Well, I was planning to start a new KDF char. for quite a while now and finaly decided to start one today - only to find out that I can't play it! I've read reports on these forums that the KDF starting missinons are bugged to hell and wasn't sure what to make of it because I've never had any issues until today.
As it is now - I can't get past even the first stage of the tutorial, I can't kill the Hur'q hollograms. My weapons won't fire, they don't even show up in the tray. I press 'B' and it enters shooter mode, but no firing options appear on the tray and when I press my 'fire' buttons on the mouse and keyboard both, nothing happens.
As it is, I can't start my new KDF char and I'm not sure how much I'm willing to play at all until this is fixed.
1) If you double left-click or right-click on a target while NOT in shooter mode, your weapon will fire as per the tool-tip.
2) Click the View All Abilities button and drag the appropriate powers into the tray. This will allow shooter mode to work properly.
I hope this helps until we can get a fix in.
Thanks, crypticfrost, however I didn't have the abilities visible to drag into the tray even in the availible powers pop-up when I press "P" - they were invisible as well.
Anyway, I tried starting and deleting a couple of new characters from different KDF species and it fixed itself, so now after a couple different chars it's fine and the weapons preform normal commands. Weird glitch I guess.
How do you fire? I use the tray to have the options and then use the number 1 and number 2 keys. That's why I couldn't fire (because the actions weren't mapped)