Is the Advanced Dyson destroyer, a significant upgrade from the Vesta? With the new season, I want to be sure to have a competent PVE ship.
I would say save those Zen. There's a new T6 sci ship coming with the expansion. If you have the Delta Operation pack don't spend your zen on a dyson. In case you don't want to buy the entire pack, why not just wait for it to be available on CStore?
EDIT: The new T6 Ship: Scryer Intel Science Vessel
The Scryer is a Tier 6 starship designed to complete dangerous deep space espionage missions without being detected by the enemy. It is equipped with a Cloaking Device and Active Sensor Arrays that allow it to gather information about a target to expose a vulnerability. The Scryer Intel Science Vessel also comes equipped with a Sensor Probe Swarm universal console that can deploy dozens of small probes intended to harass enemy starships. Vessels that are affected by these probes will have their shields weakened and their damage significantly reduced. In addition, cloaked foes affected by the Sensor Probe Swarm will be revealed.
We still live!!!!! Hahahahahahahahaa! We live and we will conquer!!!!! Hahahahahaaha!
-Roach, when asked about Klingon extinction!
It's different from the vesta. It's a destroyer, so you're not going to get as many science powers on it. The dyson ships are less versatile but, if geared well they can put out more spike damage. They're great for the GW + CSV + grav TS combo.
Personlly I like the vesta for my fed and the dyson destroyer for my kdf sci and rom sci.
You don't have to buy the pack, I'm sure they will sell the ships separately. I'm thinking their will be a Fed Intel pack with only the 3 intel ships and maybe some BOFFs/DOFFs.
This close to an expansion is buying a new ship a good idea?
I was once DKnight1000, apparently I had taken my own name so now I'm DKnight0001. If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why. When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.
I'm not sure I can recommend buying a "new" ship at all just before a higher ship tier will roll out soon. But besides that, stay away from the dyson ships. The Vesta performs infinitely better on anything the dyson ships can.
The problem with a sci-heavy destroyer is that it kinda doesn't have a good synergy. You either have your energy stuffed in weapons and engines to make your cannons useful and have crappy sci powers or have high aux for sci stuff but your weapons will have the impact force of a marshmallow.
Keep the Vesta for now and wait till we actually see some stats of the new sci ship(s?) that will/may come.
It's different from the vesta. It's a destroyer, so you're not going to get as many science powers on it. The dyson ships are less versatile but, if geared well they can put out more spike damage. They're great for the GW + CSV + grav TS combo.
Personlly I like the vesta for my fed and the dyson destroyer for my kdf sci and rom sci.
This. It's exactly what I'm doing...
Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
DSD has -1 sci BOFF abilities vs classic sci ship layout, -2 abilities vs Vesta that is focused on sci. The destroyer functionality isnt that good either since most of it is keyed to proton damage, which dictates your build direction, and its too big and slow for a forward-firing layout too. Its a poor choice for Fed sci. Roms and KDF can get more from it because they dont have many sci ships to pick from, but Fed has loads of alternatives and should just ignore the DSD.
Anyway, you should not spend any money on T5 ships. Wait for a T6 that you want to fly.
I like my vesta for my sci fed toon, but considering there is nothing like that for Roms or KDF, I use the freebie DSD I got early this year.
But it was nice for my KDF toon to get the gorn sci ship for free which is a better sci ship than the DSD.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
Thinking about the DSD more, it's not a ship for button mashers. To get the most out of the ship you need to be able to identify when you need to be in tac mode or sci mode. Plus be able to adjust power levels accordingly, while on the fly.
It's a thinking man's ship.
Well excuse me for having enormous flaws that I don't work on.
Indeed the energy build is a problem; that's why on my vesta I have the aux cannons; so I just leave low power turrets on it, while most of the damage is coming from sci powers and max out the aux energy level give max power to the aux cannons; which is a win-win for a science vessel
So there will be new tier ships? I thought that with the expansion, just the level of the toon will go up. For now I will keep what I have then; I may be tempted to pick a Dyson one for my Romulan then
At level 40 you unlock Tier 5 ships, the Fleet ships and 3 Pack ships are also tier 5.
Cryptic will be releasing Tier 6 ships that have 10 Console Slots, 11 Console slots at fleet level and 13 Boff Powers up from 12. Going by the ships we've seen the 13th power is an extra Lt.Com level ability.
Tier 6 ships unlock a Captain Trait at Mastery 5 usable on every ship. Tier 5 Ships upgraded to Tier 6 will not have the extra BOFF ability but will gain an extra console so Fleet Tier 5 Ships that have been Upgraded have 11 Consoles.
Both Upgraded T5 and the T6 ships have 4 levels of mastery unique to the ship that requires you to build up XP to unlock bonuses.
I honestly think a T5 Vesta Upgraded will still be an awesome ship, the Aux Cannons aren't available on any other Sci ship.
I was once DKnight1000, apparently I had taken my own name so now I'm DKnight0001. If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why. When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.
With the rep traits the way they are now, the vesta is the way to go especially if you already have it. Make a custume power setting where you drop weapons and what else you are comfortable with and max aux to whatever your cap is (125 or so). This has your auc cannons ( your really should have pulled one dismissed and claimed the shio again to atleast have a second in front if you use torps of 3 if you go all energy weaps) to max both your main weapon dmg AND you sci skills.
On top of this I mentioned the rep traits. In the Nukra rep tree there are those def and off boosting space traits where the boost is based on your.... AUX power. And with the system we have now you can take both the def and off boosts and they are very nice when you are running with that much aux power.
At level 40 you unlock Tier 5 ships, the Fleet ships and 3 Pack ships are also tier 5.
Cryptic will be releasing Tier 6 ships that have 10 Console Slots, 11 Console slots at fleet level and 13 Boff Powers up from 12. Going by the ships we've seen the 13th power is an extra Lt.Com level ability.
Tier 6 ships unlock a Captain Trait at Mastery 5 usable on every ship. Tier 5 Ships upgraded to Tier 6 will not have the extra BOFF ability but will gain an extra console so Fleet Tier 5 Ships that have been Upgraded have 11 Consoles.
Both Upgraded T5 and the T6 ships have 4 levels of mastery unique to the ship that requires you to build up XP to unlock bonuses.
I honestly think a T5 Vesta Upgraded will still be an awesome ship, the Aux Cannons aren't available on any other Sci ship.
Wait, now that's new to me....I have the toon at max level, so the highest tier of ships that you may get is the VA ship (which is Tier 5 right?).
Since when they introduced the new tier? I heard only of toon level increase. Is this new in Delta expansion or already out there? I play so rarely that I miss a lots of fun often
Aux cannons rocks, but I still have issues to understand why others may have ships that does more damage, compared to my build. I have aux cannons that are phasers, and turrets (crafted MKXIII, if I am not mistaken; the purple ones), plus the console to maximize the phased damage (also purple crafted); and when in instances with other players, I see my ship doing much lesser damage than other ships...
1 Quad cannon and 2 aux cannons should be a decent firepower, considering that you fire also the turrets at the same time. Never got into all the calculation and setup to get a good build...I just tried what others did and see if it would fit my needs
With the rep traits the way they are now, the vesta is the way to go especially if you already have it. Make a custume power setting where you drop weapons and what else you are comfortable with and max aux to whatever your cap is (125 or so). This has your auc cannons ( your really should have pulled one dismissed and claimed the shio again to atleast have a second in front if you use torps of 3 if you go all energy weaps) to max both your main weapon dmg AND you sci skills.
On top of this I mentioned the rep traits. In the Nukra rep tree there are those def and off boosting space traits where the boost is based on your.... AUX power. And with the system we have now you can take both the def and off boosts and they are very nice when you are running with that much aux power.
Yup, the Nukara rep is the next stop for me, to get the aux boost BTW I did the trick to dismiss and reclaim the ship; plus I have also a quad cannon from the Cstore Defiant variant; but you can get only one per character, so technically I have the highest DPS cannons that are in game
If the Dyson Destroyer didn't have those fixed garbage cannons it would be a decent alternative to the Vesta. However as a fed the vesta is better. If you are a Romi you are kinda stuck using yhe Dyson as a go to sci ship because there is nothing better.
Wait, now that's new to me....I have the toon at max level, so the highest tier of ships that you may get is the VA ship (which is Tier 5 right?).
Since when they introduced the new tier? I heard only of toon level increase. Is this new in Delta expansion or already out there? I play so rarely that I miss a lots of fun often
Aux cannons rocks, but I still have issues to understand why others may have ships that does more damage, compared to my build. I have aux cannons that are phasers, and turrets (crafted MKXIII, if I am not mistaken; the purple ones), plus the console to maximize the phased damage (also purple crafted); and when in instances with other players, I see my ship doing much lesser damage than other ships...
1 Quad cannon and 2 aux cannons should be a decent firepower, considering that you fire also the turrets at the same time. Never got into all the calculation and setup to get a good build...I just tried what others did and see if it would fit my needs
Yes when Delta Rising releases a new tier of ships is coming, T6. The VA ships are still T5 ships.
Aux Cannons and Quad Cannons are a terrible combination. If you have Aux Power you have low Weapons Power, if you have Weapons Power you have low Aux power. Quad Cannons are not as good as Mk XII Dual Heavy Cannons (Sucks but true)
As for a lack of damage compared to other players there are so many factors. Different Captains in the same ship with the same BOFF abilities (and traits) and the same gear could all get different Damage depending on Career, Power levels and Skill selections. There's also the fact that people may simply be better than you at the game. I know I'm not the best.
Here's my baseline for ship Damage capacity. can you go into Khitomer Vortex Elite and kill 4 probes consistently without help, while DPSing what ever the other guy is fighting? And yes I still find matches where the guy on Probes has trouble killing one by himself.
@Vetteguy, don't forget that a T5U ship and a T6 ship have scaling Hulls and unlock 4 passive abilities. With the T6 ship unlocking a Captain Trait at a 5th. I compared the Scryer to the 3 Sci ships I like using. The Atrox, the LRSV (Intrepid) and the Vesta Recon. It doesn't do what I want it to, despite having a cloaking device. Maybe the non-intel Sci ship will be more my style. Interestingly both the KDF and RR Intel ships look to be exactly what I want in a ship for those captains.
I was once DKnight1000, apparently I had taken my own name so now I'm DKnight0001. If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why. When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.
ywp, but I had the stats so I thought i would post them for reference. I also did not mention special weapons, consoles or such that would affect my decision. personally I hate the looks of the dysons, and the vestas are too fragile. I can fly the MVAE with far more success than the Vesta. Ditto the Chimera.
Vesta for the win then Like the new slick look of this leaked image thou
Also the 150 dollars pack is including the Dauntless....I wonder when we will see these on the store!
BTW I did a respect few times on my cap; and the skill set was the same; but the damage was marginally different, which means that either I do something wrong or a sci captain will never do as much damage as a tac, even if we have the same ship, the same skill points allocated in the same skills, the same BOFF with the same powers.
EDIT: The new T6 Ship:
Scryer Intel Science Vessel
The Scryer is a Tier 6 starship designed to complete dangerous deep space espionage missions without being detected by the enemy. It is equipped with a Cloaking Device and Active Sensor Arrays that allow it to gather information about a target to expose a vulnerability. The Scryer Intel Science Vessel also comes equipped with a Sensor Probe Swarm universal console that can deploy dozens of small probes intended to harass enemy starships. Vessels that are affected by these probes will have their shields weakened and their damage significantly reduced. In addition, cloaked foes affected by the Sensor Probe Swarm will be revealed.
We still live!!!!! Hahahahahahahahaa! We live and we will conquer!!!!! Hahahahahaaha!
-Roach, when asked about Klingon extinction!
I am not spending 130 dollars for the pack for sure
So the Dyson ship is nothing exceptional, compared to the Vesta? In this case I keep it
Personlly I like the vesta for my fed and the dyson destroyer for my kdf sci and rom sci.
This close to an expansion is buying a new ship a good idea?
If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why.
When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.
The problem with a sci-heavy destroyer is that it kinda doesn't have a good synergy. You either have your energy stuffed in weapons and engines to make your cannons useful and have crappy sci powers or have high aux for sci stuff but your weapons will have the impact force of a marshmallow.
Keep the Vesta for now and wait till we actually see some stats of the new sci ship(s?) that will/may come.
This. It's exactly what I'm doing...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
Anyway, you should not spend any money on T5 ships. Wait for a T6 that you want to fly.
Mine Trap Supporter
But it was nice for my KDF toon to get the gorn sci ship for free which is a better sci ship than the DSD.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
It's a thinking man's ship.
Indeed the energy build is a problem; that's why on my vesta I have the aux cannons; so I just leave low power turrets on it, while most of the damage is coming from sci powers and max out the aux energy level give max power to the aux cannons; which is a win-win for a science vessel
So there will be new tier ships? I thought that with the expansion, just the level of the toon will go up. For now I will keep what I have then; I may be tempted to pick a Dyson one for my Romulan then
Cryptic will be releasing Tier 6 ships that have 10 Console Slots, 11 Console slots at fleet level and 13 Boff Powers up from 12. Going by the ships we've seen the 13th power is an extra Lt.Com level ability.
Tier 6 ships unlock a Captain Trait at Mastery 5 usable on every ship. Tier 5 Ships upgraded to Tier 6 will not have the extra BOFF ability but will gain an extra console so Fleet Tier 5 Ships that have been Upgraded have 11 Consoles.
Both Upgraded T5 and the T6 ships have 4 levels of mastery unique to the ship that requires you to build up XP to unlock bonuses.
I honestly think a T5 Vesta Upgraded will still be an awesome ship, the Aux Cannons aren't available on any other Sci ship.
If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why.
When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.
On top of this I mentioned the rep traits. In the Nukra rep tree there are those def and off boosting space traits where the boost is based on your.... AUX power. And with the system we have now you can take both the def and off boosts and they are very nice when you are running with that much aux power.
Wait, now that's new to me....I have the toon at max level, so the highest tier of ships that you may get is the VA ship (which is Tier 5 right?).
Since when they introduced the new tier? I heard only of toon level increase. Is this new in Delta expansion or already out there? I play so rarely that I miss a lots of fun often
Aux cannons rocks, but I still have issues to understand why others may have ships that does more damage, compared to my build. I have aux cannons that are phasers, and turrets (crafted MKXIII, if I am not mistaken; the purple ones), plus the console to maximize the phased damage (also purple crafted); and when in instances with other players, I see my ship doing much lesser damage than other ships...
1 Quad cannon and 2 aux cannons should be a decent firepower, considering that you fire also the turrets at the same time. Never got into all the calculation and setup to get a good build...I just tried what others did and see if it would fit my needs
Yup, the Nukara rep is the next stop for me, to get the aux boost
Dyson Recon ........."31,350".....1.457......4/3......4T.2E.4S..LCDR E..LT......CDR......LT...........12
Dyson Strategic ....."31,350".....1.457......4/3......3T.3E.4S..LCDR E..LT......CDR......LT...........12
Dyson Surveillance ."31,350".....1.457......4/3......3T.2E.5S..LCDR E..LT......CDR......LT...........12
vesta Recon ..........."27,900"....1.35.........3/3......4T.2E.4S..LT..........LT......CDR......LCDR E...12
vesta Strategic ......."27,900"....1.35 .........3/3......3T.3E.4S..LT..........LT......CDR......LCDR E...12
vesta Surveillance...."27,900"....1.35.........3/3......3T.2E.5S..LT..........LT......CDR......LCDR E...12
Scryer Intel............."29,700"....1.25.........3/3......2T.3E.5S..LT..........LCDR..CDR......LCDR.E..13
Yes when Delta Rising releases a new tier of ships is coming, T6. The VA ships are still T5 ships.
Aux Cannons and Quad Cannons are a terrible combination. If you have Aux Power you have low Weapons Power, if you have Weapons Power you have low Aux power. Quad Cannons are not as good as Mk XII Dual Heavy Cannons (Sucks but true)
As for a lack of damage compared to other players there are so many factors. Different Captains in the same ship with the same BOFF abilities (and traits) and the same gear could all get different Damage depending on Career, Power levels and Skill selections. There's also the fact that people may simply be better than you at the game. I know I'm not the best.
Go to put your build up and start a Help my Vesta thread and we'll see what we can do for you.
Here's my baseline for ship Damage capacity. can you go into Khitomer Vortex Elite and kill 4 probes consistently without help, while DPSing what ever the other guy is fighting? And yes I still find matches where the guy on Probes has trouble killing one by himself.
@Vetteguy, don't forget that a T5U ship and a T6 ship have scaling Hulls and unlock 4 passive abilities. With the T6 ship unlocking a Captain Trait at a 5th. I compared the Scryer to the 3 Sci ships I like using. The Atrox, the LRSV (Intrepid) and the Vesta Recon. It doesn't do what I want it to, despite having a cloaking device. Maybe the non-intel Sci ship will be more my style. Interestingly both the KDF and RR Intel ships look to be exactly what I want in a ship for those captains.
If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why.
When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.
Is this a possible leak of fleet T6 vesta from the devs , well I dont know but I like its design :P So stick with vesta
man i'm digging the one on top. looks like and old school F-104 Starfighter
Also the 150 dollars pack is including the Dauntless....I wonder when we will see these on the store!
BTW I did a respect few times on my cap; and the skill set was the same; but the damage was marginally different, which means that either I do something wrong or a sci captain will never do as much damage as a tac, even if we have the same ship, the same skill points allocated in the same skills, the same BOFF with the same powers.