I know what something is worth is subjective, but seeing that many of the previous c-store exclusive ships can be made in a fleet shipyard (which higher specs) and the fleet modules can be gotten on the exchange for not too bad of a price, the only thing the c store ships have is their colsoles. so that beggs the questions,
what consoles are actually worth enough to buy the ship.
i guess conversly, what ships are totally not worth it.
The only consoles I have bought a c-store ship for are;
Nadion Saturation
Valdore Console
Quad Phaser cannons
Nadion Saturation is massively powerful, especially for No Win Scenario although it does require you to use a Phaser weapon type to get the best value out of it. Valdore console is a pretty useful piece of kit for a Romulan, I don't think I need to explain why. And I got the Quad cannons to go on my fleet tempest, because they look and sound great.
Consoles I am not so interested in... All the Scimitar dreadnoughts, The only one I will occasionally equip is Cloaked Barrage for PvP. I am not a fan of the Andorian Escort line consoles as well. But I did buy the ships so I could put blue Phasers on my FPER.
Tactical Escort Retrofit.
The Fleet version doesn't include the Cloak console.
EDIT: oopsy...I forgot about the Heavy Escort Refit's Point Defense System console.
Having another gun firing that doesn't consume power while spamming everything within it's range is something special.
NO to ARC RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev
While I didn't get it specifically for the console, the transwarp computer on the Advanced Heavy Cruiser (Excelsior) is pretty good for use while levelling-up.
I've only bought the Advanced Heavy Cruiser (and the original TOS Enterprise) so far, I like the Point Defence console, a great "oh TRIBBLE" option when you see a dozen heavy torpedoes coming at you, or to get rid of annoying fighters.
I'll probably get the Tactical Escort and Long Range Science Vessel retrofits, to have the best versions of my two favourite ST ships and for the cloak/ablative generators, to make them consistent with the on-screen versions.
Other than that, I don't really care - any other ships I get will just be to fill out slots or to complete the game, I'm here as an RPG'er, not to have the best ships going.
They do work somewhat, even when you have no idea how to make use of them, so it's rare that anyone will not find these useful.
For KDF, get the Vandal Destroyer for the Plasmonic Leech.
For Romulans, get the Valdore warbird for the Shield Absorptive Frequency Generator.
For Federation, get the Plasmonic leech off the exchange.
There you go, the number 1, non-reputation console, you will find will work with almost every build, that you should get, listed by faction.
Everything else depends on your build, play style, etc.
C-store ships for actual use in the game? That all depends on what build you want and play style too. The scimitar is TRIBBLE with the wrong build and/ or the wrong play style, even though it can be the best with the right build and play style. The same thing can be said for the other C-store only ships/ ship packs too.
There are several reputation consoles that should be high on your shopping list too, but some of these have a greater chance that they may not be a good fit for some builds/ setups, so blindly fitting these may not provide results you will be happy with:
Assimilated module
Zero point energy conduit
Nukara particle converter
A couple of months ago, I started a new FED SCI toon. In short order, I captained a Miranda-class Light Cruiser, then the NX-class Light Escort, then the Oberth.
I used the ship in Ker'rat vs. Borg. Loved every minute of using it! The Oberth was fast, agile and sturdy, imho. (Keep in mind, if you're level 50, you're not going to want this Tier 1 ship as your primary ship choice. This was played with my newer toon.)
The Oberth comes with the Console - Universal - Enhanced Plasma Manifold -- which is transferable to other FED ships.
I've flown many of the starships (from FED, KDF and ROM factions) within STO. I have numerous favorites, from the Vesta (Aventine) to the Tempest; the Qin to the Mogh; the Excelsior to the Ambassador, the Tal Shiar Adapted Destroyer (which was a lockbox acquisition, not C-Store), etc. The list goes on and on...
What was "worth" the price? I'll vouch for the Oberth-class ship. Great purchase!
As the owner of one, no they are not worth real money. That said, I currently have it equipped on one toon because I like how it looks. I would have rather gotten the fleet store version instead of the c-store version, because the only thing I like about it is it's looks.
I have several c-store ships and I don't use a console from a single one of them, fed side none of them are worth it.
For KDF - Plasmotic Leech, as it's the only way they get it (via a ship).
For Romulans - Vlador Console For Feds - Plasmotic leech (although this doesn't count as it's a lock-box bonus).
Early in the game as a player, consoles are 'cool' and 'fun' when gimmicks can be the difference for newer players who don't yet understand how abilities work.
Post lvl 50 - they take up valuable space when grinding. 'Cause grinding is all we effectively do.
Nothing, with the exception of a very small percentage of the ship-specific consoles, is worth keeping. I kept the cloaked barrage for my tac scimi, fermion field for certain vesta builds - but that's a personal choice.
In almost every case they become gimmicky and situation based, meaning in simple terms 'have no long term value'.
What if you happen to have 13k points because you're a Lifetime holder and haven't used any points since the developer was known as Cryptic?
They look great on paper...
If you have zen coming out of your ears then you can spare a few to get a ship just for looks. Even I have bought a ship because I like how it looks, the heavy escort carrier. The tac odyssey is solid, IMO it just doesn't stand out.
If you have zen coming out of your ears then you can spare a few to get a ship just for looks. Even I have bought a ship because I like how it looks, the heavy escort carrier. The tac odyssey is solid, IMO it just doesn't stand out.
Is 13k zen supposed to be a lot? I have 200k and I'm not a lifer, nor brought zen, ever, it's just from playing the game for 2 years.:P
Btw, if you're the kind of person who can't hold on to their money, exchange the zen to dilithium, use it for instant crafting leveling that's coming soon, and enjoy modules and traits. The beam trait in particular is OP. It beats useless ships for looks.
The only cstore consoles that are worth the slot they take are plasmonic leech and valedore console.
The plasmonic leech is only available to the KDF / KDF Aligned Romulan from the c-store; the T3 Vandal Destroyer sells for 1,000 Zen.
For the Fed and Fed Aligned Romulan the plasmonic leech can only be purchased from the Exchange. The recent price generally ranges between 29 million and 32 million EC. If you don't have enough ECs, then you can indirectly buy it from the c-store. Just purchase a 10 pack of master keys for 1,125 Zen, then sell the keys on the Exchange. Master keys generally sell for around 2.8million to 2.9 million each. When you have enough ECs, then buy the plasmonic leech from the Exchange.
I myself like the Leech for obvious reasons, as Romulans and the Valdore console as well for obvious reasons.
Also I find the T5 Excelsior to be a very good and worthwhile ship. Easy TW around the game for free with a very small chance of failure and can hold its own very well in a fight and such a classic look.
Also I think the Enhanced Induction Coils (KDF B'Rotlh) /Enhanced Plasma Manifold (Fed Oberth) are worthwhile if you can find the room for them if you don't have access to the Red Matter Capacitor device. Both those function like a mini version of the Red Matter Capacitor.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,917Community Moderator
edited July 2014
Its not a console, but the Wide Angle Quantum Torpedo off the Regent is pretty good. A 180 degree firing arc torpedo that can be mounted to any ship? Why not? Especially useful for cruisers, but can be just as deadly on escorts and sci ships... or even shuttles.
The Ionized Gas Sensor off the Exeter is also a semi alright console that can home in on cloaked targets, even Donatra. Although slow moving and beeps, it kinda gives you a free High Yield 1 every three minutes in exchange for a console slot, and can work with most torpedoes.
There's also the Impulse Burst for quick escapes, Antimatter Spread for confusion, Photonic Shockwave (Best NOT used when trying to keep things away from other things like in Kitomer Space) And a couple others I can't think of off the top of my head.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Most consoles are worth it. Why? Because they add something unique to ships that would otherwise be 99% the same. Once you've flown an escort, you've flown them all, and the same goed for cruisers. If it weren't for the console, I'd never had turned my Armitage into a photon torpedo boat. It makes it unique, and the special consols give you fun toys to play around with.
Most consoles are worth it. Why? Because they add something unique to ships that would otherwise be 99% the same. Once you've flown an escort, you've flown them all, and the same goed for cruisers. If it weren't for the console, I'd never had turned my Armitage into a photon torpedo boat. It makes it unique, and the special consols give you fun toys to play around with.
I can think of ways to gimp yourself that doesn't cost cash.:rolleyes:
I have 4 toons: 3 Fed [Eng/Tac/Sci] and 1 KDF tac. Each of them uses different consoles based on what my play style is. Depending on your build, you can ditch certain consoles for others.
As an example:
KDF tac toon uses Disruptors: so he's using the Elachi Monbosh battle cruiser now with 3 Elachi DHC and the Elachi torp.
The 2 set bonus from the Lobi store Elachi items [Bio-Neural Circuits console, Elachi torp] add Distruptor damage. Having the 2 pcs. Borg set [Assimilated Module, Kinetic Cutting Beam] also help along with the 4 pcs. Undine space set [Hydrodynamics console, Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo, Heavy Disruptor Turret, Multi-Energy tac console]. Now throw in an Enhanced RCS MK XII console, the Tachyokinetic Converter console and you have a nice synergy.
Now: my main toon is a FED Joined Trill engineer in a Vesta.
He uses the 3 pcs Dyson set [Protonic Console, Experimental weapon, Grav Photon Torp] plus the 2 pcs Obelisk set [warp core & Omni-Directional beam array]. The Undine set consoles are useless on this build as I'm using Antiproton beam weapons.
So in the end: depends on your build.
I found phasers to be useless in my main toon so he's on AP. My KDF toon uses disruptors cuz it looks fun.
I can think of ways to gimp yourself that doesn't cost cash.:rolleyes:
What you call gimping I call 'having fun'. The truth of the game is that once you get beyond 5k dps, you can finish any content with little to no challenge. So you may have 20k dps, big deal. If it's just pressing spacebar and waiting for the misson timer to end, then you're gimping yourself. You could be having fun instead of what you're doing.
What you call gimping I call 'having fun'. The truth of the game is that once you get beyond 5k dps, you can finish any content with little to no challenge. So you may have 20k dps, big deal. If it's just pressing spacebar and waiting for the misson timer to end, then you're gimping yourself. You could be having fun instead of what you're doing.
Special consoles do just that. Add fun.
Let's just say you have different ideas of fun compared to normal ppl. Not everyone considers gimping yourself fun.:D
Nadion Saturation
Valdore Console
Quad Phaser cannons
Nadion Saturation is massively powerful, especially for No Win Scenario although it does require you to use a Phaser weapon type to get the best value out of it. Valdore console is a pretty useful piece of kit for a Romulan, I don't think I need to explain why. And I got the Quad cannons to go on my fleet tempest, because they look and sound great.
Consoles I am not so interested in... All the Scimitar dreadnoughts, The only one I will occasionally equip is Cloaked Barrage for PvP. I am not a fan of the Andorian Escort line consoles as well. But I did buy the ships so I could put blue Phasers on my FPER.
The Fleet version doesn't include the Cloak console.
EDIT: oopsy...I forgot about the Heavy Escort Refit's Point Defense System console.
Having another gun firing that doesn't consume power while spamming everything within it's range is something special.
RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev
This, exactly. All other things are either useless or situative.
I'll probably get the Tactical Escort and Long Range Science Vessel retrofits, to have the best versions of my two favourite ST ships and for the cloak/ablative generators, to make them consistent with the on-screen versions.
Other than that, I don't really care - any other ships I get will just be to fill out slots or to complete the game, I'm here as an RPG'er, not to have the best ships going.
For KDF, get the Vandal Destroyer for the Plasmonic Leech.
For Romulans, get the Valdore warbird for the Shield Absorptive Frequency Generator.
For Federation, get the Plasmonic leech off the exchange.
There you go, the number 1, non-reputation console, you will find will work with almost every build, that you should get, listed by faction.
Everything else depends on your build, play style, etc.
C-store ships for actual use in the game? That all depends on what build you want and play style too. The scimitar is TRIBBLE with the wrong build and/ or the wrong play style, even though it can be the best with the right build and play style. The same thing can be said for the other C-store only ships/ ship packs too.
There are several reputation consoles that should be high on your shopping list too, but some of these have a greater chance that they may not be a good fit for some builds/ setups, so blindly fitting these may not provide results you will be happy with:
Assimilated module
Zero point energy conduit
Nukara particle converter
I hope that helps.
Oberth-class Light Science Vessel (FED)
A couple of months ago, I started a new FED SCI toon. In short order, I captained a Miranda-class Light Cruiser, then the NX-class Light Escort, then the Oberth.
I've flown many of the starships (from FED, KDF and ROM factions) within STO. I have numerous favorites, from the Vesta (Aventine) to the Tempest; the Qin to the Mogh; the Excelsior to the Ambassador, the Tal Shiar Adapted Destroyer (which was a lockbox acquisition, not C-Store), etc. The list goes on and on...
What was "worth" the price? I'll vouch for the Oberth-class ship. Great purchase!
As the owner of one, no they are not worth real money. That said, I currently have it equipped on one toon because I like how it looks. I would have rather gotten the fleet store version instead of the c-store version, because the only thing I like about it is it's looks.
I have several c-store ships and I don't use a console from a single one of them, fed side none of them are worth it.
What if you happen to have 13k points because you're a Lifetime holder and haven't used any points since the developer was known as Cryptic?
They look great on paper...
For Romulans - Vlador Console
For Feds - Plasmotic leech (although this doesn't count as it's a lock-box bonus).
Early in the game as a player, consoles are 'cool' and 'fun' when gimmicks can be the difference for newer players who don't yet understand how abilities work.
Post lvl 50 - they take up valuable space when grinding. 'Cause grinding is all we effectively do.
Nothing, with the exception of a very small percentage of the ship-specific consoles, is worth keeping. I kept the cloaked barrage for my tac scimi, fermion field for certain vesta builds - but that's a personal choice.
In almost every case they become gimmicky and situation based, meaning in simple terms 'have no long term value'.
If you have zen coming out of your ears then you can spare a few to get a ship just for looks. Even I have bought a ship because I like how it looks, the heavy escort carrier. The tac odyssey is solid, IMO it just doesn't stand out.
Is 13k zen supposed to be a lot? I have 200k and I'm not a lifer, nor brought zen, ever, it's just from playing the game for 2 years.:P
Btw, if you're the kind of person who can't hold on to their money, exchange the zen to dilithium, use it for instant crafting leveling that's coming soon, and enjoy modules and traits. The beam trait in particular is OP. It beats useless ships for looks.
The ship yes,the consoles no. still a 20k ship for an engineer. more for a tac.
/shrug, I dunno, I just logged in for the first time after 3+ years of not, and had 13k. It seems like a good chunk for doing literally nothing.
The plasmonic leech is only available to the KDF / KDF Aligned Romulan from the c-store; the T3 Vandal Destroyer sells for 1,000 Zen.
For the Fed and Fed Aligned Romulan the plasmonic leech can only be purchased from the Exchange. The recent price generally ranges between 29 million and 32 million EC. If you don't have enough ECs, then you can indirectly buy it from the c-store. Just purchase a 10 pack of master keys for 1,125 Zen, then sell the keys on the Exchange. Master keys generally sell for around 2.8million to 2.9 million each. When you have enough ECs, then buy the plasmonic leech from the Exchange.
Also I find the T5 Excelsior to be a very good and worthwhile ship. Easy TW around the game for free with a very small chance of failure and can hold its own very well in a fight and such a classic look.
Also I think the Enhanced Induction Coils (KDF B'Rotlh) /Enhanced Plasma Manifold (Fed Oberth) are worthwhile if you can find the room for them if you don't have access to the Red Matter Capacitor device. Both those function like a mini version of the Red Matter Capacitor.
The Ionized Gas Sensor off the Exeter is also a semi alright console that can home in on cloaked targets, even Donatra. Although slow moving and beeps, it kinda gives you a free High Yield 1 every three minutes in exchange for a console slot, and can work with most torpedoes.
There's also the Impulse Burst for quick escapes, Antimatter Spread for confusion, Photonic Shockwave (Best NOT used when trying to keep things away from other things like in Kitomer Space) And a couple others I can't think of off the top of my head.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
I can think of ways to gimp yourself that doesn't cost cash.:rolleyes:
Galaxy (full pack) great for cruiser tac (dred)
Vesta GFG sci wessel
Oddy also found useful for temp ship for most FED chars
Lock box and lobi ships = premium at a high cost and very envolving however
COMPLETE (with temporal warfare set) Wells Temporal sci vessel (with the tac console from mirror tempral) is awesome PVP ship makes my sci evil
Jem Dred carrier (with console from JHEC) awesome but the JHAS is impossible to acquire so the completed vessel is a near non existent thing...
So: before you buy, READ a lot..
As an example:
KDF tac toon uses Disruptors: so he's using the Elachi Monbosh battle cruiser now with 3 Elachi DHC and the Elachi torp.
The 2 set bonus from the Lobi store Elachi items [Bio-Neural Circuits console, Elachi torp] add Distruptor damage. Having the 2 pcs. Borg set [Assimilated Module, Kinetic Cutting Beam] also help along with the 4 pcs. Undine space set [Hydrodynamics console, Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo, Heavy Disruptor Turret, Multi-Energy tac console]. Now throw in an Enhanced RCS MK XII console, the Tachyokinetic Converter console and you have a nice synergy.
Now: my main toon is a FED Joined Trill engineer in a Vesta.
He uses the 3 pcs Dyson set [Protonic Console, Experimental weapon, Grav Photon Torp] plus the 2 pcs Obelisk set [warp core & Omni-Directional beam array]. The Undine set consoles are useless on this build as I'm using Antiproton beam weapons.
So in the end: depends on your build.
I found phasers to be useless in my main toon so he's on AP. My KDF toon uses disruptors cuz it looks fun.
Special consoles do just that. Add fun.
Let's just say you have different ideas of fun compared to normal ppl. Not everyone considers gimping yourself fun.:D