent in a ticket to Customer Support and I have to say I STUMPED them. However, after about 10 days, the problem fixed itself. I really think that main problem is that Cryptic and PWE have a hold time on the Dilithium Exchange to make sure that your accounts are SAFE and SECURE.
I may make a lot of people mad at me for my next comment, but I do not care what anyone but the Moderators, the Devs, and myself think about my comments.
oOK, that said, "Thank you Cryptic and PWE for all of your hard work. Keep it up!"
Free to play - March 2013
Monthly Subscription - July 2013
Lifetime Member - Oct 2014
Joined January 2009
In summation, this bug had -nothing to do- with the dilithium exchange, or anything else you're on about. We get it, you're a raging fanboy of this game. But if you're going to bash on people making complaints, at least have a basic grasp on what that complaint is.
Oh, and as a side note,
this bug is now FIXED.
At least it is on my end, now that the urge to buy Zen has been completely purged from my system. Poor timing, but at least they got it done!