When did 90 days(the time it takes to get to rank 15) become a year?
When did 10 months(the time it takes to get ot rank 20) become a year?
Why does getting to rank 20 even matter when rank 15 is all you actually need to craft everything?
10 months? It's actually closer to 6 months (at the most) to get to rank 20...
lv15 takes 630000 xp to get to... at 6k/day (ignoring crits), that's 105 days at most
lv20 takes 2,070,000 xp to get to, so another 1,440,000 xp on top of lv15. By level 15, you'll pretty much always get crits on the 6k/day, making it 7k/day. You also get to craft various level 15 special items, which take 20 hours and give you 12k xp. So, per day, you can make 19k xp. At 19k/day xp, you'll know out the remaining in about 76 days.
105+76 = ~6 months, with no dilithium spent speeding up the time.
Dilithium is spent actually crafting stuff, but you know, what else are you going to use it for?... plus you can sell the shinies for EC, so not a total waste.
In about a year's time from when I started this, I plan to have 4-5 level 20s... And most of everything else already at lv15
There are actual benefits when you actually use the crafting system to craft stuff... just saying...
What areThis. The only real blag to it for me is the time-gated nature of it. But balls, it's only a game. I think most of the people who dislike the new crafting system are just used to leveling and repping an alt in a month, they're not used to actually investing any time in it to get a reward.
Anyway, to each their own.
That is true as well. Just like some fussing over the Rep grinds. Each one is optional. Some I have done some I hadn't due to certain reasons. Even though I mostly get 2-4 hours per week to play IF I'm lucky. I'm still wiling to put time/effort into it. Granted it might be almost a year later before I see crafting high levels. But at least I'm attempting it.
Working on crafting has always been fun for me. Even my days on WoW. I loved crafting on that one as well. And was high level before each expansion came out. So I am willing to give this new one a shot. And looking forward to see what they add in DR.
Some people just don't want to put time and effort into a game. They want it handed to them.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
I wasn't including crafting the one of a kind items since most people wouldn't make those daily.
Even people who grind it most likely wouldn't.
While true for most, my point is that the option is there.
And actually, I apparently was wrong. It appears you can run the 12k special assignment as many times as you want... so at 12k each for 5 slots, that's 60k/day. That is 24 days to level from 15 to 20... so about 4 months all together from lv 0 to 20.
Only problem is that it takes 5 research DOffs for the specific research area... I only have 1 of each, so can't do it myself, and I refuse to use white DOffs so it'd be quite expensive to buy 4 more purples of each, but it the option is there. So that said, with some optimizations, it appears you can level everything to level 20 within a year without spending any dilithium/zen/cash speeding up the process. It's take a bit of initial EC (probably ~100mil - 200mil) to buy R&D materials and DOffs off the exchange, but you'd quickly get to the point it's self sustainable or even making you EC (as long as tons of people don't do it and flood the exchange with ultra rares...)
I just don't like people saying it takes a long time to get to level something to 20. Instead of whining about it, actually play the game and work on leveling R&D, it really doesn't take long if you put a little time into it. All I do are Borg Space and Ground STFs, the rest I buy off the exchange and spend maybe 10 minutes a day setting up R&D, then back to more fun (for me at least) in the game.
Some people just don't want to put time and effort into a game. They want it handed to them.
I completely agree...
I love the new crafting system, it makes decent EC selling items on the exchange, and I get to pick the best pieces for myself, and it's far more useful that the old system (which I also leveled up).
All of you has very strong points....I was hoping that crafting 2.0 was a way to save a bit this game from the total lack of interest whatsoever for crafting. But at least; in the old way, you could craft something that you needed or that can be used or sold.
Now; forget about it. It was too easy before? Well...if I am able to swim trough Suez and others can't do it that easily...why should I be penalized? It was easy, good, but it was effort for others; in terms of time to grind anomalies, to get to top tier and make useful stuff. I was expecting a compensation, which would save me from the nut-cracking exercise (figure of speech; can replace it with "peeling potatoes") to play farmville in STO.
The wait time is absurd; the results are "random"; reminds me the GW2 magic fountain where you drop 5 items and you get a random one...at least there you need no level requirement; just 5 items to dump. I may invest time if the reward is comparable to the effort spent. Being PVP too, I expect that super weapons are not possible (guys, never heard of PVE items only? There are configurations for ships now; you can have a PVE and a PVP setup; how hard is that? ); but you can't neither roll 2D6 and hope that you get something good, after waste so much time.
Grind while doing missions is one thing; go out there to do Elite missions when you don't want to, just to get MAYBE a rare material that MAYBE will give you a good item once crafting...
Players are not only students or people without a job that has nothing better to do than sell gold/credits on a MMO; many can dedicate little time to games, and when they spend their beloved time with a game, they shouldn't be punished with such disappointing game features.
And nobody wants everything handed without putting efforts; but time is different based on your life, job and such...if you are single and work 8 hours in a factory, one hour of your life and time has a price, while if you are working as director in a company, with wife and 3 kids; probably one hour of time is valued MUCH MUCH more.
And there is no reason why anyone should even consider the idea to say "got no time? Don't play"; because this is the behavior that people gave when Galileo was telling them that the sun is not rotating around the earth Sorry, but I never justify with a "take it or leave it", a bad design decision. IF people won't play the game and spend money, they will close the server and no more game...so the last thing to say to another player is "take it or leave".
You're a bit late for the "new crafting is a mess"-train, it was already discussed to death while it was still on tribble (which was the already the "not final" system we have today) back when "season" 9.5 went live.
Kinda amusing/sad that crafting will be the method to upgrade our mk12 gear to higher mks.
I hate the crafting upgrade system. i'd much rather buy upgrade modules with dilithium, and you get to choose your mods and rarity. I hate crafting in general.
10 months? It's actually closer to 6 months (at the most) to get to rank 20...
lv15 takes 630000 xp to get to... at 6k/day (ignoring crits), that's 105 days at most
lv20 takes 2,070,000 xp to get to, so another 1,440,000 xp on top of lv15. By level 15, you'll pretty much always get crits on the 6k/day, making it 7k/day. You also get to craft various level 15 special items, which take 20 hours and give you 12k xp. So, per day, you can make 19k xp. At 19k/day xp, you'll know out the remaining in about 76 days.
105+76 = ~6 months, with no dilithium spent speeding up the time.
Dilithium is spent actually crafting stuff, but you know, what else are you going to use it for?... plus you can sell the shinies for EC, so not a total waste.
In about a year's time from when I started this, I plan to have 4-5 level 20s... And most of everything else already at lv15
There are actual benefits when you actually use the crafting system to craft stuff... just saying...
That is true as well. Just like some fussing over the Rep grinds. Each one is optional. Some I have done some I hadn't due to certain reasons. Even though I mostly get 2-4 hours per week to play IF I'm lucky. I'm still wiling to put time/effort into it. Granted it might be almost a year later before I see crafting high levels. But at least I'm attempting it.
Working on crafting has always been fun for me. Even my days on WoW. I loved crafting on that one as well. And was high level before each expansion came out. So I am willing to give this new one a shot. And looking forward to see what they add in DR.
Some people just don't want to put time and effort into a game. They want it handed to them.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
While true for most, my point is that the option is there.
And actually, I apparently was wrong. It appears you can run the 12k special assignment as many times as you want... so at 12k each for 5 slots, that's 60k/day. That is 24 days to level from 15 to 20... so about 4 months all together from lv 0 to 20.
Only problem is that it takes 5 research DOffs for the specific research area... I only have 1 of each, so can't do it myself, and I refuse to use white DOffs so it'd be quite expensive to buy 4 more purples of each, but it the option is there. So that said, with some optimizations, it appears you can level everything to level 20 within a year without spending any dilithium/zen/cash speeding up the process. It's take a bit of initial EC (probably ~100mil - 200mil) to buy R&D materials and DOffs off the exchange, but you'd quickly get to the point it's self sustainable or even making you EC (as long as tons of people don't do it and flood the exchange with ultra rares...)
I just don't like people saying it takes a long time to get to level something to 20. Instead of whining about it, actually play the game and work on leveling R&D, it really doesn't take long if you put a little time into it. All I do are Borg Space and Ground STFs, the rest I buy off the exchange and spend maybe 10 minutes a day setting up R&D, then back to more fun (for me at least) in the game.
I completely agree...
I love the new crafting system, it makes decent EC selling items on the exchange, and I get to pick the best pieces for myself, and it's far more useful that the old system (which I also leveled up).
Now; forget about it. It was too easy before? Well...if I am able to swim trough Suez and others can't do it that easily...why should I be penalized? It was easy, good, but it was effort for others; in terms of time to grind anomalies, to get to top tier and make useful stuff. I was expecting a compensation, which would save me from the nut-cracking exercise (figure of speech; can replace it with "peeling potatoes") to play farmville in STO.
The wait time is absurd; the results are "random"; reminds me the GW2 magic fountain where you drop 5 items and you get a random one...at least there you need no level requirement; just 5 items to dump. I may invest time if the reward is comparable to the effort spent. Being PVP too, I expect that super weapons are not possible (guys, never heard of PVE items only? There are configurations for ships now; you can have a PVE and a PVP setup; how hard is that? ); but you can't neither roll 2D6 and hope that you get something good, after waste so much time.
Grind while doing missions is one thing; go out there to do Elite missions when you don't want to, just to get MAYBE a rare material that MAYBE will give you a good item once crafting...
Players are not only students or people without a job that has nothing better to do than sell gold/credits on a MMO; many can dedicate little time to games, and when they spend their beloved time with a game, they shouldn't be punished with such disappointing game features.
And nobody wants everything handed without putting efforts; but time is different based on your life, job and such...if you are single and work 8 hours in a factory, one hour of your life and time has a price, while if you are working as director in a company, with wife and 3 kids; probably one hour of time is valued MUCH MUCH more.
And there is no reason why anyone should even consider the idea to say "got no time? Don't play"; because this is the behavior that people gave when Galileo was telling them that the sun is not rotating around the earth
I hate the crafting upgrade system. i'd much rather buy upgrade modules with dilithium, and you get to choose your mods and rarity. I hate crafting in general.