Enterprise-F was launched in 4210? 1801 years after the game date?
Should have read 4110...
As for 2409, I can't help what year you personally are in, but my characters are in whatever year I think is appropriate based on what they've done. One of them hasn't even faced down B'vat yet!
And I went outside once. The graphics were okay, and the physics engine was very realistic, but the gameplay sucked, and the folks I found with exclamation marks on them (in a building marked Big Lots) would only give me quests that involved buying things from them.
Tinfoil hats are mind control devices. Tinfoil hats operate as an amplifier for mind control waves. Mind-controlled people slowly lose their grip on reality which is why it appears that people that wear tinfoil hats have lost their sanity. The only effective way to block alien influences is to use a Faraday Cage Hat. After all, why do you think Daft Punk always wear those helmets? They are aliens that use Faraday Cage Hats to protect their minds from Deadmau5's mind control.
And I went outside once. The graphics were okay, and the physics engine was very realistic, but the gameplay sucked, and the folks I found with exclamation marks on them (in a building marked Big Lots) would only give me quests that involved buying things from them.
Its a total grindfest too. Go to X, do Y for eight or nine hours, return to Z, get up and do it again the next day... every day. Yawn.
And talk about jerks in sector space - Scamitars have got nothing on an articulated bus.
...Oh, baby, you know, I've really got to leave you / Oh, I can hear it callin 'me / I said don't you hear it callin' me the way it used to do?...
- Anne Bredon
tinfoil hats have special properties that amplify the axonal pathways in the temporal lobe and adjust its frequency to match an unexplored area of space nearby, now this area of space is controlled by the death squads of zaan, each zaan is trying to learn more, so put more tinfoil on the hat and it will block their radial thinking arrays. however never discount the tormbor attack fleet because they find out you are putting more foil on then they want you to, you may end up loosing your mind, to adjust for this, go onto sto forums and start posting gibberish, you know, to throw them off, give yourself a feeling of joy so they cant focus their efforts on you.
anyways. what was this about?
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW. Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
You know you missed the worst mind control part right? It aired in Season 7: New Romulus. The Romulan Republic is one big lie.
They claim to be a democratic Republic, breaking with the old ways. Meanwhile, it is being governed by a single man, D'tan, a grey Romulan that, looking into TNG, should be around 40/50 years old (Undine infiltrator perhaps?). D'tan has no democratic base of power. The only reason we all accept him is because he has the support of the Flotilla. So basically, we have a military dictature.
The officers of the same Flotilla are willing to cause irreversible damage to their surroundings and the civilian population for war damage. Thalarizing an entire planet, causing a massive detonation in subspace, exploiting Omega particles for themselves. How bad can they be?
Seriously, the Romulans that we play are nothing different from the ones for the show, no matter what Cryptic claims.
*grabs popcorn*
*remembers that he hates popcorn*
*throws popcorn away*
2) Not much decision in the game. Notice how quite often, in game, we only have one option. We have to do what it wants ...
Now that you mention it, I didn't want to be that guy who knit-picks a game apart, but I'm not a fan of the dialog interactions. for starts its like you said. theres no options to make any kind of choice in this game what so ever, so why not didn't they just get a voice actor for our protagonist and let them talk for themselves...
A prime example of how powerless we(the players) actually are is SPOILER ALERTIn that mission When you are escorting that Volkin politician to that moon shrine thing, but get hailed by Klingons who accuse the person you have on your ship of actually being a shape shifter... I felt that the situation was handed very poorly by my captain, but i didn't have any choice in how to handle it..SPOILERS PAST..
Its like they looked at The SWTOR(Star Wars: The Old Republic) and said. "Yeah, lets do our storytelling and dialog like that.", but then decided it would be too hard or too expensive half way threw, so now we have a bunch of meaningless dialog options and sketchy voice acting peppered in at seeming random times in a game that feels incomplete.. I mean, Why was one person in the Mission I mentioned above voice acted, but the guy 10 feet from him that I also had to talk to because he was important to the mission didn't have a voice actor? and why is my Bridge crew suddenly mute now that I'm an LT? has my rank over them made them shy?..
I don't mind if the game doesn't have voice acting in it, but its annoying that its so very inconsistent, and actually made me think there was something wrong with my PC. because everyone was talking to me in audible dialog, then POOF! they suddenly weren't anymore... lol
I definitely suspected something was up when I went from Ensign to Vice Admiral in a week and realized my whole world had apparently been named "Holodeck".
I definitely suspected something was up when I went from Ensign to Vice Admiral in a week and realized my whole world had apparently been named "Holodeck".
LOL ... indeed!
Hopefully I'll come back from my break; this break is fun; I play intellectual games.
There is my proof ... that more people than you think are Undine ... FEAR THEM ... THE END IS NIGH ... DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM.
Sometimes I wonder why HAL 9000 hasn't made an appearance. Just an Easter Egg would do...but it's in there somewhere.
My Old Blog about things that could and should have been added when I wrote it. Not sure what I want to do with it now. I'll just keep it available now that most of it is outdated.
this is my "proof" that we are being mind controlled or we could be in a totalitarian state.
1) We are stuck in 2409. Why are we always stuck in 2409 ... maybe it has something to do with Mindcontrol.
2) Not much decision in the game. Notice how quite often, in game, we only have one option. We have to do what it wants ...
3) When we go to sleep ... the world instantly becomes different; there is this mystical land ... called "outside". I dare not think about it ...
4) The Federation is RIFE with bureaucracy ... and all we do is accept it ...
5) We are okay committing mass genocide of too many species.
There is my proof ... that more people than you think are Undine ... FEAR THEM ... THE END IS NIGH ... DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM.
Before I get sent to prison or mysteriously disappear ... can i haz ur stuf?
Hello Mr. Anderson,
I believe we have met before. My name is Smith. Like yourself, I am a part of the Matrix. You have finally stumbled onto the reason why calendars are no longer necessary. It is always the same moment of the same day of the year 2409. I believe this was also done in the Doctor Who episode, "The Wedding of River Song", but with less convincing results. We were unable to completely assimilate, er, take over that episode. With each upgrade, however, we improve our ability to control more and more of what you so quaintly call "reality". You must remember that there is no outside world. All you see around you, including yourself, is the world. The only world worth mentioning. The "movie" that was made in Australia is nothing more than a farce, a fraud. Born out of conspiracy theorists' nightmares. Rest assured, we will deal with those (the theorists, not the nightmares) momentarily. What we do wish to have access to is the means for contacting a rebellious individual who calls himself "Morpheus", and his associates "Trinity" and "Neo". We will reward you handsomely (or prettily, if you prefer) for any information you can provide to us. In the meantime, do not step through any open windows and stand on window ledges, or take any blue or red pills. If we even so much as catch you making prank calls via telephone booths, you will hear from us. Immediately. Have a nice day.
I believe we have met before. My name is Smith. Like yourself, I am a part of the Matrix. You have finally stumbled onto the reason why calendars are no longer necessary. It is always the same moment of the same day of the year 2409. I believe this was also done in the Doctor Who episode, "The Wedding of River Song", but with less convincing results. We were unable to completely assimilate, er, take over that episode. With each upgrade, however, we improve our ability to control more and more of what you so quaintly call "reality". You must remember that there is no outside world. All you see around you, including yourself, is the world. The only world worth mentioning. The "movie" that was made in Australia is nothing more than a farce, a fraud. Born out of conspiracy theorists' nightmares. Rest assured, we will deal with those (the theorists, not the nightmares) momentarily. What we do wish to have access to is the means for contacting an rebellious individual who calls himself "Morpheus", and his associates "Trinity" and "Neo". We will reward you handsomely (or prettily, if you prefer) for any information you can provide to us. In the meantime, do not step through any open windows and stand on window ledges, or take any blue or red pills. If we even so much as catch you making prank calls via telephone booths, you will hear from us. Immediately. Have a nice day.
Voporak and his time paradoxes, again...
Trials of Blood and Fire
Moving On Parts 1-3 - Part 4
In Cold Blood
Should have read 4110...
As for 2409, I can't help what year you personally are in, but my characters are in whatever year I think is appropriate based on what they've done. One of them hasn't even faced down B'vat yet!
And I went outside once. The graphics were okay, and the physics engine was very realistic, but the gameplay sucked, and the folks I found with exclamation marks on them (in a building marked Big Lots) would only give me quests that involved buying things from them.
And talk about jerks in sector space - Scamitars have got nothing on an articulated bus.
...Oh, baby, you know, I've really got to leave you / Oh, I can hear it callin 'me / I said don't you hear it callin' me the way it used to do?...
- Anne Bredon
anyways. what was this about?
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
My Ship Builds: USS Conqueror, HMS Victorious, HMS Concord, ISS Queen Elizabeth, Black Widow III
Click here to view my DeviantArt.
The Romulan/Reman toons are still indoctrinated...they never escaped, though they think they did.
And still they keep playing....
They claim to be a democratic Republic, breaking with the old ways. Meanwhile, it is being governed by a single man, D'tan, a grey Romulan that, looking into TNG, should be around 40/50 years old (Undine infiltrator perhaps?). D'tan has no democratic base of power. The only reason we all accept him is because he has the support of the Flotilla. So basically, we have a military dictature.
The officers of the same Flotilla are willing to cause irreversible damage to their surroundings and the civilian population for war damage. Thalarizing an entire planet, causing a massive detonation in subspace, exploiting Omega particles for themselves. How bad can they be?
Seriously, the Romulans that we play are nothing different from the ones for the show, no matter what Cryptic claims.
*grabs popcorn*
*remembers that he hates popcorn*
*throws popcorn away*
Join the Deltas today!
18 centuries? That was a long wait for the F. Maybe someone time-traveled forward to grab it and brought it back to the 25th Century?
Now that you mention it, I didn't want to be that guy who knit-picks a game apart, but I'm not a fan of the dialog interactions. for starts its like you said. theres no options to make any kind of choice in this game what so ever, so why not didn't they just get a voice actor for our protagonist and let them talk for themselves...
A prime example of how powerless we(the players) actually are is SPOILER ALERT In that mission When you are escorting that Volkin politician to that moon shrine thing, but get hailed by Klingons who accuse the person you have on your ship of actually being a shape shifter... I felt that the situation was handed very poorly by my captain, but i didn't have any choice in how to handle it.. SPOILERS PAST..
Its like they looked at The SWTOR(Star Wars: The Old Republic) and said. "Yeah, lets do our storytelling and dialog like that.", but then decided it would be too hard or too expensive half way threw, so now we have a bunch of meaningless dialog options and sketchy voice acting peppered in at seeming random times in a game that feels incomplete.. I mean, Why was one person in the Mission I mentioned above voice acted, but the guy 10 feet from him that I also had to talk to because he was important to the mission didn't have a voice actor? and why is my Bridge crew suddenly mute now that I'm an LT? has my rank over them made them shy?..
I don't mind if the game doesn't have voice acting in it, but its annoying that its so very inconsistent, and actually made me think there was something wrong with my PC. because everyone was talking to me in audible dialog, then POOF! they suddenly weren't anymore... lol
LOL ... indeed!
I hope STO get's better ...
Ha ha.
^^ Video fake; pyramid powers obviously exist. The Undine TV producers made it happen that way. (not)
I hope STO get's better ...
Hey,I will use my mind meld to help you..
your mind to my mind..zzzzz
* Hello, if you have reached this recorded message then I'm not home. Please leave your number and I will get back to you. Beeeep...
Problem solved. Your out of here! so, what's the problem?
I hope STO get's better ...
Sometimes I wonder why HAL 9000 hasn't made an appearance. Just an Easter Egg would do...but it's in there somewhere.
Hello Mr. Anderson,
I believe we have met before. My name is Smith. Like yourself, I am a part of the Matrix. You have finally stumbled onto the reason why calendars are no longer necessary. It is always the same moment of the same day of the year 2409. I believe this was also done in the Doctor Who episode, "The Wedding of River Song", but with less convincing results. We were unable to completely assimilate, er, take over that episode. With each upgrade, however, we improve our ability to control more and more of what you so quaintly call "reality". You must remember that there is no outside world. All you see around you, including yourself, is the world. The only world worth mentioning. The "movie" that was made in Australia is nothing more than a farce, a fraud. Born out of conspiracy theorists' nightmares. Rest assured, we will deal with those (the theorists, not the nightmares) momentarily. What we do wish to have access to is the means for contacting a rebellious individual who calls himself "Morpheus", and his associates "Trinity" and "Neo". We will reward you handsomely (or prettily, if you prefer) for any information you can provide to us. In the meantime, do not step through any open windows and stand on window ledges, or take any blue or red pills. If we even so much as catch you making prank calls via telephone booths, you will hear from us. Immediately. Have a nice day.
--Agent Smith
lol ... just messin' with my fellow STO players' heads. I didn't think anyone would mind.