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Wow, unexpected consequences?

strykewolf67strykewolf67 Member Posts: 1 Arc User

I play both Fed and KDF side. Have a lot of fun on both. And, today, we had a fleet meeting and discussed starting a 'sister' KDF fleet. Results, positive. Some of us have had KDF characters for awhile...and, some of our newer folks started some, too...or, want to.

One of the newer folks chimed in with being stuck on an early mission...so, gave up on his KDF and parked him. Didn't think much of it...figured I'd just give him a hand when he ran it next.

Until I started my new KDF character.

Skipped tutorial - Bang; now L8. Did first mission. Bang - L10. Ummmm...where's the promotion thingy? I mean, enemies do ramp up to level, afterall. So, I swap characters; buy some gear...send it to my new alt...now my Brell is ready.

Then I remembered that said player that was stuck, and had started his character just after double exp hit. Hmmmm... K moving onward, beer in hand, reloads at my side.
Bang...L12. Bang...L15. <<insert multiple Brell explosions here>> Bang, L18.

Wow...K. Keep going.

Multiple ship explodings later; I hit L23 and...finally unlock the first ship upgrade on the Klingon side. Test of Mettle. So now, I have my L10 ship unlocked...at L23. Debating on skipping ahead a bit. LOL

Yeah, I know...I could have skipped any episode that I wanted to. I could have done so earlier and missed a lot of aggrivation (though in my case, was loving the challenge of it...to a point).

How many new players know that? How many new players know they can skip episodes when they have sufficient levels? How many new players even know where to access episodes? How many 'veteran' fed players running a brand new, first time ever, KDF character know that the ships are not so much level tied as mission tied?

I suggest that this needs a bit of looking at. Double exp thing, while nice; can really fubar a new player that decides to start a KDF right off the bat.

Sarah Knightly - Co-leader; Frontier Explorers - U.S.S. Witchblade
Rias Gremory - Leader; Frontier Marauders - I.K.S. B'ullwinkle
Post edited by strykewolf67 on


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    kamenriderzero1kamenriderzero1 Member Posts: 906 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    remember, XP boost event till Tuesday.
    Everywhere I look, people are screaming about how bad Cryptic is.
    What's my position?
    That people should know what they're screaming about!
    (paraphrased from "The Newsroom)
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    bradchristopher1bradchristopher1 Member Posts: 307
    edited October 2014
    My advice on making a sister fleet, don't. Most players focus only on one or two characters, and prefer to only have to grind and recruit for a single fleet. We did the same thing with a Rom sister fleet, but now less than a year later it is all but abandoned.

    But our primary fleet has benefited by bringing the core group that founded the sister fleet closer together, and therefore our primary fleet is stronger than before.

    However I would still advise against the second fleet, it only serves to take focus off the primary.
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    mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    i tend to keep away from dxp events simply because it screws everything up. on the rr side for example you make sub commander but only a centurion class ship is only to buy. i mean it does need a little more work to make a dxp work better then it is.

    i made centurion the first moment i left the tutorial from virinat, and made sub commander before i even completed the initial alliance and homeworld missions, i made commander before got into the wider galaxy, now im stuck in a kdf commander rank ship far ahead of where i should be with vastly inferior TRIBBLE to play with.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
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    mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Both Klingon and Romulans have unfortunately tied up the first one or two ship tokens with story missions, so they don't handle the bonus skill points well.

    That said - it can be kinda fun fighting in a Tier 1 ship against Tier 3 enemies - without optimized gear and BO powers that you'd usually have when you try to do this at endgame...
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
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    shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Oh, you just need to see all the threads started about this in the KDF section of the forum in the past month! :eek: We try our best to help and explain to the ones asking and that usually fixes the situation for them, but it makes me wonder how many people that don't visit the forum have given up, end up aggravated or just completely stop playing. These XP events (it was the same when Q weekends were around) really do have a way of messing a new player's experience.
    Tying the free ship requisition to a mission, while very fun and apropriate in terms of storyline, is really not a good move in a MMO environment where people can level without following that main storyline.
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    mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Both Klingon and Romulans have unfortunately tied up the first one or two ship tokens with story missions, so they don't handle the bonus skill points well.

    That said - it can be kinda fun fighting in a Tier 1 ship against Tier 3 enemies - without optimized gear and BO powers that you'd usually have when you try to do this at endgame...

    my newest fed toon is running a t1 kitbashed ship the Rycus Kilran through the storyline, i kind of left that toon out in the cold for now, i was intending to get it to be very competitive without using or buying any other ship, and then work at t6 stuff. shame the t1 ship cant get a t5u token, huh? :P
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
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    fmgtorres1979fmgtorres1979 Member Posts: 1,327 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Leveling through the Doff system is great.
    Most of my characters will do the storyline after they are 50 (have 9 character and only did the full story on three - seven are level 50)
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    bernatkbernatk Member Posts: 1,089 Bug Hunter
    edited October 2014
    Hehe, true. I raised 4 new KDF toons during double XP event. But I have almost all ships from cash-shop, so I could upgrade my ships every 10 levels.

    But yes I agree, double XP weekend is only good for vet players. Cryptic needs to restructure leveling if they want new players to be able to take advantage this event.
    Dahar Master Mary Sue                                               Fleet Admiral Bloody Mary
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    lindalefflindaleff Member Posts: 3,734 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    My new character levelling method of choice is Defera Invasion. I only run Episodes to get gear. Apart from that, a daily Defera run takes care of all my character levelling needs.
    I completed a 2-man CSE, ISE, and KASE, Optionals included. And I soloed Winter Invasion.
    My Ship Builds: USS Conqueror, HMS Victorious, HMS Concord, ISS Queen Elizabeth, Black Widow III
    Click here to view my DeviantArt.
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    mjarbarmjarbar Member Posts: 2,084 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I used the event to finish levelling three toons which were in the mid 30's when I started., and even then noticed problems that can arise from this event. As others have said it lets you rise through the ranks quickly but doesn't leave you equipped to be effective at that level, it also makes it harder for you after level 50 when doing the rep grinds.

    When you do the later missions you don't usually need the equipment which I guess like me you sell and allows you to build up a nice sizeable EC balance which can be used for whatever, but now the drops in the missions have dried up and a lot of players once at level 50 don't carry on with story line missions, means that balance isn't there. It doesn't make things impossible but it doesn't help either.

    One thing I would ask is that if you reach 50 and have a bunch of the story line still available to do, will the skill points gained from doing them be put toward getting to 60, or is that tied to the new content being released?
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    annemarie30annemarie30 Member Posts: 2,615 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    i tend to keep away from dxp events simply because it screws everything up. on the rr side for example you make sub commander but only a centurion class ship is only to buy. i mean it does need a little more work to make a dxp work better then it is.

    i made centurion the first moment i left the tutorial from virinat, and made sub commander before i even completed the initial alliance and homeworld missions, i made commander before got into the wider galaxy, now im stuck in a kdf commander rank ship far ahead of where i should be with vastly inferior TRIBBLE to play with.

    i did the same thing. I had to level a Rom -KDF sci so I could get GWIII to my KDF toon. I was a commander after about 5 hours of play,and woud still running around in the tiny little ship if I didn't have the Vorkang cruiser from the C-store
    We Want Vic Fontaine
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    xyquarzexyquarze Member Posts: 2,116 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    The other thing I found annoying while facing this problem is that "The House Always Wins", which leads up to ToM and basically is the one giving you the ship, is also the first mission you can actually lose. Especially when you are outclassed due to being overleveled you may want a breather or two between battles, but I pity the fool who came to close to one of the freighters - they flee and disappear. But following them would mean ignoring the heavy war bird on your back.

    AFTER you played it, you get the nice effect of actually having beaten a challenge, something that is at a premium in early episode play.
    My mother was an epohh and my father smelled of tulaberries
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    calaminthacalamintha Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Oh please. This game is ridiculously easy. You people must really think new players are complete idiots if you think they can't take advantage of this event.

    Considering all the complaints about how hard it was to kill a single D'deridex? :P
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    z3ndor99z3ndor99 Member Posts: 1,391 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    My kdf toons have acess to c-store ships so I never have this problem, must admit it seems annoying for anyone to experience.
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    kerriknightkerriknight Member Posts: 274
    edited October 2014
    Oh please. This game is ridiculously easy. You people must really think new players are complete idiots if you think they can't take advantage of this event.

    Did they called the new players idiots?


    Then don't shove words in people's mouths.

    We're saying that the complications of the double-xp system disrupts the naturally rising learning curve of a new player.

    Does that mean it's impossible? No.

    Does that make the new player an idiot? No.

    We're saying it adds frustration, which to a new player with no emotional attachment or investment at this point, closes the client and finds another MMO to play.

    Re-phrasing what other people are saying so that it is now hyperbolic and mean-spirited is a tired and over-used trope.
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    jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I suggest that this needs a bit of looking at. Double exp thing, while nice; can really fubar a new player that decides to start a KDF right off the bat.

    Well thankfully the event is ending soon. I have to admit that I am tired of giving the same response to a lot of people in the forum that they need to do Test of Mettle (KDF) or Neutral No More (Romulan) before players can actually choose their 1st upgrade.

    Cryptic should at least mention the limitations for the KDF and Romulan the next time they decide to do Double XP events.
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    saedeithsaedeith Member Posts: 628 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    calamintha wrote: »
    Considering all the complaints about how hard it was to kill a single D'deridex? :P

    D'deridex I can deal with. It's the freaking Apex that curbstomps me occasionally.

    As to the dxp leveling, just do what you want to do. Look up the missions you need for your ships if KDF/Rommies. Heh, I got an Engie and Tac Fed to 50 and don't even have a shuttle. I hate the vault and the other mission or two involving shuttles.
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    bobbydazlersbobbydazlers Member Posts: 4,534 Arc User
    edited October 2014

    I play both Fed and KDF side. Have a lot of fun on both. And, today, we had a fleet meeting and discussed starting a 'sister' KDF fleet. Results, positive. Some of us have had KDF characters for awhile...and, some of our newer folks started some, too...or, want to.

    One of the newer folks chimed in with being stuck on an early mission...so, gave up on his KDF and parked him. Didn't think much of it...figured I'd just give him a hand when he ran it next.

    Until I started my new KDF character.

    Skipped tutorial - Bang; now L8. Did first mission. Bang - L10. Ummmm...where's the promotion thingy? I mean, enemies do ramp up to level, afterall. So, I swap characters; buy some gear...send it to my new alt...now my Brell is ready.

    Then I remembered that said player that was stuck, and had started his character just after double exp hit. Hmmmm... K moving onward, beer in hand, reloads at my side.
    Bang...L12. Bang...L15. <<insert multiple Brell explosions here>> Bang, L18.

    Wow...K. Keep going.

    Multiple ship explodings later; I hit L23 and...finally unlock the first ship upgrade on the Klingon side. Test of Mettle. So now, I have my L10 ship unlocked...at L23. Debating on skipping ahead a bit. LOL

    Yeah, I know...I could have skipped any episode that I wanted to. I could have done so earlier and missed a lot of aggrivation (though in my case, was loving the challenge of it...to a point).

    How many new players know that? How many new players know they can skip episodes when they have sufficient levels? How many new players even know where to access episodes? How many 'veteran' fed players running a brand new, first time ever, KDF character know that the ships are not so much level tied as mission tied?

    I suggest that this needs a bit of looking at. Double exp thing, while nice; can really fubar a new player that decides to start a KDF right off the bat.

    if your looking for a kdf fleet to join we are desparate for new members.
    we have a tier 3 starbase just starting on tier 4, and a tier 2 mine just starting tier 3.
    mail me in game kuwgok@bobbydazlers for an invite.

    much better then starting from scratch with a new fleet, though we have a fed fleet also there is no problem in taking members with feds in alternate fleets.

    When I think about everything we've been through together,

    maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,

     and if that journey takes a little longer,

    so we can do something we all believe in,

     I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.

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    chainfallchainfall Member Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    DXP isn't for the KDF or even the Roms, its entirely for the Smurfs. The only thing that still surprises me is how slowly Feds level overall compared to the KDF.
    STO would have been better as a Stargate MMO than it is as Star Trek. Go figure.

    Jem'Hadar Dreadnought Carrier Exterminatus
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