Actually.... I thought more of the Vidiians. The diamond shape used in the wings does not match what the Caretaker used, but it does match the Vidiian logo.
That said, I believe since she thought Voyager had killed her mate, she was hostile. I suppose that's reason to assume she's still hostile.
Didn't Janeway prove that they weren't responsible in the end? The female Nacene had the power and ability to destroy Voyager, though Janeway allowed her to escape, and she didn't turn her wrath upon them.
This would lead me to speculate that the female Nacene is indifferent. Neither hostile, nor friendly.
OMG :eek: I got goosebumps while watching it
yes more voth. more dinos with lasers. dont have anything against voth i just dont like their pets.
My character Tsin'xing
I don't think they destroyed his mate's array. (The one with the Ocampas on it.)
That said, I believe since she thought Voyager had killed her mate, she was hostile. I suppose that's reason to assume she's still hostile.
Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
Didn't Janeway prove that they weren't responsible in the end? The female Nacene had the power and ability to destroy Voyager, though Janeway allowed her to escape, and she didn't turn her wrath upon them.
This would lead me to speculate that the female Nacene is indifferent. Neither hostile, nor friendly.
My character Tsin'xing
Yup they look Vaudwaar to me, the ships in the back ground looks like there small fighter also
Still... looks like we are going to kick Delta-quadrant butt...