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Official New Delta Quadrant Mission "Friends in Unlikely Places" Thread

coldsnappedcoldsnapped Member Posts: 520 Cryptic Developer
Please post all feedback and bugs for "Friends in Unlikely Places" in this thread.

Delta Quadrant Mission Content!
  • “Friends in Unlikely Places”
    • This mission follows “Reunion”.

Known Issues:
  • Newly released content such as Borg: Disconnected, Mindscape, Escalation, Reunion, and Friends in Unlikely Places are not in a final state.
    • This includes Cutscenes, text, rewards, and art are not in a final state for this mission.
Post edited by coldsnapped on


  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    rather dull assignment honestly and rather disjointed, for example you rescue drones from the collective with hugh and his ship, and then move along to defeat cullah and his flet, the benthens tell you about a borg battlefield, but i did it the other way around i went out and took care of the battlefield first kinda messed up whatever the storyline was about at that point, then dealing with a standard fetch quest for the ocampa.

    a few things, during the pop up messages on the side you see this zoomed out picture of this man in blue and red, clearly substituting for kazon and kobali. the hugh face needs another pass through the tailor, face looks very fat for hugh. this is hugh and please note the borg devices around the head.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • cyberdeath666cyberdeath666 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    So I just played this mission overall not bad liked meeting Hugh tho i had some trouble trying NOT to kill the borg (40k dps scim) but was go one i left my pets to do the work for me, all was ok till I started the freighter mission I was getting some bad lag and the star's were wobbling from side to side (left & right).

    tower: advent - intel pentium G630 2.7 GHz - dual core CPU - 6GB ram and 1TB hard drive - intel HD integrated graphics and Gforce 9600 G

    op system: windows pc, windows7 home premium
  • maxxinamaxxina Member Posts: 158 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Ok :) played through. And some notes

    Its a longer mission , its nice to see many "friends"


    Wanted : When you take it. In total its 7 Wawes of enemies. Yes you get help . But still for total ammount of time for whole the mission . its really long . Would decrease the number from that second phase from 5 to 3 .

    Ocampas : Got little issues with hirogen there ? I dont know they hunt the prey, but gathering resources in location where they were ? Dont know, i would put kazon there. These would be desparate for any resources. Not Hirogen .

    Jarlet system . - Love meeting old friend from TNG .) Just thing here. keeping it alive was one thing, but people will be carefull. Just climbing percentage was kinda weird. You propably got 30 percent ship will give you more saved crew. But with people often with really high dps . this part of 4 part mission is taking long time . I would set in stone for EXAMPLE. CUBE 15 percent of crew what hugh need . sphere 10 . Probes like 4 . And destroyed ships by any chance like 1/2 or 1/3 of normal stat .

    Battlefield : ok with that. Valuable resources. Hirogen waiting here for a pray makes sense :)
  • jodarkriderjodarkrider Member Posts: 2,097 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Played it on Elite, in my usual ship, which is currently un-upgradeable, Feelt Chimera Heavy Destroyer. Overally, the difficulty is okay'ish for a story mission - knowing that these are aimed to be complete-able even for someone realtively new. So I would leave it as is.

    I was delighted to meet Hugh, but I'm sad, that the dialogue options didn't reflect in any way, that my Captain is a Liberated Borg as well, in this case in particular, with a Liberated Borg crew. This is, I feel one of the things, which I miss, and it has been prelevant 'issue', even for the past missions, where it just doesn't reflect your species choice in any way, where it'd make sense. (Anyone remember mission "Doomsday machine"... even when your character is a Klingon, it just doesn't reflect it in any way.. you know what I mean)

    Loved the part with liberating more Borg though. :)

    The mission is a bit on a longer side - which I personally don't mind... also, getting 1k exp's for each destroyed Kazon cruiser is maaaybe a bit of an overkill.
    [10:20] Your Lunge deals 4798 (2580) Physical Damage(Critical) to Tosk of Borg.

    Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator
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    "Your fun isn't wrong." ~LaughingTrendy

    Find me on Twitterverse - @jodarkrider

  • lexxie1983lexxie1983 Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    maxxina wrote: »
    Ok :) played through. And some notes

    Its a longer mission , its nice to see many "friends"


    Wanted : When you take it. In total its 7 Wawes of enemies. Yes you get help . But still for total ammount of time for whole the mission . its really long . Would decrease the number from that second phase from 5 to 3 .

    Ocampas : Got little issues with hirogen there ? I dont know they hunt the prey, but gathering resources in location where they were ? Dont know, i would put kazon there. These would be desparate for any resources. Not Hirogen .

    Wanted is to long, scaled back in the second face to 3 would be better,

    Ocampa: hirogen does not feel right, it bugs me quite a bit, there not resource gatherers there hunters. The kazon would be better cause there always desperate for resources.

    The delta quadrant is in more chaos apparently after 35 years its stands to reason that many factions would be low on resources! including the hirogen but for that missions it does not feel right to me!

    click for bigger image
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    benthon look like they are going to be interesting, i liked their dialog. pretty sure that kazon carrier thing should be quite a bit bigger, but i liked that new original cruiser design. AtD was a good thing for them to have, a bit of control resistance to defend against the pve easy mode of GW, TS and CSV. and those tos phasers were the right call as far as weapons go for them

    fun seeing hugh again, and that odd ball borg ship. a mission were you had to disable and capture was refreshing compared to your typical slaughter them all mission. though those borg need bugged, it was actually really hard not to kill them

    that borg battlefield and the ocompa freighter parts just felt like they were missing some additional component that would have made them more interesting
  • sirboulevardsirboulevard Member Posts: 722 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Something I would consider for the Ocampa Freighter would be to have Linnea guest appear as a starfleet liason to the Ocampa to help negotiate. Maybe Admiral's Quinn's Flagship could be there to protect the Ocampa. Just seems like a wasted opportunity.

    Agreed with the others who think Wanted is too long. the Dialogue is nice, so just speed it up so we get all of it over two less waves. Also maybe not spread it out so much.

    Also the TOS Phasers for Kazons was PERFECT. Its nice to hear that SFX and it reminds you that the Kazon are using out of date tech.

    Also get Tuvok into his Odyssey Uniform on ALL of these missions please.

    TRIBBLE Hydra! Hail Janeway!
  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    the kazon ships could do with a lot more detail, the carrier looks like this brown cone in space with no real detail and it should up sized a bit, either the color of the ships hull needs to be toned down or more details overlooked should be added. i also think the carrier should be far more dangerous then it appears like a special ability that fires multiple beams from the front of the carrier for a number of seconds similar to the vet 1k lotus attack but a bit less powerful on the npc. the carrier also doesnt seem to have a dedicated launch bay either. also think the kazon should employ less annoying sounding weapons then the tos phasers.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • amosov78amosov78 Member Posts: 1,495 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Also the TOS Phasers for Kazons was PERFECT. Its nice to hear that SFX and it reminds you that the Kazon are using out of date tech.

    I hope different Kazon sects have access to different technology; for example the Kazon-Ogla had proton weaponry at their disposal. It would seem appropriate that they'd have stolen and adapted differing technologies over the decades trying to out do one another.
    U.S.S. Endeavour NCC-71895 - Nebula-class
    Commanding Officer: Captain Pyotr Ramonovich Amosov
    Dedication Plaque: "Nil Intentatum Reliquit"
  • longasclongasc Member Posts: 490
    edited September 2014
    This will be a lot about the different race ships, their looks and fighting abilities.

    Argala System:
    - Nice mission/story. Not too long, not to short.
    The Kazon are in general nice.
    Very good: They take a little more of a beating than ships of other races. Carriers are a nice idea for them!
    Rather bad: They absolutely do not pack a punch. I healed my ship with the Valdore console just by firing at them. They barely do damage. Give them some more oomph!
    Looks: The models and general design is nice, the hull of the ships looks rather bland and devoid of detail. I liked the older style Phaser SFX for them, someone pointed that already out.

    Jarleth System:
    Nice Cooperative Flagship. Re-Assimilating or rather stopping the Borg from doing so is nice.
    The challenge of this mission is to not insta-kill the ships. My Fleet Dhelan killed almost all probes, the other ships were also difficult to assimilate below 30%. We are just too strong and our enemies too weak.

    BUG: When I tried to set my weapons power to lowest possible, the special weapon tray icon completely disappeared. This also happens in STFs with such temporary special powers. I use Tray configuration #3 with Bridge Officers hidden, if you just touch a power slider and move it notch up/down, the special tray with the borg weapon and similar things for other missions completely disappears.

    I liked this mission, it takes a lot more time than the rest though.

    Borg Battlefield:
    In the systems list its listed as "The Battlefield", make the names identical please.
    Good looking debris! No kidding, nice debris! :)
    Hirogen: They used their jam sensor and tractor abilities nicely, but were too few and too weak. You can send in a lot more of them, really.

    Ocampa Freighter:
    Cannot be located via systems menu, but it's nice to navigate manually in a while.
    The ships appeared only after I hit a VERY tiny spot in space -> not good.
    Suggestion: Allow people to click the mission to auto-navigate from system to system, including the spot for the freighters or at least make it bigger and better visible.

    The BACKGROUND of the system was brownish, that seems to be a Delta Quadrant theme, and that's okay. But too many stars somehow, it was rather distracting to look at. Dunno how other players feel about this. Was also quite uniform in appearance regardless where you looked, so not really serving orientation well.

    The enemy mobs could use a buff, other than that it was very nice.

    I very much liked this patrol mission sequence. I would wish for the older STO missions of this kind to become repeatable, too.
  • indydsindyds Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    The Dialogs did not always givve correct Information.

    for me Borg Battlefield I got no signatures at debris 3 while it should have been on #4.

    And at "Wanted" right when I entered the System I got the text that Maje Culleh is in custody, which was clearly not the case.
    Also you maybe want to make a cooldown or sth. for this Mission. I flew right back in the System again after finishing and it restared the Mission. Luckily I had not to repeat it.
  • dou8padou8pa Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    The dialogs in Argala system seem to be out of order. When warping in The Benthan patrol is already thanking me for my assistance.

    After finishing the Borg battlefield mission, I didn't let me warp out when selecting the option in the dialog-window but had to use the icon right of my minimap.

    All in all I realy enjoyed the mission!
  • gljp411gljp411 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I preferred this to "Reunion" as it was more interesting - especially as you are left wondering what destroyed the Borg.

    Borg Battlefied: second fight with the probes was a bit too easy. They didn't seem to want to attack me. Also, the dialog about "Race X" smashing a tacitcal cube to pieces was glossed over. Maybe a bit more back ground BOFF speculating on the power needed, what sort of weapon etc. But generraly good.

    Hugh and freeing the borg: agree with the rest of the comments here about the % increases being quite random. The ships are easy to destroy, but I think that's a good thing for us to learn a new skill in not killing everything we see.

    The other two sections were ok and varied.
  • ereiidereiid Member Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    One playthrough tonight.

    1) I gather the Borg to be mangeable for solo players, and also to disincentivize the ludicruously high DPS builds that the playerbase has been gravitating to. But the Probes were like crepe paper - and I'm in a Science Vessel. After a little practice with timing the Viral Array, it was still painfully easy to destroy a ship before converting it. Consider ditching the Probes all together, or at least providing sufficient respawns to minimize player failure.

    1) What's with the Retro Phaser sound effects? Is that intentional? I'm guessing it's tied to the Benthan ships? Honestly, I found it a little distracting.

    2) Seeing as how Culluh was really the only recurring Kazon character that we got to know, it might be nice to see what kind of trouble he's gotten up to these past couple of decades. At least I assume we'll be finding out at some point - otherwise, his cameo here seemed kind of throwaway.

    1) Alert, but no enemy spawns at Debris Field 4. Still progressed and completed just fine, though.

    Ocampan Convoy:
    1) That was silly easy. In some ways, it might make sense to use this mission as a reintroduction to the Kazon, since the combat is substantially lighter than in Argala. Which is saying something.

    2) Locating the convoy was only slightly more of a challenge than the Deferi and Breen patrols in Orellious. The locator reticle on the mini-map couldn't have been more wrong, however.

    Not clear about the other mission options - probably incomplete yet. Is it randomized (ala Reunion)?
    A reasonably lightweight reintroduction to the Delta Quadrant narratively and thematically - though it's weird that it comes after 'Mindscape' in that regard. Were it me, I would consider reversing the order of all of these: 'Friends in Unlikely Places', 'Reunion', 'Mindscape'.

    -EDIT- Anyone else unable to replay this one?
  • amosov78amosov78 Member Posts: 1,495 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    During the Ocampan Convoy patrol the Hirogen don't really fit as the "scavenger" species type. I'd have suggested the Caatati and whatever ships they still had instead, however I doubt that would be at all feasible at this stage, so perhaps the Kazon would be a better fit here.

    Could the Kazon "phasers" be given a more appropriate sound effect. The Kazon carrier seems weirdly small. The ship could do with being increased in size, maybe not the 1800 meters it was meant to be, but a hefty increase would make it feel more imposing.

    Also, are the Borg Cooperative ship hull textures final? They seem oddly under finished, especially when compared to the hull detail "Hugh's" ship model had in TNG. Interestingly enough, the dull silver hull and bluish internal glows remind me of ILM's publicity shot for the Borg Cube in "First Contact".
    U.S.S. Endeavour NCC-71895 - Nebula-class
    Commanding Officer: Captain Pyotr Ramonovich Amosov
    Dedication Plaque: "Nil Intentatum Reliquit"
  • generalmocogeneralmoco Member Posts: 1,634
    edited September 2014
    Seems like "Friends In Unlikely Places" can't be replayed, might be because it's bugged/stuck at only level 51 players and not above that... Or is the mission only 1 time???
  • gpgtxgpgtx Member Posts: 1,579 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    mission looks like it is a one time to show off the repeatable patrols that are in the area

    but that is only a guess as i have not ground to level 51 yet and have only see youtube play throughs of the mission
  • toslover#1432 toslover Member Posts: 327 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Two things I find rather unbelievable about the Ocampan Freighter mission...

    The Kazon are CLEARLY not as developed as the Federation in 2409, which is evidenced by them using TOS-era phasers on their ships. So WHY are they not only at equal level with my Level 51 ship but they've got 80,000 hit points on their Hull???
  • haurianthauriant Member Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited September 2014

    Didn't like initial dialogue essentially saying "Hey, there are Kazons and Benthans fighting. Let's kill the Kazons." It was too abrupt and unwise; we don't know how the situation is changed. Now, if we were able to identify them as Kazon-Nistrium, which I believe Neelix said had been harassing his Talaxians, that would make intervening justified. We'd be helping our only ally in the quadrant. Or if the Benthans requested assistance, it is again reasonable. Also if the Kazon threaten us. But the "Hi, lets fight," attitude felt wrong both for Starfleet and Romulans. For KDF, that could work.

    I also would like some dialogue saying "Neelix told us. . ." something or nothing about the current situation with the Benthans and the Kazon (in the case of the Kazon, a reminder that he did tell us something). Just more evidence that we were smart enough to gather the limited intelligence available to us.

    Some text during the battle from Cullah or a subordinate recognizing us as Starfleet (or KDF, or Romulan, which they would have at least heard of from Seska) would also help make the mission feel richer.


    Maybe I missed it, but did you provide a reason why we have the use the Borg liberation device instead of Hugh? The two reasons I could think of is damage to their ship making it impossible for them to use at the moment or a tactical misdirect to surprise the Collective.

    *Ocampan Convoy:

    I'm fine with the Hirogen being the enemy. They need resources, too, and resources taken froman enemy can be seen as a minor type of trophy. And it establishes they're still around this part of space. Would have liked to have the Kobali talk to us; I only found out their escorts were Kobali by clicking on a ship. Although I dearly hope Linnea shows up in the expansion, I'm prepared to wait for later missions. But it would bed nice to have Ocampan leader taking about hearing stories from her grandmother of the time their ancestors met people from the Alpha quadrent. Also, did they completely evade both Borg and Undine on their way through the Northwest Passage? Some indication of how hard or easy their trip has been would be good, as would some indication that our new intelligence officers want to ask them for information before they leave.


    Feels the weakest of the early missions I played, but primarily because of insufficient flavour text and justification to certain behavior. This can be easily added. It would be great if dialogue could alter slightly to accommodate the order the players chooses to visit the different system. The mystery of the unknown Borg Killers (the solution to which, I now know) is compelling.
  • suuperduudesuuperduude Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    In The Battlefield, the 5th debris field is too close to the map border and I kept getting the end of map error as I was fighting a cube.
    Lion Heart of Hammer Squadron
  • raptram2raptram2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    On Jarleth I'm not getting the power tray Viral Beam Array. I reset my UI but nothing showed up. Left and came back a couple of times, too.
  • sarek93sarek93 Member Posts: 274 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    During the Ocampa portion the Kazon pop ups were a bit weird. The characters looked like red and grey body shapes, not Kazon heads. Other than that, it was good.
    "Insufficient facts always invite danger." - Spock
  • monkeybone13monkeybone13 Member Posts: 4,640 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    For the mission step 'Severed Ties' where you have to get borg ships down to below 30% and use a Borg Conversion beam, it wasn't easy.

    I started attacking 1 Borg cube and ended up about 12Km away when another Borg cube started attacking. The first cube I attacked caught up and I had both friggen cubes spam Borg Shield Neutralizer on me, 1 ship right after the other. The cubes are too close together. :mad:
  • bendalekbendalek Member Posts: 1,781 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Are we supposed to get some sort of weapon for that mission? I'm a Romklink in a Tal Shiar Adapted Battlecruiser, and I didn't get any special beam, or weapon or button to press ...

    Or are we just supposed to "imagine" that we have a weapon? And "pretend" to wave it over the Borg ships. Sort of like a mime in space, and wait for "Hugh" to ... erm ... do his thing ... And use our imaginations?

    If so, I think maybe you might want to change the dialogue, as I spent a good 15mins searching in vain for this "weapon", all the while being ganked by the various Borg ships I was trying NOT to kill ...

    Why do I feel like a Horta? ... "NO KILL" "NO KILL"
    Oh, hoho hohhhhh, Oh,, hoho, hohhhhh
  • trygvar13trygvar13 Member Posts: 697 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    So I just played this mission overall not bad liked meeting Hugh tho i had some trouble trying NOT to kill the borg

    I had the same problem in my Fleet Mogh. Most of the probes I attacked were destroyed.
    Dahar Master Qor'aS
  • trygvar13trygvar13 Member Posts: 697 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    bendalek wrote: »
    Are we supposed to get some sort of weapon for that mission? I'm a Romklink in a Tal Shiar Adapted Battlecruiser, and I didn't get any special beam, or weapon or button to press ...

    Or are we just supposed to "imagine" that we have a weapon? And "pretend" to wave it over the Borg ships. Sort of like a mime in space, and wait for "Hugh" to ... erm ... do his thing ... And use our imaginations?

    If so, I think maybe you might want to change the dialogue, as I spent a good 15mins searching in vain for this "weapon", all the while being ganked by the various Borg ships I was trying NOT to kill ...

    Why do I feel like a Horta? ... "NO KILL" "NO KILL"

    There is a special tray that pops up when you do that part of the misson.
    Dahar Master Qor'aS
  • bendalekbendalek Member Posts: 1,781 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    trygvar13 wrote: »
    There is a special tray that pops up when you do that part of the misson.

    I had no special tray appear. I checked my UI setting to make sure the "special ship tray" wasn't hidden (which it wasn't).

    I'm also not using the "default" LCARS layout and colour scheme on this toon, but the 'Reman" layout, so that could also be the issue.

    As I mentioned I'm a Romulan toon, so we normally have the "Singularity Power" tray, but as I'm in a Tal Shiar Adapted Battlecruiser, it doesn't have one.

    So either it's that ship or more likely yet another Romulan/Romklink related bug.

    Luckily the mission could still be completed, as I got the "We managed to save a few" message from Hugh, but it took a long time to get to 100%
    Oh, hoho hohhhhh, Oh,, hoho, hohhhhh
  • monkeybone13monkeybone13 Member Posts: 4,640 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Edit: Didn't look to see if others answered you already. :P
  • jerran75jerran75 Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I let myself get killed, and when I respawned, the power for the Viral Beam was in my tray.
  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,980 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    During the ocampa patrol mission the background starscape shudders/vibrates rapidly while the player ship is moving. My eyes hurt.....:(
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