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Nukara strikeforce any good?

possumlipspossumlips Member Posts: 107 Arc User
edited July 2014 in The Academy
Thanks to the extra marks I'm getting with breeding risa birds and monkeys I can cash them in on a space set. I have the Tholian Recluse and Web Weaver but they've been collecting dust for the past year and I was wondering if I got the Nukara strike force weapon set and Nukara space set it might breath new life into them. Will I be wasting my marks and should go in another direction? I would get all the space sets like the undine,dyson,omega, borg etc. but it's such a grind even with the sponsorship token advantage so I have to be careful spending my marks. Aegis is the only other space set I own btw.thanks for any feedback.
Post edited by possumlips on


  • dahminusdahminus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    If your interested in dps shield/engine nukara and counter command deflector is the best combo in game...

    I guess it comes down to...what so you want to excel in?

    If rom engines buff the pets ap beta...I'd so those engines with nukara deflector/shield
    Chive on and prosper, eh?

    My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
  • sevenatsevenat Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Pretty easy to get marks for most reps, just doing the space STF's.

    A long time ago when i was playing, these reputations were in order.

    I can no longer figure it out, I do know that many of the items appear to fit some builds, and not others. I think you have to look at what you want to do with the ship.
  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,521 Community Moderator
    edited July 2014
    Nukara's got some good stuff for Tetryon builds, and the mines can be pretty nasty.
    I'm running the full space set and two parts of the console/mines/weapon set (console and mines are equipped). With T5 Nukara and my Phased Tetryon Beam Arrays on my Assault Cruiser Refit... I got Tetryon for EVERYONE! T5 Nukara has a short range Tetryon Cascade ability (usable up to 3 km) and the Nukara set has a long range version that can work out to 10 km!

    But... I guess I'm a bit of a mutant for thinking Tetryon is a viable damage type. :P
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
  • cmdrscarletcmdrscarlet Member Posts: 5,137 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    You will not be wasting marks or time. If you want it, then go for it and have fun :)

    If having the 'best' is fun for you, then dahminus suggestion above is the rave nowadays.

    For my part, I use the Nukara Deflector and Engines for the 2 pc set bonus and graphics with the ResB Elite Fleet shields. Frankly, I'm not seeing any problems with that combo. I would get the Nukara Shields but that requires me getting Tier 5 THEN getting the marks for the shield ... and they are not worth that effort. To me.
  • cwpetrocwpetro Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I have been running that set on a Recluse for a while.
    This is for pve and fun to fly around. It will not break any records but is a blast to pilot. Before switching to the Nukara set I was using the shield and deflector of Omega with the Assimilated engines.
  • mjarbarmjarbar Member Posts: 2,084 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I'm running the full space set on a fed battle cruiser and have to say the shielding is excellent, I can go through the Dyson zone taking little to no damage.

    One thing to remember is that your traits and skills also can play a big part in how any of the equipment performs for you!
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  • jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Getting Nukara marks is not really difficult at all... at least from my perspective. 1st I will say that I am not really interested in the Nukara rep since I started playing STO in Jan 2014. That may change as I complete other rep systems though; finished Omega and Dyson, taking a short break before doing Undine.

    Although I have a lack of interest in the Nukara rep, the number of Nukara marks I have is second only to the number of Omega marks I have. I play Crystalline Catastrophe Elite (CCE) at least once per day (when I have a chance to play), many times I play it twice. Playing it twice per day will get you 175 marks; 120 for completing twice (60 x 2) and 55 for the daily bonus. The marks are nice I suppose, I my interest is solely for the dilithium. Every time you complete that STF you get 960 dilithium ore. Therefore, I use this STF to reach the daily 8k refinement limit.

    If you look at CCE as a way of farming dilithium, then perhaps it will seem less of a chore to you. Playing this STF 2x per day for 7 days will net you 1,225 Nukara marks and 6,720 dilithium ore. If you ultimately decide not to bother with the Nukara sep, you can still benefit from the marks by turning them in for dilithium. All rep systems have a mini-project that takes 15 seconds to complete where you trade in 50 marks for 500 dilithium. At worse, you can convert your weekly 1,200 Nukara marks into 12,000 dilithium ore. Though running that 15 second mini rep project 24 times is a chore in itself.
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    possumlips wrote: »
    Thanks to the extra marks I'm getting with breeding risa birds and monkeys I can cash them in on a space set. I have the Tholian Recluse and Web Weaver but they've been collecting dust for the past year and I was wondering if I got the Nukara strike force weapon set and Nukara space set it might breath new life into them. Will I be wasting my marks and should go in another direction? I would get all the space sets like the undine,dyson,omega, borg etc. but it's such a grind even with the sponsorship token advantage so I have to be careful spending my marks. Aegis is the only other space set I own btw.thanks for any feedback.

    What do you want from the ship?

    I have a shield drain ship and its "ok". I just can't get enough procs to justify it, though ... once in a while I knock 800 extra off all shield faces. The only time I notice this working is in a weak group on a tough boss or boss-like opponent. Take the borg cube in ice for example, a low dps group, I can totally shield-strip the poor thing after a while. A high dps group, I would not even get 1 proc before it was dead. /shrug. It takes too long for the drains to really kick in. I can't recommend a tet build to anyone else. Worse: tet builds in ships with no guns, like the recluse... is even fewer procs.

    Let me see if I can explain this in a good way.. to decide which "set", if any, to use, you need to consider a couple of things:
    1) the deflector. What skills does it boost? The nuk deflector is a pure defense item, strong shields and hull boost. Its good for anyone who is not using a lot of science. For a tet build, the upgraded (sigh) JH deflector is a winner (big flow caps on it). This costs an unfortunate amount of lobi.

    2) The actual set bonuses. What are they, and do you want/need them, and are they worth having a poor shield (fleet shields are generally better)?

    3) your weapon type. If you use tet, obviously 2-3 pieces of nukara are worth it. If you use plasma, 2-3 of the rom weapon set are worth it, and so on. I would personally use disruptor and undine. The undine console gives turn rate, set gives disruptor bonus, and disruptor proc is more generally useful than tet.

    Totally aside, but AP is a good choice if you have EC and not dil/marks/fleet. You can buy some undine or voth AP weapons and use the obelisk set, without spending any marks or dil to get a strong dps starter build. On that note, lockbox weapons of other types can be had even cheaper... My recluse uses AP dual banks up front and the ob set, one ap turret aft (cutting beam, omni aft).

    If being thrifty with dil and marks, buy a borg cutting beam as one of your early purchases.
  • isvarnaisvarna Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I'd be tempted to say that Nukara Strikeforce is worth it for the Tier 5 stuff alone. Like rattler, I'm one of those freaks that likes Tetryon, but then again I also fly a DSSV so take it for what you will. The Refracting Tetryon Cascade active Trait is a decent nuke to drop every now and then, especially if you like throwing around gravity wells and have a HY Grav Torpedo or spread to follow up with on your now shieldless enemies. The one time 32k and 750 mark bonus for hitting Tier 5 is nothing to scoff at either, especially with the upcoming Dil weekend. I cashed in another Rep during the last one and confirmed that the dil bonuses from the Tier 5 missions do get multiplied as well, so if you can time it correctly that's 48k dil waiting for you.

    As far as actual rep items from Nukara I use the console an the beam bank for the tetryon and flowcaps boost. The Console on its own might as well be adding a precious free [Acc] suffix to all of your beam weapons.

    If you run a Carrier or Science Vessel, the Tier 4 passive traits are a boon as well since they'll help you leverage your high Aux Power.
    ↓ ↓ This is why we can't have nice things. ↓ ↓
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Nukara rep, especially now, is a good one imo.

    Easy to get the marks, just run CEE once a day and get all you need, plus some dil and a handful of fleet marks.

    As an queued mission, I'm particulary fond of CEE as its reward structure is at least a decent attempt to move away from pure DPS.

    Thus my healboats and science ships do well.

    You'll get enough free tetryon weapons as you level from the reward boxes to set up one or two ships with tetryon builds.

    Nice to have in your shipyard, I reckon.

    The space traits, especially for science captains or people running high AUX, are invaluable.

    The tier 5 space skill is, occasionally, situationally useful.

    Decent pile of dil at the end too.

    All in all, I like the nukara rep.

    Of course, it helps that i also like playing science captains.
  • tucana66tucana66 Member Posts: 710 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    rattler2 wrote: »
    (...) But... I guess I'm a bit of a mutant for thinking Tetryon is a viable damage type. :P
    Loved your post, rattler2. You're not a mutant, nor alone in regarding tetryon in that way. :cool: Unless that makes me a mutant, too...

    I'm still working on acquiring the full T5 Nukara space set. I like to have at least one tetryon beam type on my ships to reduce shielding, then finish with plasma or anti-proton. (Or the occasional other builds, depending on the enemy type.)

    There was a recent Federation Fleet Alert with another player who had a full tetryon build. The chat window buzzed with complaints from another "team member" (loose term; not much of a team player!) about WHY anyone would equip themselves with that weaponry. I teamed up with the tetryon-build player; they smashed the enemy shields while I finished hammering their hulls. We cleared our incoming ships in twice the time as the other three players, then traversed to their engagement area to finish their efforts.

    Going solo with a pure "normal" tetryon-build can be masochistic. Going with piercing, refracting or destabilizing tetryon weapons... fantastic!

    I can't recall the final chat replies from the tetryon-build player, but they were awesome. Their build was designed to weaken shields. The player made a point of targeting different ships to reduce shielding so others could finish the job.

    Maybe it's the TAC equivalent of a SCI medic doing heals. :)
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    rattler2 wrote: »
    Nukara's got some good stuff for Tetryon builds, and the mines can be pretty nasty.
    I'm running the full space set and two parts of the console/mines/weapon set (console and mines are equipped). With T5 Nukara and my Phased Tetryon Beam Arrays on my Assault Cruiser Refit... I got Tetryon for EVERYONE! T5 Nukara has a short range Tetryon Cascade ability (usable up to 3 km) and the Nukara set has a long range version that can work out to 10 km!

    But... I guess I'm a bit of a mutant for thinking Tetryon is a viable damage type. :P

    I have no problem with tet damage, but as I said, trying to make it proc enough to take shields off something did not go well for me. I have even tried it with 7 turrets and a torp (and 3 cannons, 4 turrets and torp) with tacy beam 3 and a ton of flow caps. Its just a fact right now: you can blow the shields off with any damage type (including tet) faster than you can drain them off with sci/tet-procs. And once the shields are gone, anything else is at least slightly better (with a possible exception of phasers, which have a 0 dps proc and a 1/billion chance at taking shields down).
  • adwynythadwynyth Member Posts: 369 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    noroblad wrote: »
    ...phasers, which have a 0 dps proc and a 1/billion chance at taking shields down
    I'd dispute that. I usually see shields drop on each NPC I slaughter at least once, sometimes twice before they die.

    It's just the same as with the tetryon proc: they die too quickly.
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    adwynyth wrote: »
    I'd dispute that. I usually see shields drop on each NPC I slaughter at least once, sometimes twice before they die.

    It's just the same as with the tetryon proc: they die too quickly.

    its different. Tet does the same thing every proc; if it procs 3 times on a borg cube, the cube loses X shields, hooray. If a phaser procs 3 times on the cube, it still has a (1 in 4?? I think?) chance to take the shields offline, or it could do something else (which is mostly useless ... taking the weapons offline on a mob that can't really hurt you ... does nothing practical. Killing it faster is tangible).

    but when the shields DO go down and a torp spread lands, that is pure awesome. One in a billion was minor sarcasm but this sort of luck is uncommon, at best.
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