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Official New Kobali Adventure Zone Feedback Thread

coldsnappedcoldsnapped Member Posts: 520 Cryptic Developer
Please use this thread to post all feedback and bugs found in the new Delta Rising ground Kobali Adventure Zone.

The Kobali Adventure Zone
  • Delta Rising’s ground Adventure Zone can be accessed at level 54 after completing the mission “Enemies in All the Usual Places”.
  • The Kobali Adventure Zone is not in a final state.
    • Character art for the Kobali costumes is not final as all Kobali currently only use one costume type for male and female.
    • There are currently no exploration accolades.
    • Rewards, cutscenes, animation, and art are not in a final state.
  • For more information, please visit the Kobali Adventure Zone Blog at: http://www.arcgames.com/en/games/star-trek-online/news/detail/7005123
Post edited by coldsnapped on


  • longasclongasc Member Posts: 490
    edited September 2014
    I played every mission so far, but I am 52,5 only. On top of that my char is bugged, can't respec.

    I do not really have the time or will to level up again. Can't this be made a little easier for people to participate? Feedback for the last missions already was significantly reduced compared to the first missions, most likely due to people just not meeting the level requirement.
  • sunfranckssunfrancks Member Posts: 3,925 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Again, not grinding on a test server just to test for you.
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    What I feel after I hear about every decision made since Andre "Mobile Games Generalisimo" Emerson arrived...

  • doublechadoublecha Member Posts: 241 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    This map is reminiscent of the First World War
  • bones1970bones1970 Member Posts: 953 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Cryptic you know that its 366.000 points to get to level 50, an other 366.000 skill points to level 60 and that you nerved the amount of skill-points we get on tribble ??
    I had 20 missions saved and only got to level 51 when i got al the skill-points from them.
    With that said, im not going to grind to level 54 on a test server... in that time i can make a coupe hundred k of dilitium on holodeck !!
  • ashkrik23ashkrik23 Member Posts: 10,809 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I agree that for the purposes of testing, XP should be turned up. You can reset it to the normal levels when it goes on holodeck. People come to tribble to test. So they want to do what needs to be tested, not grind a ton just to test something. The slower leveling curve will be fine on holodeck because we'll be doing all kinds of activities on there, instead of grinding just to test something..

    Allow us to jump levels just for testing so we can get your new content working correctly.
    King of Lions rawr! Protect the wildlife of the world. Check out my foundry series Perfection and Scars of the Pride. arcgames.com/en/forums#/discussion/1138650/ashkrik23s-foundry-missions
  • assimilatedktarassimilatedktar Member Posts: 1,708 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Another reason why I'm not going to grind for testing is that Borticus already said that the update that introduces the new leveling system for 50-60 will probably break all the chars on Tribble who got post-50 XP now. Why grind up now if I will have to grind up again for the new skill trees? Also you abolished testing rewards. Sorry, but you can't expect people to work for you like that.
    FKA K-Tar, grumpy Klingon/El-Aurian hybrid. Now assimilated by PWE.
    Sometimes, if you want to bury the hatchet with a Klingon, it has to be in his skull. - Captain K'Tar of the USS Danu about J'mpok.
  • borticuscrypticborticuscryptic Member Posts: 2,478 Cryptic Developer
    edited September 2014
    We're investigating the whole level up process on Tribble, and may end up implementing some sort of solution to facilitate testing. I can't make any promises right now, but the conversations are happening.

    For now, please contain the feedback in this thread to the topic at hand. If you cannot level up enough to get to the Content, that feedback should be left elsewhere, so that these Official Feedback threads can remain on-topic.

    Jeremy Randall
    Cryptic - Lead Systems Designer
    "Play smart!"
  • graysockgraysock Member Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    ground zone is ok so far, but the story bugs out at the lvl 58 mission "Breaking the Wall".

    In the era you are supposed to go (on the hill) there are no enemies, seems it doesn't tigger the mission when you are there. So no progression from there.
  • trelane87trelane87 Member Posts: 242 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    graysock wrote: »
    ground zone is ok so far, but the story bugs out at the lvl 58 mission "Breaking the Wall".

    In the era you are supposed to go (on the hill) there are no enemies, seems it doesn't tigger the mission when you are there. So no progression from there.

    Same thing happened to me, see image below:


    Missions shows as: Breaking the Wall, Complete the Open Mission, "At the Gates"

    I wandered around a little bit to see if I was missing some kind of interact, but besides some enemy contacts on the hill above there was nothing. I dropped the mission and reclaimed it but still nothing. I did get a pop up the first time I arrived in the area stating: "At the Gates Push forward and take control of the Vaadwaur base." but no enemies were nearby the 'gate' and a bar that say 'Choke Point' but doesn't move when you go near it.

    EDIT: I was able to get past this bug by going to another instance, it still was buggy, the pad that turns blue when you stand on it was there this time... no enemies were spawning, I literally just stood there until the bar filled up completely.. rest of the mission was fine.

    Now once I got to the next mission 'With Our Last Breath', that whole mission is completely bugged out... I couldn't find the Open Mission 'The Last Stand' (I found Signal Noise, Explosive Force, & No Transporter Zone) and the missions I did find kept popping up and going away, enemies despawned then respawned for a split second, whole thing was broken and I was constantly getting this pop up: 'The Last Stand Attack the Vaadwaur base and destroy the chemical payloads.'

    There was nothing to destroy and the only enemies on the map were at a small base on the edge of the circle.
  • jodarkriderjodarkrider Member Posts: 2,097 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Yup, confirming. Got the same bug with 'At the Gates'. No enemies appear, nothing.
    [10:20] Your Lunge deals 4798 (2580) Physical Damage(Critical) to Tosk of Borg.

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  • mightybobcncmightybobcnc Member Posts: 3,354 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    THANK YOU so much for putting a Bank terminal here. The Dyson ground zone and Defera are such a pain without having Bank access.

    *Delta Mark packages awarded from this zone do not automatically open themselves. (Work in progress, I know, they're still listed as 8472 boxes.)

    *Some of the packages only contain a single delta mark.

    *When exiting the city, if you immediately jump into the water and take a left, there are 3 tree things next to the city wall. One of them is floating. Just past those 3 trees, you can see under the wall and into the city.

    *I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to be doing with "Defense at the Gates." There's a marked area on the map right by the gates, and the prompt says "Defeat Incoming Vaadwaur" and "Recover Wounded Soldiers (0/3)" but there were 0 Vaadwaur there. Additionally the tracker says I recovered 2/3 wounded soldiers but I never did that.

    *Inflitrating the Inflitrators can be immediately reacquired as soon as it's done. Not sure if that's intentional. Also I found it a bit difficult to find all of the devices in order to actually complete it.

    *The collision on some of the big brown rock meshes used around the map could use some adjustment. It's possible to stand inside of the rocks. Enemies do it too.

    *I notice that as of the current build, if you fight your way all the way up to the enemy ship, there is no quick way to return back to the lower areas or the city. You have to run the entire distance back and fight through the same respawned enemies. This area could use some site to site transporters like Nukara or the Dyson battle zone. Even if it's only a one-way transport from under the ship back down to the main area.

    *Minor typo:
    When leading the Rookie Captain around and motivating the troops, one of the Player button interacts reads "You don't get to be a Admiral without learning how to inspire people. You learn over time."

    It should read "an Admiral" although I understand that the dialog prompts are dynamic based on player rank so it's more like "you don't get to be a [$var player rank] without..." so wording it in a more neutral way such as "you don't get promoted to [$var player rank] without..." could prevent grammatical issues.

    We're investigating the whole level up process on Tribble, and may end up implementing some sort of solution to facilitate testing. I can't make any promises right now, but the conversations are happening.

    Maybe a skillpoints box or special grindy zone.

    Joined January 2009
    Finger wrote:
    Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
  • birzarkbirzark Member Posts: 634 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Injured Soldiers didn't show up on map until after i left the gate of the city from starting point.

    Playing an engineer I find it odd they don't know how to use their own technology yet can reanimate people from the dead.

    Cant complete Defense at the Gates, nothing happens says the Vaadwaur are defeated but 2/3 wounded soldiers recovered but cant do anything.

    Many of the Found missions i didn't gain any skill points only expertise.
  • ereiidereiid Member Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Medbay: "It took us so long to find it." Is that canonical from 'Ashes to Ashes'? Sounds specious. Or maybe he's referring specifically to his own experience? Are you guys sure you're thinking of the Kobali?

    Defense at the Gates: Yup, no spawns for me either. Though when I returned to the Bridge, I did get 2/3 'Recover Wounded Soldier' from captured Kobali I'd freed elsewhere on the map.

    Infiltrating the Infiltrators: You guys gotta think this one through - that is a motherluvin spitton of aggro guaranteed to drop on you at once. Wimpy, but chain aggro is painfully easy in this part of the map, it seems.

    Gate Control: Totally bugged at first checkpoint - progress bar will not advance.

    Several of the misson contacts (Jetanian) scattered in the zone appear on my minimap as questgivers, in spite of having missions completed and already on cooldown.

    Commander Grazer's mountain hideout: Some identifying mark would be helpful to find the northeast exit from the camp.

    Any plans to put in a transporter shortcut to the Homebase? Otherwise, I'd just be zipping up to the ship and back down again.

    As an aside - it took Harry Kim over thirty years to make Captain. And I (the player) did it in less than a year. Surely, he must be at least a little bitter about that.
  • birzarkbirzark Member Posts: 634 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    ereiid wrote: »

    As an aside - it took Harry Kim over thirty years to make Captain. And I (the player) did it in less than a year. Surely, he must be at least a little bitter about that.

    I like to think he took the Captain Picard Route and just didn't let them promote him.
  • hpgibbshpgibbs Member Posts: 395 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    So I've gotten to level 55 so far, and I've been running through the adventure zone, and all I can say is wow.... I'm impressed. Though I have encountered a bug. On the mission Cavalry, where we are supposed to defeat the enemies at the gate. Though no enemies show up at the gate, in completes that part after some time, and then we are supposed to recover the wounded. well, I can't find any wounded on the map. and I've searched quite thoroughly. any thoughts?

    EDIT: mission 'At The Gates'
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  • longasclongasc Member Posts: 490
    edited September 2014
    Yup, confirming. Got the same bug with 'At the Gates'. No enemies appear, nothing.

    Yep, same here.
  • commanderandercommanderander Member Posts: 78 Cryptic Developer
    edited September 2014
    Hi guys,

    I will be investigating the issue with "At the Gates" today, thank you all for reporting the issue.

    As a note, trelane87's screenshot was incredibly helpful. If you guys do find weirdness, please try to snag a screenshot of it. The Adventure Zone is fairly large and has several moving pieces, screenshots regarding bugs that block progress can go a long way. Even if you think it might not contain a lot of info, trelane87's screenshot already gives me several ideas of where the mission is breaking and has saved me some time in narrowing down the problem.

    Thanks again for the feedback, please keep it coming!

    EDIT: I have the issue with, "Defense At the Gates" fixed locally, specifically with the wounded soldiers not appearing.
    Sean "Commander Ander" McCann - Content Designer
  • trelane87trelane87 Member Posts: 242 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    As a note, trelane87's screenshot was incredibly helpful. If you guys do find weirdness, please try to snag a screenshot of it.

    Glad I could help, here's a couple more issues I noticed:

    1. I edited my first post, I was able to get by 'At the Gates' and complete the mission but as I stated the next mission 'With Our Last Breath' seems to not be working at all:


    I couldn't find the Open Mission 'The Last Stand' (I found Signal Noise, Explosive Force, & No Transporter Zone) and the missions I did find kept popping up and going away, enemies despawned then respawned for a split second, whole thing was broken and I was constantly getting this pop up: 'The Last Stand Attack the Vaadwaur base and destroy the chemical payloads.' The enemies at the small base near the Kobali camp were the only ones in the area apart from a couple 'patrol' enemies, killing them didn't seem to do anything and would just respawn after a while. When dropping the mission and then going back to the area after a while the enemies do not despawn:

    Without 'Our Last Breath':


    With 'Our Last Breath:


    As my screenshots show, the enemies go away when you have the mission in your journal.

    2. I noticed some other people mention 'Defense at the Gates' being bugged, here is a screenshot:


    The 3rd Kobali is missing, I had done this assignment yesterday without any problems but noticed this last night before I logged out, as of today the problem is still there.
  • commanderandercommanderander Member Posts: 78 Cryptic Developer
    edited September 2014
    Thanks for the further information, trelane87!

    I believe I have a fix on my end for this. I'll give everyone a further update regarding when you will be seeing this fix put up to Tribble, but that information most likely won't be posted until Monday.
    Sean "Commander Ander" McCann - Content Designer
  • brohoulettebrohoulette Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Some of the Delta mark boxes will not open and give an error message "Unable to Open this Item".

    EDIT: It is now impossible to log into Tribble to check the exact wording of the error. Since its well past midnight - UK time - I'm going to bed.

    EDIT 2: Got back in - Tribble is very slow to log into - error says "Unable to use Delta Quadrant Marks Package. No rewards generated."
  • mightybobcncmightybobcnc Member Posts: 3,354 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I omitted something from my above post. I figured "well it's probably due to the work-in-progress nature and tuning of the zone" but now after giving it a bit more thought, I think I will bring this up:

    Most of the enemies in the zone are pushovers. The vast majority of the Vaadwaur are one-shot cannon fodder that don't even have shields, and even the +5 toughest shielded enemies under the ship at the top of the mountain can be vanquished in 8 shots or less. They haven't managed to kill me yet and I'm a squishy Tac; most of their attacks don't do all that much and I can pretty safely ignore them. I'm not trying to be snarky here but these NPC mobs are somewhat disappointing for level 54-59 enemies. The drones that give some of the enemies 100% damage immunity until you destroy them are interesting though.

    I'm really hoping for some wandering mini-bosses like the Voth Generals or Inquisitors in the Dyson Battlezone.

    Joined January 2009
    Finger wrote:
    Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
  • ereiidereiid Member Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Most of the enemies in the zone are pushovers.

    I'm inclined to agree, but one of the things I've been noticing being that substantial chunks of the zone are just Chain Aggro sinks.

    the West zone for 'Infiltrating the Infiltrators', the Vaadwaur emplacements north of the gates, some of the mountain paths, especially higher up near the Vaadwaur staging area are just jam-packed, that it's pretty impossible for my BOffs to not chain if they're not set to passive - and even then, the extreme mobility of the Vaadwaur mobs is just inviting tons of chain agg.

    The problem doesn't seem to be so much survivability, it's more keeping tasks and missions proceeding without having to hunker down and clear a 100-yard radius because my Boffs and teammates' Boffs have managed to TRIBBLE off everything within shouting distance.
  • mightybobcncmightybobcnc Member Posts: 3,354 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    True. Boffs, and especially the things they summon like drones and fabrications aggro everything you can throw a rock at, which isn't a difficult obstacle so much as time consuming.

    Joined January 2009
    Finger wrote:
    Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
  • warpetwarpet Member Posts: 506 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    lvl 54 seems a bit to high it should be reduced to 52 since most of ppl who played new episodes and stuff were not even be 52 when done so what will ppl on live servers do from 52 to 54 lv gap while waitng new zone to unlock?
  • graysockgraysock Member Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    warpet wrote: »
    lvl 54 seems a bit to high it should be reduced to 52 since most of ppl who played new episodes and stuff were not even be 52 when done so what will ppl on live servers do from 52 to 54 lv gap while waitng new zone to unlock?

    xp rates are reduced on tribble (its a known issue)
  • kasandarokasandaro Member Posts: 198 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    True. Boffs, and especially the things they summon like drones and fabrications aggro everything you can throw a rock at, which isn't a difficult obstacle so much as time consuming.

    Pretty much this - it's the first area that a drone/turret zookeeper composition feels like a significant hindrance. And while the boffs can be set to passive or assist, the seeker and support drones (how do I say this politely) are more inclined to actively chase after a fight than a Klingon in a room full of Ferengi holding tribbles. The tooltip says "nearby", but...
  • sfc#5932 sfc Member Posts: 992 Bug Hunter
    edited September 2014
    warpet wrote: »
    lvl 54 seems a bit to high it should be reduced to 52 since most of ppl who played new episodes and stuff were not even be 52 when done so what will ppl on live servers do from 52 to 54 lv gap while waitng new zone to unlock?
    Not all missions are implemented yet.

    I want to edit this post to say I have completed all 10 Kobali Prime missions along with a friend. All you need is a fresh instance (#1 is bugged to hell, just have to wait until another instance opens). Instancing seems to be a big issue here and will probably be resolved in the next patch.

    During "The Final Stand" the Vaadwaur "boss" has a few typos in his battle taunts:
    [9/14 5:13] [Mission] The Vaadwar shall live on, I will make sure of it!

    Other than that the story was exceptional. I really liked these missions and cannot wait for full VO and rewards.
  • twwiglingentwwiglingen Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    A couple of transporter pads like in new romulus at the points would be very helpful. At least at the points where the Kobali have entrenched.
  • sfc#5932 sfc Member Posts: 992 Bug Hunter
    edited September 2014
    A couple of transporter pads like in new romulus at the points would be very helpful. At least at the points where the Kobali have entrenched.
    There are transporter pads around the kobali zone - you can use the one in the city to go to major choke points. It's the same pad you use in "The Son".

    It will become much clearer once the area map is properly labelled.
  • ereiidereiid Member Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    All you need is a fresh instance (#1 is bugged to hell, just have to wait until another instance opens). Instancing seems to be a big issue here and will probably be resolved in the next patch.

    ******it, I wish I'd thought of that. Instance populations mid-week just seem too low to support multiple instances, sooo, guess I'll haveta hold off.
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