Just so you guys know what the dev blog says about the free ships...
To claim Support Cruiser Retrofit: Ambassador Class Tier 5 starship:
1. Log into the game on a Federation character between 10AM PDT on Monday September 1 and 10AM PDT on Tuesday September 2
2. Visit the in-game C-Store via the button on the minimap
3. Navigate to the Ships tab on the left
4. Scroll down to and click on the Support Cruiser Retrofit item
6. Click the Claim button towards the bottom-right of the interface
NOTE: Claiming this option unlocks this ship for all Federation characters on an account.
Once you own the ship, if it has been discharged, it can be reclaimed via the C-Store or at Ship Requisitions.
The Varanus being free, I can understand. It is actually on the c-store currently...
So...WHY is the Ambassador being given away for free on the c-store on Monday...WHEN IT DOESN'T EXIST on the C-store??
And, they would NOT introduce it as a new c-store ship and make it completely free at release...
I assume it does exist in the C-Store. It is always simply turned off so that we do not ever see it as a choice. The Ambassador was a reward for doing the Temporal Ambassador mission. On Monday it will be turned on for people to choose it.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
It's an anniversary ship. It was given to folks that completed the 3yr anniversary mission. They could very well MAKE it a store item, since this will be a 1-day only unlock. Many won't be able to get it free, and many have asked for it before (myself included!). I have a feeling it takes little to no effort to add an existing ship to the store like that. They could very well just add it to the store and once unlocked you can reclaim it repeatedly, but after that day it's no longer a store option.
It's not that far fetched.
It also gives me hope for the Kamarag, which I missed out on last time. It might eventually get re-released as well!
The T-3 variant exists from a mission reward (Night of The Comet, iirc). It'll be a nice upgrade for those of us who like it as a ship. Waiting to see what the slots are like... It's certainly better looking than the Excelsior, so let's see if it performs better too...
It's an anniversary ship. It was given to folks that completed the 3yr anniversary mission. They could very well MAKE it a store item, since this will be a 1-day only unlock. Many won't be able to get it free, and many have asked for it before (myself included!). I have a feeling it takes little to no effort to add an existing ship to the store like that. They could very well just add it to the store and once unlocked you can reclaim it repeatedly, but after that day it's no longer a store option.
It's not that far fetched.
It also gives me hope for the Kamarag, which I missed out on last time. It might eventually get re-released as well!
The T-3 variant exists from a mission reward (Night of The Comet, iirc). It'll be a nice upgrade for those of us who like it as a ship. Waiting to see what the slots are like... It's certainly better looking than the Excelsior, so let's see if it performs better too...
Not from Night of the comet the mission your trying to remember is Temporal Investigations. When it was first released you got both the T3 and a T5 version of it as a single character unlock.
But where's the bloody Kamarag? It's a damn good ship that I need on KDF alts.
Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though. JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
Not from Night of the comet the mission your trying to remember is Temporal Investigations. When it was first released you got both the T3 and a T5 version of it as a single character unlock.
Just so you guys know what the dev blog says about the free ships...
To claim Support Cruiser Retrofit: Ambassador Class Tier 5 starship:
1. Log into the game on a Federation character between 10AM PDT on Monday September 1 and 10AM PDT on Tuesday September 2
2. Visit the in-game C-Store via the button on the minimap
3. Navigate to the Ships tab on the left
4. Scroll down to and click on the Support Cruiser Retrofit item
6. Click the Claim button towards the bottom-right of the interface
NOTE: Claiming this option unlocks this ship for all Federation characters on an account.
Once you own the ship, if it has been discharged, it can be reclaimed via the C-Store or at Ship Requisitions.
The Varanus being free, I can understand. It is actually on the c-store currently...
So...WHY is the Ambassador being given away for free on the c-store on Monday...WHEN IT DOESN'T EXIST on the C-store??
And, they would NOT introduce it as a new c-store ship and make it completely free at release...
Ok, sorry but you guys don't seem to understanding what I am getting at here....
The ambassador was an event ship. I know this. tier 3 and tier 5 versions were available...but they never added it to the C-store. This, is where ALL the free items are coming from this weekend - Items you would usually have to pay zen for. The varanus being free, like I said, I can understand. It is currently available, 2000 zen, on the C-store, tier 5 ship. The ambassador isn't.
Also, IF this happened to be true, then WHY is the ambassador being made available again from the event, but NOT the klingon equivalent?? (the Kamarag battlecruiser - which also is NOT a C-store item)
The only current versions of this ship that are available are a tier 3 version from the mission Temporal Ambassador, and a FLEET version. There is NO Tier 5 Non-fleet variant which is an account-wide unlock!
The Ambassador has NEVER been available on the C-store, same with the Kamarag (equivalent). Any ship on the C-store comes with some sort of unique console or ability. The Ambassador has neither, it is a standard cruiser. It would never be available on the C-store.
So, what I am saying is... WHY is this ship going to be available (based on the dev blog!) when it does not exist in the C-store??
You are too hung up on the idea of the C-Store. I would imagine Cryptic's system puts all their items into the C-Store. As I said above, you simply never see them because they are not activated. It is like when a new ship gets added to the C-Store. Before 10 AM it is not there, then Cryptic flips a switch to allow access and it shows up in the C-Store. There are probably dozens of things in the C-Store that we never see. So do not get hung up on that idea.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
So, what I am saying is... WHY is this ship going to be available (based on the dev blog!) when it does not exist in the C-store??
Ummm, isn't the obvious conclusion that its going to be available the cstore from now on?
I admit, if thats so, its more than a little odd that the Kamarag isn't part of this, but if its an account unlock, which it is, then surely there has to be an ongoing cstore entry for it in order to claim it in the future.
mepedia.com/Fleet_Support_Cruiser_Retrofit]Fleet Support Cruiser Retrofit[/url].
On that link that you included for your post which you claim is the free version:
This ship is a limited time reward, available to players who complete the mission Temporal Ambassador during the 3 Year Anniversary Event from January 31st to February 18th.
The page you quoted states it was only an anniversary reward, and not avilable as a C-store variant! And the Dev Blog states:
To claim Support Cruiser Retrofit: Ambassador Class Tier 5 starship:
1. Log into the game on a Federation character between 10AM PDT on Monday September 1 and 10AM PDT on Tuesday September 2
2. Visit the in-game C-Store via the button on the minimap
3. Navigate to the Ships tab on the left
4. Scroll down to and click on the Support Cruiser Retrofit item
6. Click the Claim button towards the bottom-right of the interface
NOTE: Claiming this option unlocks this ship for all Federation characters on an account.
Once you own the ship, if it has been discharged, it can be reclaimed via the C-Store or at Ship Requisitions.
On that link that you included for your post which you claim is the free version:
This ship is a limited time reward, available to players who complete the mission Temporal Ambassador during the 3 Year Anniversary Event from January 31st to February 18th.
The page you quoted states it was only an anniversary reward, and not avilable as a C-store variant! And the Dev Blog states:
To claim Support Cruiser Retrofit: Ambassador Class Tier 5 starship:
1. Log into the game on a Federation character between 10AM PDT on Monday September 1 and 10AM PDT on Tuesday September 2
2. Visit the in-game C-Store via the button on the minimap
3. Navigate to the Ships tab on the left
4. Scroll down to and click on the Support Cruiser Retrofit item
6. Click the Claim button towards the bottom-right of the interface
NOTE: Claiming this option unlocks this ship for all Federation characters on an account.
Once you own the ship, if it has been discharged, it can be reclaimed via the C-Store or at Ship Requisitions.
OMG! Seriously?
You are hung up on the fact that they are giving it away for free through the C-Store rather then some other means? Really?
Next time I hope they just do it as another ARC give away. That will solve all your problems.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
On that link that you included for your post which you claim is the free version:
This ship is a limited time reward, available to players who complete the mission Temporal Ambassador during the 3 Year Anniversary Event from January 31st to February 18th.
The page you quoted states it was only an anniversary reward, and not avilable as a C-store variant! And the Dev Blog states:
To claim Support Cruiser Retrofit: Ambassador Class Tier 5 starship:
1. Log into the game on a Federation character between 10AM PDT on Monday September 1 and 10AM PDT on Tuesday September 2
2. Visit the in-game C-Store via the button on the minimap
3. Navigate to the Ships tab on the left
4. Scroll down to and click on the Support Cruiser Retrofit item
6. Click the Claim button towards the bottom-right of the interface
NOTE: Claiming this option unlocks this ship for all Federation characters on an account.
Once you own the ship, if it has been discharged, it can be reclaimed via the C-Store or at Ship Requisitions.
Three words.
Two (now) means of acquiring it.
1. Running Temporal ambasador during the promotion, now long ended, which gave you a non-reclaimable character bound version.
2. Claiming it on monday for an account bound, reclaimable version.
Key point.
It's the same ship. A nine console science based cruiser, with a nice turn rate, decent hull/shields, a lovely boff config and a truly iconic look.
Ummm, isn't the obvious conclusion that its going to be available the c-store from now on?
I admit, if thats so, its more than a little odd that the Kamarag isn't part of this, but if its an account unlock, which it is, then surely there has to be an ongoing cstore entry for it in order to claim it in the future.
Why would they make ANOTHER C-store ship available, after bringing out the Constellation 4 days before? Waaaay too soon after a ship release, its not possible.
And then why the Ambassador and not the Kamarang?? Why one without the other?!
So, what I am saying is... WHY is this ship going to be available (based on the dev blog!) when it does not exist in the C-store??
Of all the things to complain about, this is it? They're giving away a T5 cruiser, does it matter that it technically isn't up on the C-store yet? I would imagine that the Ambassador class meeting one of the criteria for T5-U would be a bonus, never mind being made an account wide unlock....
As for why the Klingons are getting the gorn sci ship, do try to consider that the Klingons have a very different pool of ships to pull from. Giving them the same thing wouldn't be quite as nice as you may thing it is (since battlecruisers are a very popular choice among KDF captains, I'd personally rather be handed a sci-ship because that is one of those things that I could use on my toons but would never spend any money on in that faction especially.)
Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
Why would they make ANOTHER C-store ship available, after bringing out the Constellation 4 days before? Waaaay too soon after a ship release, its not possible.
It clearly is possible. Especially as its not really a new ship and they already had it made.
And then why the Ambassador and not the Kamarang?? Why one without the other?!
That one, I'll give you.
It's an odd decision and I'm far from clear as to why.
BUT, this giveaway is an account unlock, which means the tier 5 ambassador trtrofit has to stay in the cstore to be reclaimable in the future.
It may well not have been available from the cstore before monday, but it will be there afterwards.
Who know? Maybe the Kamarag will join it in the cstore, just not in the giveaway.
Where would you claim it from?? Not the C-store, it doesn't exist on there...
Just because you do not see it there today does not mean it will not be there on Monday. Why is that so hard for you to understand?
Yesterday there was no Constellation. A few hours later there was a Constellation. All Cryptic needs to do is turn on the access and the ship appears and disappears whenever they want it to.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
It's not that far fetched.
It also gives me hope for the Kamarag, which I missed out on last time. It might eventually get re-released as well!
Oops, my mistake... Ignore my previous comment.
Not from Night of the comet the mission your trying to remember is Temporal Investigations. When it was first released you got both the T3 and a T5 version of it as a single character unlock.
Heres the Wiki on the T5
Fleet leader Nova Elite
Fleet Leader House of Nova elite
Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Close, the mission is Temporal Ambassador not Temporal Investigations.
Cool last time I ran it I thought it was investigations.
Fleet leader Nova Elite
Fleet Leader House of Nova elite
Ok, sorry but you guys don't seem to understanding what I am getting at here....
The ambassador was an event ship. I know this. tier 3 and tier 5 versions were available...but they never added it to the C-store. This, is where ALL the free items are coming from this weekend - Items you would usually have to pay zen for. The varanus being free, like I said, I can understand. It is currently available, 2000 zen, on the C-store, tier 5 ship. The ambassador isn't.
Also, IF this happened to be true, then WHY is the ambassador being made available again from the event, but NOT the klingon equivalent?? (the Kamarag battlecruiser - which also is NOT a C-store item)
The only current versions of this ship that are available are a tier 3 version from the mission Temporal Ambassador, and a FLEET version. There is NO Tier 5 Non-fleet variant which is an account-wide unlock!
The Ambassador has NEVER been available on the C-store, same with the Kamarag (equivalent). Any ship on the C-store comes with some sort of unique console or ability. The Ambassador has neither, it is a standard cruiser. It would never be available on the C-store.
So, what I am saying is... WHY is this ship going to be available (based on the dev blog!) when it does not exist in the C-store??
No, sorry. Thing Again. When has a FLEET ship ever been available via the C-store, and FLEET ships are not account-wide unlocks, are they.
Ummm, isn't the obvious conclusion that its going to be available the cstore from now on?
I admit, if thats so, its more than a little odd that the Kamarag isn't part of this, but if its an account unlock, which it is, then surely there has to be an ongoing cstore entry for it in order to claim it in the future.
Indeed, its a peculiar decision.
Two possibilities.
First, they're holding something nice back for the next giveaway.
Secondly, the Kamaragaragaragarag is about to get a little special love.
On that link that you included for your post which you claim is the free version:
This ship is a limited time reward, available to players who complete the mission Temporal Ambassador during the 3 Year Anniversary Event from January 31st to February 18th.
The page you quoted states it was only an anniversary reward, and not avilable as a C-store variant! And the Dev Blog states:
To claim Support Cruiser Retrofit: Ambassador Class Tier 5 starship:
1. Log into the game on a Federation character between 10AM PDT on Monday September 1 and 10AM PDT on Tuesday September 2
2. Visit the in-game C-Store via the button on the minimap
3. Navigate to the Ships tab on the left
4. Scroll down to and click on the Support Cruiser Retrofit item
6. Click the Claim button towards the bottom-right of the interface
NOTE: Claiming this option unlocks this ship for all Federation characters on an account.
Once you own the ship, if it has been discharged, it can be reclaimed via the C-Store or at Ship Requisitions.
You are hung up on the fact that they are giving it away for free through the C-Store rather then some other means? Really?
Next time I hope they just do it as another ARC give away. That will solve all your problems.
Last year...
Fed Sci & KDF "Cruiser"
This year...
Fed Cruiser & KDF Sci
Three words.
Two (now) means of acquiring it.
1. Running Temporal ambasador during the promotion, now long ended, which gave you a non-reclaimable character bound version.
2. Claiming it on monday for an account bound, reclaimable version.
Key point.
It's the same ship. A nine console science based cruiser, with a nice turn rate, decent hull/shields, a lovely boff config and a truly iconic look.
Why would they make ANOTHER C-store ship available, after bringing out the Constellation 4 days before? Waaaay too soon after a ship release, its not possible.
And then why the Ambassador and not the Kamarang?? Why one without the other?!
Dude, that's just inhumane.
Where would you claim it from?? Not the C-store, it doesn't exist on there...
Of all the things to complain about, this is it? They're giving away a T5 cruiser, does it matter that it technically isn't up on the C-store yet? I would imagine that the Ambassador class meeting one of the criteria for T5-U would be a bonus, never mind being made an account wide unlock....
As for why the Klingons are getting the gorn sci ship, do try to consider that the Klingons have a very different pool of ships to pull from. Giving them the same thing wouldn't be quite as nice as you may thing it is (since battlecruisers are a very popular choice among KDF captains, I'd personally rather be handed a sci-ship because that is one of those things that I could use on my toons but would never spend any money on in that faction especially.)
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
It clearly is possible. Especially as its not really a new ship and they already had it made.
That one, I'll give you.
It's an odd decision and I'm far from clear as to why.
BUT, this giveaway is an account unlock, which means the tier 5 ambassador trtrofit has to stay in the cstore to be reclaimable in the future.
It may well not have been available from the cstore before monday, but it will be there afterwards.
Who know? Maybe the Kamarag will join it in the cstore, just not in the giveaway.
Yesterday there was no Constellation. A few hours later there was a Constellation. All Cryptic needs to do is turn on the access and the ship appears and disappears whenever they want it to.
Last year:
Both C-store ships (fine, makes sense)
This year:
One is on C-store, One is not. (This is my point.)
It WILL be in the cstore from monday.
That is the counter point.