So as a KDF carrier player from beta I find it very boring that we have not seen a evolved version of the Vo'Quv. I don't post much but support the game with my money and I don't see a reason to do so right now.
Make a T6 carrier with a fleet/team buff system and it will be a hit. I'm disappointed in the ships we have seen for T6. They are all very similar as either a escort/sci or light cruiser/escort. Boring to see what little diversity with the grand idea of T6 ships.
Not sure why, but of the nine new ships we've seen so far, there's zero apparent hangars anywhere. Maybe they're trying to step away from the carrier doctrine they were so fond of for some reason.
Maybe there just wasn't time to make all variants of all kinds of ships before DR releases,... just because there is no carrier now, does not mean there will not be.
Personally, I think carriers are overrated.
"Go play with your DPS in the corner, I don't care how big it is." ~ Me "There... are... four... lights!" ~Jean Luc Picard
1 of each for Intel, a Normal Cruiser, a Normal Sci ship and next a Normal Escort.
The 7th Fed ship will probably be the Fed shaped Carrier they've been crying for since they got the Atrox.
I would of at least liked to get details on the Raptor before they announce another Fed ship.
KDF need 4 more ships. Battlecruiser, Intel Raptor, Intel BoP and a Carrier. There's no need for a second BoP because with a fully Universal BOFF layout you don't need to slot an Intel Officer unless you want to and they'd be limited to Commander and Lt seats like all other Intel designs.
I was once DKnight1000, apparently I had taken my own name so now I'm DKnight0001. If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why. When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.
I have used a large variety of ships, but as is, my Jem'Hadar Dreadnought Carrier remains my favourite ship. The only thing that could ever replace it would be a very similar T6 Carrier. Otherwise, a T5-U upgrade will be perfectly good for me.
They should just release a T6 Carrier as a 3 pack with one for each faction.
Romulan Battle Cloaking Carrier. Least Shields & Hull
Klingon Cloaking Carrier. Middle ground.
Federation Carrier. Most Shields & Hull
Same BOFF and Console layout, 2 Hanger bays, Frigate compatible (Drone ships for Romulans, BoPs for Klingons, new Frigate for Federation). 1 Lt.Com BOFF for each Career and a Uni/Intel Commander.
It should have Subsystem Targeting a built in Omni Beam.
I was once DKnight1000, apparently I had taken my own name so now I'm DKnight0001. If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why. When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.
They should just release a T6 Carrier as a 3 pack with one for each faction.
Romulan Battle Cloaking Carrier. Least Shields & Hull
Klingon Cloaking Carrier. Middle ground.
Federation Carrier. Most Shields & Hull
Same BOFF and Console layout, 2 Hanger bays, Frigate compatible (Drone ships for Romulans, BoPs for Klingons, new Frigate for Federation). 1 Lt.Com BOFF for each Career and a Uni/Intel Commander.
It should have Subsystem Targeting a built in Omni Beam.
+1 to this but being a T6 ship you have to blend something a little different in also as that seems to be the theme for T6.
Correct me if I'm wrong here, as I often am, but didn't the Devs mention at least one new ship for both the Roms and the KDF?
Given what we know, then the new ship could be Science, A Carrier, or possibly a BOP. Now we know most carriers are Sci oriented, so I would put the chances a bit higher, as it would kill two birds with one stone. That being said, we must also weigh, the love that we have for our BOP's also, and the recognizably of said such ship.
Of course, this is just early morning coffee deprived wishing on my part, but we can always hope.
My mother always told me to walk away from a fight, The Marines taught me how.
Another thought came to me, After seeing the live stream yesterday. It might be possible that we also see the Kurzon carrier, available as either lock box, or as a KDF ship down the road.
Once again, just speculation.
My mother always told me to walk away from a fight, The Marines taught me how.
Correct me if I'm wrong here, as I often am, but didn't the Devs mention at least one new ship for both the Roms and the KDF?
Given what we know, then the new ship could be Science, A Carrier, or possibly a BOP. Now we know most carriers are Sci oriented, so I would put the chances a bit higher, as it would kill two birds with one stone. That being said, we must also weigh, the love that we have for our BOP's also, and the recognizably of said such ship.
Of course, this is just early morning coffee deprived wishing on my part, but we can always hope.
Hey f9thretxc,
Honestly between work and family I'm not up on what the Devs are saying now days. But maybe someone else who has more free time could let us know.
Yes carriers are Sci oriented as all the carriers(two hanger carriers not flight decks) were based off the Vo'Quv. The more traditional carriers are a little lacking as the game has moved along being overshadowed by extreme versions like the dominion dreadnought carrier or making very good ships and for the heck of it adding a flight deck to them. So to add a new element into the base T6 faction carrier would be the next evolution.
A few ideas and yes good or bad they are just ideas but I'm not sure how often the Devs look at the forums now days.
Goals: Something new to fly, new models, T6, and most important to let players have fun.
1: Intel carrier - Why not, it would be easy for them to do as they already have the system down.
2: Support carrier - Add in one or two of the cruiser buffs mechanics to add a new level of support.
3: Heavy carrier - Add a third hanger bay to the standard science oriented carrier. This would be the 3/3 weapon ships and never added to one of the extreme variants that focused on weapon damage like the dominion dreadnought carrier or even the Kar'Fi.
Lastly: Wing Command Support System
- Toggle system we have seen on ships to shift modes
- Allows for one of those funky transformer ships. Mechanical transformation vs glowing nodes like the destroyers.
Nanite repair system(or array) - Add a slow hull heal over time to hanger pets and adds an active heal power that targets 1 or 2 of the lowest health hanger pets. Possibly a chain heal hazard emitters.
Visual - Deploys healing nodes around the ships surface. Emitters, deflectors or you can do a few different cool things.
Coordinated Tactical Command Center - Power: Target Acquired - When activated the targeted enemy ship will receive a resistance debuff and your active hanger pets will receive attack pattern omega. (~1 min cool down)
Visual - An armored observation deck/tower is elevated slightly from the ship but only high enough so that you can see the observation area and note that the ship has been modified into that mode.
Integrated Defense Network - A short range AoE attack power that is focus on killing small craft, mines, targetable torpedoes and damaging frigates. Damage out put should not be high enough to be anything more then a annoyance to even the fragile escorts. Range needs to be close I'm guessing off hand 3km ish. (~1 min cool down)
Visuals and factions:
Federation - Micro torpedo ports are opened around the ship. Fires micro photon torpedoes in a point blank torpedo spread around the ship.
KDF - Small disruptor turrets are deployed Bow, port and starboard top and bottom. Three turrets active at once from those areas for ~5 seconds allowing them to take down a few targets but creating a nice visual.
Rom - Micro mine ports open around the ship. Deploys a double layer balloon style mine field around the ship. Mines should have a good AoE to catch the correct targets but auto self-destruct(like mines timing out doing no damage) if not triggered in 10 second from the mines activation.
Some of those would be harder to do then others but as I was presenting ideas it is always better to show more options then less. Also damage can be based off the "Point Defense Console" as an easy way to create a reference point for development.
Another thought came to me, After seeing the live stream yesterday. It might be possible that we also see the Kurzon carrier, available as either lock box, or as a KDF ship down the road.
Once again, just speculation.
This is true and would fit the trend but as a player we should have the option to choose to buy a ship via the C-Store vs needing to gamble for a lock box ship. As a person who is of a compulsives nature the lock box system is a very unhealthy and dangerous thing for a select group of the player base.
1 of each for Intel, a Normal Cruiser, a Normal Sci ship and next a Normal Escort.
The 7th Fed ship will probably be the Fed shaped Carrier they've been crying for since they got the Atrox.
I would of at least liked to get details on the Raptor before they announce another Fed ship.
KDF need 4 more ships. Battlecruiser, Intel Raptor, Intel BoP and a Carrier. There's no need for a second BoP because with a fully Universal BOFF layout you don't need to slot an Intel Officer unless you want to and they'd be limited to Commander and Lt seats like all other Intel designs.
I really want a BOP, and while Intel certainly fits the idea of a BOP, if Intel ships have less hull than normal how little hull will a BOP have
I really want a BOP, and while Intel certainly fits the idea of a BOP, if Intel ships have less hull than normal how little hull will a BOP have
It will be 5 points less than the B'rel retrofit. :P
I really hope that there is a T6 carrier for the KDF in the works. Having to use a lockbox ship to fill a gap in ship selection annoys the hell out of me.
Though the idea of an intel carrier is silly to me. Carriers are not meant to be stealthy. They are a way to project power, and being stealthy doesn't really help that. It makes it harder to find certainly, but you really can't hide something like a carrier thanks to it's size, and need to keep in contact with it's support/attack assets.
Maybe there just wasn't time to make all variants of all kinds of ships before DR releases,... just because there is no carrier now, does not mean there will not be.
Personally, I think carriers are overrated.
They had time to make 9 ships... that they chose to use that time to make 5 Federation ships vs. only 2 Klingon and 2 Romulan ships is a bit of a missed opportunity. They could have given equal offerings at T6, it being a whole new endgame tier, and actually start fresh with an incentive for more players to play more factions. They had an entire empty tier to create, and gave one faction 250% of the offerings they gave each of the other two factions... yeah, there's a reason we're not optimistic about them balancing things out later on. Don't get me wrong, they only have to make 3 ships for the Klingons and 3 ships for the Romulans to balance things out, but it's rather unlikely that they'll do so given both prior history and the announced T6 offerings.
It will be 5 points less than the B'rel retrofit. :P
I really hope that there is a T6 carrier for the KDF in the works. Having to use a lockbox ship to fill a gap in ship selection annoys the hell out of me.
Though the idea of an intel carrier is silly to me. Carriers are not meant to be stealthy. They are a way to project power, and being stealthy doesn't really help that. It makes it harder to find certainly, but you really can't hide something like a carrier thanks to it's size, and need to keep in contact with it's support/attack assets.
Hey now, stop thinking like we're fighting in an ocean. A Carrier is an excellent means to project power, but if your people have a technology to cloak their warships it can be something else entirely. An Intel Carrier could be used to deploy recon craft to scout behind enemy lines, assault craft to strike at infrastructure, and defensively as a means to prevent our enemies from ascertaining our numbers. As far as the size argument, check out the size of a Haakona/Ha'apax or Dreadnought Warbird next to a Kar'Fi or Vo'Quv; those things both rock a battle cloak, and since our Carriers are typically non-cloaking, an Intel Carrier would be restricted to a conventional cloaking device if the Federation offerings are any indication.
Build off a Kar'Fi's specs, give it a Ferasan theme, and make it an Intel Carrier (a bit less hull, a bit more maneuverability, cloaking, and the Intel mechanics)... I have a feeling they'd make damn good money off of that. If they have a desire to make money off of non-Federation factions, they actually need to make different and cool things for those factions :P
With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.
Ya 9 ish ships and a good amount of missions is nice. But for those of use that like carriers we need to show our interest so when the Dev team has time to work on new ships they will look at carriers as one of the top ships they want to release for T6.
I'm always up for more game play options and faction ships are always better then lotto box alien ships. Give me more C-store ships, costumes and bridges to buy to support the game.
Also anytime I post a topic or a review my focus is on improving the game. I want the game to get better for all of us. We all get a chance to play this great game together.
I mostly only use ships with a hangar at the moment, even though I've bought pretty much every Cstore ship, I just really enjoy having a wing of fighters with me, so these new T6 ships just dont interest me enough to buy them, but I'd buy a Fed T6 Carrier straight away!
Hopefully if they add a Fed T6 Carrier it would be a Human Federation Carrier that allows me to wear my fleet's logo with pride, so many of the newer ship skins dont let us wear the fleet logo, please change that Cryptic! and I'd like to be able to use any of the bridges/interiors that I've already bought from the Cstore! (I love my Recluse but not a fan of its bridge, got nowhere for my captain to sit when I go afk! lol).
Not sure why, but of the nine new ships we've seen so far, there's zero apparent hangars anywhere. Maybe they're trying to step away from the carrier doctrine they were so fond of for some reason.
I think so. as far as carriers go it's a no win scenario for the Devs. make a carrier for one faction the other factions will cry incessantly. even if you did a 3 faction release, KDF heads will explode if the carrier have a frigate pet. Fed heads explode if you don't. AND the constant whining about too many pets clogging up PVP..
if the updates to the Aquarius are added to the pet.. I can see a fed carrier with Aquarius pets.
I doubt it, seeing as the "Aquarius pet" isn't actually a pet at all, but just a small section of an Odyssey-class Star Cruiser. Kinda like the HoH'SuS is to the Bortasqu'. The Vo'quv has hangar ships that are similar to the HoH'SuS, but a different ship class.
well..y'know, they had five Fed ships to create, but don't worry, the Federation will get a T6 carrier soon, and we'll see the next KDF ship sometime in 2016 or so.
Speaking of Kazon, anyone else notice that in the intro video I think it was, when Tuvok is talking to the massed alliance members there are a couple of Kazon there?
Personally, I think carriers are overrated.
"There... are... four... lights!" ~Jean Luc Picard
Honestly though, I kind of thought a T6 kdf carrier would show up somewhere.
1 of each for Intel, a Normal Cruiser, a Normal Sci ship and next a Normal Escort.
The 7th Fed ship will probably be the Fed shaped Carrier they've been crying for since they got the Atrox.
I would of at least liked to get details on the Raptor before they announce another Fed ship.
KDF need 4 more ships. Battlecruiser, Intel Raptor, Intel BoP and a Carrier. There's no need for a second BoP because with a fully Universal BOFF layout you don't need to slot an Intel Officer unless you want to and they'd be limited to Commander and Lt seats like all other Intel designs.
If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why.
When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.
My Ship Builds: USS Conqueror, HMS Victorious, HMS Concord, ISS Queen Elizabeth, Black Widow III
Click here to view my DeviantArt.
I can believe this happening.
Romulan Battle Cloaking Carrier. Least Shields & Hull
Klingon Cloaking Carrier. Middle ground.
Federation Carrier. Most Shields & Hull
Same BOFF and Console layout, 2 Hanger bays, Frigate compatible (Drone ships for Romulans, BoPs for Klingons, new Frigate for Federation). 1 Lt.Com BOFF for each Career and a Uni/Intel Commander.
It should have Subsystem Targeting a built in Omni Beam.
If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why.
When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.
+1 to this but being a T6 ship you have to blend something a little different in also as that seems to be the theme for T6.
Watching the livestream yesterday felt more like a commercial for the Kazon carrier than it did for the Phantom...
Given what we know, then the new ship could be Science, A Carrier, or possibly a BOP. Now we know most carriers are Sci oriented, so I would put the chances a bit higher, as it would kill two birds with one stone. That being said, we must also weigh, the love that we have for our BOP's also, and the recognizably of said such ship.
Of course, this is just early morning coffee deprived wishing on my part, but we can always hope.
Once again, just speculation.
Hey f9thretxc,
Honestly between work and family I'm not up on what the Devs are saying now days. But maybe someone else who has more free time could let us know.
Yes carriers are Sci oriented as all the carriers(two hanger carriers not flight decks) were based off the Vo'Quv. The more traditional carriers are a little lacking as the game has moved along being overshadowed by extreme versions like the dominion dreadnought carrier or making very good ships and for the heck of it adding a flight deck to them. So to add a new element into the base T6 faction carrier would be the next evolution.
A few ideas and yes good or bad they are just ideas but I'm not sure how often the Devs look at the forums now days.
Goals: Something new to fly, new models, T6, and most important to let players have fun.
1: Intel carrier - Why not, it would be easy for them to do as they already have the system down.
2: Support carrier - Add in one or two of the cruiser buffs mechanics to add a new level of support.
3: Heavy carrier - Add a third hanger bay to the standard science oriented carrier. This would be the 3/3 weapon ships and never added to one of the extreme variants that focused on weapon damage like the dominion dreadnought carrier or even the Kar'Fi.
Lastly: Wing Command Support System
- Toggle system we have seen on ships to shift modes
- Allows for one of those funky transformer ships. Mechanical transformation vs glowing nodes like the destroyers.
Nanite repair system(or array) - Add a slow hull heal over time to hanger pets and adds an active heal power that targets 1 or 2 of the lowest health hanger pets. Possibly a chain heal hazard emitters.
Visual - Deploys healing nodes around the ships surface. Emitters, deflectors or you can do a few different cool things.
Coordinated Tactical Command Center - Power: Target Acquired - When activated the targeted enemy ship will receive a resistance debuff and your active hanger pets will receive attack pattern omega. (~1 min cool down)
Visual - An armored observation deck/tower is elevated slightly from the ship but only high enough so that you can see the observation area and note that the ship has been modified into that mode.
Integrated Defense Network - A short range AoE attack power that is focus on killing small craft, mines, targetable torpedoes and damaging frigates. Damage out put should not be high enough to be anything more then a annoyance to even the fragile escorts. Range needs to be close I'm guessing off hand 3km ish. (~1 min cool down)
Visuals and factions:
Federation - Micro torpedo ports are opened around the ship. Fires micro photon torpedoes in a point blank torpedo spread around the ship.
KDF - Small disruptor turrets are deployed Bow, port and starboard top and bottom. Three turrets active at once from those areas for ~5 seconds allowing them to take down a few targets but creating a nice visual.
Rom - Micro mine ports open around the ship. Deploys a double layer balloon style mine field around the ship. Mines should have a good AoE to catch the correct targets but auto self-destruct(like mines timing out doing no damage) if not triggered in 10 second from the mines activation.
Some of those would be harder to do then others but as I was presenting ideas it is always better to show more options then less. Also damage can be based off the "Point Defense Console" as an easy way to create a reference point for development.
This is true and would fit the trend but as a player we should have the option to choose to buy a ship via the C-Store vs needing to gamble for a lock box ship. As a person who is of a compulsives nature the lock box system is a very unhealthy and dangerous thing for a select group of the player base.
I really want a BOP, and while Intel certainly fits the idea of a BOP, if Intel ships have less hull than normal how little hull will a BOP have
It will be 5 points less than the B'rel retrofit. :P
I really hope that there is a T6 carrier for the KDF in the works. Having to use a lockbox ship to fill a gap in ship selection annoys the hell out of me.
Though the idea of an intel carrier is silly to me. Carriers are not meant to be stealthy. They are a way to project power, and being stealthy doesn't really help that. It makes it harder to find certainly, but you really can't hide something like a carrier thanks to it's size, and need to keep in contact with it's support/attack assets.
A Tier 6 Lock Box Kazon Carrier armed with Kazon Fighters and Raiders...
A Tier 6 C-Store Federation Carrier
I do not expect a T6 KDF Carrier for another 2 years, and the Romulans may not get Pure Carrier at all...
The TRIBBLE bums of Star Trek
Hey now, stop thinking like we're fighting in an ocean. A Carrier is an excellent means to project power, but if your people have a technology to cloak their warships it can be something else entirely. An Intel Carrier could be used to deploy recon craft to scout behind enemy lines, assault craft to strike at infrastructure, and defensively as a means to prevent our enemies from ascertaining our numbers. As far as the size argument, check out the size of a Haakona/Ha'apax or Dreadnought Warbird next to a Kar'Fi or Vo'Quv; those things both rock a battle cloak, and since our Carriers are typically non-cloaking, an Intel Carrier would be restricted to a conventional cloaking device if the Federation offerings are any indication.
Build off a Kar'Fi's specs, give it a Ferasan theme, and make it an Intel Carrier (a bit less hull, a bit more maneuverability, cloaking, and the Intel mechanics)... I have a feeling they'd make damn good money off of that. If they have a desire to make money off of non-Federation factions, they actually need to make different and cool things for those factions :P
I'm always up for more game play options and faction ships are always better then lotto box alien ships. Give me more C-store ships, costumes and bridges to buy to support the game.
Also anytime I post a topic or a review my focus is on improving the game. I want the game to get better for all of us. We all get a chance to play this great game together.
Hopefully if they add a Fed T6 Carrier it would be a Human Federation Carrier that allows me to wear my fleet's logo with pride, so many of the newer ship skins dont let us wear the fleet logo, please change that Cryptic! and I'd like to be able to use any of the bridges/interiors that I've already bought from the Cstore! (I love my Recluse but not a fan of its bridge, got nowhere for my captain to sit when I go afk! lol).
I think so. as far as carriers go it's a no win scenario for the Devs. make a carrier for one faction the other factions will cry incessantly. even if you did a 3 faction release, KDF heads will explode if the carrier have a frigate pet. Fed heads explode if you don't. AND the constant whining about too many pets clogging up PVP..
But with the guys in development not loving KDF... I's love to see an Intel BOP and then a pet based on that for a new carrier.
Helpful Tools: - Logical fallacies - Random generator - Word generator - Color tool - Extra Credits - List of common English language errors - New T6 Big booty tutorial
Speaking of Kazon, anyone else notice that in the intro video I think it was, when Tuvok is talking to the massed alliance members there are a couple of Kazon there?