I haven't actually played the new
Surface Tension mission yet (I've been busy in RL so have had limited STO play time, and what time I have spent in-game I've been savoring/taking my time just enjoying the new ESD and playing around with the new Tailor options, mostly), but someone pointed out to me it has an End Date.
So before I logged off last night I looked in my Journal and there it was (I think it was May 1st)!
If it's like past FEs that only means that while the mission will remain, some special reward will cease to be offered.
So my question is:
Which reward(s) currently offered for Surface Tension is(are) the "Event Only" one(s) that I have grind out before time runs out?
(Note: I found this
Surface Tension blog entry, but it doesn't mention either an End Date nor any Limited Time/Offer rewards.

Edit: Thanks to Thutmosis85, I found my answer:
Before May 1st any level toon can run the mission, after May 1st, only L50 toons. The rewards will remain "
Forever and always."
You can find/contact me in game as
Playing STO since Feb 2010.
None ... after May 1 it's just Level 50 only ...
"There is no problem in the universe that can't be solved with a bribe, a paid assassin, or an overpowered fighter." - Chubain from Jumpgate Evolution
My character Tsin'xing
Anybody else think it's really sad that the OP felt the need to have the word "grind" in that query?
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
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My character Tsin'xing
Yes, it's really sad that Cryptic is so transparent about all their changes' purpose being to add more grind.
My character Tsin'xing
Other MMOs would at least have a greater point to their grind. A purpose for it.
You were saying? :P
My character Tsin'xing
Before May 1st any level toon can run the mission, after May 1st, only L50 toons. The rewards will remain "Forever and always."
Well, typically with a FE, there are "Limited Time Rewards", and if I want those LTRs on multiple/"all" of my toons, that means I have to re-play the same mission over and over and over and over and over again...
That to me is the very definition of a grind, especially when there's an "expiration date" involved and I have to run those replays during a small window of opportunity.
It wasn't so bad when they first started the FE LTRs, because then you just had to run each mission once per toon. But then with the ... 4400 Series, I think it was, they started making FEs that had multiple special rewards from each mission (granted not all of them were LTRs, but still, they were set pieces or similar), meaning you had to run each episode multiple times per toon to get everything, doubling or tripling the grind.
The sad part is that PW/Cryptic wants to keep us in game. But it's back-fired in my case and they got severe diminishing returns from me with those tactics...
At one point I had about 20 characters. I would spend lots of time, energy, and money having fun building/maintaining those characters. Buying ships, uniforms, DOff packs, and services like bank, DOff, and costume slots...
Then last year I got sick of the grind and "retired" most of them and got down to about a dozen. Earlier this year I cut a few more, and still got sick of replaying the same old stuff. I'm still undecided on how many characters I want to keep active, but I'm thinking it's going to be closer to 2-3... And those toons are pretty well stocked on anything. It's been a long time since I bought a new ship, for example.
I used to log in and look for something to do, just to keep playing. Now... Meh. Prior to S9 I hadn't logged in to play but once or twice in the last several months... I'll play S9 until I'm bored, then I'm done again. No more grind for me.
TL;DR: Yes, it's really sad.
You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
I luff it.
What about regular photons? or the boost doesnt apply to photon torpedoes? :eek: