Hello everyone there's some new esd bug the bugs i found is that there room that have open door and no floor which means you fall off esd. The second after you fall off esd you can only revive on you ship but not on esd.
I can confirm that. The market area of the ESD around the tailor has 2 invisible door with no collision marker. If you fall, the only way is to beam back to ship
forgive the color pallette, but steam picture printing and at the time the dodgy tribble testing graphics option didnt really help bring out the red.
Shuttle bay one wasnt too hard, but i need to do it again to reproduce it though as it relies on position and luck of the draw logging out and back in so it can place your in the shuttlebay.
Edit: Confirmed, i made it into the shuttle bay again, basically jump across from lessas to white block ledge, run until you come across an invisible wall, run up the ramp, and shuffle your way between various rooms, drop onto a support beam and miss the ledge in between, run along the beam staying right, then jump onto the white block floor, go up and around the back of the support beam and follow it up with a little jump, then work your way into a gap and position yourself as close to the shuttle bay as possible, try stiuck or just log out an in, your in the shuttle bay. but yeah, this new ESD needs to be left in internal testing before it goes any further.
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW. Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
Sorry about the lack of doors. This build must have been taken at just the wrong moment, when I was moving the doors from one file to another. I've verified this morning that all doors are present again.
Yes, the Bank Console is floating above the station until we get our new Bank Console hooked up, then it will be spread around, along with Mail.
Please.... Don't tell me you're using the "ugly" Exchange consoles from Holodeck on the new ESD. The newer consoles (in the same room as the "floaty" consoles) looks a thousand times better. To use ANYTHING from the existing ESD on the new ESD would detract from the overall quality.
Please.... Don't tell me you're using the "ugly" Exchange consoles from Holodeck on the new ESD. The newer consoles (in the same room as the "floaty" consoles) looks a thousand times better. To use ANYTHING from the existing ESD on the new ESD would detract from the overall quality.
I'll second that, you can go ahead and floaty those ugly boxes to another universe if you please, move the functionality to the consoles you have lining the walls, the old style consoles, especially the ones currently floating in the room will look completely wrong in the updated decor of the room.
If something is not broken, don't fix it, if it is broken, don't leave it broken.
I'll second that, you can go ahead and floaty those ugly boxes to another universe if you please, move the functionality to the consoles you have lining the walls, the old style consoles, especially the ones currently floating in the room will look completely wrong in the updated decor of the room.
Any updates on the bluriness of Earth from ESD? I had been having the bluriness issue in other maps, but when I went through and changed my graphics card to "Auto" it corrected most of the bluriness, but not that for Earth from the ESD windows. Also, the new sliders seem less simple than the old 4 pronged slider.
I think those floaty consoles aren't supposed to be there (especially given they are floating like five feet in the air). Just as there are red Lego men who will become NPC's, not everything final. Taco was on Tribble late last night surveying what the latest patch added and I think (?) he may have addressed some of these things. I won't attempt to paraphrase as I don't have that conversation in front of me (I definitely grossly misquoted Taco last night thus proving late night paraphrasing is not my strong suit , so I won't fall into that trap again).
The ambient sound effect area ends abruptly in the Club 47 ramp area. beyond that invisible line where it stops it just turns dead silent.
Crossing back over that line and ambient sound comes back.
I posted this in another thread, go into your video options and turn off Cinematic focus, for some reason the effect is not limited to just cinematics and now causes blurry images in a lot of areas.
Turning it off will sharpen up the image of Earth. That said, since we are on the subject, I want to ask is this Earth a 3d mesh or just a background picture, because it seems to be a flatter image than the one visible outside of the old ESD.
If something is not broken, don't fix it, if it is broken, don't leave it broken.
Please.... Don't tell me you're using the "ugly" Exchange consoles from Holodeck on the new ESD. The newer consoles (in the same room as the "floaty" consoles) looks a thousand times better. To use ANYTHING from the existing ESD on the new ESD would detract from the overall quality.
Ok. . . I won't tell you that.
Because I'm not. The consoles were grounded, moved into position around the central column, and replaced with new consoles. Sorry that wasn't clear earlier.
The ambient sound effect area ends abruptly in the Club 47 ramp area. beyond that invisible line where it stops it just turns dead silent.
Crossing back over that line and ambient sound comes back.
Yup, some less sexy, under the hood work we need to do to get audio working in those other areas. Thanks for the reminder though.
Ok. . . I won't tell you that.
Because I'm not. The consoles were grounded, moved into position around the central column, and replaced with new consoles. Sorry that wasn't clear earlier.
You guys really have that little faith in us?
Well, you have to realize, some of us have been around since the beginning (or even before that). We've seen both the ups and downs of STO development. I look forward to seeing the finished product (new ESD), but I reserve judgment until then.
I don't know if I would say that, but I've seen some posts from people who would probably flat out answer that they have next to no faith in the development team.
Personally, I'm looking forward to seeing the new ESD completed. At the same time I have concerns about the kit revamp and item availability. I'm not a huge fan of "dinosaurs with lasers", but I am otherwise enjoying the Dyson Sphere missions, and am excited to play the continuation of "A Step Between Stars". Just like every aspect of life there is good and there is bad.
I think the vast majority of any "ill will" or "distrust" held by the player base stems from a perception that all of the bugs that we report never seem to get fixed, that somehow the developers "don't care" or "only want to make the next cash-cow c-store ship". I see the same typo in "Sh'mar - Distress Signal" (Contiune instead of Continue in the next to last bit of dialog before warping out, that I know I have reported a number of times) every time I play the mission. It has been there, quite literally, for years. At one point I think it was even reported as fixed, but I just played through it again and it is still there.
I understand all too well that a developer can't hand-hold the user base all of the time and tell us that things are going to get done. If you did that you wouldn't have time to actually do development. At the same time, I don't think it is wise to be quite as tight-lipped about things, especially when it comes to bugs and major systems that players perceive to be broken, such as Fleet Scaling and Phasers being considered the weakest energy weapon type. Just about every guide says to use ANY energy weapon other than phasers.
While exploring the new esd i came across a voth medic. Next to him an interact appears that simply says "open door"...clicking on it takes you to the voth battlezone on the dyson sphere.
While exploring the new esd i came across a voth medic. Next to him an interact appears that simply says "open door"...clicking on it takes you to the voth battlezone on the dyson sphere.
I noticed this too. It's at the edge of the Starfleet "Ad Astra Audacter Eamus / In Alis Fidelum" floor logo.
Why would a Voth medic be casually standing around in his enemy's spacedock, and why (and how) would he take you halfway across the galaxy to fight against his people in the Dyson sphere? And even if there is some obscure rationale for all of this, why does the interact button say "Open Door"? There's no door to open anywhere near where this Voth is standing.
The mission on the new ESD where you get your first consignment of "Shield Generators from Commodity Store", there is nothing to get. In the old ESD it was between Hoss and Fhoss.
The mission on the new ESD where you get your first consignment of "Shield Generators from Commodity Store", there is nothing to get. In the old ESD it was between Hoss and Fhoss.
What do you mean "between".
You talk to one of them (don't remember which) to pick up the assignment und talk to the other to get the generators.
Or is my memory completely off?
What do you mean "between".
You talk to one of them (don't remember which) to pick up the assignment und talk to the other to get the generators.
Or is my memory completely off?
No, to actually collect the Shield Generators there was a glowie between them.
These are links to pictures on Photobucket. I ran this at medium settings to get a general feel of things and going from medium to high didn't really seem to make that much of a difference on my 1600 by 900 desktop monitor. Most of the pictures are not high resolution because I didn't feel it was needed when defects were really obvious.
Already rearranged. I'd placed the actual bank and mail consoles, but Peter forgot to clean up around them because he was so busy with his shuttle bay.
See above, she'll find a home.
The interact is actually on a volume over the whole area, not specifically those consoles. So if you'd prefer to talk to someone one on one, you can do so.
It's hard to see on that picture without zooming it in, there's a visible seam that appears as a fine white line between adjoining panels on the ramp if you look at it at the right angles.
The only thing that's really odd and ignoring the current work in progress. The suns position while inside ESD is not the same as viewed outside ESD in your ship. The sun looks gorgeous when viewed from inside ESD. The sun looks like TRIBBLE when viewed from your ship. The moon when viewed from your ship is looks like a Death Star and not our moon. The moon is also in an incorrect location. It's above the Aleutian Islands which is impossible.
Great work on the new ESD so far. However i'd like to see some consistency between being inside ESD and outside ESD in a ship. Most especially fix the suns looks and fix the moons looks and location. I don't care where the moon goes so long as it's in a possible location. Unless i'm wrong here the earth has a max tilt 23.44 degrees and the moon has a max inclination 5.14 degrees. Putting them together would be 28.59 degrees max. It's currently positioned at about 52 degrees. Which obviously is wrong unless i'm missing something here. Or do i need to go back to school and relearn this.
The only thing that's really odd and ignoring the current work in progress. The suns position while inside ESD is not the same as viewed outside ESD in your ship. The sun looks gorgeous when viewed from inside ESD. The sun looks like TRIBBLE when viewed from your ship. The moon when viewed from your ship is looks like a Death Star and not our moon. The moon is also in an incorrect location. It's above the Aleutian Islands which is impossible.
Great work on the new ESD so far. However i'd like to see some consistency between being inside ESD and outside ESD in a ship. Most especially fix the suns looks and fix the moons looks and location. I don't care where the moon goes so long as it's in a possible location. Unless i'm wrong here the earth has a max tilt 23.44 degrees and the moon has a max inclination 5.14 degrees. Putting them together would be 28.59 degrees max. It's currently positioned at about 52 degrees. Which obviously is wrong unless i'm missing something here. Or do i need to go back to school and relearn this.
The space map is getting updated.
Edit: And the curves what didn't look like curves are fixed now.
just had a look at the new ESD...while in the shuttle bay u have missing force fields so players has jump into space and into the dock for ships too...
is funny to watch a character fall but might need sorted
just had a look at the new ESD...while in the shuttle bay u have missing force fields so players has jump into space and into the dock for ships too...
is funny to watch a character fall but might need sorted
In the end the Shuttlebay will be completely off liimits. You'll be able to go to the 'observation platform' just thru the big door & that's it.
On the rafters outside the shuttlebay outside typical bounds.
A mockery of the Miranda class, fix the textures!
Overlook from a supposedly impossible position.
In the shuttle bay and the cargo containers are floating at the exit point for the shuttle into space.
I can see inside, but they can't see me.
First look after the drop.
after falling from the rafters and invisible floor, eventually you are transported to the pad.
forgive the color pallette, but steam picture printing and at the time the dodgy tribble testing graphics option didnt really help bring out the red.
Shuttle bay one wasnt too hard, but i need to do it again to reproduce it though as it relies on position and luck of the draw logging out and back in so it can place your in the shuttlebay.
Edit: Confirmed, i made it into the shuttle bay again, basically jump across from lessas to white block ledge, run until you come across an invisible wall, run up the ramp, and shuffle your way between various rooms, drop onto a support beam and miss the ledge in between, run along the beam staying right, then jump onto the white block floor, go up and around the back of the support beam and follow it up with a little jump, then work your way into a gap and position yourself as close to the shuttle bay as possible, try stiuck or just log out an in, your in the shuttle bay. but yeah, this new ESD needs to be left in internal testing before it goes any further.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
Yes, the Bank Console is floating above the station until we get our new Bank Console hooked up, then it will be spread around, along with Mail.
The Exchange consoles have already been grounded.
Please.... Don't tell me you're using the "ugly" Exchange consoles from Holodeck on the new ESD. The newer consoles (in the same room as the "floaty" consoles) looks a thousand times better. To use ANYTHING from the existing ESD on the new ESD would detract from the overall quality.
They would be an eye sore!
I think those floaty consoles aren't supposed to be there (especially given they are floating like five feet in the air). Just as there are red Lego men who will become NPC's, not everything final. Taco was on Tribble late last night surveying what the latest patch added and I think (?) he may have addressed some of these things. I won't attempt to paraphrase as I don't have that conversation in front of me (I definitely grossly misquoted Taco last night thus proving late night paraphrasing is not my strong suit
Crossing back over that line and ambient sound comes back.
Turning it off will sharpen up the image of Earth. That said, since we are on the subject, I want to ask is this Earth a 3d mesh or just a background picture, because it seems to be a flatter image than the one visible outside of the old ESD.
Ok. . . I won't tell you that.
Because I'm not. The consoles were grounded, moved into position around the central column, and replaced with new consoles. Sorry that wasn't clear earlier.
You guys really have that little faith in us?
This has already been updated today as well. Future patch.
Yup, some less sexy, under the hood work we need to do to get audio working in those other areas. Thanks for the reminder though.
Well, you have to realize, some of us have been around since the beginning (or even before that). We've seen both the ups and downs of STO development. I look forward to seeing the finished product (new ESD), but I reserve judgment until then.
I don't know if I would say that, but I've seen some posts from people who would probably flat out answer that they have next to no faith in the development team.
Personally, I'm looking forward to seeing the new ESD completed. At the same time I have concerns about the kit revamp and item availability. I'm not a huge fan of "dinosaurs with lasers", but I am otherwise enjoying the Dyson Sphere missions, and am excited to play the continuation of "A Step Between Stars". Just like every aspect of life there is good and there is bad.
I think the vast majority of any "ill will" or "distrust" held by the player base stems from a perception that all of the bugs that we report never seem to get fixed, that somehow the developers "don't care" or "only want to make the next cash-cow c-store ship". I see the same typo in "Sh'mar - Distress Signal" (Contiune instead of Continue in the next to last bit of dialog before warping out, that I know I have reported a number of times) every time I play the mission. It has been there, quite literally, for years. At one point I think it was even reported as fixed, but I just played through it again and it is still there.
I understand all too well that a developer can't hand-hold the user base all of the time and tell us that things are going to get done. If you did that you wouldn't have time to actually do development. At the same time, I don't think it is wise to be quite as tight-lipped about things, especially when it comes to bugs and major systems that players perceive to be broken, such as Fleet Scaling and Phasers being considered the weakest energy weapon type. Just about every guide says to use ANY energy weapon other than phasers.
I noticed this too. It's at the edge of the Starfleet "Ad Astra Audacter Eamus / In Alis Fidelum" floor logo.
Why would a Voth medic be casually standing around in his enemy's spacedock, and why (and how) would he take you halfway across the galaxy to fight against his people in the Dyson sphere? And even if there is some obscure rationale for all of this, why does the interact button say "Open Door"? There's no door to open anywhere near where this Voth is standing.
My Foundry missions | My STO Wiki page | My Twitter home page
What do you mean "between".
You talk to one of them (don't remember which) to pick up the assignment und talk to the other to get the generators.
Or is my memory completely off?
No, to actually collect the Shield Generators there was a glowie between them.
Warped Geometry - When viewed at a distance the 3D elements of that wall seem to become distorted, detached in some places welded together in others, this disappears as your approach the structure, the turbolifts at the North end of the concourse are also affected but not as severely.
Exposed Area - The walkway leading above the shuttle area is incomplete with half finished and invisible sections and the area is not cordoned off allowing people to climb the glass and fall into parts of the structure that aren't meant to be explorable.
Does Someone have a Saw? - This section of the south concourse bulkhead needs to be trimmed off or covered up in some way.
Double Textures - The Medical Officer's office has a diagonal texture that appears on the wall when his office is viewed at a distance, this then switches to parallel one as you move closer.
More Double Textures - Like the Doctors office this area at the entrance to the commodities vendors has a diagonal texture on the walls when viewed from a distance switching to a parallel one when you move closer.
Loose Floorboards - The panel meshes on the ramp leading down to the shipyard appear to have an "unwelded" appearance with a jagged seam visible when viewed at certain angles.
Is that a Curve? - The curve in this floor marking is broken by a straight line near the console under the transporter platform.
That's not a Curve. - This marking doesn't line up but juts over at an angle. Nearby can be seen the stairs leading into the pond.
This way to Wet Socks - Developers may want to put some kind of rail or feature here to keep people from walking down the stairs right into the water.
The Three Stooges - These gentlemen are either very confused or a practicing a mime act for the staff talent competition.
Crowded Space - This area next to the commodities vendors is too cluttered, perhaps get rid of one bench and the center mail console, line the rest up and it should balance out nicely.
Get Back to Work. - The Marketing Speculator appeals to be somewhat confused with nothing to do while two engineers have commandeered the terminals, shouldn't those two be out fixing something? The two banking consoles have interact buttons but no glow interaction effects.
Out of order - This Mail Console in the Exchange is non-functional.
The Beggar - This poor unfortunate seems to have been abandoned. One has to admire her stoicism.
The Funeral Home - The only thing missing from this scene is flowers and a coffin, or given the franchise, a photon torpedo.
Still making LODs for things. This should be addressed in a bit.
Already Fixed.
Pffft. . . Saws don't work on light!
Pretty sure this was already taken care of as well.
More LOD stuff we'll look into.
Not sure I understand/am seeing this one?
It's supposed to be. . . I'll take a look.
Same as above.
Fair point.
Design isn't done placing/moving dudes around. They'll eventually find a console or three.
Already rearranged. I'd placed the actual bank and mail consoles, but Peter forgot to clean up around them because he was so busy with his shuttle bay.
See above, she'll find a home.
The interact is actually on a volume over the whole area, not specifically those consoles. So if you'd prefer to talk to someone one on one, you can do so.
Extraneous, already removed.
Linnea is already standing next to Quinn and taking notes.
Link not working.
It was a joke anyway, although the space would actually make a good library as opposed to the foyer to the club.
Great work on the new ESD so far. However i'd like to see some consistency between being inside ESD and outside ESD in a ship. Most especially fix the suns looks and fix the moons looks and location. I don't care where the moon goes so long as it's in a possible location. Unless i'm wrong here the earth has a max tilt 23.44 degrees and the moon has a max inclination 5.14 degrees. Putting them together would be 28.59 degrees max. It's currently positioned at about 52 degrees. Which obviously is wrong unless i'm missing something here. Or do i need to go back to school and relearn this.
The space map is getting updated.
Edit: And the curves what didn't look like curves are fixed now.
Yay, much appreciated.
is funny to watch a character fall but might need sorted
In the end the Shuttlebay will be completely off liimits. You'll be able to go to the 'observation platform' just thru the big door & that's it.
well that sucks was looking forward to poping in to the bay now and again