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Krenn Temporal Destroyer

f8explorer#7814 f8explorer Member Posts: 1,328 Arc User
edited June 2014 in Klingon Discussion
So .... How do you feel the Krenn Temporal Destroyer stacks up with the other ships in the KDF fleet?

Thinking of rolling one as I'm not a fan of our existing raptors and don't want a BoP for this one particular toon nor my beloved Mogh-class.

Curious as to everyone's thoughts.
Joint Forces Commander ... / ... proud member of ... boq botlhra'ghom / AllianceCenCom!
" We stand TOGETHER and fight with HONOR!"

U.S.S. Maelstrom, NCC-71417 (Constitution III-class/flagship) --- Fleet Admiral Hauk' --|-- Dahar Master Hauk --- I.K.S. qu'In 'an bortaS (D7-class / flagship)
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    warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    The Temporal Destroyer is pretty much superior in practically every way over the Raptors and Destroyers (though the Guramba has its own "ace"). It's also got a healthy dose of Universal Stations.

    The Temporal Science Vessel is a superior Science Vessel choice for the KDF, even with the recent Dyson Science Destroyers. It's highly customizable, has the defining traits of a Sci Vessel (heavy Sci stations, Sensor Analysis, Target Subsystems), handles extremely well. Outside the Veranus, Dyson ships, the Temporal Science Vessel is the only bonafide Science Vessel a KDF player can get.

    Yet both Temporal ships are very rarely seen in the KDF playerbase, unlike the Fed playerbase where Mobius, Wells are frequently found.

    Honesty, it's hard for me to gather the core reasons why but I only have 2 guesses.

    a. Cost... the Temporal Science version in particular, last I saw 2 months ago, was very expensive. Not sure where it stands in cost now, probably higher as the supply has gone down.

    b. Lack of Cloaks. This is more of a PVP issue, IMO. Even before the merging of the PVP faction queues, being one of the very few, non-cloak capable KDF ships was a very harsh life. Your ship better be able to take the pounding because every Fed and Fed-Rom was going to gun for you as the first thing since everyone else on your team is cloaked, if they had the capability. In today's game, everyone has cloaks it seems, and if you're not on your toes, you're vaped.

    Statistically, the ships are still quite solid. The Destroyer will provide a lot of fighting potential and customization. If you can get it for a good price, I'd say go for it.
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    shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I absolutely love mine. I got a Tal'Shiar Destoryer from a Tal'Shiar lockbox and I traded it for the Krenn because I wanted the ship ever since it came up. One of my best decisions ever, never regreted it - in fact, I bought a Rozhenko Timeship Shuttle this weekend to go with it. :P

    Seriosuly, I'd personally recommend the ship. True it lacks the cloak and the console is useless, but it looks so very Klingon with the big guns everywhere and the general design, plus preformance-wise you really won't miss the cloak. The good amount of hull, the great shield mod. (for an escort) and the liberal Boff seating really do the trick. I'm very satisfied with the preformace, it' melts stuff really fast while being able to stand on her own. Never had any difficulties in any end-game PvE with it, plus it's adaptive for multiple roles that can really save a team from drowning.
    Just the other day I was thinking how fast things go down from a well timed Krenn alpha. :)
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    oldkhemaraaoldkhemaraa Member Posts: 1,039 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I've got one on my Orion "Kui" also.. and eventually intend to pick up the destroyer varient. It's a very dangerous ship. Pretty much the survivabily of one of smaller Battlecruisers with full on science abilities, and better manuverability then some raptors (the numbers say no, the experience says "Bet Me!"). The destroyer version add more weapons and basicly becomes the best raptor in the game, 'cept of course, no cloak. Cloaks are pretty overrated in STO anyway, don't worry about it. Especially in PvP, and unlike BOP"s no flanking bonus anyway.

    With some of the newer weapons types introduced since the temporal destroyers, both versions of both races are just as dangerous as ever... Cruise with a buddy with a dyson ship for extra fun and games...
    "I aim to misbehave" - Malcolm Reynolds
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    nobletnoblet Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    It's a very flexible ship. You have the option to either fit a2b, or get a grav well I in there, along with decent shield for a destroyer. That said, it doesn't shine in any particular area. For example, fleet tokhat can also fit a2b, turns almost as well (10 base + 3 command), outdps it, and far outtank it. Same deal with breen warship, which can fit a grav well. For a traditional destroyer fit, fleet scourge does better. They're all cheaper too. Then you get to compare krenn to all the other lobi ships that cost the same, and the flexibility doesn't seem to worth the price tag anymore. Oh, and krenn has no cloak, so no advantage to other lobi ships there.
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    drowrulesupremedrowrulesupreme Member Posts: 692 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Yet both Temporal ships are very rarely seen in the KDF playerbase, unlike the Fed playerbase where Mobius, Wells are frequently found.

    Honesty, it's hard for me to gather the core reasons why but I only have 2 guesses.

    a. Cost... the Temporal Science version in particular, last I saw 2 months ago, was very expensive. Not sure where it stands in cost now, probably higher as the supply has gone down.

    b. Lack of Cloaks.

    I can think of one more reason for the Temporal Sci... simple availability. Since the odds of getting the top lockbox ship in ANY lockbox has been worked out by players as something like less than 2%, AND there were fewer players in the KDF when the Temporal lockbox first came out, you have an even tinier chance to see a KDF Temporal Sci ship on the exchange. The oft-quoted figure is around 18% of the playerbase being KDF. So, only 18% of the playerbase opening the boxes to get a 2% chance at the Korath just means less of them to go around.
    Since the Romulans came I can only assume some players on the KDF-side will have had the tough call of whether to open a Temporal lockbox on a Romulan or Klingon (even less ships for the KDF).

    AND you need the guy/gal who got one to sell the blasted thing on the exchange!

    With the Temporal Destroyer the choice is a REALLY expensive ship versus, for example, a Mirror Qin. Spend your hard earned/bought Lobi or spend 80+mil EC for the Krenn (If you find one) or use a free ship/buy a mirror one for kicks.

    Don't get me wrong, I wanted them so badly I grinded my butt off to buy one of each for a future KDF toon I have yet to roll. Now, should I roll a tac, eng or sci to get the most out of them?
    "...we are far more united and have far more in common with each other than the things that divide us.”
    Jo Cox 22.6.1974 - 16.6.2016

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    dougglendowerdougglendower Member Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    First a disclaimer: I'm a huge fan of the works of John M. Ford, so a ship named after his greatest Star Trek creation meant I had to have it.

    The Krenn is, quite simply, awesomesauce. It gives the KDF the slot between BoPs/Raptors and Cruisers that is fulfilled by Escorts on the Fed side. Until the release of the Mogh, I was shocked it wasn't more of a go-to ship. It should be the choice of any DPS Science build. The Mannenheim device is great fun, but is an almost sure aggro-grabber in most STFs. Plan accordingly. It's a beefy tough cannon-based ship that just cries out for some Science guy to go Science! the mobs a new... well, you know. Decent BOFF layout, but a little lacking on the ENG slots, so watch your repair clickies.
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    kintishokintisho Member Posts: 1,040 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    As a Wells Temporal Sci vessel captain (who also has a vesta alt.)I would say these ships are the tip top of the line period, always a good choice.. Mine is SOOOO OP, I rarely fly it, tired of cheese comments and crying pvp'ers.. But yea drastic customization, huge power and ability caps...
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    nobletnoblet Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I see a lot of Krenn owners patting themselves on the back... Honestly, it's not worth the 800 lobi. I've since switched back to Breen cruiser. 13 turnrate compared to 15, but more dps, more tank, also has grav well, etc. It may have felt like a waste to switch back from a 800 lobi ship to a free ship, but the performance is what it is. At this point, I wish I had gotten the JHDC instead with these lobi, pretty sure I won't be switching back on that one.;)
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    tom61stotom61sto Member Posts: 3,646 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    [...] there were fewer players in the KDF when the Temporal lockbox first came out, you have an even tinier chance to see a KDF Temporal Sci ship on the exchange.

    The pack for both temporal ships is cross-faction, doesn't matter who opened the lockbox or bought it from the Lobi store, it's what faction you open the ship box on that determines what pops out. Also, Cryptic reruns lock boxes from time to time (usually before a new season), so some are from lockboxes that dropped long after the Temporal Lockbox event came and went.

    I think noblet is the most correct in the reason why they aren't seen much. Though, with the high price tag on a single-character unlock (after the last Episode Replay promotion, you're talking over 15,000 Zen worth of keys unless you're very lucky), I would compare it to other faction's ships too and it falls short of some of the newer Fed escorts and escort-y Warbirds. You'd have to be pretty die-hard KDF to really want one. I'm guessing the newer Fed ones (post Vesta and Fleet Escorts) are because they are really tied to that faction (I've heard of many playing only Federation) and that the Sci ship is canon, with the destroyer being at least semi-canon then.
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    warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Re-releasing old lockboxes is like a quarterly thing. Kind of like how Cryptic TRIBBLE out the JHAS every few months.

    I checked the exchange for the Temporal Destroyer & Sci Vessel. The Destroyer is a bit steep for my tastes, but the Sci version is expensive as hell. I think only Bulwarks and JHAS are more expensive.
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    drowrulesupremedrowrulesupreme Member Posts: 692 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    tom61sto wrote: »
    The pack for both temporal ships is cross-faction, doesn't matter who opened the lockbox or bought it from the Lobi store, it's what faction you open the ship box on that determines what pops out. Also, Cryptic reruns lock boxes from time to time (usually before a new season), so some are from lockboxes that dropped long after the Temporal Lockbox event came and went.

    I think noblet is the most correct in the reason why they aren't seen much. Though, with the high price tag on a single-character unlock (after the last Episode Replay promotion, you're talking over 15,000 Zen worth of keys unless you're very lucky), I would compare it to other faction's ships too and it falls short of some of the newer Fed escorts and escort-y Warbirds. You'd have to be pretty die-hard KDF to really want one. I'm guessing the newer Fed ones (post Vesta and Fleet Escorts) are because they are really tied to that faction (I've heard of many playing only Federation) and that the Sci ship is canon, with the destroyer being at least semi-canon then.

    True about the cross-faction bit but my point still stands. A KDF player would have to either open a tonne of boxes and hope to win one (much dil -> zen or cash -> zen to buy keys) or has to buy one from the exchange (ludicrous EC cost). So fewer Korath ships are seen because fewer players play KDF and even fewer want/can afford one. Same goes for the Krenn. Big Lobi cost either from grinding during Lobi events and saving for ages whilst hoping for a Lobi ship sale or even more money/dil used to buy keys to open lockboxes for the Lobi. It doesn't matter that they re-release the boxes occasionally... all that does is dip the price on the exchange down a bit before it climbs right back up again. My temporal sci box cost me 130million EC and I thought THAT was a bargain.

    I totally agree with Noblet's point about the Chel Grett though... you couldn't pry 2 of my toons out of theirs (or 2 of my wife's from hers apparently :D) without something serious coming out of Cryptics ship-makers minds and being given out for free/nearly free. Sci/Tac/Eng, the Chel Grett is just too damn good.
    "...we are far more united and have far more in common with each other than the things that divide us.”
    Jo Cox 22.6.1974 - 16.6.2016

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    bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I love it and want it for a build idea I' m dying to create but I do think it needs a temporal cloaking device.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

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    diotwdiotw Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Really glad I picked up my Wells right when the Temporal box was about to go away. It only cost me around 40M EC. XD
    This character is why I don't play my Romulan any more. Tovan Khev is NOT my BFF! Get him off my bridge!
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