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BoP Needs Real Buff's Cryptic!



  • snoge00fsnoge00f Member Posts: 1,812 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Nerf BoPs, buff Roms!
  • corelogikcorelogik Member Posts: 1,039 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    snoge00f wrote: »
    Nerf BoPs, buff Roms!

    /angry_glare :D
    "Go play with your DPS in the corner, I don't care how big it is." ~ Me
    "There... are... four... lights!" ~Jean Luc Picard
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    edalgo wrote: »
    Bird of Prey.

    Scout class ship.

    Its currently the only ship in game with ALL universal boff stations.

    Enhanced battle cloak

    Got flanking now too

    I don't see why it needs a buff

    The all universal BOFF seating of the BOPs was truly a unique, special thing.

    Back in 2010-2011.

    Nowadays? Hybrid BOFF seatings allowed greater degrees of flexibility. The first truly hybrid ship was the Akira.

    Next, once the devs started throwing Universal BOFF stations on non-BOP ships, it was over. You have ships that have LtCdr or even Cmdr level Universal Stations. This brings huge flexibility in build options. And NONE of those ships sacrifice any BOFF seating for their increased flexibility.

    Battle Cloak or Enhanced Battle Cloak? Nothing special now that you have Fed-Roms with Romulan Battle Cloaks / Enhanced Romulan Battle Cloaks that can be reduced to 9 second cooldowns while the best I can do with my BOP is 18 seconds. That is a WORLD of difference. Also, Warbirds have no design compromises. They have Battle Cloaks. They have short cooldowns on said cloaks. They tend to be quite maneuverable. Almost all Warbirds are fast, maneuverable, powerful TAC-centric ships with top of the line cloaks. Yet they have no negative aspects in anything: No lower hull, shield mods. They're not lacking in firepower. They have no weakness, nothing but +++'s.

    Yet people complain about KDF BOPs???

    Flanking - Unless you're shooting at stationary, slow moving objects, Flanking is pointless, especially in today's game. Firstly, the devs decided Flanking in PVP would be reduced (yet look at what the Roms get away with). Secondly, the game's movement between ships has gone up considerably. Trying to get flanking is very difficult. And if you get flanking off right, the damage compared to PVE is greatly reduced.
  • oakland4lifeoakland4life Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    y u write in red? :P

    By the way, BoPs have Battle Cloak, and while an escort in dogfight most likely will win, the BoP can just escape outmaneuvering it. After all, there's only one escort that can cloak, and when it does it isn't fighting. You're missing the point they aren't meant for putting up a true fight.

    Actually, Romulan warbirds should get a nerf somewhat. How come I get +40% damage for 15 seconds on my Scimitar, and the Defiant does +15% for 5 seconds? wtf?

    However, an innate defense bonus should be a must IMO, like 10%. Flanking is fine, +25% on players would make them lol.

    Hi Tony Stark. ^_^

    I've did not mention the Battle Cloak since that not really an advantage anymore since the advent of Romulan Warbirds which have full stats either from Fed Escorts or Fed/KDF Cruisers/Battle Cruiser with their own Battle Cloaks with no signifigant disadvantage what so ever excaept the -40 total power loss due to having Sig Abilities instead.

    As i mention the BoP advantage in turn rate may no longer be an advantage mostly due to the advent of newer Fleet Engineering Consoles and Universal Consoles with Turn Rate bonuses that can put alot of Escorts for lets say with 3-4 or more that can put them to a point where Esocrt will have the near or par Turn Rate with BoP.

    Yes i know what BoP are made for in the game ''Hit & Run'' they can't really hit and run if all Escorts have the same Impulse Mod as BoPs while ships like the JHAS, Risian Corvette, Xindi Escort can easily outrun BoP with their far superior Impulse Mods which a Raiders dreams of doing, not to mention that those Escorts have far superior stats than BoP's.

    As for the Romulans being OP, like i've said many times that the real source of Romulan OP'ness is mostly from their BOff's Space Traits, since Cryptic will not change them the only way to deal with it is to introduve new KDF and Fed BOff's with more unique Space Traits with similar performance that can be on Par to the Romulan ones.

    Why i write in red... um, For The Empire! ^_^

    Back to BoP's, i've mention that they need change Flanking vs Player 8.3% and put a full 25% which i still believe because of alot of BoP disadvantages to other comparable ships, while i personally don't like the flanking idea but it's in the game and Cryptic should get it right.
    While alot of ppl said that BoP should have more Shield and Hull buff and i could see what they coming from, but to me i don't suggest it mostly because it will make them into Escorts themselfs and i believe that the more conventional buff is the Impulse Mod increase which could make them slightly faster than Escorts and not equal so it can do it's real job Hit & Run.
  • oakland4lifeoakland4life Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Exactly, finally someone else stated it first.

    The ship is not an escort, it is a mere scout vessel!

    Putting it exactly on par with escort class vessels, would mean it may need lose something in return, you know like the EBC on the few that have it.

    I think ur mistaken what buff i was asking for...

    What i meant for Raiders to be equal with Escort/Warbirds, is not making Raiders into Escorts but make the Raiders in their own way able to compete with the Escort with its own unique stats.

    Right now Escorts and Warbirds are clearly statistically superior to BoP's in just about everything, i'm not asking to ''give'' the Raiders with the defensive stats of Escorts, but give it a improved Impulse Mod instead over that of Escorts/Warbirds so Flanking could in be ''theory'' used more effectively and yes it's a ''Scout Vessel'' and they should be faster and i do believe that Raiders should have ''almost'' as much firepower in terms of Tac Console slots.

    I know that BoP's have the Turn Rate advantage but again i will say that advantage is lost due to Fleet Engineer Consoles and Universal Consoles with Turn Rate bonuses.

    Besides the KDF Escort role belongs to the Raptors at this point is still years of being nelected lets hope their can be more better Raptors at T6 than the terrible job that Cryptic gave them at T5.
  • hyefatherhyefather Member Posts: 1,286 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    What we need is a true Bird of Prey.

    In Trek canon the BOP is the standard KDF ship. It had multiple versions and ranged in size from the brel of the trek movies up to cruiser size ships with full cruiser size crew complements. The Raptor idea should have never made it into the game.. Bops are KDF escorts period. (raptors where seen in one episode and it was a small scout ship like an early pre rom influence bop... sort of what I think the Enterprise guys where going for)

    With that in mind what we need is a T6 Proper BOP.

    Call it a Heavy Raider... or Super Raider what ever you want. What it should have are the following.

    1) Set commander station. Tactical (this removes the QQ over Sci bop silly notions the devs used to have)
    2) 4-5 Tac consoles. 4 area a must... frankly there is no reason a bop should not be in on the 5 console standard of DMG ships these days... BUG, Xindi, Andorian, Fed Battlecruiser, Hef, Dhelan... 5 tac consoles are the gold standard of a dmg ship. Anything less is a support ship these days.
    2) 5 Boff slots. The mirror bop and the Norg had it almost right... there is no reason at all whatsoever for the bops to be one slot short... not when ships of the same size crew wise (bug xindi) ect have a proper ship setup.
    3) Proper Hull and Shields... its not an option anymore to fly a ship seriously (even as a raider) that can be one shot so easily.
    4) Escort defense rating... Escorts get +10 Defense for free... I would say the bop deserves the same the idea of a "raider" class is long dead... all these new escorts could also be called raiders really there no larger and have the same size crews. If anything logicaly a bop would have more bonus defense... regardless raiders and escorts should share this bonus. At the very least bops should get +5 bonus.
    5) Rear / Fore weapons. Bops have always been minus one weapons... again there is no logical reason that a xindi ship of the same size can pack an extra weapon in the front or a defiant can pack an extra one in the rear.

    This is my suggestion for a T6 Refit Hegh'ta Heavy Bird-of-Prey
    Tier 6
    Type:Heavy Raider
    Hull:31,000 (2000 less then xindi scort)
    Shield Modifier:1.0 (standard shield mod)
    Weapons:Fore 5 Aft 1 (If I said 5/2 you wouldn't even look at it lol)
    Can equip dual cannons.
    Crew: 100
    Bridge Officers: Commander Tac... 1 Lt Cmd... 2 Lt Uni... 1 Uni Ensign
    Device Slots:2
    Consoles: 5 Tac - 2 Sci - 3 Engi
    Turn Rate:21
    Impulse Modifier:0.20
    Bonus Power:+15 weapons power
    Abilities: Battle Cloak
    - NO Flanking bonus on the Heavy Raider
    - Heavy Raider Defense +5% defense ( or instead something interesting like say Heavy Raider Defense screen... immune to dmg for .5s once every 1min... like a lite version of the aegis 2 piece proc)
    + What ever Sillyness is going to happen for T6... be it an extra piece of ship gear or some form of T6 first officer style Boff station or what ever it is.

    I hate to tell you but, you just Nerfed the Teir 6 BOP way,way more that cryptic did the teir 5.
    Just imagine a Teir 6 Defiant or Avenger going up against a ship with the specs you just listed above. It would be a epic fail. Fed cruisers with 10 weapon slots 5/5 70,000 hull, 12 consoles, 5 boff slots, 2 Commander,2 Lt commander 1 Lt. . Shield mod. 1.4 . Remember if STO trys to stick to the AAA MMO standard of level capping. When you go from level 50-60 its no small Feat. In vanilla wow a paladin had 4k health normally, outland 25k , LK 50k, Cataclysm 175k, pandaria 600k , See the jump. Its normally epic. If on a 40,000 hull ship in sto gets a teir 6 makeover and its now 41,000. I'm gonna be sick. NO WAY should a teir ship below a Teir be able to defeat it. By competent players of course. I hope you have the Experiance of many years playing MMOs to understand where I'm coming from. More importantly, I hope cryptic does.
  • knuhteb5knuhteb5 Member Posts: 1,831 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    We need a t6 k'vort bop with a turn-rate at around 17, 34,000 hull, 4 forward/3 rear weapons, and 4/3/4 console set-up since I'm assuming t6 ships will have 11 consoles. Boffs: 2 commander universals, 2 ensign universals, and one Lt. Univ.
  • oakland4lifeoakland4life Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    knuhteb5 wrote: »
    We need a t6 k'vort bop with a turn-rate at around 17, 34,000 hull, 4 forward/3 rear weapons, and 4/3/4 console set-up since I'm assuming t6 ships will have 11 consoles. Boffs: 2 commander universals, 2 ensign universals, and one Lt. Univ.

    like T5 i will expect T6 to be the same with a Lower Tier 6 maybe around level 55 and higher Tier 6 at level 60.

    So will expect... for each ship class weather its KDF, Feds or Roms
    - Hull increase: by 10-20%
    - Shield Mod: increase by 10%
    - Weapon Slots: with 1-2 more added depending on the Ship class
    - BOff's Seating: 5 BOff's would most likely still be standard to most ships, but they might add 1-2 more BOff's abilities and they might add a ''Captain'' BOff seating and as the highest BOff's rank on the type of ship they are... they did mention this a long time ago.
    - Atleast 1 Universal BOff to all T6 ships: i will expect that most if not all T6 ships will have atleast 1 Universal BOff seating, so most of the older T5 ships that have fully fixed BOff station would most likely have a face lift in T6.
    - Consoles: i will expect 1 for Lower Tier 6 ship and 2 to higher Tier 6 Fleet Ships

    These i will expect to be the same
    - Speed and Turn Rate will be the same on all ships
    - Inertia will be the same on all ships
    - Device Slots: would most likely be the same since Cryptic done nothing much for it except for Red Matter Converter and Nimbus Fleet Support.
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I think ur mistaken what buff i was asking for...

    What i meant for Raiders to be equal with Escort/Warbirds, is not making Raiders into Escorts but make the Raiders in their own way able to compete with the Escort with its own unique stats.

    Right now Escorts and Warbirds are clearly statistically superior to BoP's in just about everything, i'm not asking to ''give'' the Raiders with the defensive stats of Escorts, but give it a improved Impulse Mod instead over that of Escorts/Warbirds so Flanking could in be ''theory'' used more effectively and yes it's a ''Scout Vessel'' and they should be faster and i do believe that Raiders should have ''almost'' as much firepower in terms of Tac Console slots.

    I know that BoP's have the Turn Rate advantage but again i will say that advantage is lost due to Fleet Engineer Consoles and Universal Consoles with Turn Rate bonuses.

    Besides the KDF Escort role belongs to the Raptors at this point is still years of being nelected lets hope their can be more better Raptors at T6 than the terrible job that Cryptic gave them at T5.

    The best I could recommend for them, is to grant them their initial 25% flanking bonus, and a lot larger bonus to their impulse modifier, say maybe a 0.25-0.30 for the added speed!

    TR on those to me, should have always been in the 17+ category for each (20-22 for the EBC one).

    As for another hull, or shield mod increase, meh I am not so much on par with them needing it.

    3-4 Tac consoles are sufficient enough, for a hit & run vessel.

    I mean they are primarily meant, to be a hit & run ship, and not one to go toe to toe with a full on escort.

    Best that they pick on larger vessels, constantly being a nuisance to them, or simply wait for the prime opportunity to gain a quick kill, off of a badly damaged escort!

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

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  • havamhavam Member Posts: 1,735 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    bops are OP, chklogsthx byeON a serious note, buffing bops is about a reasonable start but the kdf .....oh the kdf.... so much that needs fixing....it never happened, and it will never happen.
  • ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    BOPs are fine. Faction ships of all kinds are about equally poor vs lockbox specials now. Class-killers like Vesta/Patrol/Mogh being the exception. Cryptic will upgrade the rest when they want a big $$ bump.
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    ON a serious note, buffing bops is about a reasonable start but the kdf .....oh the kdf.... so much that needs fixing....it never happened, and it will never happen

    the truth and nothing but the truth.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • wildweasalwildweasal Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    BOPs are fine. Faction ships of all kinds are about equally poor vs lockbox specials now. Class-killers like Vesta/Patrol/Mogh being the exception. Cryptic will upgrade the rest when they want a big $$ bump.

    yeah BOPs are fine i wonder whats gonna happen when they buff the Aquarius and give it everything the bops has but a cloak....lord i guess the tears will flow then huh?
  • tehbubbalootehbubbaloo Member Posts: 2,003 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    you mean something like the breen raider that i hardly ever see in use?
  • tfomegatfomega Member Posts: 812 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    ghyudt wrote: »
    Battle cloak. That's why bops have fewer consoles. All universal stations. That's why they have fewer boff stations. Extra damage after decloak. Fewer weapons. I haven't looked anything up, but I'd be willing to bet that they were designed to go after cruisers rather than other escorts. Its time everyone stopped complaining about their ships being weak and started using then as they were meant to be. In a group, with support.

    shortsighted view..

    then take away boff slot, weapon slot, hulls, and shields from t'varo...

    Does that sit well with ya?

  • mrgrocer56mrgrocer56 Member Posts: 370 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    As a 99% Fed player, I support a BoP buff.
  • tfomegatfomega Member Posts: 812 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Most of you guys know that I have flown pretty much 3 ships since beta.. never even explored any cruisers or sci vessels.

    I have flown defiant (different flavors), JHAS (ShatnerPrize :)) and a b'rel for the last 4.5 years. Yup, that's right.. nothing else except for the xindi escort within the last few weeks.... not because I wanted to fly it, but because cryptic forced me to. I can't tell you how easy it is to stay alive in power creep compared to the b'rel. And the damage that thing can do compared to a b'rel is unbelievable. So cryptic made me give up my favorite ship so that I can enjoy pvp battles longer. that's pure TRIBBLE!

    I know what the TRIBBLE I am doing in a b'rel, so don't give me the "fly them like you are supposed to fly them" TRIBBLE. I can tell you how the survivability has decreased with each of cryptic's game releases.. first I started out with 1 neutronium... then 2, then some field gens, then s'more neutroniums until i can't even use universal consoles because I am trying to keep my defenses up.

    Yes, I could do the cheap way like most of you do and use the high amount of escape consoles, jam sensors, scramble etc.. but i have bypassed that cheap gameplay for now.

    it is 4 seasons past due for the b'rel to get what was taken from it when EBC was introduced!

  • wilbor2wilbor2 Member Posts: 1,687 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I love my bop but when roms came out it was basically nerf to hell flanking nice against npc but next to useless against players. Rom get no reduced dmg out put against players but kdf bop players do its a bit unfair i think. No one can say anything to change my beliefs.
  • oakland4lifeoakland4life Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    BOPs are fine. Faction ships of all kinds are about equally poor vs lockbox specials now. Class-killers like Vesta/Patrol/Mogh being the exception. Cryptic will upgrade the rest when they want a big $$ bump.

    BoP's in terms of Statistics are not fine when compared to other classes of ships period... only thing they got over other ships in base Turn Rate, i don't consider ''Flanking'' a advantage due to the Nerf'd damage vs Players (8.3%) escpecially when many of them having less Tactical Consoles than most Escorts and Cruiser... Feds for an exmample have more 4 Tac Console Cruisers than BoP's that has them and the same goes for Raptors.

    No surprise that Foreign Alien Lock Box Ships which many are the best in the game in general since theres alot more of them than the entire End-Game KDF and Romulan ships combined. not to mention they got 5 this or 5 that Consoles, some have 5 Fore Weapons, most having atleast 1-2 Universal BOffs seating, and some with gimmick passive abilities like the Hirogen Mask Energy Sig and the Undine speciial self-repairing thing.

    We will see most ships in game have buff in stats at Tier 6 but nothing really drastic.

    Raptors are good a class since they're basically a Fed Escort with an intergrated Cloak, but the problems that hampered them is not it's design, but the lack of interest of Cryptic's part of making new Raptors with good consoles layout, good BOff's seatings, etc. not to mention there are few designs out there in T5 which like other earlier STO ships are outdated mostly due the the fixed BOff's seatings.

    Battle Cruisers are the best classes of ships for the KDF... though the Brotas do need an increase to their Shield Mod to match that of other Fleet level KDF Battle Cruisers.

    BoP's while being played by alot of ppl most due to B'rel fans (like me ^_^), Battle Cloak and it KDF tactics being used with it, not to mention it fills the void of a DPS escort the KDF (which BoPs are not intended to be) mostly because the lack of interest of Cryptic investing in Raptors. despite that being said the BoP's weaknesses are very evident which i posted on the 1st page.

    wildweasal wrote: »
    yeah BOPs are fine i wonder whats gonna happen when they buff the Aquarius and give it everything the bops has but a cloak....lord i guess the tears will flow then huh?

    Cryptic already made it clear that the Aquarius will ''NOT'' be a Raider. it's basically a ''Destroyer'' a subclass (in STO) of the Escort. What the Aquarius needs to be upgraded to the Escort standard in terms of weapons and speed mod while maintaining it own uniqueness and of course it will either need a Shiled mod buff or a Hull buff.

    The ''Destroyer'' like the ''Dreadnaught'' are not very well define in STO. in real life ''Destroyers'' while stronger than a Frigate and Weaker than a Cruiser are one the most common combatant vessel thoughtout the 20th Century and even to this day. while ''Dreadnaughts'' are pre-ww1 large gun ships which later got replace by more powerful Battleships duing for first half of the 20th century.
  • orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    BoP Needs Real Buff's Cryptic!
    -Define "real buffs" (though this smells like a No True Scotsman fallacy)

    -Raiders shouldn't be compared to other types of tactical ships(though it's arguable that all Raiders are tactical ships anyway) because they're not other types of tactical ships.
  • ooliteflightooliteflight Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    My B'rel is my primary PvP ship and I have no issues staying alive in PvP or getting kills. However right now it is a slightly underpowered ship spec-wise. I think all it needs is a unique console, an impulse modifier increase (.22+) and maybe an ensign universal.
  • oakland4lifeoakland4life Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    orangeitis wrote: »
    -Define "real buffs" (though this smells like a No True Scotsman fallacy)

    -Raiders shouldn't be compared to other types of tactical ships(though it's arguable that all Raiders are tactical ships anyway) because they're not other types of tactical ships.

    Raiders - High Speed Hit & Run Tactical Ships

    Escorts - Pure Dog Fighting Tactical Ships

    Eidt: Thats my view... and which how they were suppose to be defined.

    for Buffs i believe Raider should have a 100% working Flanking vs players and a Impulse Mod buff to around 0.22 to 0.24 after all they are Hit and Run ships.

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