I'm playing a federation liberated borg romulan female and recently purchased the outfit courtesy of Shutup Wesley, but I noticed that the dyson uniform boots only have
one selectable color. I also have a friend who plays the same race/gender/faction and they're reporting the same issue as well. It's really a shame because I think the dyson uniform looks stylish!
Bridge officers and regular romulan characters seem to have no issues with selectable colors however.
So far I've tried to find a workaround with no success by:
- Tried to find an outfit piece that links colors with the dyson boots.
- Selected colors while the outfit was on a bridge officer, saved it, and then tried to load onto my captain.
- Attempted to randomize lower body values.
I think this also applies to leather boots for romulan liberated borg characters and possibly other outfit pieces as the search function yields results from about half a year ago
here, and
I am also experiencing this issue.