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Cannot begin Season 9 feature episode....bug

sgtheadachesgtheadache Member Posts: 2 Arc User
edited April 2014 in PC Gameplay Bug Reports
I am having difficulty initiating the season 9 feature episode "Surface Tension" My primary Federation character (Hans Davion@sgtheadache) went through the mission once successfully...however several days later I tried to repeat the mission and could not do so.

When I "hail" the mission...I do not get the invitation to accept or decline...nor is the mission posted on the right of my screen .....rather I get Tuvoc's first monologue about "Welcome to the conference" etc, and asked to help with preparationsd........ (even though I am not there yet...I am still in sector space)

Similarly...when I "transwarp" to the Dyson sphere...I am not given the option to "Begin Surface Tension"

Nor at any point am I offered the chance to "drop" the mission and begin again.

Post edited by sgtheadache on


  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Are you hailing from the special picture on the left in the main missions screen or attempting to choose replay from The FE tabs?

    If the former it will not work. You must choose replay under the FE tab.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • asteconnasteconn Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Thank you for that. I was having the same problem.
  • eosguildmaileosguildmail Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    On my fed character I cannot access surface tension with either option to try and re-run it. I cleared all my active missions as well and when using the side section I can hail but Tuvok wants me to settle the delegates and in the master list the mission is greyed out even though all the precursors are complete.:mad:
  • deianirrahdeianirrah Member Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Same problem here, eosguildmail.

    Taskforce 47 Falkenwacht (Federation) / Greifenreiter (KDF)
    (at) deianirrah
    Free Gear and where to get it
  • hipachilleshipachilles Member Posts: 195 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I am having the same problem, since having completed the mission once already. When I open the banner and hail Tuvok, he asks me to seat the delegates. I click ok but the mission does not appear in my tracker or my active lists. Even when all missions are dropped, I see the same problem.

    When I manually warp to the mission starting location (the gateway in Romulan space) there is no button to begin the mission. For me, there is no way that I can find to play this mission again.

    EDIT: I found the problem - using episode replay, the mission is listed at the very top of the list under "Feature Episode" and not in the Dyson category. When selecting this mission from there, the option to replay is available. For anyone else, this should solve your problem.
  • rawritsakittenrawritsakitten Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I have not done it with any of my characters, I get the mission, its on my tracker, and everything. I transwarp to it and I go to start the mission and on the loading screen it crashes. Does this happen to anyone else?
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