This is Vice Admiral Syro of the U.S.S. Luna Pandaris, hailing the command at #DeltaRising , is there anything you need to be transported? Like a box or letter of some kind with a code written on it..
I've never believed in the End Times. We are Heroes of the Milk Way Galaxy. Our footprints are over the stars and beyond. When the last trumpet sounds and the Beast rises from the pit we will kill it #DeltaRising
Been playing for quit some time now and #DeltaRising is honestly gonan make this game complete for sure the risen level cap and new ships looks to be quite exciting.
...Because I'm never spending that much on a pack.
A round of Kheh'irho for the room!!! To new frontiers and new horizons!!!!
Thiich'u Khreh'dhhokh Mol'Rihan u' na Mol'Rihannsu!