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Only cryptic designs from here on out



  • zensutrazensutra Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    My main issue isn't that they're using Cryptic designs, it's that they're using terrible designs. If you're going to allocate modeler and texture artist time to ships, why not make good looking ones if the sky's the limit?

    When the new NPC enemy ships look better than the ones players are supposed to pay money to pilot, something is wrong. Take away the glow, and now the new Fed ships look like parts from a bigger ship. Contrast that with the Romulan ships which actually look nice and desireable.

    It's like they just decided to use interns on the spearhead of the new expansion. Actually, scratch that, I've seen better student work.

    Hence, I'm torn. I'd like the new Intel and duty officers, but I don't want to reward their terrible Federation designs, in case they take it as a sign I want more of that.
  • hausofmartokhausofmartok Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Fleet Garumba "I'd love to see it in game but no plans currently". Now T6 is here, I don't see a fleet Garumba ever happening. How can they come out with a Fleet versioin of a T5 ship when T6 Fleet ships will be hitting?
    The Hero ships will be left in the dust. Cryptic shot themselves in the foot so hard with Delta Rising I don't know what the heck they were thinking. So basically, all of people who play the game for the IP and because we love Trek and flying Trek ships will be a burden in the Queues and forced to fly less-than ships?
    Will Trekkies in this game just be replaced by the casual who wants to buy some Intelligence silly "space stealth" ships and other new Cryptic design ships? It would be so great in my game if they just plain lost the focus of ships ships ships. Please Geko, we don't want or need a never ending stream of new ships. Give us other interesting stuff to buy and we will buy it.
  • supergirl1611supergirl1611 Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    They need to realize that people play this because of Star Trek and they want to use their favourite ships from the shows.[/QUOTE]

    This here, if the game never had the Star Trek license and ships from the shows that make this game star trek, it had nothing but the current Cryptic designs in the game. I wouldn't after 4 years still be here, in fact i probably wouldn't have even bought the game if there were no cannon ships in it.
    Yes i enjoy the game. but i enjoy flying ships i saw from the movies and shows. not some ugly monstrosity that looks like it was torched with a flamethrower,

    This is Star Trek and i want to feel i'm playing Star Trek. Cryptic have a game license from a franchise that has a huge and highly loyal fan base, they need to treat the license with respect as fans will immerse themselves in the game, Take away the Trek look and feeling and you start to lose that customer base as the game becomes a generic everyday mmo and there are plenty of space combat games out there
  • pwecangetlostpwecangetlost Member Posts: 538 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    A lot does seem to boil down to Geko's personal tastes.

    From having a look on tribble, he does seem to be correct in saying its actually a pretty insignificant different between the T5U and the T6 ships really.
  • equinox976equinox976 Member Posts: 2,301 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    zensutra wrote: »
    My main issue isn't that they're using Cryptic designs, it's that they're using terrible designs. If you're going to allocate modeler and texture artist time to ships, why not make good looking ones if the sky's the limit?

    This is my issue too. Most of the trek series had huge amounts of financial power, they attracted some of the best artist's and modelers that advanced T.V as a whole, their resources probably out scale cryptic s art department 1000 to 1 , perhaps 1 million to one.

    Now they try shovel some 'homebrew' ships in our mouths, which frankly (as are all 'cryptic design ships) look like manure (or something else that rhymes with ship).

    These original ship modellers took pride in their craft, it was not something knocked together in a few hours in a 3D photoshop program.

    They made countless models, and each had to pass the QA of shareholders, directors, producers.

    I for one wont be paying for some slap-dash cryptic interpretation of a classic star trek ship - and if they want to nickel and dime me, at least do it in a semi classic way: ie: with classic ships.

    I have NO interest in 'cryptic designed ships'. I play Star Trek Online, for STAR TREK.
  • kimonykimony Member Posts: 571 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Cryptic's ship design choices are the equivalent of a game company making a "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea" MMO and making 1940's U-Boats as top level end game ships instead of the beloved, iconic, hero, "Seaview" submarine.

    It really boggles the mind.


    #SaucersForever #TrianglesCutDeep #TeamBeta #ShipOneisNumberOne
  • dareaudareau Member Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    For the umpteentg time, the no t5 connie is a license issue. CBS says no ans cryptic can do nothing about that.

    And for the counter-upteenth time, may I remind you that when I first joined, the exact same company you cite supposedly never wanted to see anything but Starfleet ships around Earth/ESD, Klingon ships around Q'Onos, etc - if anything, they could use "lockboxes" to restrict sales so much that each instance should have an "overwhelming majority" of "faction appropriate" ships - yet we've had the second Breen invasion of ESD, Rommies everywhere, heck, in this day and age, with Voth, Undine, Tholian, Temporal, Cardassian, Jem'Hadar, Ferengi, Hirogen, etc. ships out there, actual "Starfleet" ships are frequently a minority around ESD?

    So, right there, one "CBS never" has been tossed by the wayside...

    Our (then) EP himself, Stahl, finds said "CBS Never" is "so absolute" that he can go on record - during one of the last Ask Cryptic sessions - that there's still a "slim" chance for the T5 Connie...

    Sorry, this "excuse" no longer really holds water...

    And we've debated - and debunked, soundly - most other reasons, lore, logic, etc. related to why the Connie shouldn't be available...

    The only one not conquered is "personal opinion". Yours, obviously, along with (Geko if the rumors are true) a relatively high ranking member of Cryptic's staff. At this point, I know that opinion can only delay the inevitable cash rake that can occur - so it's a matter of time before the T5 Connie comes out...

    So, why not now? Give us a T5.5 "Fleet" Connie, and a T5U11 version. Rake in those bills along with all that lovely T6 cash that we're gonna fork out for those "irresistable Cryptic designs"?

    Heck, wouldn't it be funny if - over the first 3 months of DR, the Connie outsells all the T6s? That might be the very message many of us wants Cryptic - and PWE - to see... :)
    Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...

    To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
  • khan5000khan5000 Member Posts: 3,008 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Can someone direct me to the no iconic ships statement
    Your pain runs deep.
    Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
  • johnstewardjohnsteward Member Posts: 1,073 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    After thinking a bit about it they were propably scared we go (even more) crazy if they just said, well, here is T6 lvl, pay 2-3k zen for every ship you wanna upgrade to full T6.

    But thats just because they are somewhat unimagineative (however you spell that^^)

    What I would have done, and still would do is the following:

    DO ask for what T6 ships cost, but make is T6* oder something with following stats:

    -more or less everything T6 has, hull and shield-wise
    -add the extra boff ability slot somewhere
    -extra console slot as always for new tier
    -maybe a new texture/skin for it, or a small extra part somewhere

    and now the main part: just include build in stuff..

    like give the recluse the torpedo as a build in 7th weapon and add its console(s) as build in
    as basically every ship has some console only it has, but most ppl dont use it, so make it so it doesnt cost a slot or something, its just build in, which will not count for a full extra console slot in most cases as many special abilites are about worthless, but they still can be fun nonetheless

    it gets a bit complicated with lockbox ships, as you have to make several versions of those with different combinations of what other set consoles someone has but well thats mostly just copy past and an npc to change between them when we buy a new one from that set.

    that would be enough "new" and nice to make us forget we pay for something we already bought, at least a bit and it would feel like a real upgrade

    I'm quite sure it wouldnt be that much work per ship either, as they already have used that "technology" on the excelsior, the gal dread, the dyson ships and so forth, so its only work load heavy cause there are so many ships, but hey, i wouldnt mind if they roll them out in chunks, sorted by popularity or something

    that way, we get what we want, they can still make new ships with new stuff build in, but this stupid extra consoles noone whats to use stuff would end as noone really can mind an extra ability that doesnt waste any slots, can they?

    JUST DO IT... or was that another company^^
  • mhirtescmhirtesc Member Posts: 581 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Cryptic/PE does make their money, through microtransactions like selling Zen. That should be enough revenue to keep them happy, but apparently it isn't.

    This charging $125 for a Delta pack just feels like a bad, bad omen of things to come. Even when I played a Rom I was able to get by without buying the LoR Pack. This thing for Delta however is being pitched almost as if it would be the only real way to prevail in this game after Oct. 14th.

    It's almost as if most of the upper management of Cryptic had been fired and replaced by bean-counters who scream "GET THEM TO PAY MONEY! GET MORE MONEY NAO!".

    I hope they come to their senses before it's too late. If STO starts to get a rep as a "rich boy's game", then it's going to lose a lot of players.
    equinox976 wrote: »
    This is my issue too. Most of the trek series had huge amounts of financial power, they attracted some of the best artist's and modelers that advanced T.V as a whole, their resources probably out scale cryptic s art department 1000 to 1 , perhaps 1 million to one.

    Now they try shovel some 'homebrew' ships in our mouths, which frankly (as are all 'cryptic design ships) look like manure (or something else that rhymes with ship).

    These original ship modellers took pride in their craft, it was not something knocked together in a few hours in a 3D photoshop program.

    They made countless models, and each had to pass the QA of shareholders, directors, producers.

    I for one wont be paying for some slap-dash cryptic interpretation of a classic star trek ship - and if they want to nickel and dime me, at least do it in a semi classic way: ie: with classic ships.

    I have NO interest in 'cryptic designed ships'. I play Star Trek Online, for STAR TREK.

    A few months ago I brought up the idea of Cryptic hiring some of the veteran Trek designers (like Rick Sternbach) to help do some new designs and help keep some "canon" feel to the game. Sadly, Cryptic kind of blew any chance of that happening before the game even came out.

  • jellico1jellico1 Member Posts: 2,719
    edited September 2014
    I agree with the OP

    I dislike most of the cryptic ship creations from a visual standpoint

    And I wont spend my cash on something I don't like the looks of, It doesn't matter how powerful it is

    They just don't look like what I believe Fed ships should look like...So no cash to cryptic from me

    Let m upgrade my Galaxy to Guardian Stats...Ill pay full price...its only a skin....I believe a lot of people would pay as well

    the best cruiser stats on my favorite cruiser my favorite escort my favorite science ship

    poor way to do business imo
    Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
    Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
    Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng

    JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
  • johnstewardjohnsteward Member Posts: 1,073 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    well they propably never give us the ship we want with the stats we want cause having always at least some stuff "not matching our dream ship" means we are incentivised (i probably spelled this one wrong but i wanted to use that word for a while now :) ) to buy another one, trying to get closer to our ideal setup

    BUT my suggestion as to just build in what the ship already has, make a new skin, a new small part or something and make it full T6 stat wise doesnt mean it will be the perfect ship (well depending on the person i guess) but at least it would

    - allow them to ask the money they would like to ask for it
    - allow us to feel okay about buying them
    - make all those extra consoles "worth using" cause we get them build in
    - still make new ships with new stuff whenever they want
    - allow us to keep flying the ships we really like to fly with full stats

    i know the difference between T5u and T6 or then T6.5 is not that big, but it already feels bad (as intended i suppose).

    i also know that loads of ships come with consoles usable on any ship and there is no reason to stop with that, just have the basic ability of that ship build into that ship (as with the excelsior) and with all the other small stuff above you can basically rework over time all old ships and resell them for little efford, just because the incentives are high enough to make the new one better enough to be worth it.
  • darthlokidarthloki Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I kind of like the designs of the t6 ships but again that is just me
  • mhirtescmhirtesc Member Posts: 581 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    skollulfr wrote: »
    i dont think so.
    they have very little in the 500z range besides bank slots etc.
    on top of that, arc no longer allows purchases under 10 bucks.
    they seem to have abandoned the microtransactions that they never fed in favour of whalemilking.

    You can still make $5 purchases through Steam. PE may think of themselves as bigshots, but they'd be suicidal to p*ss off Steam.
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    It could be a license issue. The one they had if I recall was suppose to run out recently. Maybe the use of additional canon ships would cost too much.

    I think the problem is more: What additional canon ships?

    The ships left now seem to be kitbashes or ships we've only seen in wreck form. Are you sure you want to see a kitbash where you can see that they used the model of a Maquis raider and glued it to an Intrepid saucer? And ships we've only seen in wreck form would in the end also just be Cryptic designs...

    Everything else is outside of canon and partially property of other companies. Like ships from Activision. While they can't use the ships without the Star Trek license, the ship is still theirs, and negotiating for it would definitely be a licensing issue.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • kayajaykayajay Member Posts: 1,990 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    How about letting us assemble our own designs out of everything...nacelles, saucers, etc? Maybe even limit it to the parts of ships we already have, but let us have a little fun :-)
  • moonshadowdarkmoonshadowdark Member Posts: 1,899 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    kayajay wrote: »
    How about letting us assemble our own designs out of everything...nacelles, saucers, etc? Maybe even limit it to the parts of ships we already have, but let us have a little fun :-)

    Dammit, Kay. You're a captain, not a shipwright!

    "A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP"

    -Leonard Nimoy, RIP
  • hravikhravik Member Posts: 1,203 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    kayajay wrote: »
    How about letting us assemble our own designs out of everything...nacelles, saucers, etc? Maybe even limit it to the parts of ships we already have, but let us have a little fun :-)

    Can't happen. Not just won't, can't. The way ship models are built in engine would not allow for it, as the parts have to align to a skeleton.
  • staq16staq16 Member Posts: 1,181 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    atomictiki wrote: »
    I'd say the confusion is rather intentional. Long term players are not on Cryptic's radar. They want whales -- and they want whales who last only a few months ("churn 'n burn") but will buy everything they can to feel superior to the other players in that time.

    Not seeing that actually. If that was the case, you'd be able to pay to bypass time gates on things like reputations and starbase projects, which is not the case. There is also remarkabluy little which requires hard cash rather than earnable-in-game Zen.

    Anyway, I wouldn't give up on canon ships at T6 just yet. We've seen murmurings about T6 Fleet ships, I can see some of the canon designs being resurrected by that means, just as they were at T5. It's just that to start with, Cryptic wants as many people as possible to buy the new T6s.
  • equinox976equinox976 Member Posts: 2,301 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    staq16 wrote: »
    Not seeing that actually. If that was the case, you'd be able to pay to bypass time gates on things like reputations and starbase projects, which is not the case.


    I for one hope the timegate bypassing seen in the new crafting system does not start to migrate into the rest of the game. I dont hold much hope though.
  • johnstewardjohnsteward Member Posts: 1,073 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    staq16 wrote: »
    Anyway, I wouldn't give up on canon ships at T6 just yet. We've seen murmurings about T6 Fleet ships, I can see some of the canon designs being resurrected by that means, just as they were at T5. It's just that to start with, Cryptic wants as many people as possible to buy the new T6s.

    thats actually my main issue:

    they can do whatever they want, just as you said "resurrect" the rest of the ships (over time) with some small addons (I suggested make special consoles build in in addition to the rest of T6 stuff) and if you have to sell them as T6 with maybe a smaller discount than what we got when going from T4 to T5 ships in the c-store. Call it reretrofit and this whole T5U thing is just for the time between now and till they finished the reretrofits.
  • leighandrew12leighandrew12 Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I see the future... the future of STO. There will be a million different starships to choose from and half of that million will be junk. They will just float there in the store gathering dust, no one to love or care for them. They will clog up the shipyard and ESD will have to send them away to the 4 corners of the galaxy like refrugees trying to find a new home. But no one will want them or play with them again...

    Exposing fakes since 2374
  • drazziidrazzii Member Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I think it's okay for Cryptic to come up with their own new designs for ships. They have to advance and they do need to make money. They should come out with newer, more powerful ships, and in fact the NEED TO in order to keep this game alive.

    However, what they should not do is alienate all the Star Trek fans who want to use canon ships in end-game content.

    It has been said a million times and it will be said a million times again till Cryptic does something about it, but ship hulls should be applied like skins.

    Cryptic could make a lot of money this way--make people have to pay for the hull they want AND pay for the ship spec/layout they want at each tier. Buy the skin once, but buy a new ship for each end-game tier level (Tier 5, Fleet T5, Tier 6, Fleet T6, etc), plus the Lobi ships and lockboxes, that should give them a good income. It's worked for other superhero and MMO games, why can't it work here?

    Obviously there does have to be restrictions as to what skins will work on what type of ship (escort skin for escort ships only, cruiser skin for cruiser ships only, etc) and which tier of ships (specific skins applicable to Tiers 1-4 while others specific to Tiers 4-6, etc). BUT IT WOULD WORK and could keep closer to a "canon feel" of retrofitting/upgrading ship hulls.

    All the issues fans have with wanting their canon ship could be (almost) resolved with this. (I say almost because there would still be complaints of not having a T5 or T6 connie.) I've been around since the Beta stages (and played in them as well), and although I don't usually voice my opinion on these forums this request has been around for a very long time.

    Maybe it's time Cryptic changes the way they do business with Star Trek: Online?
  • tucana66tucana66 Member Posts: 710 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    To Cryptic:
    When will we see the remaining canon starships and shuttles released into STO?

    There are various ships, including the Freedom class (TNG), Dauntless class (VOY), New Orleans class (TNG), Yeager class (DS9), Curry class (DS9), among others which have not been added to STO yet. If you are moving to strictly Cryptic-only designed ships, then please give us an idea a.) if those missing canon ships will be added into STO's Holodeck server; and b.) an approximate time frame when they will be available to all STO players.

    Thank you.
  • gurluasgurluas Member Posts: 464 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Look at it this way...
    Assume that there was a World war 2 tv show.. And that Real life did not exist, assume this TV show was in a culture or place that knows nothing of Earth.
    Now this TV-Show spans all of World war 2, and ends.

    Then a game comes later, taking place in the same universe but during the Cold war.
    Would you want the humans to use WW2 equipment and vehicles? Or upgrade as they logically would in decades?

    Same thing here.
  • khan5000khan5000 Member Posts: 3,008 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    gurluas wrote: »
    Look at it this way...
    Assume that there was a World war 2 tv show.. And that Real life did not exist, assume this TV show was in a culture or place that knows nothing of Earth.
    Now this TV-Show spans all of World war 2, and ends.

    Then a game comes later, taking place in the same universe but during the Cold war.
    Would you want the humans to use WW2 equipment and vehicles? Or upgrade as they logically would in decades?

    Same thing here.

    I think this is the main problem right here. Too many people come into the game trying to be Kirk or Picard...I get that...as a fan of TOS I wish I could fly a Connie at endgame....but we are not them. We are supposed to be the next next generation. Out crew will look different compared to Picard or Janeway's crew just like Picard's crew was different compared to Kirk's. The ship's will look different just like the Ent D look different compared to the Ent.

    STO is that next Star Trek show..but this time the main characters are your toons.
    Your pain runs deep.
    Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
  • sonnikkusonnikku Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Could always make a variant of the Akira class a cruiser.

    Cus you know, it's a cruiser. :(
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