Please bring back 1st person view. I don't understand why it was taken away in the first place? I'm curious what the logic was behind taking away a feature many enjoyed...
I'm not one to complain, but it's really a game killer for me to have to shoot over my shoulder versus in 1st person, and try as I might, I cannot get used to it.
Seem to remember it changed with season 7, I'm sure I could go first person before that.
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There was, many months ago when I was last active.
I love some of the new stuff they've done with STO. Earth Space Dock is absolutely amazing. But we need our 1st person shooter option back.
There never was one.
There was a nice little trick to "create" a 1st person view oneself, but there was never an official function like that.
But I believe it was disabled in STO in one of the Season releases, I think the one that overhauled the UI.
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