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Mirror Invasion needs a failure condition

theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,007 Arc User
Khitomer space and Cure space have failure conditions so why can't mirror invasion?

My gripe with mirror invasion that all too often the station gets disabled with bad teams, so why not have a failure condition where if the station gets disabled it means game over?
    "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
    -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
    Post edited by theraven2378 on


    • corbinwolf#9797 corbinwolf Member Posts: 565 Arc User
      edited March 2014
      Because people would cry and yell foul. We live in a society where everybody wants everything for little to nothing.

      That being said, I completely agree with your suggestion.
      "The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward." - Rocky Balboa (2006)
    • reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
      edited March 2014
      Yeah given how the majority of groups are idiots and get impatient if you try and discuss tactics, having a mission thats so very time-gated being failable and taking even longer to do, that would go over really well.

      I swear what is with all these 'the game isn't hard enough for my amazingness' threads lately?
    • onyxmonolithonyxmonolith Member Posts: 0 Arc User
      edited March 2014
      If there was a failure condition, about 95% of the groups that enter the elite version would fail. I've done the elite version about 40-45 times since it dropped and I think I've actually gotten bonus marks for starbase health twice. If you run into the wrong mix of ships spawning from the first few rifts right off the bat, you're delayed and once you're delayed, it's basically unrecoverable.
    • jam3s1701jam3s1701 Member Posts: 1,825 Arc User
      edited March 2014
      I thought the lack of marks was a failure condition since the less you do the less marks you get.
    • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,007 Arc User
      edited March 2014
      For starters, my proposal would make it more of a challenge, another point being it would punish the leechers. Simply put if you don't operate as an effective team you don't earn the marks
        "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
        -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
      • decroniadecronia Member Posts: 0 Arc User
        edited March 2014
        For starters, my proposal would make it more of a challenge, another point being it would punish the leechers. Simply put if you don't operate as an effective team you don't earn the marks

        Well if the station gets disabled then those marks are lost. The less rifts closed the less marks, the lower the defense the lower the marks.

        It wouldn't punish the leachers. It would punish people who have ended up in a bad PUG, and as with all PUG content you are going to get the good, the bad and the down right terrible.

        If you get a great group, and I have been in a few, you can easily carry one person. In those the one being "carried" is not a an afker but the person responsible for pulling the aggro of ships that get to the station so that it takes no damage. In a couple of groups I have been in where this strategy was used they had very little to do as we were taking care of the ships before they got there, though at the start a few did get through.

        The STFs you mentioned are not a time limited event. This means that can not be used as a comparison for the Mirror invasion which is a limited time event. Because it is a time limited even then a failure condition is a no no.

        Basically if you don't like the variable nature of PUGs then set up your own team and queue for it.
      • mightybobcncmightybobcnc Member Posts: 3,354 Arc User
        edited March 2014
        Failure option for premade teams of 5. :P

        But no really I would be in favor of a failure condition if it weren't for the fact that there are a lot of bad players out there and it would suck to be dragged down by them only because you were victim of an unlucky dice roll with the team generator.

        Joined January 2009
        Finger wrote:
        Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
      • revandarklighterrevandarklighter Member Posts: 0 Arc User
        edited March 2014
        I swear what is with all these 'the game isn't hard enough for my amazingness' threads lately?

        Well this game is not hard enough.
        But TBH, a failure condition on that time gated event would be.... really really bad.

        The "hard" content should really be an "optional" type of mission (ok everything is optional, but still), not something like this thats "used by the masses".
      • shockwave85shockwave85 Member Posts: 1,040 Arc User
        edited March 2014
        People get pissed if they devote time to something in game and walk away with nothing. That's why ISE is the only STF that people tend to PUG, because not matter how bad it gets botched, you'll just lose the optional. You still get the bulk of the marks. When people can only devote maybe an hour per day during the work week, sinking 8-10 minutes into a map with nothing to show really aggravates your grind. F2P MMOs operate on the "carrot on stick" philosophy. If you don't give people the carrot, they won't bother with your game.
      • neotrident12neotrident12 Member Posts: 287 Arc User
        edited March 2014
        I swear what is with all these 'the game isn't hard enough for my amazingness' threads lately?

        Because the game is too easy, its merely a matter of applying space bar.
      • kodiakjorgenssonkodiakjorgensson Member Posts: 26 Arc User
        edited March 2014
        i would fully support a failure condition for the mirror event, I'm sick of tired of being the only science vessel trying to clear out and shut down rifts and getting 0 assistance from team mates who think that powering the stations useless defenses will help them fend off a plethora of typhoon battle cruiser.
      • artfulmerkageartfulmerkage Member Posts: 294 Arc User
        edited March 2014
        The thing is, Cryptic produces grind-friendly alt-blitz-athon content that does not harmonise with difficult or challenging gameplay.

        Valdus | Charn | Costello | Typhus | Thyran
      • mosul33mosul33 Member Posts: 836 Arc User
        edited March 2014
        i would fully support a failure condition for the mirror event, I'm sick of tired of being the only science vessel trying to clear out and shut down rifts and getting 0 assistance from team mates who think that powering the stations useless defenses will help them fend off a plethora of typhoon battle cruiser.

        I am fully against a failure condition for the mirror event. I am sick and tired of ppl who think their strategy is the best. Did you think that those ppl that power the station maybe are doing that to get thru the event faster, and not to help the station???

        You see, since this awful event started, players have devided in 3 groups, each with their own goal. So team gameplay sux when there isnt a common goal.

        One group is the players that do it for the marks. Usually on elite mode and with premades from various STFs channles. The whole thing is turned into an idiotic e-peen contest who makes the most marks in a run. They will favor closing rifts but not powering the station quickly. You have rather well geared players but also very egocentric, selfcenterd and sometimes rude, who thinks their own way is the only way. Thus conflicts often emerge so you have a high risk of "failures", well in quates becouse you cant really fail it, but just get low marks, wich is a fail in their book.

        Another group is the players that are hungry for expertise. Usually players/toons that just hit lvl 50 and are in bad need of it to lvl up their rep system or buy rep gear. They are generaly pour geared and will favor killing ships instaid of closing rifts or powering the station. They usually pug normals but sometimes elites too, if alts involved. Again you have a high risk of "failure".

        And there is the 3rd group, who dont give a TRIBBLE about marks or expertise. These players will favor powering the station above anything else so the event to be over as quick as possible. They are usually players that do it for the event rep project, whatever is for the doff (like myself, just for the colection) or wants to sell it like they did with the one from the Cryistaline Entity. Or others who are in need of dil and the 50k dil payout will help them a bit. So again there is risk of "failure".

        Adding a trully failure condition will TRIBBLE this event even more. Allready, becouse of the lenght, lots of players are not doing it, so adding something like that will kill it for sure.
      • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
        edited March 2014
        jam3s1701 wrote: »
        I thought the lack of marks was a failure condition since the less you do the less marks you get.

        This. The entire team gets points based on how many rifts they closed, whether they powered up the station and how much, the health level of the station, etc.

        Poor performance means fewer points and thus fewer rewards.

        They don't need a failure condition.

        The last one I was in, we blew it and the station dropped to near zero health. We got no points for that objective and our rewards suffered somewhat for it. We did better with some of the other objectives, which pulled our score out of the toilet.
        My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
        Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
      • atzepanatzepan Member Posts: 4
        edited March 2014
        From my point of view there is one big issue in it, and that is that nearly no matter how bad you do on Elite you do mostly get more marks on Elite then you would get on normal for a good run 50 -55 Marks. Only once i had a bad group and did queue my self with a weak char which was not suppose to do Elite and got less then Marks on Elite then on a normal run.

        So no matter how you look at it, if you get Station to level 5, getting 15-20 Rift get closed in the first round and getting the Dreadnought killed in the Bonus time you'll always get more marks on Elite than a good normal run. Which makes es better for leechers or really weak ship set up to get more marks easier if the queu them for Elite.

        I do like the idea of the possibility of failing when the station drops to 0 and giving everyone 0 Marks. Since it is a Invasion, and when something reaches 0 Hull from my point it is destroyed like our ships and then there is nothing to prevent the invasion, since the anti tachyon field can not be used anymore. So it will prevent weaker player or non strategic players from entering Elite, Like i also do not enter the no win scenario with a not build ship for it.

        Since it is possible that the station will drop in Hull even with a good team, the upgrading Starbase should provide i Heal like fill the Shield up and 25% HP, so you could time it when it is the best time to maybe to get the upgrade from 3 to 4 and 4 to 5.

        Another option for stop "leeching" or to weak ship from entering Elite, would simply be giving twice or three times as many marks for the station having Hull as it is now. Why that?
        Simply put if you would get double the marks you would get 60 - 65 Marks for completing a good game on normal, but doing bad on Elite will punish you with only 50 - 55 marks.

        If the 60 - 65 marks is to much to get for a mission on normal difficulty, i would lower the amount of marks for upgrading the base every time down to 1 Mark per Level, since this is mostly a thing 1 player can do on the side and even closing rifts when doin it.
        So if they would double marks for hull and be lowering marks for upgrading the station to 1 mark per level a good run would look like this on normal:
        Rift Closed: 20 Marks
        Starbase defense level: 5 Marks (Level 5)
        Starbase Health: 20 Marks
        Defeating boss Fleet within the time limit: 5 Marks:
        Base Marks: 50

        and an uncoordinated Elite run or weak ship on Elite:
        Rift Closed: 20 Marks
        Starbase defense level: 5 Marks (Level 5)
        Starbase Health: 0 Marks
        Defeating boss Fleet within the time limit: 5 Marks:
        Base Marks: 30
        Elite Multiplier: 1,5
        Total Marks: 45

        It would be a punish of 5 marks, but only if they do not make more mistakes, if they do not close enough rifts the rewarded mark would drop by 8 Marks more resulting in only giving 37 marks on Elite.
        So Everyone who does the farming thing should consider whether they stand a chance on elite or it is better to do Normal.

        The reason why i would want one of those to changes is, that the game does not punish you if you make a wrong decision whether it should be Elite or Normal. Since Elite is Elite because it should be harder then Normal and that you at least should have some decent equip, not "miss" skilled you captain and have a good Bridge officer abilities set up if you go on Elite.

        Another thing would be to lock Elite for every character and and only open it after doing Normal Succesfull x times with reaching the optional goal x times or in Mirror Invasion getting more then 45 Marks x times. So that they would force everyone to learn before they can go on Elite. And after failing Elite x times, failing the optional x times or getting very low Marks x times on Mirror Invasion then it would lock Elite again for a period of time until they beat normal x times again.
      • superzooksuperzook Member Posts: 1 Arc User
        edited March 2014
        You are missing the point. This is simply a daily to get one of the fourteen pieces required for the project to get Mirror Hakeem and Dilithium. The Marks you get are just a bonus.

        The only way anyone would play this for Marks, is if they were doing it with their fleet. Pugging this for marks is just plain foolish.

        Once the event is over, nobody will play this for marks if they keep it as a STF/eSTF.
      • onyxmonolithonyxmonolith Member Posts: 0 Arc User
        edited March 2014
        I could see people playing the normal version of this if they want romulan marks, because even with the timers, it's still a faster way to gain 45-50 romulan marks than any other method that I've found. I could just be missing something somewhere, but all of the other pug methods to gain romulan marks are either low reward or very few people ever queue for them. And frankly, the normal version is very forgiving if you're set up to run elite stuff. It's just mildly slow.
      • atzepanatzepan Member Posts: 4
        edited March 2014
        You can always go with normal difficulty if it is only for the event, since i haven't failed normal yet, with letting the base get destroyed and even with my heal cruiser with mk xi I can take on the typhoon class with on one vs. one. without take too long that the next will spawn.

        The reason why i am suggesting changes, is because it looks like they are doing the same with Mirror Invasion like with crystalline Entity. Remaking/improving and STF, after improving, starting an event so that the map get played much, for bug testing and so on and maybe looking for some community suggestion, which could be use full, since Mirror Invasion probably is going to stay as a fleet action/STF

        At this moment they probably even won't dare to put in a failure possibility since it would dramatically give some problem to people who have farmed with several character and gotten close to the finish line.

        My opinion is just that doing bad, really bad on elite and get more for it, than doing very good on Normal, does not sound correct. And especially since that the first part is with the timer of 10 min which and the second part mostly works out under 5 min whether it is Elite or not. So the amount of time invested is more or less equal for Normal and Elite. But since you can miss the crucial part in the mission on Elite with protecting the station which is used to force the invasion back without a penality that hits you and make you get less marks or fail, then every pug who need Marks, no matter what marks would jump in Elite since he will in 99% of the cases get more Marks failing station on Elite then he would get on doing great on Normal.

        So every pug who choose this way would probably have +80 more marks after failing Station Hull on Elite 14 times than doing really god on Normal. Without having to spend to much time extra time. So the weak ones are getting treated with extra marks by going for Elite and pull the team down then, going in normal wherethey would not pull the team down.
        And it does really annoy me seeing player who directly are sabotaging the Invasion, i have seen lvl 50 coming in in a light cruiser(leutnant) or the transporter(which isn't much better then the light cuiser) -.- And expecting that they are the one who are doing the upgrades and the rest should be closing the rifts.

        I am not screaming for a fail function here^^ Since it is very annoying to fail the mission even if it is because of pugs, but with the Starbase destroyed it would following my logic at least mean that their invasion would be a success and we would fail.
        Here something that happened today a friend of mine played Elite and their station got to 0 Health 3 times. I know his ship, so i know it was not his fault with equip, skill and BO. And they all got 60 Marks for that Elite run, and those who do keep their base and etc on normal only get 50 marks???? That is the reason why at least give the mission another Mark distribution that it is a bigger penalty for getting the base down, and letting the pugs have more interest in Normal then elite.

        Like i suggestet only giving the tech upgrade 1 Mark per upgrade and and 2 or 3 Marks per 10% health of the Starbase.
        Invasion with only closing approx. 20 rifts in the first round and 3 marks per 1/10 Starbase Health.

        Normal run with full Starbase
        Rift Closed: 20 Marks
        Starbase defense level: 5 Marks (Level 5)
        Starbase Health: 30 Marks
        Defeating boss Fleet within the time limit: 5 Marks:
        Base Marks: 60

        Elite with base reaching 0 % health once:
        Rift Closed: 20 Marks
        Starbase defense level: 5 Marks (Level 5)
        Starbase Health: 0 Marks
        Defeating boss Fleet within the time limit: 5 Marks:
        Base Marks: 30
        Elite Multiplier: 1,5
        Total Marks: 45

        Elite with base not going under 90,1 %
        Rift Closed: 20 Marks
        Starbase defense level: 5 Marks (Level 5)
        Starbase Health: 30 Marks
        Defeating boss Fleet within the time limit: 5 Marks:
        Base Marks: 60
        Elite Multiplier: 1,5
        Total Marks: 90

        But that's just my opinion, if they do not change anything about it, then what so ever. Just got a little frustrate today hearing the starbase go down to 0 Health because of weak random team members, who don't even write help in the chat when they have tried to close a rift in 1 -2 min and gotten already 2 or 3 typhoon spawned from their first rift they tried to close.
      • dareaudareau Member Posts: 2,390 Arc User
        edited March 2014
        atzepan wrote: »
        But that's just my opinion, if they do not change anything about it, then what so ever. Just got a little frustrate today hearing the starbase go down to 0 Health because of weak random team members, who don't even write help in the chat when they have tried to close a rift in 1 -2 min and gotten already 2 or 3 typhoon spawned from their first rift they tried to close.

        I've given up after scoring 40 on one too many "elite" runs and averaging 45-50 on "normal"...

        However, if you're disappointed that someone's not crying for help while your A2B-FaW Scim is melting targets, why don't you take it upon yourself to glance around the map and when you see some poor Vesta or Dyson Sci-Royer struggling with two Typhoons why don't you come over and help clear the rifts then send some facemelt around...
        Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...

        To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
      • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
        edited March 2014
        dareau wrote: »
        I've given up after scoring 40 on one too many "elite" runs and averaging 45-50 on "normal"...

        However, if you're disappointed that someone's not crying for help while your A2B-FaW Scim is melting targets, why don't you take it upon yourself to glance around the map and when you see some poor Vesta or Dyson Sci-Royer struggling with two Typhoons why don't you come over and help clear the rifts then send some facemelt around...
        Yeah, I've had teams that went horribly wrong give decent marks on normal somehow.

        even in my D'D, as slow as it is, if I seen a sci ship next to a portal that can't close it because they're engaging enemies, I will NOT open fire, instead I will close the portal, THEN melt faces.
        My character Tsin'xing
      • ufpterrellufpterrell Member Posts: 736 Arc User
        edited March 2014
        Got some advice for you guys. Don't PUG the elite, I've just been running the normal difficulty version to get the item for event grind. I would rather have the event not stuck on a set timer but operate on how quickly you can shut down the rifts. I've been in quite a few missions where we've got all the defences up, killed all ships and have no rifts. Just flown around for a good minute or two waiting for the "Dreadnaught" Odyssey to come flying in. Being forced to wait for the sake of lazy game design is frustrating. And please, do add failure options to all STF's and event missions. The sooner people playing the game realise they actually have to pull their finger out and do the mission and actually READ the briefing and team chat the sooner things will improve. Too many people jump into MMO's, spam continue through the text popups and then don't understand what they're supposed to do because "reading is boring" /facepalm. Seriously, even my girlfriends brother did it when I tried to introduce him to STO. Guess which popular fantasy MMO he plays...

        I do wish the worlds IQ didn't feel as low as it does...

        Looking for a dedicated Star Trek community? Visit www.ufplanets.com for details.
      • zuehlzuehl Member Posts: 1 Arc User
        edited March 2014
        Khitomer space and Cure space have failure conditions so why can't mirror invasion?

        My gripe with mirror invasion that all too often the station gets disabled with bad teams, so why not have a failure condition where if the station gets disabled it means game over?

        Then go make your own game!
      • atzepanatzepan Member Posts: 4
        edited March 2014
        dareau wrote: »
        I've given up after scoring 40 on one too many "elite" runs and averaging 45-50 on "normal"...

        However, if you're disappointed that someone's not crying for help while your A2B-FaW Scim is melting targets, why don't you take it upon yourself to glance around the map and when you see some poor Vesta or Dyson Sci-Royer struggling with two Typhoons why don't you come over and help clear the rifts then send some facemelt around...

        I am not using scimitar^^ I am flying escort most of the time, and i also said decent equip for me is decent already MK XII green, since allready from that point you can do some usefull things with rear admiral ships.
        And if you get more than 20 km away from other member it is difficult to see how much they are in combat or struggling, especially if they are a defensive ship, because they can tank out the damage but not deal enough to killl before there is coming respawn at the rift and so rise a small fleet from one side of the field, which can do heavy damage to the station
      • dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
        edited March 2014
        I'm glad there's not failure option! All the damn pugs full of AFKers and noobs. And the fact that some runs seem to spawn a bazillion ships while others just a few. It takes me 2hrs to run my 6 toons as is, I'd hate to get 10 minutes into it and have it fail and start again.
        Sometimes I think I play STO just to have something to complain about on the forums.
      • overlapooverlapo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
        edited March 2014
        Rather than a failure condition this event needs a success condition. Last time we had to wait for 4 minutes after closing the last rift for the dreadnought to show up. Closing down 25 rifts should override the timer and trigger the end phase.
      • captainbrian11captainbrian11 Member Posts: 733 Arc User
        edited March 2014
        I swear what is with all these 'the game isn't hard enough for my amazingness' threads lately?

        because in any MMO there's a subset of people who basicly want to have spiffy awesome stuff and want no one else to have it so they can brag about how awesome they are. obviously they're none too happy with this game where the block on getting "super awesome stuff" is more dependant on "time in game" then actual skill.
      • ghyudtghyudt Member Posts: 1,112 Arc User
        edited March 2014
        Isn't the mirror invasion some sort of special event that's ending soon? If so, then there shouldn't be a failure condition. Now, it would be different if it were here to stay, like the 2 you mentioned. Then I'd be all for having the station be destructible and having that trigger the failure.
      • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
        edited March 2014
        I'm glad there's not failure option! All the damn pugs full of AFKers and noobs. And the fact that some runs seem to spawn a bazillion ships while others just a few. It takes me 2hrs to run my 6 toons as is, I'd hate to get 10 minutes into it and have it fail and start again.
        Yeah, I've been in more than a few where it went horribly wrong and I was like "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" when Obisek finally pushed the button to discharge the anti-tachyon pulse.
        My character Tsin'xing
      • dragonsbrethrendragonsbrethren Member Posts: 1,854 Arc User
        edited March 2014
        The mission almost seems like it was designed with a failure condition in mind. So bizarre that Obisek can just apparently hit a respawn button on the station. :P

        But yeah, actually being able to fail in this would be terrible and I'd give up on the dumb event. Not worth it. If your performance actually affected the mission length, maybe, and if there wasn't so much random chance involved. As it is, all it would do is turn and annoying mission into a frustrating one.
      • jelly0jelly0 Member Posts: 560 Arc User
        edited March 2014
        Failure in this, I guess you dont do this on loads of characters for the transporter.
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