Lately, some of my fleet members are asking to join my missions, of which I realise the faction restrictions. If I get an error message, they're either on cooldown for it or are on the opposing side, depending on the mission.
But for some days, I can't invite people with the right-click menu; I have to type out their name in the Invite menu or check their name from the list of friends'
@handles or fleet, which is fine, but can be a little frustrating when the chatbox starts filling.
I'd like to know if there's anything my fleetmates or I could do to alleviate this occasional issue.
When it does someone almost always says: "Wecome to beta"
A work around for this, in the case where you have at least one other player already teamed with you, is to ask the player who you want to join your team to right click you and request to join the team. You'll get a popup box giving you the option to accept or decline them as a teammate.
This does not work in a case where you are alone and not teamed.
In the case where you are alone and not already teamed, you will have to ask the player you want to join your team to logout and back again. This is quicker if they make like they are about to change characters, and reselect the character they are already logged in as. If the character change method does not work, then a full logout, login should do the trick. (Note, this is a logout, login, not a game exit.)
Good luck...
...and welcome to beta!