I was able to get myself the Xindi escort last night (08-08-14) upon which opening the box the game crashed to desk-top. After launching the game and running through the verify files sequence, I went to the ship yard on ESD to see if my newly acquired ship was there, it is, but selecting it would cause the game to crash to desktop again.
Not a surprise to many of you but, this ship fairly expensive and I would dearly like to use it.
This is a very unusual issue, surely the many flying the ship would have noticed by now. Have you tried reverifying/reinstalling your files? A resource associated with this ship is probably damaged on your computer, the game has a tendency to TRIBBLE on its files.
I cant select my Narcine, i feel your pain. I Can't even make new threads on the forums even though my account is well over 5 years old, oh and to top it off.... IM A GOLD MEMBER.