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RRW bridge officer recruitment DOFF assinment since 9.5?



  • eagledracoeagledraco Member Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Wouldn't surprise me if Cryptic unknowingly broke Rom BO Recruitment with 9.5

    Also wouldn't surprise me if a dev posted something about this on twitter instead of forums. :rolleyes:
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    dpsloss88 wrote: »
    Yeah, looks like this mission is kuput. I run 8 romulan alts and have not seen this mission since 9.5

    Yeah, I have yet to see one since 9.5, and I used to get them decently often.

    In fact both of my Rom toons, have a full crew of SRO's, and I used to sell the extras from time to time for a reasonable price, provided they even wound up with that trait at all, now I have yet to see this doff mission show up anymore, yet I get loads of faction species ones (1 almost everyday).

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • seathemacseathemac Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Uh, no.

    Cryptic LOVE the exchange because it drives lockbox/key sales. People buy keys and lockboxes and lobi store trash specifically to sell on the Exchange to make credits. It's a driving factor. People buy stuff they don't need with real money, to trade to people who want it for virtual money to buy the trash other people put on the Exchange. And of course these people are generally selling to folks who would never pay real money for those virtual products, so no (or few) sales are lost by Cryptic, only gained. It's not unlike the Dilithium Exchange in that way.

    If they loved the exchange they wouldn't completely stop the supply of high end goods that are being sold on it, which they have.

    If they loved people buying lock box keys and drops for EC they wouldn't cut the amount of EC going into the system by 70%, which they have.

    If they loved people selling lock box keys they wouldn't force the price down to the point that they are no longer worth selling, which they are in the process of doing.

    Your theory doesn't fit the facts I'm afraid.
  • seathemacseathemac Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    imruined wrote: »
    Additionally, have you stopped to consider you've just had a run of bad RNG? I am yet to notice a change in drops myself, nor does anyone I know seem to have experienced a reduced drop rate...

    I don't know what game you are playing friend but it's certainly not the same one I am. Everyone I speak to in game agrees that there are no more decent drops. Not one person I have spoken to has dropped a single Mk XI purple Phaser, Antiproton, Plasma or Neutronium console.
    Also it's an absolute fact that as of right now there are only 13 MK XI purple Neutronium consoles left on the exchange and the same 24 AP Mag regulators as there were last night.

    If drops are still the same why are there no more of these going up for sale?
    Sure, people might be hoarding resources in preparation for the new expansion but that wouldn't stop people listing them for sale if they were dropping.
    Ergo they aren't dropping. No matter how much you delude yourself that they are.
  • happyhappyj0yj0yhappyhappyj0yj0y Member Posts: 699 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    seathemac wrote: »
    If they loved the exchange they wouldn't completely stop the supply of high end goods that are being sold on it, which they have.

    If they loved people buying lock box keys and drops for EC they wouldn't cut the amount of EC going into the system by 70%, which they have.

    If they loved people selling lock box keys they wouldn't force the price down to the point that they are no longer worth selling, which they are in the process of doing.

    Your theory doesn't fit the facts I'm afraid.

    No, I provided you with facts and you've covered your ears, denied them, and barfed back conjecture based on your limited polling of a few people and your personal interpretation of what you see on the Exchange.

    Fact is, it's very likely the reason that you're hearing about very few purple XI drops is because you're talking to a limited, unlucky sample of people. What percentage of the base have you polled? A fraction of a percent, right? Does that seem like a way to collect accurate "facts"? Doesn't seem like it.

    Now, consider that you're primarily talking CONSOLES and one of the easiest ways to get high end consoles are DOFF missions which still exist and are just as frequent as always. Thus there ARE new Mark XI and even Mark XII very rare consoles coming into the market, I know because I've gotten some that way (I've also gotten some very rare Mark XI... drops! *gasp*, not many, but I never got many before so that's not much of a change). So your "no new items into the system" idea is demonstrably wrong. DOFF assignments which are readily visible make that an absolute impossibility.

    As far as cutting the amount of EC into the system goes, and it's relation to lock box sales... are you familiar with the term "specious reasoning"? Just because A and B are all neighborly in the space/time continuum doesn't mean B is the reason for A. Fact is, there has been an unhealthy glut of credits in the system since, uh, launch. This has existed because there's been no good credit sinks, which means more and more has just been pooling into the system. All in, very little out since the only place to really spend it is the Exchange, which doesn't get rid of it, just moves it around. End result? The game becomes less and less newbie friendly as the old guard have mountains of cash and are setting the prices (not to mention Exchange poaching, artificially inflating prices there), and the fresh blood have nothing.

    In a game with churn as high as this, does making the economy as daunting and inaccessible as that sound like a good thing? To be frank, Cryptic have added a few new sinks (the fleet system is one GIANT one) and, well, this is step two. Everyone knew it was a problem. This isn't some conspiracy to TRIBBLE the Exchange, cutting the EC worth of vendor trash (the primary means of influx) is... well, unfortunate, but should have been expected by everyone who was paying attention. So yeah, prices will drop and find a new medium in stride with the new (hopefully more reasonable) levels of cash flow. This... was sadly necessary and you should have seen it coming.

    As far as what's listed on the Exchange. We're having an upheaval right now thanks to the announcement of Tier Six and Mark XIV. Like I said, I've had very rare Mark XIs. Have you seen them on the Exchange? Probably not, and not because I'm holding onto them. Fact is, if you've been around for a while you've seen what Fleet Gear, STF Gear, Reputation Gear, etc. has done to the value of the vast majority of very rare XI gear, no? Driven the price into the toilet, right? Hell, you can't sell a very rare XI Deflector on the Exchange for more than you can vendor it for (I know, I've tried. Today my very rare XI deflector was mailed back to me for... what, the eighth time? To be frank, yeah, I'm vendoring it now because that's what it's worth). Fact is, as soon as something somewhat accessible and better comes out, it entirely devalues the old big ticket items. We've seen this. The market has proved it time and again. There's no debate to be had.

    So now that we have XIV gear coming up, what do you think people see in the future? To be frank, anyone capable of learning from the past is pricing stuff to move so that's it's sold as soon as it's listed because you don't wanna be that guy with a glut of very rare gear that could sell for a moderate (previously higher) price just sitting in the Exchange lists after Cryptic drops their Dev Blog letting everyone know it's yet more worthless vendor trash...

    Now, doesn't that all make a LOT more sense than some harebrained conspiracy to TRIBBLE the Exchange which is a prime driving factor behind lock box key sales, something we ALL know Cryptic LOVES? I think it is. Oh, and to quote you...
    seathemac wrote: »
    You can't tell me I'm talking nonsense and then not come up with one single cogent argument in refutation.

    You really haven't, didn't try, and can't (since it's readily obvious) refute that the Exchange is good for key sales, and thus good for Cryptic. All you did was deny, you did not refute, certainly not with a cogent argument. Thus, to quote you again...
    seathemac wrote: »
    I'm all for reasoned debate and I'll even concede I am wrong if you can offer me an intelligent and well thought out perspective.

    It's time. Facts and reason are not on your side. All you have is denial and tentative theories based on nothing but conjecture and wholly unsatisfactory personal evaluation of the situation based on fallacy and your own (very) incomplete and woefully inadequate polling.

    Now, regarding the actual topic... yeah, the DOFF assignment is probably borked. While on STOked awhile back Geko flatly admitted they may have messed up some DOFF assignments while tinkering with the DOFF system for 9.5. So yeah, hopefully it's been bug reported and there's an entry in the bug section of the forum (since I'm not 100% anyone at Cryptic ever actually reads filed bug reports)...
  • seathemacseathemac Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014

    So now that we have XIV gear coming up, what do you think people see in the future? To be frank, anyone capable of learning from the past is pricing stuff to move so that's it's sold as soon as it's listed because you don't wanna be that guy with a glut of very rare gear that could sell for a moderate (previously higher) price just sitting in the Exchange lists after Cryptic drops their Dev Blog letting everyone know it's yet more worthless vendor trash...

    And right there is where your argument falls flat on it's face.
    4 weeks ago there were hundreds of purple MK XI consoles on the exchange, now just over a dozen. The same is happening with all the higher value consoles.
    Feel free to check that, a simple exchange search will confirm it.

    I agree with you, if this stuff were dropping it would be getting listed as soon as the recipient got near an exchange. They aren't getting listed so they can't be dropping.
    That's not my interpretation of the situation, it's a logical deduction based on YOURS.
  • wilbor2wilbor2 Member Posts: 1,684 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I still have not seen the rom/rem boff mission since season 9.5 came out

    dont no why ur fighting about drops in this thread ive had a few xii very rare weopon drops since 9.5 pitty they were phaser weopons with TRIBBLE dmg mods.
  • swamarianswamarian Member Posts: 1,506 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    seathemac wrote: »
    I don't know what game you are playing friend but it's certainly not the same one I am. Everyone I speak to in game agrees that there are no more decent drops. Not one person I have spoken to has dropped a single Mk XI purple Phaser, Antiproton, Plasma or Neutronium console.

    Just yesterday, I put a purple phaser turret and polaron console into our fleet's bank.

  • happyhappyj0yj0yhappyhappyj0yj0y Member Posts: 699 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    seathemac wrote: »
    And right there is where your argument falls flat on it's face.
    4 weeks ago there were hundreds of purple MK XI consoles on the exchange, now just over a dozen. The same is happening with all the higher value consoles.
    Feel free to check that, a simple exchange search will confirm it.

    I agree with you, if this stuff were dropping it would be getting listed as soon as the recipient got near an exchange. They aren't getting listed so they can't be dropping.
    That's not my interpretation of the situation, it's a logical deduction based on YOURS.

    I explained where they're all likely going, the stuff I personally listed and can thus vouch for first hand, included. It's priced to move, thus it moves. It disappears the moment it's listed because people don't want to be hanging onto it, thus it's bargain bin-priced (which is precisely what I did). It goes up, it sells. No one wants this TRIBBLE hanging around in their inventory, nor in their Exchange listings, come the Dev Blog which will (almost assuredly) slash it's value to the very credit of it's vendor price. So no, you won't see it unless you're lucky and online and searching the moment it goes up since when it goes up... it gets bought because that's what people are pricing for. So yeah, there's none hanging around in the queue except for the stuff that's listed by people who aren't pricing to move because they don't quite get it. They don't see what's going to happen and how worthless it's all about to become.

    It's a simple, logical explanation you've merely chosen to ignore it in favor of what you've chosen to believe, despite the fact that it flies in the face of evidence, reason and logic.

    And four weeks ago isn't today, is it? Four weeks ago everything of import was different, we did not know then what we know now about the impending changes to the value of in-game items, did we? Thus pointing to four weeks ago is completely and entirely irrelevant and the presence of a surplus of gear then and not now is completely and entirely explained in what I've already told you... you simply choose not to listen because you don't want to since it doesn't reaffirm your laughable, unsubstantiated, illogical beliefs.

    You have people IN THIS TOPIC telling you they've had very rare XI drops. You've been given reasonable explanations. You've refuted nothing you just deny the obvious because you've chosen to believe what you've chose to believe. You suffer from a raging case of confirmation bias. There is no helping you. All of your "Me and my tiny sample haven't seen it so it doesn't exist!" adds up to precisely nothing in the face of the people who have and thus know. Absence of proof is not proof of absence. Others have seen them, thus you cannot be correct.

    You are demonstrably wrong (and have been confirmed so by multiple testimonials in this very thread).
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Well another night with 6hrs logged in, and not a single one made available.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • vesterengvestereng Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Yep same still.

    Haven't seen a single one since 9.5...

    Was thinking today what will happen with expansion.

    If the new boffs will have better traits and if are assuming all older boffs will rank up too allowing old boffs to carry the new abilities, I wonder.

    Might be romulan boffs will lose their worth with new system if you factor in just how unbalanced romulan boffs were when they come out and still are.
  • bendalekbendalek Member Posts: 1,781 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Same here ... Three Rom toons ... Logged in almost continuously over the weekend ("working' the exchange with Rom DoFF packs) and not a single recruitment mission on any of them.

    Been logging in daily for several hours, hopping between Tau Dewa Sector, New Rom Orbit, and New Rom Command, and have not seen one since 9.5 ... Day, night, weekdays, weekends, it makes no difference, they are NOT popping ...

    <tangent> Not even getting Aligned Species Recruitment BoFF missions any more, just the random "negotiations with 'xxxx species" under the "Recruitment" section.
    Oh, hoho hohhhhh, Oh,, hoho, hohhhhh
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    vestereng wrote: »
    Was thinking today what will happen with expansion.

    If the new boffs will have better traits and if are assuming all older boffs will rank up too allowing old boffs to carry the new abilities, I wonder.

    We have no clue what this new class of boffs even looks like. For all we know, they may not even fit into a regular boff slot any more (which reminds me, we need more boff slots).
  • seathemacseathemac Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I explained where they're all likely going, the stuff I personally listed and can thus vouch for first hand, included. It's priced to move, thus it moves. It disappears the moment it's listed because people don't want to be hanging onto it, thus it's bargain bin-priced (which is precisely what I did). It goes up, it sells. No one wants this TRIBBLE hanging around in their inventory, nor in their Exchange listings, come the Dev Blog which will (almost assuredly) slash it's value to the very credit of it's vendor price. So no, you won't see it unless you're lucky and online and searching the moment it goes up since when it goes up... it gets bought because that's what people are pricing for. So yeah, there's none hanging around in the queue except for the stuff that's listed by people who aren't pricing to move because they don't quite get it. They don't see what's going to happen and how worthless it's all about to become.

    So what your saying is that as soon as my back is turned and I'm not looking at the exchange an army of little elves come out and list a load of neutronium consoles and they sell immediately?
    It's a simple, logical explanation you've merely chosen to ignore it in favor of what you've chosen to believe, despite the fact that it flies in the face of evidence, reason and logic.

    Isn't the simple explanation that these items aren't dropping and therefore not being listed? Sounds better than your complicated, unreasoned and illogical premise doesn't it?
    And four weeks ago isn't today, is it? Four weeks ago everything of import was different, we did not know then what we know now about the impending changes to the value of in-game items, did we? Thus pointing to four weeks ago is completely and entirely irrelevant and the presence of a surplus of gear then and not now is completely and entirely explained in what I've already told you... you simply choose not to listen because you don't want to since it doesn't reaffirm your laughable, unsubstantiated, illogical beliefs.

    Again you've completely refuted your own argument. By your own reasoning there should be a surplus of this stuff now, it's being devalued because of the upcoming expansion and everyone is trying to offload it right? That IS what you claim isn't it? Oh wait, the elves, I forgot about the elves.
    You have people IN THIS TOPIC telling you they've had very rare XI drops. You've been given reasonable explanations. You've refuted nothing you just deny the obvious because you've chosen to believe what you've chose to believe. You suffer from a raging case of confirmation bias. There is no helping you. All of your "Me and my tiny sample haven't seen it so it doesn't exist!" adds up to precisely nothing in the face of the people who have and thus know. Absence of proof is not proof of absence. Others have seen them, thus you cannot be correct.

    Read my previous posts, not once did I say that beams or low value consoles weren't dropping. I don't doubt that tetryon and polaron consoles are still appearing from time to time, they are worthless anyhow. I suspect the beams are there so the devs can claim they haven't COMPLETELY removed all drops. I further suspect that this will change in the near future.
    You are demonstrably wrong (and have been confirmed so by multiple testimonials in this very thread).

    I don't see it that way. Your arguments are so full of holes you could seive vegetables through them. You can't point to a fish and claim that because the fish exists then so must birds.
    Yet that's what you did. Just because 2 beams and a worthless console have been reported as dropping you can't claim the high value consoles are dropping as well.
    You haven't explained why, if there is such a surplus of these high value consoles and people are so anxious to get rid of them, they aren't showing up on the exchange.

    I love your "I'll see it when I believe it" attitude. I'm not going to respond to anymore of your posts as I don't want to fuel your self delusion any further, your poor brain must be working overtime coming up with these ever more fantastical reasons why your world view can't be wrong.
    Just watch this space, time will tell who is right. As I've said before, if it looks like a fish and smells like a fish...
  • happyhappyj0yj0yhappyhappyj0yj0y Member Posts: 699 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Well another night with 6hrs logged in, and not a single one made available.

    Yeah, seems pretty obviously borked. Several DOFF missions seem to be. A bunch of cluster assignments weren't popping up (though the ones I've noticed missing now, seem to have been fixed), and I don't mean the less common ones. And I haven't seen any of the big gamma quadrant commodity commendation givers pop up in the medical category of late either. The, uh, Duty Officer System "upgrade" seems to have broken a bunch of missions... I'll try not to act surprised that things didn't go smoothly...
    seathemac wrote: »
    So what your saying is that as soon as my back is turned and I'm not looking at the exchange an army of little elves come out and list a load of neutronium consoles and they sell immediately?

    Yes. That's exactly what I'm saying. You drop something at a decent price and the hawks snatch it up almost immediately. I take it you've never listed anything that has more than it's vendor value at a price which undercuts. As soon as you submit it, it sells. I've had SRO BOFFs or Efficient Saurians sell off for millions before I could turn away from the console.

    Hell, I can sell tribbles in a matter of seconds due to pricing. And I don't mean good ones, I mean the standard health restoring brown ones.
    seathemac wrote: »
    Isn't the simple explanation that these items aren't dropping and therefore not being listed? Sounds better than your complicated, unreasoned and illogical premise doesn't it?

    No, because you've been full well told by MULTIPLE people that they've HAD very rare XI drops, and drops aren't the only source of these items, there's also duty officer assignments which are readily visible and can be run by anyone. So no, your suggestion, while simple, ignores the facts and is thus obviously wrong. That's... kinda how this works. And now you go onto suggest that Cryptic hasn't just lowered the rate of very rare drops, they aren't just trying to restrict the flow of high end items into the system (which might be something they could do in an attempt to rebalance drops/the game) but specifically of the drops you want (for God knows what reason since you get better consoles in the Fleet Store... that's why I sell that stuff off. What? You hate crits?). Yeah, that... kinda seems like you have a persecution complex.
    seathemac wrote: »
    Again you've completely refuted your own argument. By your own reasoning there should be a surplus of this stuff now, it's being devalued because of the upcoming expansion and everyone is trying to offload it right? That IS what you claim isn't it? Oh wait, the elves, I forgot about the elves.

    So yeah, you've never seen how quickly slashed items sell on the exchange. Gotcha. By the way, the item I listed? Very rare anti-proton mag console. Sold in a matter of seconds. I've listed several actually over the past few months, and I usually price to sell. Picked that up through a DOFF mission (the Deflector and another very rare XI item I sold were grabbed through drops in the New Romulus space daily).

    Just because you don't see them doesn't mean they don't exist. They were never dropping like candy, and mostly flowed into the system through DOFF missions (the console one especially I run regularly on at least three characters, more if I'm feeling like dredging through my throwaway alts), which I'm guessing you aren't running, or are running with terrible DOFFs.
    seathemac wrote: »
    I don't see it that way.

    Ugh. Of course you don't. Again, confirmation bias. You've chosen to believe what you've chosen to believe and no one will dissuade you.
    seathemac wrote: »
    You haven't explained why, if there is such a surplus of these high value consoles and people are so anxious to get rid of them, they aren't showing up on the exchange.

    Who says there is a surplus? Very rare XI drops were never spectacularly common, and it's not like people can get the rare XI stuff through the Dilithium store anymore, can they? There are people trying to get rid of them, selling them at cut rate costs. There are people still trying to get them because they don't have them, and whether they're going to be devalued soon they are still better than what these people are using now. Thus they sell.

    It's all very logical and straightforward. You simply choose to ignore it in favor of your delusions and ignorance. Seriously... you are beyond help. If it doesn't confirm your harebrained crackpot notion than you dismiss it. You still can't even attempt to refute that the Exchange is good for Cryptic and leads to more key sales, but you struggle on with your inanity anyway.

    Enjoy your cutting edge tinfoil fashion statement...
  • amaresh1amaresh1 Member Posts: 188 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Getting back on point about Romulan Bridge Officers. This is what I found.

    1. Before 9.5, I would get either Romulan or Human Bridge Officer Recruitment Assignments at the Romulan Command Center.

    2. After 9.5. I get a multiple races like Bajonian, Ferengy. However, no Romulan.

    I don't think the Romulan recruitment mission is there any more. I don't think it is luck. I think they broken the mission because it works more like Earth Space Dock now.
  • rgzarcherrgzarcher Member Posts: 320 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    imruined wrote: »
    You do know how supply and demand work don't you? You don't kill the value of an item by removing the supply as all that does is raise the cost...

    Since Romulan Bridge Officers are not available through a means which makes Cryptic money, nor in fact is the vast, vast majority of the items on the exchange, what benefit would Cryptic have by destroying the exchange?

    I really must agree with this statement... This is unfounded paranoia...

    Simple, the fast easy way to make EC is to use Zen to buy Master Key's and Fleet Module's. Make it harder to get Rom/Rem boffs and you drive up the prices, drive up the prices and people open their wallets to try and get the shiny.

    This is control over supply and demand.
    "Why all the sales"?

    And a merry freaking Christmas to you too, Ebenezer.
    -jonsills, 'Cryptic Why the sales..instead of Fixing XP leveling and this game?'
  • imruinedimruined Member Posts: 1,457 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Ok, so it's official... Romulan Boff recruitment assignments were broken :


    So much for it being all part of some big conspiracy to kill the exchange...
    The entitlement is strong in these forums...

  • vesterengvestereng Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    One doesn't exclude the other...

    It could have been bugged and nerfed, or, bugged because nerfed.

    Double tap missions, colonization chains and evaluate random from kdf and fed have all been hit with a huge nerf.

    You think they did that to increase the gameplay value of the doff system ?

    And I still haven't seen any of those missions after 9.5 - after today's fix the only change is I am getting disconnected randomly along with half the server

    So yeah I'd like to have my old doff system back still where missions would actually spawn, thanks
  • neversetdrumneversetdrum Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Also, seems these have been fixed. Have received 1 on both my main, and an alt since the patch
  • vesterengvestereng Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Do you remember under which tab and which location, command center or whatever?
  • neversetdrumneversetdrum Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    vestereng wrote: »
    Do you remember under which tab and which location, command center or whatever?

    Yes sir. It shows up under your Personal Tab, you can only find it in Tau Dewa sector space, or New romulus command. All my rommie toons are parked there just to farm these missions. I personally check them hourly when I can, as it seems to change with the shipboard update
  • policestate76policestate76 Member Posts: 1,424 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Yes sir. It shows up under your Personal Tab, you can only find it in Tau Dewa sector space, or New romulus command. All my rommie toons are parked there just to farm these missions. I personally check them hourly when I can, as it seems to change with the shipboard update

    Yeah, but they do drop now more often than before?? because before, you could expect one of em to pop up every few days or even weeks... i stop doing SO farming in new romulus command ages ago because it was a total waste.

    But i think you can ONLY get those specific evaluation assignments (the ones that include a romulan SO) if you go to new romulus command (of course, this is the way it is supossed to be). If not, you will only get common evaluation assignments.
  • neversetdrumneversetdrum Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Yeah, but they do drop now more often than before?? because before, you could expect one of em to pop up every few days or even weeks... i stop doing SO farming in new romulus command ages ago because it was a total waste.

    But i think you can ONLY get those specific evaluation assignments (the ones that include a romulan SO) if you go to new romulus command (of course, this is the way it is supossed to be). If not, you will only get common evaluation assignments.

    Nope, I've received SROs on the same mission I got in sector space as much as the ones I've gotten from command. Before the mission was broken, I was getting these at least twice a week per toon. Ive gotten at least 1 reman mission per month. You have a 50/50 chance of it being SRO or not, and you can get it on rare or very rare boffs.
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