I came back to the game recently so I'm hideously out of touch with a lot of things, but I saw some Adapted Tal Shiar ships flyijng about. Made me wonder if we could see this in-game.
Yeah, I know about the Romulan dreadnought, but that's Romulan faction only (unless I'm mistaken). And that's not the adapted version either. I believe the lockbox is the means by which Cryptic brings in ships that aren't compatible IP-wise, so I was wondering if we would see this in-game.
I don't know why, but I just really dig the adapted version. :-)
This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
From what I can see, lockbox ships are ships not belonging to specific factions in-game (Romulan, Federation, Klingon).
If you were to put a lockbox ship in the C-store which section would it go in?
Would a Galor be a KDF ship? Voth Bastion a Federation ship? You can't categorize most of these ships as Romulan/KDF/Federation.
The Scimitar is a Romulan ship so it belongs in C-store. The only exceptions are the Tal'Shiar ABC/AD.
Also since the Scimitar is in the C-store it doesn't seem likely it would be in a lockbox.
Yeah because that's so fair to players like me who saved and saved to buy the Scimi 3 pack... (Using the Tulwar only for skin). Not going to happen, ever.
Not the normal one in-game. The one that has the vertical section and the strange 'dish' in front of one wing. Not IP-compatible for player usage, so the only way to get it would be through lockboxes.
Needless to say it would be a completely different ship than the one in-game. If people are worried about the special consoles the 3-pack comes with and associated abilities, the adapted one can just not have them. You could perhaps equip the consoles from the normal ones onto the adapted one perhaps (locked to only Romulans ofc). Though ideally they should be unique to the 3-pack ships.
Don't get me wrong, I'd be happy with a Ship Costume for the normal as well, but I don't think the devs are making ship costumes anymore.
Yeah because that's so fair to players like me who saved and saved to buy the Scimi 3 pack... (Using the Tulwar only for skin). Not going to happen, ever.
To be honest I always felt that Cryptic missed the boat by not offering Tal Shiar Adapted Scimitar that would have been open to all factions.
The Adapted Scimitar would come with a Borg enhanced Warp Core but Romulan players would have and option to swap it out for a non Borg enhanced Singularity Core if they so choose.
In the End a Borg Enhanced Scimitar would be more OP than the C-Store ones that we have now so it's most likely for the best that they do not exist
To be honest I always felt that Cryptic missed the boat by not offering Tal Shiar Adapted Scimitar that would have been open to all factions.
The Adapted Scimitar would come with a Borg enhanced Warp Core but Romulan players would have and option to swap it out for a non Borg enhanced Singularity Core if they so choose.
In the End a Borg Enhanced Scimitar would be more OP than the C-Store ones that we have now so it's most likely for the best that they do not exist
It would be 1 of 2 things. Over powered as hell, or underpowered as hell. Sorry, just a bad idea.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
Yeah because that's so fair to players like me who saved and saved to buy the Scimi 3 pack... (Using the Tulwar only for skin). Not going to happen, ever.
Well It being there does not mean it being stronger or equal.
It could be a completely different ship.
But why should it?
If we want a Scimitar, we buy the scimitar
It we want an assimilated looking scimitar we can buy the scimitar and put the assimilated set on it... whats the need?
Also the particular modifications look... really really poor.
Yeah because that's so fair to players like me who saved and saved to buy the Scimi 3 pack... (Using the Tulwar only for skin). Not going to happen, ever.
LOL, thats not the problem, cryptic will not care anything about players that already bought the scimi pack. Cryptic never worked thinking on "this is going to be fair to these players" lol..The problem is, why should we have another scimi type class?? it makes no sense at all. Some people just want more and more.. they will never learn.
As someone that has the Scimitar bundle, and also have Fed and KDF toons, I wouldn't mind a lockbox Scimitar for the others, but it will need to be down graded a lot. Otherwise, it will make the C-Store version pointless.
I would recommend that it come with 4fore, 3aft weapons, 4 tac, 3 engineering, and 2 science console slots. This will keep it from being as powerful as the C-Store's version, but still have one that others can play.
The cloaking bonus will need to be removed, and the consoles from the C-Store version couldn't be used on it. It can only use one hanger of Scorpion fighters, and can equip cannons. The BOFF seating will be a set seating, without any universal ones, and can have 2 or 3 item slots.
These are just a few of my suggestions for it. If they did something like that, I would like to have the option. And if it looked ugly like Donatra's does, I would be fine with that also. However, I feel that to keep things as fair as possible, it will need to be closer to what normal cruisers are, but still keep the battle cloak for it. This gives it the Romulan ship feel, but without the extra damage, or the ability to have shields while cloaked. And if they keep the bleed through the C-Store Scimitar has, then it will have the paper feel of the escorts, but the turn and damage of most cruisers without the C-Store Scimitar's DPS.
It would be fun to fly.
Leader of Elite Guardian Academy.Would you like to learn how to run a fleet? Would you like to know how to do ship builds (true budget as well as high end)?The join the Academy today!
From what I can see, lockbox ships are ships not belonging to specific factions in-game (Romulan, Federation, Klingon).
If you were to put a lockbox ship in the C-store which section would it go in?
Would a Galor be a KDF ship? Voth Bastion a Federation ship? You can't categorize most of these ships as Romulan/KDF/Federation.
The Scimitar is a Romulan ship so it belongs in C-store. The only exceptions are the Tal'Shiar ABC/AD.
Also since the Scimitar is in the C-store it doesn't seem likely it would be in a lockbox.
Well you do have the Temporal ships which are faction specific, but otherwise yeah it's mainly an alternate species ship, but of course the assimilated vessels kind of scream the word Romulan, but not directly.
Ok first off my scimitar can rip apart donatra's, secondly how about full on borg skin for ships, they would come with unique parts to modify any ship. My logic was " if I want a scimmy, gotta get a rommie " an I've never regretted that decision.
As someone that has the Scimitar bundle, and also have Fed and KDF toons, I wouldn't mind a lockbox Scimitar for the others, but it will need to be down graded a lot. Otherwise, it will make the C-Store version pointless.
I would recommend that it come with 4fore, 3aft weapons, 4 tac, 3 engineering, and 2 science console slots. This will keep it from being as powerful as the C-Store's version, but still have one that others can play.
The cloaking bonus will need to be removed, and the consoles from the C-Store version couldn't be used on it. It can only use one hanger of Scorpion fighters, and can equip cannons. The BOFF seating will be a set seating, without any universal ones, and can have 2 or 3 item slots.
These are just a few of my suggestions for it. If they did something like that, I would like to have the option. And if it looked ugly like Donatra's does, I would be fine with that also. However, I feel that to keep things as fair as possible, it will need to be closer to what normal cruisers are, but still keep the battle cloak for it. This gives it the Romulan ship feel, but without the extra damage, or the ability to have shields while cloaked. And if they keep the bleed through the C-Store Scimitar has, then it will have the paper feel of the escorts, but the turn and damage of most cruisers without the C-Store Scimitar's DPS.
It would be fun to fly.
It doesn't need a downgrade, here's why: It's the Romulan inside the Scimitar that makes it the dps machine that it is, not the ship itself. Bortasqu would have had similar dps if not for the Romulans in Scimitar. (not talking about pvp, btw, which isn't about sustained dps anyway) Even with moderately superior specs, Non-Romulan assimulated scimi will still be inferior to Romulan regular scimi. It just gives Romulan chars a reason to get the assimulated scimi, which is in Cryptic's interest.
It doesn't need a downgrade, here's why: It's the Romulan inside the Scimitar that makes it the dps machine that it is, not the ship itself. Bortasqu would have had similar dps if not for the Romulans in Scimitar. (not talking about pvp, btw, which isn't about sustained dps anyway) Even with moderately superior specs, Non-Romulan assimulated scimi will still be inferior to Romulan regular scimi. It just gives Romulan chars a reason to get the assimulated scimi, which is in Cryptic's interest.
Well an assimilated Scimi is kind of a meh scenario, I am not for it, but I am not also against it.
It doesn't need a downgrade, here's why: It's the Romulan inside the Scimitar that makes it the dps machine that it is, not the ship itself. Bortasqu would have had similar dps if not for the Romulans in Scimitar. (not talking about pvp, btw, which isn't about sustained dps anyway) Even with moderately superior specs, Non-Romulan assimulated scimi will still be inferior to Romulan regular scimi. It just gives Romulan chars a reason to get the assimulated scimi, which is in Cryptic's interest.
Without the downgrade, you are looking at a ship that has 5fore, and 3aft weapons slots, as well as 10 console slots, including 5 tac. Also, if left just like the C-Store ship, it can use multiple BOFF layouts due to the universal layouts.
Granted, the bonus that Romulan captains get coming out of cloak does help with the burst damage from an alpha strike, it is not the only thing that make the C-Store Scimitar so powerful. It is the potential that the ship has in it's entirety. Only removing the bonus that the captain gives it will still leave the ship powerful. Therefore, players that have the Scimitar from the C-Store, but don't use the consoles, will have no need to buy a C-Store version.
However, downgrading it will make it a ship that all other factions can get, but not still have almost the same potential as the C-Store version. It will still encourage the purchase of the C-Store one for ones with Romulans, because they will be not only getting the consoles, but a much better ship anyway.
Also, I am not talking about in PVP either. Unless I specify, I usually don't talk about it because it is not something I do much of due to bad experiences.
Leader of Elite Guardian Academy.Would you like to learn how to run a fleet? Would you like to know how to do ship builds (true budget as well as high end)?The join the Academy today!
Without the downgrade, you are looking at a ship that has 5fore, and 3aft weapons slots, as well as 10 console slots, including 5 tac. Also, if left just like the C-Store ship, it can use multiple BOFF layouts due to the universal layouts.
Granted, the bonus that Romulan captains get coming out of cloak does help with the burst damage from an alpha strike, it is not the only thing that make the C-Store Scimitar so powerful. It is the potential that the ship has in it's entirety. Only removing the bonus that the captain gives it will still leave the ship powerful. Therefore, players that have the Scimitar from the C-Store, but don't use the consoles, will have no need to buy a C-Store version.
However, downgrading it will make it a ship that all other factions can get, but not still have almost the same potential as the C-Store version. It will still encourage the purchase of the C-Store one for ones with Romulans, because they will be not only getting the consoles, but a much better ship anyway.
Also, I am not talking about in PVP either. Unless I specify, I usually don't talk about it because it is not something I do much of due to bad experiences.
Well they could force them to only match the Falchion template I suppose, with no viable Scimi consoles like the C-store version, they would operate off of a M/AM core with a single unique console of their own.
I came back to the game recently so I'm hideously out of touch with a lot of things, but I saw some Adapted Tal Shiar ships flyijng about. Made me wonder if we could see this in-game.
Yeah, I know about the Romulan dreadnought, but that's Romulan faction only (unless I'm mistaken). And that's not the adapted version either. I believe the lockbox is the means by which Cryptic brings in ships that aren't compatible IP-wise, so I was wondering if we would see this in-game.
I don't know why, but I just really dig the adapted version. :-)
Hope I didn't step on any toes accidentally.
Peace. \m/
Maybe, possibly. I mean it'd be stripped down to PC levels of effectiveness, but I could see them offering the skin someday in some sort of capacity. Never say never and all that.
Hmmm, just so you guys know, I have only 3 chars; a Fed, Klingon and Romulan (all lvl50). I have no problem getting the scimitar for my Romulan (in fact that's the plan). That still won't let me have the Donatra look, even with the assimilated borg set. I like the Donatra look, and that's just a personal preference. Like how some of my friends hate the look of Fed saucer designs and are desperate to fly anything else, while others refuse to fly anything else.
I consider Donatra's adapted dreadnought a different ship. Maybe a console to summon tractor probes and regen probes? Built-in normal cloak? E-warfare attack console?
Besides, as it has been mentioned, the real power is the Romulan at the helm, not the just ship itself. It could go along similar lines to the Tal Shiar Adapted Battlecruiser perhaps? 4 fore and 4 aft weapons perhaps? Instead of the Thalaron death blast from the Romulan dreadnought, give it a Thalaron irradiating blast that just applies a DoT and slow? Just some thoughts for a Ship release.
Frankly though, I'd settle for a ship costume for my Romulan. I only mentioned the lockbox option since that's the only way non-IP compatible stuff apparently can get in the hands of players (in the way of playable ships, or so it seems).
I've been waiting about a couple of years now for two ships: the Typhoon battleship and Donatra's adapted dreadnought. Seems like very few people want either.
As I already own the scimidar, i wouldn't want one available to all factions.
First off, while it's an evil ship for dps, it's the least fun ship I own (IMO).
I'd rather have access to a lockbox ship that's more capable to being flexible. My KDF toons would love to have something more 'science' flavoured.
Sadly I have to agree with the Scimitar being quite boring when you get right down to it.
If your not using it to kick out the most DPS you can your pretty much doing it wrong and the moment that I started specing for Damage rather than having fun with my Scimitar it just lost most of its appeal to me.
With my fun Scimitar build I was getting just about 12k DPS but now I'm getting just about 24k (still far from the best I know) out of it but I hardly ever use it now.
As someone that has the Scimitar bundle, and also have Fed and KDF toons, I wouldn't mind a lockbox Scimitar for the others, but it will need to be down graded a lot. Otherwise, it will make the C-Store version pointless.
I would recommend that it come with 4fore, 3aft weapons, 4 tac, 3 engineering, and 2 science console slots. This will keep it from being as powerful as the C-Store's version, but still have one that others can play.
The cloaking bonus will need to be removed, and the consoles from the C-Store version couldn't be used on it. It can only use one hanger of Scorpion fighters, and can equip cannons. The BOFF seating will be a set seating, without any universal ones, and can have 2 or 3 item slots.
These are just a few of my suggestions for it. If they did something like that, I would like to have the option. And if it looked ugly like Donatra's does, I would be fine with that also. However, I feel that to keep things as fair as possible, it will need to be closer to what normal cruisers are, but still keep the battle cloak for it. This gives it the Romulan ship feel, but without the extra damage, or the ability to have shields while cloaked. And if they keep the bleed through the C-Store Scimitar has, then it will have the paper feel of the escorts, but the turn and damage of most cruisers without the C-Store Scimitar's DPS.
It would be fun to fly.
IF they would offer a lockbox scimitar variant it would with absolute certainty not be downgraded.
Lockbox ships are supposed to be the absolute top ships.
They want you to spent hundreds of dollar for keys to get that one ship, that wouldn't be the case if a stronger version can just be bought.
So, simply: if they add donatras scimitar as a lockbox ship it will be only a scimitar visually, the ship itsself will be something completely different.
Just to make you aware this thread has been posted under the wrong sub forum as it is a question it should of been posted under the academy and will end up being moved there.
If you were to put a lockbox ship in the C-store which section would it go in?
Would a Galor be a KDF ship? Voth Bastion a Federation ship? You can't categorize most of these ships as Romulan/KDF/Federation.
The Scimitar is a Romulan ship so it belongs in C-store. The only exceptions are the Tal'Shiar ABC/AD.
Also since the Scimitar is in the C-store it doesn't seem likely it would be in a lockbox.
Live Long And Suck It. - Wil Weaton
I'm talking about this: http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/sto.gamepedia.com/thumb/8/82/Donatra's_ship.jpg/260px-Donatra's_ship.jpg?version=9d4093896762143581c4f5796fd4d436
Not the normal one in-game. The one that has the vertical section and the strange 'dish' in front of one wing. Not IP-compatible for player usage, so the only way to get it would be through lockboxes.
Needless to say it would be a completely different ship than the one in-game. If people are worried about the special consoles the 3-pack comes with and associated abilities, the adapted one can just not have them. You could perhaps equip the consoles from the normal ones onto the adapted one perhaps (locked to only Romulans ofc). Though ideally they should be unique to the 3-pack ships.
Don't get me wrong, I'd be happy with a Ship Costume for the normal as well, but I don't think the devs are making ship costumes anymore.
Edited: fixed some typos.
To be honest I always felt that Cryptic missed the boat by not offering Tal Shiar Adapted Scimitar that would have been open to all factions.
The Adapted Scimitar would come with a Borg enhanced Warp Core but Romulan players would have and option to swap it out for a non Borg enhanced Singularity Core if they so choose.
In the End a Borg Enhanced Scimitar would be more OP than the C-Store ones that we have now so it's most likely for the best that they do not exist
Dammit now you got me wanting :P
Live Long And Suck It. - Wil Weaton
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
oooooh! +1 for playable Narada (Borg tech)!
Well It being there does not mean it being stronger or equal.
It could be a completely different ship.
But why should it?
If we want a Scimitar, we buy the scimitar
It we want an assimilated looking scimitar we can buy the scimitar and put the assimilated set on it... whats the need?
Also the particular modifications look... really really poor.
LOL, thats not the problem, cryptic will not care anything about players that already bought the scimi pack. Cryptic never worked thinking on "this is going to be fair to these players" lol..The problem is, why should we have another scimi type class?? it makes no sense at all. Some people just want more and more.. they will never learn.
I would recommend that it come with 4fore, 3aft weapons, 4 tac, 3 engineering, and 2 science console slots. This will keep it from being as powerful as the C-Store's version, but still have one that others can play.
The cloaking bonus will need to be removed, and the consoles from the C-Store version couldn't be used on it. It can only use one hanger of Scorpion fighters, and can equip cannons. The BOFF seating will be a set seating, without any universal ones, and can have 2 or 3 item slots.
These are just a few of my suggestions for it. If they did something like that, I would like to have the option. And if it looked ugly like Donatra's does, I would be fine with that also. However, I feel that to keep things as fair as possible, it will need to be closer to what normal cruisers are, but still keep the battle cloak for it. This gives it the Romulan ship feel, but without the extra damage, or the ability to have shields while cloaked. And if they keep the bleed through the C-Store Scimitar has, then it will have the paper feel of the escorts, but the turn and damage of most cruisers without the C-Store Scimitar's DPS.
It would be fun to fly.
Well you do have the Temporal ships which are faction specific, but otherwise yeah it's mainly an alternate species ship, but of course the assimilated vessels kind of scream the word Romulan, but not directly.
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
It doesn't need a downgrade, here's why: It's the Romulan inside the Scimitar that makes it the dps machine that it is, not the ship itself. Bortasqu would have had similar dps if not for the Romulans in Scimitar. (not talking about pvp, btw, which isn't about sustained dps anyway) Even with moderately superior specs, Non-Romulan assimulated scimi will still be inferior to Romulan regular scimi. It just gives Romulan chars a reason to get the assimulated scimi, which is in Cryptic's interest.
Well an assimilated Scimi is kind of a meh scenario, I am not for it, but I am not also against it.
Of course a user skin would be kind of nifty too.
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
Without the downgrade, you are looking at a ship that has 5fore, and 3aft weapons slots, as well as 10 console slots, including 5 tac. Also, if left just like the C-Store ship, it can use multiple BOFF layouts due to the universal layouts.
Granted, the bonus that Romulan captains get coming out of cloak does help with the burst damage from an alpha strike, it is not the only thing that make the C-Store Scimitar so powerful. It is the potential that the ship has in it's entirety. Only removing the bonus that the captain gives it will still leave the ship powerful. Therefore, players that have the Scimitar from the C-Store, but don't use the consoles, will have no need to buy a C-Store version.
However, downgrading it will make it a ship that all other factions can get, but not still have almost the same potential as the C-Store version. It will still encourage the purchase of the C-Store one for ones with Romulans, because they will be not only getting the consoles, but a much better ship anyway.
Also, I am not talking about in PVP either. Unless I specify, I usually don't talk about it because it is not something I do much of due to bad experiences.
Well they could force them to only match the Falchion template I suppose, with no viable Scimi consoles like the C-store version, they would operate off of a M/AM core with a single unique console of their own.
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
First off, while it's an evil ship for dps, it's the least fun ship I own (IMO).
I'd rather have access to a lockbox ship that's more capable to being flexible. My KDF toons would love to have something more 'science' flavoured.
Maybe, possibly. I mean it'd be stripped down to PC levels of effectiveness, but I could see them offering the skin someday in some sort of capacity. Never say never and all that.
(Sarcasm) only if it comes in the form of a Borg cube.
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
I consider Donatra's adapted dreadnought a different ship. Maybe a console to summon tractor probes and regen probes? Built-in normal cloak? E-warfare attack console?
Besides, as it has been mentioned, the real power is the Romulan at the helm, not the just ship itself. It could go along similar lines to the Tal Shiar Adapted Battlecruiser perhaps? 4 fore and 4 aft weapons perhaps? Instead of the Thalaron death blast from the Romulan dreadnought, give it a Thalaron irradiating blast that just applies a DoT and slow? Just some thoughts for a Ship release.
Frankly though, I'd settle for a ship costume for my Romulan. I only mentioned the lockbox option since that's the only way non-IP compatible stuff apparently can get in the hands of players (in the way of playable ships, or so it seems).
I've been waiting about a couple of years now for two ships: the Typhoon battleship and Donatra's adapted dreadnought. Seems like very few people want either.
Sadly I have to agree with the Scimitar being quite boring when you get right down to it.
If your not using it to kick out the most DPS you can your pretty much doing it wrong and the moment that I started specing for Damage rather than having fun with my Scimitar it just lost most of its appeal to me.
With my fun Scimitar build I was getting just about 12k DPS but now I'm getting just about 24k (still far from the best I know) out of it but I hardly ever use it now.
IF they would offer a lockbox scimitar variant it would with absolute certainty not be downgraded.
Lockbox ships are supposed to be the absolute top ships.
They want you to spent hundreds of dollar for keys to get that one ship, that wouldn't be the case if a stronger version can just be bought.
So, simply: if they add donatras scimitar as a lockbox ship it will be only a scimitar visually, the ship itsself will be something completely different.
You forgot the hangar bay.