A dispersal3 spread of web mines is a better choice than standard transphasic mines
A few modicications to match current season:
-no more reman infil stacking, get operatives or nausicaans (if you run KDF)
-better replace the Tvaro torp for something else (crit console)
-locator tac consoles
-Bio torp can be replaced by the dyson grav torp.
But seriously though in team play there so much going on that its near impossible to defend against everything and this build will get the job done if flown right...Why bc majority will defend against energy weapons and then you've got em! and with the new trait its awesome.
Its not the typical type of escort build but it does work. And Cap has definitely killed me before using this build. It takes you by surprise and I've seen others start QQ'ing bc theyre not used to seeing or fighting this.
Don't you find that typically there's just so much spam on the field of battle that all the wee laddies with 1hp are obliterated? There's just so much AoE/spam/etc going on...heck, look how much more they've added since S9...meh.
a question to all of you that use torp boats, what kind of fleet warp core should i get ? i am thinking a reinforced one to add to shield and aux to have at least 3 powers above 77 for the amp bonus since weapon power is useless on a torp boat, also what mods, etc ?
I am thinking about doing this with a tactical bortasqu on my new KDF toon. I don't want to spend a lot of money on her because she's an alt, and won't bother with getting rep gear or fleet gear, so this build should work fine. Though I may get a rule 62 for her using the free lobi from these FE replays.
Timing timing timing and situational awareness. Just like everything else. It doesn't work well against fast slippery targets but if you slow or hold your target either yourself or teammates then it'll hit like a Mack Truck.
Guess like everything else, it's basically down to the luck of the draw...and my luck's never been that great in STO. But it's why I got to the point of switching out targetables for PvP, just using them for PvE before I went all Photon.
Fire at Will
Cannon Scatter Volley
Torp Spread
Tractor Beam Repulsors
Tyken's Rift
Gravity Well
Singularity Jump
Eject Warp Plasma
Aceton Assimilator
Nimbus Pirate Distress Call
Photonic Fleet
Hangar Pets
Etc, etc, etc...
It's usually just a complete spamfest from both sides...or there's one side that's just doesn't seem to care and you could smack them around with sofa cushions.
That's what I'm thinking about right now. I will probably get some tac team cooldown doffs and some eng team cooldown doffs, and will probably swap out one trait for the trait that doubles mine homing distance. At 100 shields and 50 aux it should be quite the tank.
Hopefully it will be good enough for PvE. If I can do elite STF's with it, I will be happy.
IN any event we should likely get back to talking about star ships...
I still say the E-Bio Photon Torp is bugged. :P
The HY version is a splash version and should thus be a targetable version.
The TS should not be +1, +2, +3 compared to the TS of other torps.
It still bugs me (even bug reported it, no pun intended) about the order of operation on Torp Abilities while stacking them.
Willard's got TS3 and HY2. Whether he stacks TS3/HY2 or HY2/TS3, the HY2 will activate on the first torpedo fired. It's not a lower rank issue, it appears to be alphabetical. If you try with TS1 and HY2, it's still the HY2 that activates on the first torpedo fired with the TS on the second. This means you cannot actually stack TS/HY, you can only stack HY/TS.
Twisted, eh? Like I said, it's something that bugs me...hopefully it's a bug and can be fixed - cause otherwise, that just sucks.
Also means that if you're looking to do a TS/HY/TS that you need two binds if you want the second TS to fire a different torp than the first one did...
For example:
9 0 is a Disrupting Photon
9 1 is an E-Bio Photon
You've accepted that your TS/HY is going to do a Salvo of Disrupting and Spread of E-Bio, but you want your next TS to be E-Bio.
You've got to set up the bind with the preference for the stack and the bind for when you're not stacking...
Should just be able to have the E-Bio in 9 0 and the Disrupting in 9 1, where when you trigger TS/HY the TS applies to the first torp and the HY to the second torp...and run a single bind.
I don't find the HY to be bugged or OP to be honest. The dmg is not as high as a plasma hy. (numbers off of undine which the torp has 20% bonus dmg on don't count) Plasma HY is also extremely useless and I think they know that... I would in fact rather see them change plasma HY to look more like the Bio photon... I always found it stupid that a ship could shoot down a big ball of plasma. It should be the other way around really... HY plasma should be untaratable... and all the photon/quantum casings zooming around should be targetable. (if you think about it big ball of plasma actual physical torpedo... not rocket science, well guess it is.)
The Spread... I'm not sure on. It seems pretty hit and miss as far as number of torps that hit. So there could be something funky going on. Having said that I like the idea of more torps on a Special set torp... do those torps deserve to have the same amount of dmg as a standard photon though... that I am not sure on.
I think the spread should have its dmg per torp reduced say 20%... if it is in fact intended to be firing more torps when it is used in a spread.
In the end it would be really really nice if Cryptic would start putting proper descriptions on weapons... or at the very least describing how they are intended to work when they are released somewhere... like patch notes of the forums. Perhaps they could chime in here at some point and let us know if everything is working in a way they want it it... and frankly if they could describe what that is in detail it would help us figure out if things are in fact working as intended.
except the 3 purple doffs what other doffs are recommended for a transphasic corvette ?
This one is very very good
Matter anti matter - aux to damp duration
These are nice to haves - and any combo isn't really wrong.
Deflector doffs - GW cool down doff
Dmg Control - EPTx cool down
Hazards doff - Brace for impact resistance
Warp Core doffs - Clear Debuffs on EPTx usage (good for everyone)
Conn doffs - Evasive cool down
In the end it would be really really nice if Cryptic would start putting proper descriptions on weapons... or at the very least describing how they are intended to work when they are released somewhere... like patch notes of the forums. Perhaps they could chime in here at some point and let us know if everything is working in a way they want it it... and frankly if they could describe what that is in detail it would help us figure out if things are in fact working as intended.
It's one of those things where the tooltip/info for the E-Bio is just...meh.
We can look at the info for torps that have a HY Heavy instead of HY Salvo, and see the constant reference to a heavy being targetable. The E-Bio heavy doesn't reference that.
This could be a simple change in things - which wouldn't be the first with S9. Consider the 2pc boost to damage for Phasers/Disruptors - it's bonus instead of strength. There are a bunch of 2pc that have the same number, but they're a much smaller boost.
It could be that the HY E-Bio Heavy is working like that...so much like the 2pc Phaser/Disruptor boost screws over the previous boosts, this torp's Heavy screws over other torps.
It's that consistency thing, one of those things that bugs me.
With the Spread, well...
HY2 Disrupting/TS3 E-Bio...you're dropping out a Salvo or 3 Disrupting and a Spread of 7 E-Bio. The Disrupting has +20% Accuracy and the E-Bio as a Spread is not going to miss. That's 10 torps that can vape many targets. Heck, add in the Grav for the 11th torp and the 33% proc for a Grav Rift.
Harder targets? Work in SNB, Scan, VM.
Harder targets? Work in a low power BO1 with EWO DOFFs with Shearing.
Harder targets? Yeah, with the timing you've got another 7 E-Bio ready for the target.
S9 basically made all other torps a joke...meh, the difference between what you can do with Photons to everything else...bah, and no pesky issues of anything being targetable.
Note, this isn't a complaint from getting killed by them...it's a complaint because Willard's actually been killing folks. Hell, you can end up popping multiple folks depending on their state with a TS3 E-Bio...just because there are seven of those "super bosted!" torps heading their way, lol.
And even with the HY2 E-Bio, dropping out a 3k+ per tick Shearing DoT...
Heh, if I didn't suck as much as I do...if I were better geared...oh well.
Tons of thanks for this post! I put this setup on my Vesta and it is regularly parsing 5-6K DPS in Infecteds! I haven't tried it in PvP yet but hopefully will soon! One more purple proj wpns doff to go and I should have it.
It's kind of curious, in regard to the E-Bio Torps. There was mention of them not being special by one person and another stating that their TS3 only did x4 compared to the x7 that I always see. It raises the question of whether there are multiple E-Bio Torps out there. Is the x4 bugged? Is the x7 bugged? Why are some folks seeing x7 and some x4, eh?
For me, it's been that world of difference that can occur between a TS3 vs 5x targets where you're looking at 20 torps vs. 35 torps and the 15+ additional chances to crit that take the E-Bio to an absurd level when the TS3 damage of of the E-Bio per torp is equivalent to that of a Grav Photon. That's 10-20k+ damage that you could get from the TS3 per target.
Wish we could get an answer from Cryptic on that - cause yeah, you do a x7 TS3 with EWO/BO Penetration and OKS...oh well.
It's kind of curious, in regard to the E-Bio Torps. There was mention of them not being special by one person and another stating that their TS3 only did x4 compared to the x7 that I always see. It raises the question of whether there are multiple E-Bio Torps out there. Is the x4 bugged? Is the x7 bugged? Why are some folks seeing x7 and some x4, eh?
For me, it's been that world of difference that can occur between a TS3 vs 5x targets where you're looking at 20 torps vs. 35 torps and the 15+ additional chances to crit that take the E-Bio to an absurd level when the TS3 damage of of the E-Bio per torp is equivalent to that of a Grav Photon. That's 10-20k+ damage that you could get from the TS3 per target.
Wish we could get an answer from Cryptic on that - cause yeah, you do a x7 TS3 with EWO/BO Penetration and OKS...oh well.
There are 2 types of bio torps.
The one that some consider possibly bugged is the Enhanced Bio Photon... its the rep mission torpedo. You can only have one its a unique weapon like the Graviton Torp. (which is why I don't believe it is bugged at all... Consider Grav torp spread Rift numbers, and Grav torp HY is different as well). That torpedo under HY launches one higher dmg projectile torpedo. (around 90% as powerful as a Plasma HY against Undine... around 70% as powerful as a Plasma HY against players or other NPCs... Under spread it launches more torps then a standard torpedo) Cool down on this torpedo is 6s like standard photons.
The other type is the Reputation torpedo weapon type... of which you can have as many as you want. This torpedo has a 33% chance to cause a slow sort of like a chron torp... the slow lasts for 8s when the 8s expires (assuming you don't hazard it away)... it creates a small radiaion explosion (hull dmg). Its not harpang level dmg but at 8s it is less likely to get cleared. These torps act like standard photons when they are HY or spread... creating the standard Spread number of torps and HY salvos like normal photons. They have a 8s cool down. (which is still 4s faster then a chron torp)
The one that some consider possibly bugged is the Enhanced Bio Photon... its the rep mission torpedo. You can only have one its a unique weapon like the Graviton Torp. (which is why I don't believe it is bugged at all... Consider Grav torp spread Rift numbers, and Grav torp HY is different as well). That torpedo under HY launches one higher dmg projectile torpedo. (around 90% as powerful as a Plasma HY against Undine... around 70% as powerful as a Plasma HY against players or other NPCs... Under spread it launches more torps then a standard torpedo) Cool down on this torpedo is 6s like standard photons.
The other type is the Reputation torpedo weapon type... of which you can have as many as you want. This torpedo has a 33% chance to cause a slow sort of like a chron torp... the slow lasts for 8s when the 8s expires (assuming you don't hazard it away)... it creates a small radiaion explosion (hull dmg). Its not harpang level dmg but at 8s it is less likely to get cleared. These torps act like standard photons when they are HY or spread... creating the standard Spread number of torps and HY salvos like normal photons. They have a 8s cool down. (which is still 4s faster then a chron torp)
In that thread, I explicitly stated that I was talking about the E-Bio with x7 and the normal Bio doing x4...to which they maintained their E-Bio was doing x4.
The E-Bio's a 6s CD and the normal Bio are 7s CDs. It's the Grav that's an 8s CD.
The reason I consider the E-Bio to be bugged is because with a TS3, each torp is doing the same kinetic damage as a Grav...only it is firing x7 of them instead of x4 (at least for me, as mentioned - somebody else stated it was only doing x4 for them).
Even the standard E-Bio vs. Grav is going to be the same kinetic damage with the 6s CD vs. 8s CD.
Yes, the Grav will have the 33% chance for the Rift in a small radius doing a DoT where the duration can be extended. The E-Bio's got the 100% chance for the Incubation as long as it is not cleansed. Tend to discount both of those in the overall discussion, because folks will cleanse the Incubation and fly out of the Rift.
Which just takes us back to the x7 vs. x4 of the torps...up to x35 vs. x20...with those additional 3-15x torps each also having a chance to crit.
Lots of folks keep bringing up that it might be a vs. Undine bias, but the Undine pretty much were disintegrated by other torps before hand...where I noticed it was in PvP where ol' goofball Willard started blowing folks up instead of blowing himself up. You get 7x torps hitting for 16-24k+ damage...
Alright folks, I've cleaned this thread up of posts that are derailing this thread.
Before I state this thread needs to get back on topic let me say something -
I understand completely and sympathize with transgender folks that have been abused, beaten and other unspeakable actions and been called names because of who they are. That said, I have to look at this thread objectively not just based on my own views on things. The OP and the people that have replied are obviously not trying to insult or make fun of transgendered people. If they were, I would have instantly removed all references, issued warnings and most likely requested a ban be placed.
However, even I call transphasic gear - tranny torps or trans torps etc. It's not because I'm insensitive, it's not because I don't think about transgender rights or their struggle, it's because it's simpler to say. Again, I understand those that have a strong hate for the word but if I censor every word people find offensive the forums would be a very very barren place.
I appreciate those that also ignored posts and reported them to us and just tried to keep the thread going It's why I've let this thread continue on.
And now, back on topic folks - Enjoy discussing this good build!
Yes, I'm that Askray@Batbayer in game. Yes, I still play. No, I don't care. Former Community Moderator, Former SSR DJ, Now Full time father to two kids, Husband, Retail Worker. Tiktok: @Askray Facebook: Askray113
Alright folks, I've cleaned this thread up of posts that are derailing this thread.
First I know discussing actions you guys take is not cool. I apologize firstly here (I know they say ask for forgiveness after, I'll be honest though). I understand and don't disagree with your action. I just wanted to say that although it was off topic and on that alone open to moderation. I think the semi sorta off topic discussion we had was almost completely respectful and I thought showed how a trek community was perhaps more willing then some to listen to each other and be constructive. I can see that perhaps leaving that first constructive line would lead to issues...
In any event, Thank you for your good work as always... if you have to remove this as well I understand and I am sorry to make you do the extra work. (oh and please don't slap my fingers, I promise won't talk about your moderation posts again)
In that thread, I explicitly stated that I was talking about the E-Bio with x7 and the normal Bio doing x4...to which they maintained their E-Bio was doing x4.
I completely misread you Virus. Sorry for some reason I thought you where asking what the difference was between the 2 torps.
I do agree with you though the enahnced version spread may be a bit out of line. I like the idea of more torps... considering the 8s afterward pop... I just think the base dmg needs to be toned down. More torps at lower dmg would be interesting. (sure might still over reward high crit builds like heavy geared roms)
I think it was cool in theory just not that well thought out in terms of top end usage.
A dispersal3 spread of web mines is a better choice than standard transphasic mines
A few modicications to match current season:
-no more reman infil stacking, get operatives or nausicaans (if you run KDF)
-better replace the Tvaro torp for something else (crit console)
-locator tac consoles
-Bio torp can be replaced by the dyson grav torp.
@rudiefix Feds: Rudiefix / Thron / Opa
@rudiefix KDFs: Lill / Xifeidur / Dehr / Ugly
@rudiefix Roms (KDF alligned): Chicita
Don't you find that typically there's just so much spam on the field of battle that all the wee laddies with 1hp are obliterated? There's just so much AoE/spam/etc going on...heck, look how much more they've added since S9...meh.
Guess like everything else, it's basically down to the luck of the draw...and my luck's never been that great in STO. But it's why I got to the point of switching out targetables for PvP, just using them for PvE before I went all Photon.
Fire at Will
Cannon Scatter Volley
Torp Spread
Tractor Beam Repulsors
Tyken's Rift
Gravity Well
Singularity Jump
Eject Warp Plasma
Aceton Assimilator
Nimbus Pirate Distress Call
Photonic Fleet
Hangar Pets
Etc, etc, etc...
It's usually just a complete spamfest from both sides...or there's one side that's just doesn't seem to care and you could smack them around with sofa cushions.
That's what I'm thinking about right now. I will probably get some tac team cooldown doffs and some eng team cooldown doffs, and will probably swap out one trait for the trait that doubles mine homing distance. At 100 shields and 50 aux it should be quite the tank.
Hopefully it will be good enough for PvE. If I can do elite STF's with it, I will be happy.
I still say the E-Bio Photon Torp is bugged. :P
The HY version is a splash version and should thus be a targetable version.
The TS should not be +1, +2, +3 compared to the TS of other torps.
It still bugs me (even bug reported it, no pun intended) about the order of operation on Torp Abilities while stacking them.
Willard's got TS3 and HY2. Whether he stacks TS3/HY2 or HY2/TS3, the HY2 will activate on the first torpedo fired. It's not a lower rank issue, it appears to be alphabetical. If you try with TS1 and HY2, it's still the HY2 that activates on the first torpedo fired with the TS on the second. This means you cannot actually stack TS/HY, you can only stack HY/TS.
Twisted, eh? Like I said, it's something that bugs me...hopefully it's a bug and can be fixed - cause otherwise, that just sucks.
Also means that if you're looking to do a TS/HY/TS that you need two binds if you want the second TS to fire a different torp than the first one did...
For example:
9 0 is a Disrupting Photon
9 1 is an E-Bio Photon
You've accepted that your TS/HY is going to do a Salvo of Disrupting and Spread of E-Bio, but you want your next TS to be E-Bio.
You've got to set up the bind with the preference for the stack and the bind for when you're not stacking...
Should just be able to have the E-Bio in 9 0 and the Disrupting in 9 1, where when you trigger TS/HY the TS applies to the first torp and the HY to the second torp...and run a single bind.
The Spread... I'm not sure on. It seems pretty hit and miss as far as number of torps that hit. So there could be something funky going on. Having said that I like the idea of more torps on a Special set torp... do those torps deserve to have the same amount of dmg as a standard photon though... that I am not sure on.
I think the spread should have its dmg per torp reduced say 20%... if it is in fact intended to be firing more torps when it is used in a spread.
In the end it would be really really nice if Cryptic would start putting proper descriptions on weapons... or at the very least describing how they are intended to work when they are released somewhere... like patch notes of the forums. Perhaps they could chime in here at some point and let us know if everything is working in a way they want it it... and frankly if they could describe what that is in detail it would help us figure out if things are in fact working as intended.
This one is very very good
Matter anti matter - aux to damp duration
These are nice to haves - and any combo isn't really wrong.
Deflector doffs - GW cool down doff
Dmg Control - EPTx cool down
Hazards doff - Brace for impact resistance
Warp Core doffs - Clear Debuffs on EPTx usage (good for everyone)
Conn doffs - Evasive cool down
It's one of those things where the tooltip/info for the E-Bio is just...meh.
We can look at the info for torps that have a HY Heavy instead of HY Salvo, and see the constant reference to a heavy being targetable. The E-Bio heavy doesn't reference that.
This could be a simple change in things - which wouldn't be the first with S9. Consider the 2pc boost to damage for Phasers/Disruptors - it's bonus instead of strength. There are a bunch of 2pc that have the same number, but they're a much smaller boost.
It could be that the HY E-Bio Heavy is working like that...so much like the 2pc Phaser/Disruptor boost screws over the previous boosts, this torp's Heavy screws over other torps.
It's that consistency thing, one of those things that bugs me.
With the Spread, well...
HY2 Disrupting/TS3 E-Bio...you're dropping out a Salvo or 3 Disrupting and a Spread of 7 E-Bio. The Disrupting has +20% Accuracy and the E-Bio as a Spread is not going to miss. That's 10 torps that can vape many targets. Heck, add in the Grav for the 11th torp and the 33% proc for a Grav Rift.
Harder targets? Work in SNB, Scan, VM.
Harder targets? Work in a low power BO1 with EWO DOFFs with Shearing.
Harder targets? Yeah, with the timing you've got another 7 E-Bio ready for the target.
S9 basically made all other torps a joke...meh, the difference between what you can do with Photons to everything else...bah, and no pesky issues of anything being targetable.
Note, this isn't a complaint from getting killed by them...it's a complaint because Willard's actually been killing folks. Hell, you can end up popping multiple folks depending on their state with a TS3 E-Bio...just because there are seven of those "super bosted!" torps heading their way, lol.
And even with the HY2 E-Bio, dropping out a 3k+ per tick Shearing DoT...
Heh, if I didn't suck as much as I do...if I were better geared...oh well.
3x +28.1% Tac Consoles.
The +26.2% Multi-Relay.
2pc Protonic's +22.9%.
TT1's +9%.
APO3's +24.8% bonus.
EBC's +15% bonus.
T4 Nukara Offense's +6.2% bonus.
SNB and Sensor Scan (-67.6 All DRR).
Disrupting Photon: 42.9% CrtH & 154.2% CrtD
E-Bio Photon: 44.9% CrtH & 174.2% CrtD
[Combat (Self)] Your Disrupting Photon Torpedo - Salvo II gives 1172 (6623) to somebody's Shields.
[Combat (Self)] Your Disrupting Photon Torpedo - Salvo II deals 736 (7642) Kinetic Damage to somebody.
[Combat (Self)] Your Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo - Spread III deals 7379 (4474) Kinetic Damage(Critical) to somebody's officer Work Bee CMU.
[Combat (Self)] Your Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo - Spread III deals 1921 (1165) Kinetic Damage(Critical) to somebody's officer Work Bee CMU.
[Combat (Self)] Your Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo - Spread III deals 1865 (1131) Kinetic Damage(Critical) to somebody's officer Work Bee CMU.
[Combat (Self)] Your Disrupting Photon Torpedo - Salvo II gives 2637 (14904) to somebody's Shields.
[Combat (Self)] Your Disrupting Photon Torpedo - Salvo II gives 1197 (6767) to somebody's Shields.
[Combat (Self)] Your Disrupting Photon Torpedo - Salvo II deals 1656 (17198) Kinetic Damage(Critical) to somebody.
[Combat (Self)] Your Disrupting Photon Torpedo - Salvo II deals 752 (7808) Kinetic Damage to somebody.
[Combat (Self)] Your Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo - Spread III deals 15867 (9619) Kinetic Damage(Critical) to somebody's officer Work Bee CMU.
[Combat (Self)] Your Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo - Spread III deals 17082 (10356) Kinetic Damage(Critical) to somebody's officer Work Bee CMU.
[Combat (Self)] Your Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo - Spread III deals 16406 (9946) Kinetic Damage(Critical) to somebody's officer Work Bee CMU.
[Combat (Self)] Your Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo - Spread III deals 18635 (11297) Kinetic Damage(Critical) to somebody's officer Work Bee CMU.
[Combat (Self)] Your Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo - Spread III deals 8218 (4982) Kinetic Damage to somebody's officer Work Bee CMU.
[Combat (Self)] Your Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo - Spread III deals 8553 (5185) Kinetic Damage to somebody's officer Work Bee CMU.
[Combat (Self)] Your Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo - Spread III deals 21264 (12891) Kinetic Damage(Critical) to somebody's officer Work Bee CMU.
[Combat (Self)] Your Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo - Spread III deals 3439 (2085) Kinetic Damage to somebody's officer Work Bee CMU.
[Combat (Self)] Your Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo - Spread III deals 145 (88) Kinetic Damage(Critical) to somebody's officer Work Bee CMU.
[Combat (Self)] Your Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo - Spread III deals 9696 (5878) Kinetic Damage to somebody's officer Work Bee CMU.
[Combat (Self)] Your Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo - Spread III deals 131 (79) Kinetic Damage(Critical) to somebody's officer Work Bee CMU.
[Combat (Self)] Your Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo - Spread III gives 2172 (11840) to somebody's Shields.
[Combat (Self)] Your Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo - Spread III gives 7 (36) to somebody's Shields.
[Combat (Self)] Your Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo - Spread III gives 7 (37) to somebody's Shields.
[Combat (Self)] Your Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo - Spread III deals 1316 (13662) Kinetic Damage(Critical) to somebody.
[Combat (Self)] Your Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo - Spread III deals 4 (42) Kinetic Damage to somebody.
[Combat (Self)] Your Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo - Spread III deals 4 (42) Kinetic Damage to somebody.
[Combat (Self)] Your Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo - Spread III deals 9322 (5652) Kinetic Damage to somebody's officer Work Bee CMU.
[Combat (Self)] Your Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo - Spread III deals 68 (41) Kinetic Damage to somebody's officer Work Bee CMU.
[Combat (Self)] Your Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo - Spread III deals 59 (36) Kinetic Damage to somebody's officer Work Bee CMU.
[Combat (Self)] Your Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo - Spread III deals 9618 (5831) Kinetic Damage to somebody's officer Work Bee CMU.
[Combat (Self)] Your Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo - Spread III gives 12 (66) to somebody's Shields.
[Combat (Self)] Your Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo - Spread III gives 14 (75) to somebody's Shields.
[Combat (Self)] Your Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo - Spread III gives 12 (67) to somebody's Shields.
[Combat (Self)] Your Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo - Spread III gives 916 (4993) to somebody's Shields.
[Combat (Self)] Your Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo - Spread III gives 301 (1642) to somebody's Shields.
[Combat (Self)] Your Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo - Spread III gives 13 (69) to somebody's Shields.
[Combat (Self)] Your Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo - Spread III deals 12 (81) Kinetic Damage(Critical) to somebody.
[Combat (Self)] Your Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo - Spread III deals 13 (92) Kinetic Damage(Critical) to somebody.
[Combat (Self)] Your Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo - Spread III deals 12 (82) Kinetic Damage(Critical) to somebody.
[Combat (Self)] Your Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo - Spread III deals 881 (6101) Kinetic Damage to somebody.
[Combat (Self)] Your Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo - Spread III deals 4262 (6131) Kinetic Damage to somebody.
[Combat (Self)] Your Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo - Spread III deals 12 (85) Kinetic Damage(Critical) to somebody.
[Combat (Self)] Your Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo - Spread III gives 814 (4438) to somebody's Shields.
[Combat (Self)] Your Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo - Spread III deals 7796 (12706) Kinetic Damage(Critical) to somebody.
[Combat (Self)] Your Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo - Spread III deals 11657 (12107) Kinetic Damage(Critical) to somebody.
[Combat (Self)] Your Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo - Spread III deals 12824 (13318) Kinetic Damage(Critical) to somebody.
[Combat (Self)] Your Enhanced Bio-Molecular Photon Torpedo - Spread III deals 13114 (13620) Kinetic Damage(Critical) to somebody.
There was just this one...
[Combat (Self)] Your Disrupting Photon Torpedo - Salvo II gives 1539 (14256) to somebody's Shields.
[Combat (Self)] Your Disrupting Photon Torpedo - Salvo II deals 750 (8107) Kinetic Damage to somebody.
[Combat (Self)] Your Disrupting Photon Torpedo - Salvo II gives 1641 (15200) to somebody's Shields.
[Combat (Self)] Your Disrupting Photon Torpedo - Salvo II deals 800 (8645) Kinetic Damage to somebody.
[Combat (Self)] Your Disrupting Photon Torpedo - Salvo II gives 2045 (18936) to somebody's Shields.
[Combat (Self)] Your Disrupting Photon Torpedo - Salvo II deals 12980 (17243) Kinetic Damage(Critical) to somebody.
[Combat (Self)] Your Photon Torpedo - Spread III gives 1006 (9319) to somebody's Shields.
[Combat (Self)] Your Photon Torpedo - Spread III deals 1816 (6016) Kinetic Damage to somebody.
[Combat (Self)] Your Photon Torpedo - Spread III gives 320 (2966) to somebody's Shields.
[Combat (Self)] Your Photon Torpedo - Spread III deals 21696 (13324) Kinetic Damage(Critical) to somebody.
[Combat (Self)] Your Photon Torpedo - Spread III gives 954 (8835) to somebody's Shields.
[Combat (Self)] Your Photon Torpedo - Spread III deals 14899 (12823) Kinetic Damage(Critical) to somebody.
For me, it's been that world of difference that can occur between a TS3 vs 5x targets where you're looking at 20 torps vs. 35 torps and the 15+ additional chances to crit that take the E-Bio to an absurd level when the TS3 damage of of the E-Bio per torp is equivalent to that of a Grav Photon. That's 10-20k+ damage that you could get from the TS3 per target.
Wish we could get an answer from Cryptic on that - cause yeah, you do a x7 TS3 with EWO/BO Penetration and OKS...oh well.
There are 2 types of bio torps.
The one that some consider possibly bugged is the Enhanced Bio Photon... its the rep mission torpedo. You can only have one its a unique weapon like the Graviton Torp. (which is why I don't believe it is bugged at all... Consider Grav torp spread Rift numbers, and Grav torp HY is different as well). That torpedo under HY launches one higher dmg projectile torpedo. (around 90% as powerful as a Plasma HY against Undine... around 70% as powerful as a Plasma HY against players or other NPCs... Under spread it launches more torps then a standard torpedo) Cool down on this torpedo is 6s like standard photons.
The other type is the Reputation torpedo weapon type... of which you can have as many as you want. This torpedo has a 33% chance to cause a slow sort of like a chron torp... the slow lasts for 8s when the 8s expires (assuming you don't hazard it away)... it creates a small radiaion explosion (hull dmg). Its not harpang level dmg but at 8s it is less likely to get cleared. These torps act like standard photons when they are HY or spread... creating the standard Spread number of torps and HY salvos like normal photons. They have a 8s cool down. (which is still 4s faster then a chron torp)
In that thread, I explicitly stated that I was talking about the E-Bio with x7 and the normal Bio doing x4...to which they maintained their E-Bio was doing x4.
The E-Bio's a 6s CD and the normal Bio are 7s CDs. It's the Grav that's an 8s CD.
The reason I consider the E-Bio to be bugged is because with a TS3, each torp is doing the same kinetic damage as a Grav...only it is firing x7 of them instead of x4 (at least for me, as mentioned - somebody else stated it was only doing x4 for them).
Even the standard E-Bio vs. Grav is going to be the same kinetic damage with the 6s CD vs. 8s CD.
Yes, the Grav will have the 33% chance for the Rift in a small radius doing a DoT where the duration can be extended. The E-Bio's got the 100% chance for the Incubation as long as it is not cleansed. Tend to discount both of those in the overall discussion, because folks will cleanse the Incubation and fly out of the Rift.
Which just takes us back to the x7 vs. x4 of the torps...up to x35 vs. x20...with those additional 3-15x torps each also having a chance to crit.
Lots of folks keep bringing up that it might be a vs. Undine bias, but the Undine pretty much were disintegrated by other torps before hand...where I noticed it was in PvP where ol' goofball Willard started blowing folks up instead of blowing himself up. You get 7x torps hitting for 16-24k+ damage...
Before I state this thread needs to get back on topic let me say something -
I understand completely and sympathize with transgender folks that have been abused, beaten and other unspeakable actions and been called names because of who they are. That said, I have to look at this thread objectively not just based on my own views on things. The OP and the people that have replied are obviously not trying to insult or make fun of transgendered people. If they were, I would have instantly removed all references, issued warnings and most likely requested a ban be placed.
However, even I call transphasic gear - tranny torps or trans torps etc. It's not because I'm insensitive, it's not because I don't think about transgender rights or their struggle, it's because it's simpler to say. Again, I understand those that have a strong hate for the word but if I censor every word people find offensive the forums would be a very very barren place.
I appreciate those that also ignored posts and reported them to us and just tried to keep the thread going
And now, back on topic folks - Enjoy discussing this good build!
Former Community Moderator, Former SSR DJ, Now Full time father to two kids, Husband, Retail Worker.
Tiktok: @Askray Facebook: Askray113
First I know discussing actions you guys take is not cool. I apologize firstly here (I know they say ask for forgiveness after, I'll be honest though). I understand and don't disagree with your action. I just wanted to say that although it was off topic and on that alone open to moderation. I think the semi sorta off topic discussion we had was almost completely respectful and I thought showed how a trek community was perhaps more willing then some to listen to each other and be constructive. I can see that perhaps leaving that first constructive line would lead to issues...
In any event, Thank you for your good work as always... if you have to remove this as well I understand and I am sorry to make you do the extra work. (oh and please don't slap my fingers, I promise won't talk about your moderation posts again)
I completely misread you Virus. Sorry for some reason I thought you where asking what the difference was between the 2 torps.
I do agree with you though the enahnced version spread may be a bit out of line. I like the idea of more torps... considering the 8s afterward pop... I just think the base dmg needs to be toned down. More torps at lower dmg would be interesting. (sure might still over reward high crit builds like heavy geared roms)
I think it was cool in theory just not that well thought out in terms of top end usage.