What they SHOULD have done if they don't want players to sit around is NOT making the whole thing time based:
The flag ship arrives when all 26 or something rifts are closed (and.. may be... all spawned MU ships are dead). That means= when the work is done, not after 15 minutes.
The artificial time gate is there on purpose. We all know this.
Yeah, but this far into the event, it's probably not going anywhere. Especially with this "fix" which now has the rifts spawning the entire time.
No. But even if the map will go away when the event is finished, I doubt this will be the last time we saw that particular event.
And MAY BE they'll make it better next time.
A mission that actually benefits from a hardcore aggro monster cruiser that can handle tanking serveral rifts worth Typhoon mayhem. Hold threat and survive through obscene amounts of phaser spam and walls of quantum torpedo spreads. On elite!
I find that lots of fun, admittedly I am a glutton for punishment. Players not near Brody are popping faster than a freshly milked bowl of rice crispies. The solution, its not AtB scmitards, they fold like deckchairs with 20+ ships bombarding them. No, the solution is real, aux using tanks. Something this game has not needed in a long time.
I hope the future holds more content that requires significant allocation of resources into defense!
A mission that actually benefits from a hardcore aggro monster cruiser that can handle tanking serveral rifts worth Typhoon mayhem. Hold threat and survive through obscene amounts of phaser spam and walls of quantum torpedo spreads. On elite!
I find that lots of fun, admittedly I am a glutton for punishment. Players not near Brody are popping faster than a freshly milked bowl of rice crispies. The solution, its not AtB scmitards, they fold like deckchairs with 20+ ships bombarding them. No, the solution is real, aux using tanks. Something this game has not needed in a long time.
I hope the future holds more content that requires significant allocation of resources into defense!
Brody, ToS Veteran
Yeah. While I think the MU is a fail in general, what I REALLY liked about it is the fact that lot of the usual setups and tactics do not work that well here.
And a lot of the frustration comes from the lack of coordination of the players. And the time-gated-event-factor.
Thread move... this kind of feedback really belongs in the place where the right Devs are most likely to engage.
My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
I'm running several alts through daily on normal. I don't consider myself a "great" player so I won't even consider Elite, but I know how the event works and am willing to listen to teammates on how to adjust to how things are going. Since the patch yesterday things are very different. I don't really understand what the "fix" did to the event, but man is it bonkers now.
I just got out of a run where the team managed to only close 15 rifts. The base only dropped to 9/10, there were a few ships left, maybe a handful of cruisers, the station got to defense level 5 and we wiped out the dread at the end in plenty of time for the bonus.
And that's the "best" run I've had today.
The "worst" run today (so far) the team closed 46 rifts, mirror ships were everywhere and the station got to level 5 but got blown to hell 3 times. It was about to go down a 4th when the dread spawned. Wiped the dread with no trouble.
The problem both times was the rifts were spawning in bunches, like others have said. Get one closed and there are 2-3 more needing closed but are spawning ships making it difficult. The first team basically said "TRIBBLE it" and just concentrated on destroying mirror ships. The second team kept trying to close rifts, and did well at it considering, but there were just too many mirror ships for the base to handle.
Before the patch, I would average closing 20-30 rifts per run on normal. My highest was 42. Mark rewards averaging in the mid to upper 40's and plenty of 50+ runs.
After the patch, the teams are closing about the same number of rifts, but the amount of variation is staggering. Mark rewards have only broken 40 once today (again, so far).
I just wanted to see if anyone else was seeing a big change in the event since the patch and apparently there are. I was willing to just write it off to me slowly losing my mind and/or playing skill between Wednesday and Thursday.
If there *is* a bug or something with the event after the patch, then hopefully it'll get fixed before the event makes a return sometime down the road. If it does, that is.
Hello. My name is iamynaught and I am an altaholic.
The problem both times was the rifts were spawning in bunches, like others have said. Get one closed and there are 2-3 more needing closed but are spawning ships making it difficult. The first team basically said "TRIBBLE it" and just concentrated on destroying mirror ships. The second team kept trying to close rifts, and did well at it considering, but there were just too many mirror ships for the base to handle.
There definitely does seem to be more rapid rift spawn than before, which makes them piling up much easier. Even on ships of mine with high DPS, or working as a group, multiple rifts in one spot tends to really leave one open to "rift 95% closed, Miranda pops out of a different rift nearby and interrupts you", which there really isn't much of a counter for.
There definitely does seem to be more rapid rift spawn than before, which makes them piling up much easier. Even on ships of mine with high DPS, or working as a group, multiple rifts in one spot tends to really leave one open to "rift 95% closed, Miranda pops out of a different rift nearby and interrupts you", which there really isn't much of a counter for.
Well actually I feel this CAN make a cruiser shine in his original role: Activate "attract fire", spam FAW and let others close.
Problem is: Every time I'm in there and try that, I can easily pull the groups of 5 rifts (I can also kill them relatively fast, but not fast enough to close rifts before more are coming), but no body cares about coming by and closing that f*** things. Which is the problem for that event with randoms: Idiots.
There definitely does seem to be more rapid rift spawn than before, which makes them piling up much easier. Even on ships of mine with high DPS, or working as a group, multiple rifts in one spot tends to really leave one open to "rift 95% closed, Miranda pops out of a different rift nearby and interrupts you", which there really isn't much of a counter for.
This is my frustration with the patch is that once you start a rift closure, the slightest interruption cancels progress even if you are almost at the end. Add that to multiple rifts in the immediate area spawning and you end up taking forever to close one rift. I am a Sci in a Wells and can't overcome this fast enough.
If this is intended, then the word of the day folk is teamwork. Tactics are needed to draw aggro away from one ship so the rift get closed.
A separate question is why with my weapons not on Autofire and my fingers off the keyboard fire keys, do my weapons fire off here. Totally ruins the low profile tactic and I am ready to blow weapons officer Ensign Ricky out of the airlock.:D
Well actually I feel this CAN make a cruiser shine in his original role: Activate "attract fire", spam FAW and let others close.
Problem is: Every time I'm in there and try that, I can easily pull the groups of 5 rifts (I can also kill them relatively fast, but not fast enough to close rifts before more are coming), but no body cares about coming by and closing that f*** things. Which is the problem for that event with randoms: Idiots.
This is my klingon scienctist in a nutshell with this latest change to an event. She flies a Mirror Negh'Var and i was fighting off wave after wave of ships from 5 different rifts and only once did someone come over to me and close a SINGLE rift, and then left me. Ended up dieing right before the dreadnaught spawned after trying to fight off about 4-5 Typhoons, and a handful of escorts and frigates.
The 'fix' makes the mission pretty nuts and a royal pain with even a decent pug. I get the feeling they didn't mean to boost the spawn rate as much as they have, since I honestly think all the chaos makes it harder than No Win now. You can manage that chaos, but you can't seem to fully control it anymore (which to me was the goal previously; I like creating order). Personally between the two options, I'd rather have a few minutes of downtime than something so psycho hectic, especially since the idea that I could do my part correctly and still lose because of someone else frustrates me to no end.
On the plus side, watching the occasional loud-mouth in a ship thats all-offense-no-defense explode repeatedly, there is a certain satisfaction in that.
I've noticed an absurd uptick in difficulty since yesterday. With the last several runs, we've managed to close 30+ rifts but the station is always destroyed because there are just so many ships.
Despite closing that many rifts, there were still 10+ open at any one time with more ships than could be counted. Rifts are spawning in clusters of 3-4, making them impossible to close as by the time you clear 4 spawns they are all spewing out more.
Right now, I'm wondering if it's not a lot more efficient to stay with the station and shoot everything on sight.
Given that there are 35 points to be earned for nailing 56 rifts and only 10 for preserving the station, no, it isn't. Policy even before this change was to declare the station a write-off and go for rifts+power, and if the station somehow survived, we'd factor it into the next stage strategy, otherwise, meh. This strategy has gotten our team a fair number of Perfect 98 Grorious Dispray boxes.
Best run I have had was 55 on normal...but yeah closed over 50 rifts and still it was endless waves. And most runs usually had one player afk, 2 sitting on top of the station and me and one other activating sats or closing rifts...which made it impossible to keep up.
Not sure how to get the 90+ marks like others here. I have had "perfect" runs all goals and 40+ rifts...but as I said never netted more than 55.
Still considering the daily reward is awesome, not complaining
Perfect Run (A Grorious Dispray!) is 98 base points, broken down as follows:
56+ Rifts Closed = 35 points
Station Upgraded 5/5 = 15 points.
Station 100% Health = 10 pts.
Boss Beaten = 5 pts.
Total = 65pts
Elite x1.5 = 97.5 -> 98 pts.
I have several boxes of perfect elite runs, one performed with a PUG.
It got changed due to whiners complaining that their uberboats with 3 Purple Technicans, Aux2Bat, DEM, Plasmonic Leech and so on were sitting idly for 5 Minutes.
If you think you needed anything of these to getting stuck before, you are mistaken.
I personally enjoy the added challenge of having so many npcs to kill. Last night I fired off a GW3 and it must have sucked in almost 40 ships! Insane.
Then I was was laying into them all with TS grav torps and CSV, with a scimitar next to me using BWAF on them too. It was like a nuke going off with all the core breaches at one time!
Honestly, at times it's like shooting fish in a barrel when you go near the station. You almost cannot fail to kill things!
Well I'd say with that change its DEFFINITLY not for random groups. Not even on normal.
Not a bad thing in general, there should be more content gated at teams, but not time gated events.
Yesterday I had a team that, for a change, was pretty good and it was still next to impossible to get the station protected (dropped to 8/10) with A LOT of effort.
Thats by far the best run I had since the change happened.
I'm just lucky that I'm through with the event on all my characters and just go in there now and then to get the 2000 dil rep filled if I feel like it..
There seems to be an assumption that more enemies makes it better, even though there's no way to effectively close rifts half the time. It actually feels like Nukara now. Remember when we had to mine the crystals and the Tholians would spawn too fast to let us finish? Yeah, that's PWE's mentality. THAT is a grind.
My Old Blog about things that could and should have been added when I wrote it. Not sure what I want to do with it now. I'll just keep it available now that most of it is outdated.
Challenge is good, but we also need to consider the nature of this particular game. It is, like it or not, a fairly casual game. People do not tend to operate in highly organized raids. Most people are pugging, and some of us are using various chat channels to form better quality groups. This mission is to the point now where not only is a PUG hopeless, but even the public chat channels can't reliably manage it. To stand any chance, you have to be extremely lucky, or form a specialized premade. Premades are not how content is done in this game, outside rare circumstances of people doing something for bragging rights. Content in this game is done repeatedly, often several times in a play session, in order to fulfill various project requirements. People do not have time or patience to concoct premades when trying to push multiple alts through a rep project.
Please make Elite a bit harder and up the rewards. We closed 61 rifts yesterday and just got 96 marks.
96 marks is probably just right in terms of added rewards. Seems like it's fine to me.
Apparently 96 is 2 off the best score according to this calculation:
Perfect Run (A Grorious Dispray!) is 98 base points, broken down as follows:
56+ Rifts Closed = 35 points
Station Upgraded 5/5 = 15 points.
Station 100% Health = 10 pts.
Boss Beaten = 5 pts.
Total = 65pts
Elite x1.5 = 97.5 -> 98 pts.
I have several boxes of perfect elite runs, one performed with a PUG.
Considering most PUGs on Normal these days are succumbing to chaos and barely managing the minimum of like 30 marks, I think you're A-OK getting the 96 you got. No need to up that at all.
I've noticed an absurd uptick in difficulty since yesterday. With the last several runs, we've managed to close 30+ rifts but the station is always destroyed because there are just so many ships.
Despite closing that many rifts, there were still 10+ open at any one time with more ships than could be counted. Rifts are spawning in clusters of 3-4, making them impossible to close as by the time you clear 4 spawns they are all spewing out more.
The presence of the rifts and their continued spawning throughout the first phase makes a lot of sense for the storyline. It's supposed to be Obisek's station that finally closes them all down right at the end of that phase there.
And then they open a limited amount of more with the dreadnaught and you send them all back to H, E, Double Hockey Sticks to save the day.
Maybe they overcompensated with their tweak (or maybe not, I'm no expert). But I do agree with the basic idea of the tweak. The rifts do need to keep opening until the end of the phase.
But the rate and all that? Could maybe use more tuning.
The artificial time gate is there on purpose. We all know this.
Doesnt make it a good idea^^
Yeah, but this far into the event, it's probably not going anywhere. Especially with this "fix" which now has the rifts spawning the entire time.
No. But even if the map will go away when the event is finished, I doubt this will be the last time we saw that particular event.
And MAY BE they'll make it better next time.
I find that lots of fun, admittedly I am a glutton for punishment. Players not near Brody are popping faster than a freshly milked bowl of rice crispies. The solution, its not AtB scmitards, they fold like deckchairs with 20+ ships bombarding them. No, the solution is real, aux using tanks. Something this game has not needed in a long time.
I hope the future holds more content that requires significant allocation of resources into defense!
Brody, ToS Veteran
Yeah. While I think the MU is a fail in general, what I REALLY liked about it is the fact that lot of the usual setups and tactics do not work that well here.
And a lot of the frustration comes from the lack of coordination of the players. And the time-gated-event-factor.
Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
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I just got out of a run where the team managed to only close 15 rifts. The base only dropped to 9/10, there were a few ships left, maybe a handful of cruisers, the station got to defense level 5 and we wiped out the dread at the end in plenty of time for the bonus.
And that's the "best" run I've had today.
The "worst" run today (so far) the team closed 46 rifts, mirror ships were everywhere and the station got to level 5 but got blown to hell 3 times. It was about to go down a 4th when the dread spawned. Wiped the dread with no trouble.
The problem both times was the rifts were spawning in bunches, like others have said. Get one closed and there are 2-3 more needing closed but are spawning ships making it difficult. The first team basically said "TRIBBLE it" and just concentrated on destroying mirror ships. The second team kept trying to close rifts, and did well at it considering, but there were just too many mirror ships for the base to handle.
Before the patch, I would average closing 20-30 rifts per run on normal. My highest was 42. Mark rewards averaging in the mid to upper 40's and plenty of 50+ runs.
After the patch, the teams are closing about the same number of rifts, but the amount of variation is staggering. Mark rewards have only broken 40 once today (again, so far).
I just wanted to see if anyone else was seeing a big change in the event since the patch and apparently there are. I was willing to just write it off to me slowly losing my mind and/or playing skill between Wednesday and Thursday.
If there *is* a bug or something with the event after the patch, then hopefully it'll get fixed before the event makes a return sometime down the road. If it does, that is.
Losing faith in humanity, one person at a time.
Thanks bluegeek, I appreciate yer looking out for us:)
There definitely does seem to be more rapid rift spawn than before, which makes them piling up much easier. Even on ships of mine with high DPS, or working as a group, multiple rifts in one spot tends to really leave one open to "rift 95% closed, Miranda pops out of a different rift nearby and interrupts you", which there really isn't much of a counter for.
Well actually I feel this CAN make a cruiser shine in his original role: Activate "attract fire", spam FAW and let others close.
Problem is: Every time I'm in there and try that, I can easily pull the groups of 5 rifts (I can also kill them relatively fast, but not fast enough to close rifts before more are coming), but no body cares about coming by and closing that f*** things. Which is the problem for that event with randoms: Idiots.
This is my frustration with the patch is that once you start a rift closure, the slightest interruption cancels progress even if you are almost at the end. Add that to multiple rifts in the immediate area spawning and you end up taking forever to close one rift. I am a Sci in a Wells and can't overcome this fast enough.
If this is intended, then the word of the day folk is teamwork. Tactics are needed to draw aggro away from one ship so the rift get closed.
A separate question is why with my weapons not on Autofire and my fingers off the keyboard fire keys, do my weapons fire off here. Totally ruins the low profile tactic and I am ready to blow weapons officer Ensign Ricky out of the airlock.:D
This is my klingon scienctist in a nutshell with this latest change to an event. She flies a Mirror Negh'Var and i was fighting off wave after wave of ships from 5 different rifts and only once did someone come over to me and close a SINGLE rift, and then left me. Ended up dieing right before the dreadnaught spawned after trying to fight off about 4-5 Typhoons, and a handful of escorts and frigates.
On the plus side, watching the occasional loud-mouth in a ship thats all-offense-no-defense explode repeatedly, there is a certain satisfaction in that.
In the one run I did today we had three appear (Or so it seemed, defiantly two though).
Despite closing that many rifts, there were still 10+ open at any one time with more ships than could be counted. Rifts are spawning in clusters of 3-4, making them impossible to close as by the time you clear 4 spawns they are all spewing out more.
Not sure how to get the 90+ marks like others here. I have had "perfect" runs all goals and 40+ rifts...but as I said never netted more than 55.
Still considering the daily reward is awesome, not complaining
56+ Rifts Closed = 35 points
Station Upgraded 5/5 = 15 points.
Station 100% Health = 10 pts.
Boss Beaten = 5 pts.
Total = 65pts
Elite x1.5 = 97.5 -> 98 pts.
I have several boxes of perfect elite runs, one performed with a PUG.
If you think you needed anything of these to getting stuck before, you are mistaken.
Then I was was laying into them all with TS grav torps and CSV, with a scimitar next to me using BWAF on them too. It was like a nuke going off with all the core breaches at one time!
Honestly, at times it's like shooting fish in a barrel when you go near the station. You almost cannot fail to kill things!
Not a bad thing in general, there should be more content gated at teams, but not time gated events.
Yesterday I had a team that, for a change, was pretty good and it was still next to impossible to get the station protected (dropped to 8/10) with A LOT of effort.
Thats by far the best run I had since the change happened.
I'm just lucky that I'm through with the event on all my characters and just go in there now and then to get the 2000 dil rep filled if I feel like it..
96 marks is probably just right in terms of added rewards. Seems like it's fine to me.
Apparently 96 is 2 off the best score according to this calculation:
Considering most PUGs on Normal these days are succumbing to chaos and barely managing the minimum of like 30 marks, I think you're A-OK getting the 96 you got. No need to up that at all.
The presence of the rifts and their continued spawning throughout the first phase makes a lot of sense for the storyline. It's supposed to be Obisek's station that finally closes them all down right at the end of that phase there.
And then they open a limited amount of more with the dreadnaught and you send them all back to H, E, Double Hockey Sticks to save the day.
Maybe they overcompensated with their tweak (or maybe not, I'm no expert). But I do agree with the basic idea of the tweak. The rifts do need to keep opening until the end of the phase.
But the rate and all that? Could maybe use more tuning.