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Starship graphical issues.

mohowmohow Member Posts: 0 Arc User
During space combat, sometimes the rear camera angle may make all ship graphics stop working, like I can't see weapons fire, the shields don't show, aesthetic equipment changes don't show either (for example Borg Engines don't have the bit on the nacelle) and the impulse trail fails to show. This only occurs with a rear camera angle and only glitches my ship, as every other ship friend or foe appears normal. I've noticed this mostly occurs in large fights like the Crystalline Catastrophe STF though it can happen in smaller engagements as well. Messing with the graphics yielded no fix. Any suggestions?
Post edited by mohow on


  • somebobsomebob Member Posts: 556 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    mohow wrote: »
    I've noticed this mostly occurs in large fights like the Crystalline Catastrophe STF though it can happen in smaller engagements as well. Messing with the graphics yielded no fix. Any suggestions?

    There is no fix. It's a limitation of the Cryptic Engine. It can only draw so many effects on screen at once - once it passes that point, it stops rendering everything else.

    There is nothing you can do to fix it short of talking to Cryptic.
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  • simeion1simeion1 Member Posts: 898 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    somebob wrote: »
    There is no fix. It's a limitation of the Cryptic Engine. It can only draw so many effects on screen at once - once it passes that point, it stops rendering everything else.

    There is nothing you can do to fix it short of talking to Cryptic.

    You are correct to some degree, while there are limitations on the engine, since season nine release I am not able to see a lot of graphics that I was able to see prior. Just to to make since of this when I run NWS I cover the north, on wave ten I use to be able to see my weapons, GW, TBR, enemy weapons, and all other sorts of animations. I would not even lag out. Now I lag through it on lower video settings.
  • mohowmohow Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Same, I had no problems until the new update.
  • coyoteshipcoyoteship Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Hi, I am also having this same graphical problem. I use an Asus Republic of Gamer Laptop with the nvidia gforce 660m....absolutely no problems like this until S9
  • kamiyama317kamiyama317 Member Posts: 1,295 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I had a problem with my engine trail not showing at all, and fixed it by setting visual FX to high and then loading a new map. The tooltip on visual FX is wrong. It does not update instantly - you have to load a new map after making any change to it. I don't know if this will help in your case, but it might be something worth checking.
  • wtfforumnamesuckwtfforumnamesuck Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I have this problem too. The missing engine trail is a completely different problem. Setting your visual FX to high will fix the engine trails, but then your weapons will disappear in most fights. I've even seen it happen in Tau Dewa patrol missions.
  • rlfetterrlfetter Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    mohow wrote: »
    During space combat, sometimes the rear camera angle may make all ship graphics stop working, like I can't see weapons fire, the shields don't show, aesthetic equipment changes don't show either (for example Borg Engines don't have the bit on the nacelle) and the impulse trail fails to show. This only occurs with a rear camera angle and only glitches my ship, as every other ship friend or foe appears normal. I've noticed this mostly occurs in large fights like the Crystalline Catastrophe STF though it can happen in smaller engagements as well. Messing with the graphics yielded no fix. Any suggestions?
    I have the same exact issue. Before season 9 it was just my torps that would occasionally not show. Since season 9 whenever the screen gets crowded during a big battle I can't see my weapons fire or shields from a camera angle that is showing too much action. This is very annoying and setting graphics all the way to low does help a little but I am not going to play the game like that. Pretty much every engagement in the new space battle-zone has this issue for me.

    my CPU is running at about 20% while playing and before season 9 i was running graphics all the way up. I don't think my video card is to blame.

    Cryptic/Perfectworld please fix.

    my rig:
    GeForce GTX 760
    Core i7-4770 @3.4GHz
    8GB RAM
    Video Driver Version 335.23
    Windows 7 Home Premium
    Samsung Evo SSD
  • dragonsbrethrendragonsbrethren Member Posts: 1,854 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Does this actually have anything to do with the chase camera? Because I'll totally switch to free camera if it alleviates this.
    simeion1 wrote: »
    You are correct to some degree, while there are limitations on the engine, since season nine release I am not able to see a lot of graphics that I was able to see prior. Just to to make since of this when I run NWS I cover the north, on wave ten I use to be able to see my weapons, GW, TBR, enemy weapons, and all other sorts of animations. I would not even lag out. Now I lag through it on lower video settings.

    Yeah, I've heard the same limitations explanation before, but now effects aren't displaying when they always used to, or if they didn't, it was much more subtle. When I play CCE now, a good amount of my shots simply aren't visible anymore. This is also the case in the new Undine content. I don't remember this ever being an issue before S9. I don't even remember it being an issue when S9 was in testing on Tribble, but granted I didn't play there very much.

    Also, this thread could really use a more descriptive title.
  • somebobsomebob Member Posts: 556 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    mohow wrote: »
    Same, I had no problems until the new update.

    This issue has been around since launch. And because apparently most people never ran Crystaline Entity or Starbase Fleet Defense 20-Man, they've never seen this before (because it happens ALL the time in the new Undine Battlezone, and it happened ALL THE TIME in the above two maps too).


    It is an underlying issue with the Cryptic Engine - it has a maximum number of effects (beams, torpedoes, shield arcs, snotballs, everything) it can draw at once, and once it hits that point, things randomly vanish until it gets back to that number.

    To repeat myself - this has been around since launch. It is an issue with the Cryptic Engine itself and it affects ALL THREE Cryptic titles. There is nothing that can be done about it. Period. This is why Cryptic isn't saying anything.

    Season 9 did not cause this. Season 9 did bring players directly into conflict with it if they want to get the new Undine Marks (unless they run the PvE Queues, which nobody plays because the reward verses time investment stinks).

    If you have 'never seen this before' (like so many people say), then you have never gotten into a large ship engagement before. Or you're lying. Period.
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  • kallikendrakallikendra Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I'm sorry for posting this here but I'm unable to make new threads as I'm new and I coudn't find a related thread when I did a search.

    I've downloaded the game and installed it, but when I press 'engage' (love that! lol) - the game starts to load ... and that's it. It stays on the loading screen and doesn't do anything.

    Is this a glitch? It's been like it for about ten minutes now.
  • dragonsbrethrendragonsbrethren Member Posts: 1,854 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    somebob wrote: »
    If you have 'never seen this before' (like so many people say), then you have never gotten into a large ship engagement before. Or you're lying. Period.

    Stop trying to be an internet tough guy. :rolleyes:

    I played CCE all the time before season 9. If this was an issue there, it was much less pronounced than it is now, to the point I didn't notice it. I do seem to remember occasionally an effect wouldn't display, but that was something you could easily ignore. It was never so bad that my beams were invisible more often than they are visible. Maybe you're not aware of how much of an issue this has become for some people since S9.
  • edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Yup this happened before S9 and even before S8 as i am aware (i didnt play before S8 but a lot of people who did said the same thing).

    People that didnt suffered it, is because they were really lucky or they didnt play enough crystaline or fleet alerts type missions.

    I only played "a few" of those, and still i suffered it.

    So, yes, you can be one of those lucky guys who never suffered these issues in the past, but that doesnt mean they werent there.

    With the S9 engine changes to "worst", now everything comes to light. Because it is not only the overcharged engine work, are the changes cryptic did to the engine as well, the cause of all these problems.
  • maxvitormaxvitor Member Posts: 2,213 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Like edgecrysger and somebob are saying, the effect limit did exist prior to season 9, even before season 8. It's pretty clear that Cryptic's engine has a saturation point, a top end, to it's capabilities and whatever they did this season has pushed it too close to that limit, making these dropouts much more frequent and obvious.
    It doesn't help that Cryptic's idea of a challenge is adding dozens of mediocre AI targets in an encounter, with all of the effects spam that involves, rather than a few really tough ones.
    If something is not broken, don't fix it, if it is broken, don't leave it broken.
    Oh Hell NO to ARC
  • edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    maxvitor wrote: »
    Like edgecrysger and somebob are saying, the effect limit did exist prior to season 9, even before season 8. It's pretty clear that Cryptic's engine has a saturation point, a top end, to it's capabilities and whatever they did this season has pushed it too close to that limit, making these dropouts much more frequent and obvious.
    It doesn't help that Cryptic's idea of a challenge is adding dozens of mediocre AI targets in an encounter, with all of the effects spam that involves, rather than a few really tough ones.

    Yup, my first idea, for example to the undine battlezone was just a few "big" ships that will be really challenging, instead of thousands of undine ships coming and going and flying everywhere... causing a lag that makes those missions just embarrasing and really horrible. Everyone there is thinking "god, lets finish this as fast as we can..".

    But since cryptic lacks of ideas, and they cant make the enemies smarter or just with more skills / attacks, and instead they make thousands of enemies at once.. the engine will never handle it. But im surprised that cryptic didnt even say a word about this.. lol. Its really discouraging.
  • dragonsbrethrendragonsbrethren Member Posts: 1,854 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Same mission (CCE), significantly more effects missing since S9, guys... Something has changed here. No one doubts that it's an engine limitation. But something must be causing it to run into this limit sooner for me now. I've ruled out any of the settings I have access to changing.
  • mayo98577mayo98577 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Yeah I've noticed this a lot more lately and has moved past annoying. With all the chaos of some battles, I rely on seeing my weapons to keep my targets within my firing arc. The only way to do this now is to pan the camera down so it shows only your ship, then you can see your own weapons fire.
    I have been playing around with in game graphics and so far I have not noticed anything that helps. I believe others are correct when stating that the game client is capable of displaying only a certain number of animations at a time.
    What I would like to see is separate graphic options for my ship, and for other ships. Even better, My ship, Other player ships, and npc ships, and be able to select the detail and animation quality of each.
    Another solution would be for them to prioritize graphics and animations, to show your own ship as highest priority, your target as second, your team 3rd, your team’s targets 4th, other players 5th, other player’s targets sixth, and everything else after that.

    At least for me, this would make for a much better gaming experience.
  • adwynythadwynyth Member Posts: 369 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    somebob wrote: »
    This issue has been around since launch. And because apparently most people never ran Crystaline Entity or Starbase Fleet Defense 20-Man, they've never seen this before (because it happens ALL the time in the new Undine Battlezone, and it happened ALL THE TIME in the above two maps too).



    If you have 'never seen this before' (like so many people say), then you have never gotten into a large ship engagement before. Or you're lying. Period.
    I'm neither lying, nor have I avoided big encounters.

    I've done Crystalline Catastrophe very regularly for well over a year.

    Like a switch had been flipped, the "weapons fire missing" and "shields not showing" issues showed up immediately after S9.

    Yes, the GENERAL issue of "too many things break the engine" has been around since launch.

    But this specific EXPRESSION of it has grown far worse since Season 9.

    FYI: Get off your intellectual high horse. Your perspective isn't the only good one. Nor are you smarter than everybody just because you USE ALL CAPS OFTEN.
  • qziqzaqziqza Member Posts: 1,044 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    mayo98577 wrote: »
    Another solution would be for them to prioritize graphics and animations, to show your own ship as highest priority, your target as second, your team 3rd, your team’s targets 4th, other players 5th, other player’s targets sixth, and everything else after that...

    I couldn't agree more, in fact, what you are suggesting should be the standard set up.
    TOS style icons used with the kind permission of irvinis.deviantart.com ©2013-2015
  • majorleestonedmajorleestoned Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I mean come on the only reason I play this game is to see my Beams rip though another ship, I dont care what others are doingi want to see my weapon FIRE DAMNIT!!!....
  • mrnickelmrnickel Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Any work-around to this problem yet? (i.e. weapon's fire disappearing, shields not showing, ect....).

    I have a very powerful, updated graphics card and I have tried everything and nothing seems to work.

    Hoping for a fix or solution soon, thanks :)
    For evil to triumph, all it requires is for good people to do nothing
  • maxvitormaxvitor Member Posts: 2,213 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I think this one has landed in the "Let's Not Publicly Admit How Badly We F-ed This Up" drawer.
    If something is not broken, don't fix it, if it is broken, don't leave it broken.
    Oh Hell NO to ARC
  • qziqzaqziqza Member Posts: 1,044 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I mean come on the only reason I play this game is to see my Beams rip though another ship, I dont care what others are doingi want to see my weapon FIRE DAMNIT!!!....

    exactly dude!!
    TOS style icons used with the kind permission of irvinis.deviantart.com ©2013-2015
  • hakanodatehakanodate Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    adwynyth wrote: »
    I'm neither lying, nor have I avoided big encounters.

    I've done Crystalline Catastrophe very regularly for well over a year.

    Like a switch had been flipped, the "weapons fire missing" and "shields not showing" issues showed up immediately after S9.

    Yes, the GENERAL issue of "too many things break the engine" has been around since launch.

    But this specific EXPRESSION of it has grown far worse since Season 9.

    FYI: Get off your intellectual high horse. Your perspective isn't the only good one. Nor are you smarter than everybody just because you USE ALL CAPS OFTEN.

    100% correct. Anyone stating this has been around in its present state since launch is clueless or a liar (to play the same game).

    There has been a clearly noticeable worsening of this problem in S9. For the past year, I've probably averaged 2 Starbase Fleet Defense runs a week, and a Crystalline every two weeks. I go with my fleetmates. We're very well versed in these missions. It's been quite the topic of conversation these past few weeks since we've all noticed it being much more severe. And we're the kinds of folks who have gone into PvP maps just to test out graphical glitches (particularly when two beams get graphically merged into one but the combat logs show two beams actually did fire).

    Stubbornly repeating the same inapplicable factoid is not helpful, to put it mildly.
  • hakanodatehakanodate Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    maxvitor wrote: »
    I think this one has landed in the "Let's Not Publicly Admit How Badly We F-ed This Up" drawer.

    Sadly, that's my guess as well.

    It's also ironic because it's my impression that they've slowed the rollout of content to deal with existing glitches. I'm fantasizing about getting my lifetime subscription money back (I know it won't happen), though not solely over this issue. I consider this more than the straw that broke the camel's back- it's not a minor glitch as a "straw" would indicate, it's quite core to the game experience.
  • policestate76policestate76 Member Posts: 1,424 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    hakanodate wrote: »
    Sadly, that's my guess as well.

    It's also ironic because it's my impression that they've slowed the rollout of content to deal with existing glitches.

    And how did you came to that conclusion?? lol.. because they are not fixing more bugs than before (actually the opposite.. lol). Besides they are working in the new expansion, that is the only thing they are doing, talking about new content.

    And what glitches are you talking about?? they will fix the Risa event glitches.. more than that.. its the same story as every week.. a couple of non important fixes, and thats it, everything else.. forget about it lol. I wish i was wrong.
  • hakanodatehakanodate Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    And how did you came to that conclusion?? lol.. because they are not fixing more bugs than before (actually the opposite.. lol). Besides they are working in the new expansion, that is the only thing they are doing, talking about new content.

    And what glitches are you talking about?? they will fix the Risa event glitches.. more than that.. its the same story as every week.. a couple of non important fixes, and thats it, everything else.. forget about it lol. I wish i was wrong.

    I believe it was one of the Priority 1 podcasts by one of the new devs, but honestly I can't remember and I'm not even sure if my recollection is correct.
  • hatchetl4dhatchetl4d Member Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I hope this issue will get fixed. hahaha good joke.
  • policestate76policestate76 Member Posts: 1,424 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    hatchetl4d wrote: »
    I hope this issue will get fixed. hahaha good joke.

    Lol, because for a start, this is not an "issue" for cryptic, it is working as intended... :P
  • captainpugwash1captainpugwash1 Member Posts: 908 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    So putting in technical terms

    They just screwed the game up AGAIN and now don't no how to unscrew what they screwed up in the first place.
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