The roman numerals for some gear bugs out, seemingly at random. I have seen this a lot on ground gear, not sure if space does it ?
Anyway, I can look in my bag and see an item VII then equip it or mouse over it and its really a V or VI or IV or whatever else. Odd items are getting numerals as well; rom ale for example keeps getting random ranks in my bags.
It is mostly harmless: the mouse-over is correct and the gear functions as it should, it is only a display error, as if the engine reads the wrong value where it creates and displays the romans.
Some DOFFs had that too, i had a MK VI purple Technician in the mail today.
Beta, LTA, CE, Multiple preorder Versions, all Addon Packs except AoY, nearly all KDF/Rom and ~50% of all Fedships, over 25 LockboxShips, Endurer of Atari's "Year of Hell", but...
Space gear also does it.. I noticed it after each promotion... mk II shows MkIV... mkIV shows as MkVI.... etc..
I was wondering why my gear was auto upgrading unitl I actually hovered for the description... I had a new toon Runnin MKII for a while til I realized it
I thought I had a surefire way to reproduce this, but attempting it again didn't result in an incorrect numeral being put on the piece of gear. Nonetheless, try:
1. Have a piece of gear with a different mark than the one you currently have equipped.
2. Drag and drop the item from the inventory to the gear slot.
If it works, the newly equipped gear will be fine, but the one placed in your inventory will now have the same numeral as the one you just equipped.
It's not limited to just gear, though. I've unintentionally gotten numerals on unequippable consumables and even duty officers that were in my mail somehow.
I was wondering why my gear was auto upgrading unitl I actually hovered for the description... I had a new toon Runnin MKII for a while til I realized it
1. Have a piece of gear with a different mark than the one you currently have equipped.
2. Drag and drop the item from the inventory to the gear slot.
If it works, the newly equipped gear will be fine, but the one placed in your inventory will now have the same numeral as the one you just equipped.
It's not limited to just gear, though. I've unintentionally gotten numerals on unequippable consumables and even duty officers that were in my mail somehow.