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Ship pop cap increase requested.

oldkhemaraaoldkhemaraa Member Posts: 1,039 Arc User
For myself and the social gamers out there..

I would like to request ASAP an increase in the population cap of star ship interiors to at least 50 persons. The current pop cap of 20 is far to small to be able to host any large private social events (dance parties etc). While the use of fleet bases would be preferred, fleet bases do not permit cross faction invites.

Due to excessive exploiting of the bug with sub space party amplifiers, spamming of party poppers, and simply rude trolling behavior, the games current social zones are no longer an appropriate place to hold cross faction in game social events.

We in the purely social gamer and related groups accept that Cryptic GM have not, and will not activity police in game for any reason, and accept that Cryptic studio's in NOT going to address bug with the party amp. We would prefer to not be subjected to them.

I'm angry, I'm irritated, and I just spent 3 hours at an in game social event getting constantly spammed with sub space party amps at Drozana station. I spent 4 hours yesterday at an event at quarks at DS-9 with the same situation.. I wont even bother filing GM tickets on it any more... This studio's in game GM's do NOTHING.. and they haven't done anything about such for as long as I've played STO, which is in excess of 1200 days.

The party was this evening was moved to a ships bridge... over 20 players could not be invited because there was no room left. In the last several months this has happened more time then I can belive possible without an active response from the Studio despite pages of complaints (and at least by my last count 20 or so closed threads on the subject) on the forums, and quite possible thousands of GM tickets.

Subspace Radio, Kitrang Pirate Radio, MMO Radie, and Trek Radio and other free service providing additional enjoyment and FREE content to your customers have all been subject to this and all have DJ's that can pull well over 50 participants to their in game shows. Since last summers Risa event we have been all subject to party amp spam in addition to party popper spam.

If you don't want us supporting your product and promoting it, you very close to getting your wish. None of us want any sort of special privilege. We just want to be left alone to enjoy the one aspect of the game that really does not depend on any effort on the part of the dev team, and that we enjoy, troll and harassment free.

Please make this so.
"I aim to misbehave" - Malcolm Reynolds
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • ghyudtghyudt Member Posts: 1,112 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    You're probably at aware of this, but this is about the lowest priority for cryptic right now. As a temporary solution, I would try getting a fairly large group together next time (75 would be ideal) and have everyone go to a specified location, and then have everyone switch to the lowest populated instance, that way you can crowd out anyone who would just be there to TRIBBLE around.
  • oldkhemaraaoldkhemaraa Member Posts: 1,039 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Done that, a lot Nimbus-III is popular for doing that because each instance is low pop, but theres a work around. Team with someone in the "Party" instance and you can transfer into it.. we've seen 40 players in a single Nimbus-III instance for partying.

    It may be a "low" priority, but its no lower then anything else.. and in this case its certainly a simple data base entry, that is easily changed.

    This is one of the few zero effort changes they could plug into the game.. literally seconds to do.

    All it is, is a very slight modification to whats all ready there.. changing a pop cap number for player ships from 20 to 50.

    Please support this! Please...
    "I aim to misbehave" - Malcolm Reynolds
  • askrayaskray Member Posts: 3,329 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    While it might just be a "simple database switch" it might also involve what kind of hardware they have setup for the ship instances. If it can't handle it, then it'd be a problem. There could be reasons why it's like this that we don't know about.
    Yes, I'm that Askray@Batbayer in game. Yes, I still play. No, I don't care.
    Former Community Moderator, Former SSR DJ, Now Full time father to two kids, Husband, Retail Worker.
    Tiktok: @Askray Facebook: Askray113

  • mewmaster101mewmaster101 Member Posts: 1,239 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    IT might also increase the lag immensely. In SWTOR, the republic and imperial fleet station are almost ALWAYS so laggy that you have a 20-30 decrease in FPS. Having such a small limit might be the reason for that.
  • remianenremianen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    IT might also increase the lag immensely. In SWTOR, the republic and imperial fleet station are almost ALWAYS so laggy that you have a 20-30 decrease in FPS. Having such a small limit might be the reason for that.

    I don't believe that for a second. You're basically saying that players are not allowed to choose....for their own good? Crowding a bunch of people in a small space always causes what many refer to (often erroneously) as "lag". However, anyone who chooses to invite a bunch of people into a small space is actively choosing to accept the possible performance hit from doing so. No one's asking Cryptic to come up with phasing or time dilation measures like other games use to deal with thousands of people in the same area. What the OP is asking for is a way to host gatherings larger than a few groups to avoid the undesirable effects of having them in public areas.

    I think the limit is that low for two reasons. First, Cryptic didn't realize people would actually want to have larger groups outside of their premade social/gathering areas. This is one reason why they've done nothing to improve ship interiors in, what, three years? Romulans are two years old and still only have one or two bridges native to them? My T'liss had the same bridge as my Falchion, despite the latter being like 100x larger. They had no idea that people would actually want to use those areas regularly (despite having access to the metrics that would tell them that). Secondly, if you allow people to have sizable gatherings outside of the premade areas, the populations in those premade areas is bound to suffer. That's one reason you can't access the exchange from your bridge (which is the definition of 'low hanging fruit' as far as QOL improvements go). They learned from Blizzard that funneling people into "hubs" forces socialization in passive fashion. Basically, get people together and "stuff" will happen. Good or bad, it's all good (like bad press, in a way). Developers like to have control over where these gatherings occur (which is why the 'social areas' are set up like they are).

    Either way, I'd like to see improvements in this area. Heck, if they need to justify it to their PWE overlords, monetize it somehow. As much as people may not like it, most non-essential features only get prioritized if there's revenue to be had (which is why there are still bugs with more seniority in STO than some of the devs).
  • buschmakobuschmako Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I don't really see the problem here :confused::confused:, you call yourself a social player but don't accept the way other people attend parties:confused:? I'm sorry broski, but you're not really the party police and if some jims wanna go all out and disco-dance, I don't think that's a problem. :cool:
  • oldkhemaraaoldkhemaraa Member Posts: 1,039 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Increase lag? Considering what the folks I game with want to do its not going to increase lag at all.

    We stand, we talk/chat.. some using the chat system, some using VOIP. We run dance emotes.

    (maybe activate some DOFF missions, those that do that) but its not combat..)

    It's not a matter of hardware, or software. It's a matter of will or won't. There was a guest blog about a RP fleet that had chosen to open up its fleet base to guests for RP play. Now I have no idea what the population cap is of fleet starbases. I'd actually be surprised if any groups have found the cap yet. Yet we have hundreds of fleet bases created in the game. We can't cross faction invite, because.. well... mostly a lack of vision. I'm sure there was a specific reason for it at the time.. but in the time thats passed since fleet bases were implemented the game game has changed and gone in a different direction.. likely more then once as intended features were considered and have since been discarded or indefinatly sidelined due to any number of reasons.

    All I can really point out as a selling point is you got a whole bunch of users out here who are unhappy with the current situation vis a vis in game social activity. Who want to engage in their chosen activity with out being harassed by trollers in any way what so ever.

    Unhappy user aren't likely to be spending money.

    Let me tell you what we do at these events. We listen to DJ's, we dance to music (sure could use more dance emotes) show off our skills at making interesting outfits from the limited (especially KDF side) selection of uniforms/costumes.. we talk game, builds, strategies, missions. Help each other, help others. All in all a bunch of welcoming warm friendly folk who just wanna have fun. And who have ZERO desire to have their fun at anyone else expense. We engage in lite role play... Almost all of us could choose to be hard core role players... but as a whole, its not our thing. We are much more laid back and casual about the whole thing. We have little contests.. we do key give a ways, sometimes ship packs.. there's is almost always something going on.

    And this request wouldn't even be here if the studio would actively police in game ANTI social activity. It was bad before the last summer and the introduction of the party amps.
    It's been over 6 months, and in many ways its gotten worse.. the things are broken, and its flaws exploited by a small (very small, very very small) group of players specifically to troll and harass other players... and for no other reason then that they CAN.. and that they get entirely totally away with it because there is not in game GM presence to slap their fingers and say "Don't do that or there will be consequences". Hundreds, if not thousands of GM tickets filed with absolutely zero visable results.

    Ok, we get it. Cryptic as an entity could care less. We can leave, go to another game, won't be missed, there's alway going to be some more new users. Thank for your money don't let the door hit you in the TRIBBLE as you leave. I know that sounds harsh, but realistically that is the message we keep getting. We all like to think we're unique and special.. but the reality is this planet has a population somewhere around 6 billion people.. and we're not that special.

    Of course.. there is the small matter of how many of those 6 billion and some have access to a computer, broadband, and STO, and interest in the same. Still leaves quite a few million potential customers. I and the group of people I'm posting for could leave tomorrow and would be unlikely to be missed. 6 moths down the road, and I doubt our absence would even be noted. But then we're not going around trying to stir up ****, trolling people etc.

    SO, lets just get it to the nitty gritty... Happy customers spend money.. Unhappy customers... not so much. We are unhappy. We are harrassed and trolled constantly by a small group of users all the time... I can name them.. give me a few days and I can give you the @ handles for every single last one of them. This small group has flat gotten away with it for years. We , the focus of their attention have complained, shouted, screamed, posted, filed GM tickets. With no result, no satisfaction.. nothing. Apparently we can't even get to games GM's or DEV staff to even remotly take us seriously! We cant manage to get one of them to log in and just watch. We're are tottaly trolled to the point of incoherence for some of us.

    I've posted up, I don't know, maybe a close to one hundred posts on these forums trying to bring it to someones attention over the last year alone.

    SO.. let me end this... I got a patio to lay today, and it needs to get done, or the significant other will make her displeasure known, and I will have failed in my male dutys.

    If cryptic GM's aren't going to apply a little mental elbow grease and do something about it, then at least for gods sake give us an option to get away from the trolls in game. Please!
    "I aim to misbehave" - Malcolm Reynolds
  • oldkhemaraaoldkhemaraa Member Posts: 1,039 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    buschmako wrote: »
    I don't really see the problem here :confused::confused:, you call yourself a social player but don't accept the way other people attend parties:confused:? I'm sorry broski, but you're not really the party police and if some jims wanna go all out and disco-dance, I don't think that's a problem. :cool:

    Ohhhh. I know who you are.

    You can pop party amps all day long, you can activate party poppers all day long.. just as long as I don't have to be effected by them! Or be subjected to the lag and latency they cause, I got no problem.

    I have no interest in forcing you or you pals you to comply with any "rules" of behavior (which you don't anyway) around myself.. and my pals. Go do your thing.. just leave me and mine out of it.

    "WE" want away from you. It is our collective opinion that you are NOT worth socializing with. If we cannot get the cryptic staff to police your activities and bring you to heel, then the best option is to give us an option to remove our selves from the public social zones and from your presence.

    Raising the pop caps on private ship instances is the easiest way to do this. It requires no attention from the GM staff, or the community managers.

    But yes.. if you don't comply with the hosts standards in a private instance.. you WILL get booted, excluded, and quite possibly never invited back. That's why they are called a PRIVATE instance.

    Just like in real life, if you cannot comport yourself in public in a way that is acceptable to the greater whole then you get excluded.

    You have the right to be a jerk. You also have the un-alienable right to enjoy the consequences of your activity. We adults refer to this concept as ... "Responsibuility"

    It is my firm, and egalitarian and selfless desire to return to you that most precious of rights. The right to be responsible for your actions, and for your actions to have concequence. I cannot achieve the level I would prefer for your sake dear buschmako But I can at least encourage the powers that be for this virtual world to allow others some relief from your unsought, unwanted, and disrespectfull attention.

    The only people playing party police are you and yours... We want no part of it.

    Ok, I still gotta lay a patio.. and I have no idea where I hid my laser level from myself.
    "I aim to misbehave" - Malcolm Reynolds
  • hindgrinderhindgrinder Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I have to agree with the poster. For 3.5 years now, I've been getting in-game harassed weekly by the same 3 guys. I've reported it, I've written letters, I've waited patiently for any sign that a Dev even got the message, and every week I am once again disappointed. No help is coming. No one seems to care. The only response I ever got from a dev was when they banned my @handle because I made a support ticket. Thanks for that one by the way. Real nice...

    It's unfortunate really since Star Trek has such a big RP community. You can't go to Drozana, you can't go to DS9, you can't go to ESD. Only a few zones allow cross factions and those are the ones that we've been forced from.

    Personally, I hate ship's parties. Someone has to constantly watch for the invites, people get booted and have to get reinvited, the pop cap is pathetic, and you have absolutely no chance of gaining new listeners.

    Here is my list of ideas I would like to see seriously considered. Any of these would immediately solve the problem.

    1. Remove the items that allow people to effect other people's emotes. Party poppers, dicsco balls, snowballs etc. Just nerf them and get rid of them. I have a dance emote. I don't need some idiot forcing me to dance when I'm already sitting in a chair. I would not miss these items from my inventory.

    2. Make people turn invisible to you when you ignore them. Make them go poof.

    3. Ban the ability for people to use griefer tools (party poppers) in social zones like Drozana, Risa, ESD, DS9. There should be no reason why I should be getting pelted for 3+ hours straight by 2 guys with snowballs on Drozana Station.

    4. Give us a toggle in our character settings to 'turn off the ability to be effected by clickable items in non-combat ground zones'. Let us turn off their ability to effect us.

    5. Maybe ban/suspend someone's account once in a while if it's clear they only use it to ruin other player's in-game experiences? You do make us agree to a set of terms and services after all. Maybe enforce it once in a while? Once maybe?

    To be honest, at this point I am willing to PAY a PWE support person to attend one of my in-game parties. I am willing to hand over my money just so that someone can see exactly the type of bullying and harassment we're having to tolerate every time we log in.

    The fact that this has been happening for 3 years and nothing's been done shows a pathetic response from a company that has such a great IP.

    If it wasn't for the fact that 90% of my jokes are Star Trek based, I would have left to another game a long time ago, and I would have taken my fans with me. The list of people I've seen bullied out of this game grows longer every day.

    Thanks for nothing.

    - DJ Grom
  • kadamskadams Member Posts: 204 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I agree, these disco balls are annoying.

    What precisely makes them "fun" for "you" people? Is it the fact you're annoying us, or is it something else? Serious question.
  • spacegoatcx#8996 spacegoatcx Member Posts: 175 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I'm sorry, but if I am not misinterpreting this, you are complaining about social items in social zones while claiming to be a social gamer? Have either of you considered what the word social means before spouting off complaints of other people playing an MMO?

    Also Khemara, the only thing I have ever witnessed you doing is smutting up the chat with extremely sexual remarks and complaints over how other people do not dress their characters in ways that please you. Frankly it's disturbing and in no way contributes to the community or any social aspect of the game. This is a PG13 game, not a red light chat service.

    Grom, as to your complaints, your shows are 90% TRIBBLE and dirty talk. They attract negative attention due to the negative atmosphere you present, one which is highly biased against and openly sexualizes female players as pleasure objects only. Also "griefing" tools, if you are having a dance party you should thank people for bringing disco and party items and perhaps take time to reflect on the concept of "fun" and what an MMO is.

    My only remaining comment to yet another inane thread about disco balls is this: Grow up.
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    skollulfr wrote: »
    lag is latency in the connection, stuttering because your computer isnt up to the task of all the rendering, isnt the games fault, since there is only so much optimisation that can be done.

    There's a good chance you're rather wrong on this.

    In Second Life, for instance, the most limiting factor is always avatars. Hence, homesteads are limited to 20 avi's at once only (100 for a full region). Yes, SL isn't STO; but I wouldn't be at all surprised if the same principles applied to STO. Avatars, with all their dynamic clothing, visuals, sounds, etc, are just incredibly resource hoggy when you put many in the same room.

    I'd say the Instance limit of, say, ESD (what? 300 or so?) is probably what 1 machine can handle comfortably (after all, avi's are somehat less complex than in SL). So, all Instances together amounts to a small server park. Not a biggie, really. But imagine each player trying to allocate the entire resources of a single ESD Instance, just for their own private bridge! Now, not everyone will be visiting their bridge all at th esame time, of course, but even like 5,000 of such Instances would constitute a tremendous extra server load.

    Seen in that light, 20 per bridge is actually quite generous.
  • oldkhemaraaoldkhemaraa Member Posts: 1,039 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    lerpyderp wrote: »
    I'm sorry, but if I am not misinterpreting this, you are complaining about social items in social zones while claiming to be a social gamer? Have either of you considered what the word social means before spouting off complaints of other people playing an MMO?

    Also Khemara, the only thing I have ever witnessed you doing is smutting up the chat with extremely sexual remarks and complaints over how other people do not dress their characters in ways that please you. Frankly it's disturbing and in no way contributes to the community or any social aspect of the game. This is a PG13 game, not a red light chat service.

    Grom, as to your complaints, your shows are 90% TRIBBLE and dirty talk. They attract negative attention due to the negative atmosphere you present, one which is highly biased against and openly sexualizes female players as pleasure objects only. Also "griefing" tools, if you are having a dance party you should thank people for bringing disco and party items and perhaps take time to reflect on the concept of "fun" and what an MMO is.

    My only remaining comment to yet another inane thread about disco balls is this: Grow up.

    Ya know forum rules or no forum rules... you are an idiot.. No... wait, I take that back.. calling you an idiot is an insult to idiots!

    First off.. "My" chatter in games.. got proof? Screen capture and proof or it never happened.

    Though I'l bet considering short memories you commenting on the part at DS-9 where you dental folks were exploiting the bugs with the party amp... physically crowding my avatar in game etc... Did what I say botheryou.. Good.. you deserved it!

    As for DJ Groms show... hey No body is making you listen to his show... and I note you have to have listened to it.. If you cant handle ADULT humor... Maybe you need to not be playing MMO's...

    STO is not a childrens game... It is a fairly violent MMO... As has been noted in other threads on other subjects.. rather difficult to play "Peace maker" having been the cause of death for a few hundred thousand virtual lives.. SO wave that PG-13 garbage in front of me...

    And Groms show is rated PEGI-16 under the european system which is consderably stricter the the US standards. Furthermore, the stream is carried by GRN media.. if you have a complaint.. they have a process for you to make your displesure known. PWI, and Cryptic studio's have absolutly no input on SSR or GRN media programming.

    The person that needs to grow up is you. No one is making attent SSR or MMO-radio, or Kitrang pirate radio, or trek radio in game show, or listen to the audio feeds... And if you they are.. you need to take it up with them.

    Also.. Party amps etc... I have an emote menu with a bunch of dance emote on it.. I don't need the party amp to get my avatar dancing to the music.

    What this thread is about is increasing the size of private instances..

    If you "object" to the VOIP shows and net feeds show... and any possible chatter you might object to... I would think you would be in favor of this.. if your so concerned...

    But your not, and I am calling you on it. Your a fake..
    "I aim to misbehave" - Malcolm Reynolds
  • oldkhemaraaoldkhemaraa Member Posts: 1,039 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    There's a good chance you're rather wrong on this.

    In Second Life, for instance, the most limiting factor is always avatars. Hence, homesteads are limited to 20 avi's at once only (100 for a full region). Yes, SL isn't STO; but I wouldn't be at all surprised if the same principles applied to STO. Avatars, with all their dynamic clothing, visuals, sounds, etc, are just incredibly resource hoggy when you put many in the same room.

    I'd say the Instance limit of, say, ESD (what? 300 or so?) is probably what 1 machine can handle comfortably (after all, avi's are somehat less complex than in SL). So, all Instances together amounts to a small server park. Not a biggie, really. But imagine each player trying to allocate the entire resources of a single ESD Instance, just for their own private bridge! Now, not everyone will be visiting their bridge all at th esame time, of course, but even like 5,000 of such Instances would constitute a tremendous extra server load.

    Seen in that light, 20 per bridge is actually quite generous.

    2nd life is definatly not STO.. and the second life engine requires far more in the manner of computer resources to run the STO at any sort of decent frame rate.

    The engine for 2nd life is entirely different. As for pop caps.. I belive ESD/qo'noS etc run 90 to 150 per instance.. Also STO has quite a bit less animation effects the 2nd less, by an order of magnitude.

    Also, you don't have a great deal of understanding of how the STO engine works. please not that during the recent special mission to get the dyson sci DD there may have well have been over 1000 diferent instances of the mission running.. It requires far more server CPU cycles to run a single mission then it does to run a 50 person instance where there is no combat. The server is actually doing very little other then telling the client computer who's in the instance, where they are and what they are doing... everything else is being done client side. Ie: on your computer.

    It's got a Intel core 2 Duo E7500 running at 3.93 GHtz, and a mear 3 gig of system RAM
    and an Intel G45 video chip set.. pretty far from a top end gaming comp. And I only rarely have an issue with lag or letency caused by video issue.

    As I type this, I'm running STO, my brouser is open, WIN Amp is going with the SSR feed, and I'm on team speak with a half dozen other people. Oh, And I'm in a fleet starbase attending an in game party with around 20 people or so...

    I'm getting 18 FPS.. not to bad.. runs fine.

    If I recall, we bought this comp used for $100. Never had an issue once with running STO...

    Arguments that increasing ship pop limits to 50 are going to effect the game server side are entirely without basis... and claiming they'll effect things client side. I will not laugh at you. But you really need to learn how things work.

    If your running a computer that blows mine out of the water (pretty good chance of that)
    and your having issues.. you need to take you and your box to a real computer tech and get the TRIBBLE cleaned out of the system registry and learn how to tune your system, and keep it tooned.. and improve your education.

    Oh and the ARC client is running down in the system tray, along with a virtual CD-ROM drive..
    "I aim to misbehave" - Malcolm Reynolds
  • spacegoatcx#8996 spacegoatcx Member Posts: 175 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Sorry, but you're calling me out on what? Your incoherent wall of once again misdirected rage and insults has me at a disadvantage. I tried to respectfully communicate with you about exactly why this entire topic is worn out and did my best to recommend how to come to terms with it.

    Anyways, you know full well how both of you behave in regards to the general playerbase and socially. Your unpopularity is to blame on yourselves and not on others. Your above posting only serves to prove that point.

    Grom's show consisting of mysogynistic ranting and teen-level toilet humor are neither adult, nor are they inclined to leave any impression of maturity.

    On your own behaviour I have lost count on how many occassions you have complained about other people's avatar not suiting your taste, being anywhere remotely near you, using any item, or generally not conducting themselves as you personally would like. That list of problems does not lay with the playerbase.

    Your other complaints about lag and so on caused by social items are likely to do with the extremely poor stats of the PC you are attempting to play the game on, which you recently posted in this very thread. Again that problem is with you and not with the playerbase. I recommend looking at your video settings or considering investing money in a better PC instead of pointlessly raging out every time something fails to suit you.

    The topic of this thread was by the way social items being used in social zones. If you do not like that they exist to be used socially, then I would recommend re-evaluating exactly why you are playing a social game.

    My end point stands: Grow up.
  • gardatgardat Member Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    got a Intel core 2 Duo E7500 running at 3.93 GHtz, and a mear 3 gig of system RAM
    and an Intel G45 video chip set
    .. pretty far from a top end gaming comp. And I only rarely have an issue with lag or letency caused by video issue.

    As I type this, I'm running STO, my brouser is open, WIN Amp is going with the SSR feed, and I'm on team speak with a half dozen other people. Oh, And I'm in a fleet starbase attending an in game party with around 20 people or so...

    I'm getting 18 FPS.. not to bad.. runs fine.

    If I recall, we bought this comp used for $100. Never had an issue once with running STO...

    I think we've identified why you don't like disco balls and social devices in general - your PC, which cost less than your lifetime sub, is barely capable of running the game.
    486 DX2/66Mhz, 4MB SD-RAM, 16KB L-1 cache, 120MB HDD, 3.5" FDD, 2x CD-ROM, 8-Bit Soundblaster Pro, IBM Model M PS/2 keyboard, Microsoft trackball mouse, 256KB S3 graphics chip, 14" VGA CRT monitor, MS-DOS 6.22
  • grimrak1grimrak1 Member Posts: 251 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    It's got a Intel core 2 Duo E7500 running at 3.93 GHtz, and a mear 3 gig of system RAM
    and an Intel G45 video chip set.. pretty far from a top end gaming comp. And I only rarely have an issue with lag or letency caused by video issue.

    As I type this, I'm running STO, my brouser is open, WIN Amp is going with the SSR feed, and I'm on team speak with a half dozen other people. Oh, And I'm in a fleet starbase attending an in game party with around 20 people or so...

    I'm getting 18 FPS.. not to bad.. runs fine.

    If I recall, we bought this comp used for $100. Never had an issue once with running STO...

    And now we see the real reason why you keep crusading against social items. Your ancient computer hardware can't handle anything modern so clearly everyone else must stop having fun in this multiplayer game. You need to stop being so selfish and let others play how they want.

    Oh, and please stop referring to yourself as a "social gamer". You are anything but. Every time you're in zone chat, if you're not talking to one of your cronies, you're belittling others and insisting they conform to your way of playing. You're the epitome of an antisocial gamer.
    But you know what? I guess it doesn't matter now does it? By being allowed to visit their studios Cryptic has pretty much signed off on you and your fleet haven't they? They've said in deed what most of us have suspected for years. They're not going to stop you. They're not going to correct you. You won. After long last, you really, really won. STO is yours and no one is going to do a thing about it. Congratulations.
  • mewmaster101mewmaster101 Member Posts: 1,239 Arc User
    edited March 2014

    I'm getting 18 FPS.. not to bad.. runs fine.

    If I recall, we bought this comp used for $100. Never had an issue once with running STO...

    ummm, that is hilarious BAD FPS, the norm and what you should AT LEAST (With a BAD computer) be getting is about 30 (which is BARELY playable), most computers should be getting around 50-60, at least on the lower settings. Your issue is not that the "social/trolling devices" are bad, your computer stinks.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Meh, the Goonies have been trolling the internet for how many decades now? Have to figure they have compromising pictures of folks with livestock or the like...cause it's never made sense how they're allowed to troll away.
  • krysinskikrysinski Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    The starship limit should absolutely not be increased. You know why? It doesn't fit canon. Look at any episode or movie, and you will see quite clearly that there are no more than 15 people on the bridge at once. How do you even plan on finding room for fifty more people to sleep? No offense, but the idea of any of you people in my quarters sickens me. What we really need, is a microphone blast system. So we can play party music with our disco balls. That would be great.
    The Academy is always open!
  • aranellesaranelles Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Why do trekkies hate fun?
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    ummm, that is hilarious BAD FPS, the norm and what you should AT LEAST (With a BAD computer) be getting is about 30 (which is BARELY playable), most computers should be getting around 50-60, at least on the lower settings. Your issue is not that the "social/trolling devices" are bad, your computer stinks.

    Sad, but true. I have a (now already modest) GTX 580. It can run STO full-HD, though, on highest possible settings, in DX11, and still not go below 60 FPS.

    Anything < 60 FPS is soon uncomfortable; anything < 30 FPS is simply unplayable. And calling 18 FPS 'just fine' is the mother of all jokes.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    ECS A780GM-A Ultra Black mainboard
    AMD Phenom x4 9600B (2.3GHz/core)
    ATI HD4670 512MB DDR2/128 bit
    4.5 GB DDR2 (667MHz, one sticks's 667, so all four are 667)
    running off a separate Samsung Spinpoint 7200 RPM SATA/150 40GB drive with 2mb cache
    system drive's an old WD Blue 800JD 80GB 7200 RPM SATA3 drive with 8mb cache
    Windows 8.1

    Direct3d 9ex
    Windowed Maximized (1440x900)
    Antialiasing - none
    Dynamic Lighting - on
    Lighting Quality - High
    Shadows - High
    Max Lights per Object - 5
    Max Shadowed Lights - 3
    Texture Anisotropic Filtering - 16x
    World Texture Quality - 100%
    Character Texture Quality - 100%
    World Detail Distance - 100%
    Terrain Detail Distance - 100%
    Character Detail Distance - 100%
    Show High Detail Objects - On
    Max Physics Debris Objects - 100
    Raise Settings in Character Creator - Off
    Postprocessing - On
    Visual FX Qualtiy - High
    Soft Particles - On
    Bloom Quality - High
    Bloom Intensity - 100%
    Screen-Space Ambient Occlusion - On
    Cinematic Focus - On
    Underwater View - On
    Reflection Quality - High
    Lens Flare Quality - High
    Framerate Stabilizer - Off
    Auto-Stabilize Framerate - Off
    Limit CPU Usage When Inactive - On
    Multi-Core Rendering - On
    Use Full Detail Character Animations - On
    GPU-accelerated Particles - On
    Reduced File Streaming - On
    Software Cursor - Off
    Minimum Shadow Buffer Bias - Off
    Rduce CPU/GPU Usage - Off
    Limit Frame Rate - 60
    Video Memory Limit - Auto

    FPS sitting in the New Rom System: 28-32
    FPS in Sector Space: 27-31

    FPS in CCE:
    0-5km 6-11
    5-10km 11-16
    outside 10km 22-28

    With all the carrier pets*, Photonic Fleets, Nimbus Pirates, torps flying out the wahzoo, Grav Wells, Tyken's, and all the other visual FX...there's no stutter at all. It's smooth. There's no feeling of anything being off when it's below 10 compared to when it's 30.

    *Scorpions...for some reason cause me to stutter. A two hangar boat dropping out Scorpions causes me all sorts of problems that 5x Recluse dropping out out Elite Weavers, with everybody spamming FAW, torps, Grav Wells, dropping EWP, Theta, and all the rest does nothing - single guy dropping out Scorpions screws me up. Funny, eh? I once lost in Ker'rat cause there were three guys dropping out 2 hangars worth and four guys dropping them out of their 1 hangar boats. That...was unplayable. 6-16 being smooth...is being fine.

    edit: Folks spamming disco balls doesn't cause stutter...it just leaves me feeling dirty, being the object of some guy's attention that likes to force male toons to dance while he watches and does whatever. It's not my thing, don't care if it's his thing - I don't want to be a part of his thing.

    edit2: Should have included this above as well..

    Show Player Titles With Name - On
    Show Player's Damage Floaters - On
    Show Officer Damage Floaters - On
    Show Team Damage Floaters - On
    Show Player Damage Floaters - On
    Show Miscellaneous Damage Floaters - Off
    Show Enemy Healing Floaters - Off
    Show Created-Entity Floaters - Off
    Show Interaction Icons - On
    Show Critical Status on Reticle - On
    Show Reticle as - Outline
    Combat Audio Notifications - Standard
    Hide Tray Tooltips - Off
    Show Enemy Name - Always
    Show Enemy Life - Always
    Show Enemy Reticle - Always
    Show Enemy Mine and Fighter Names - Always
    Show Enemy Mine and Fighter Life - Always
    Show Enemy Mine and Fighter Reticles - Always
    Show Friendly NPC Names - Always
    Show Friendly NPC Life - Always
    Show Friendly NPC Reticle - Always
    Show Friendly Mine and Fighter Names - Always
    Show Friendly Mine and Fighter Life - Always
    Show Friendly Mine and Fighter Reticles - Always
    Show Friend Name - Always
    Show Friend Life - Always
    Show Friend Reticle - Always
    Show Fleet Name - Always
    Show Fleet Life - Always
    Show Fleet Reticle - ALways
    Show Team Name - Always
    Show Team Life - Always
    Show Team Reticle - Always
    Show Officer Name - Always
    Show Officer Life - Always
    Show Officer Reticle - Always
    Show Your Mine and Fighter Names - Always
    Show Your Mine and Fighter Life - Always
    Show Your Mine and Fighter Reticle - Always
    Show Player (Other Players) Name - Always
    Show Player (Other Players) Life - Always
    Show Player (Other Players) Reticle - Always
    Show Enemy Player Name - Always
    Show Enemy Player Life - Always
    Show Enemy Player Reticle - Always
    Show Your Name - Never
    Show Your Life - Never
  • acrosscatacrosscat Member Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Ya know forum rules or no forum rules... [THIS SPECIFIC BIT IS RATHER REPORTABLE!]

    First off.. "My" chatter in games.. got proof? Screen capture and proof or it never happened.

    Classy. But you know such cannot be done. As per the unwritten rules regarding naming and shaming, this is specifically disallowed. But you know, given your posting history railing against attendants using social items in a social setting, I'm inclined to agree with Lerpyderp.

    To contribute more to the point:
    I'd love to see larger amounts of players supported on instances. But even if you had 50 or 100 players, you'd still have people happily using social items for atmosphere enhancement, or keeping the fire security in mind with a suite of extinguishers.

    Pop a chill pill.
    It's got a Intel core 2 Duo E7500 running at 3.93 GHtz, and a mear 3 gig of system RAM
    and an Intel G45 video chip set.. pretty far from a top end gaming comp. And I only rarely have an issue with lag or letency caused by video issue.

    As I type this, I'm running STO, my brouser is open, WIN Amp is going with the SSR feed, and I'm on team speak with a half dozen other people. Oh, And I'm in a fleet starbase attending an in game party with around 20 people or so...

    I'm getting 18 FPS.. not to bad.. runs fine.

    If I recall, we bought this comp used for $100. Never had an issue once with running STO...

    Does your computer come with an emergency pully connected to a flare or something? Embedded into an improvised thermite device, directly above your hard drives? That rig sounds like a piece of gear you don't regret destroying, rather than your gaming rig Anno Domini 2014. You spent more on Lifetime and Zen than on your PC. Goodness gracious!
  • oldkhemaraaoldkhemaraa Member Posts: 1,039 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    um... you know... I can play in any of the combat zones in the game with acceptable playable frame rates. But then, I happen to know how to keep my computer clean and operating at optimal efficiency.

    You guys e-peen over computer systems and specs and don't get it. It's not the hardware. It's the set up. I can run any and all PWI and Cryptic titles no problem. They are all quite playable.

    For all that the computer hardware I run the game is "Below spec" that is an ego based assumption. It's above minimum spec for STO.. not by much admittadly. But I have never had a spot of problem playing sto because of my hardware. I happen to know how to keep thing lean and mean on my end. *pats self on back* Throwing better hardware at the problem is the solution one takes AFTER one has exausted lesser solution.. like cleaning the TRIBBLE out of the registry, eliminating TSR apps. etc.

    The party toys don't cause my computer to lag out. AT ALL! It doesn't effect me. The FPS I noted is the lowest FPS I've ever recorded playing STO.. not the average.. In play I run about 32 FPS and thats in the most insamely crowded busy fights. I don't full graphis options, but I don't need all the eye candy... It's pretty, but its not needed. Lag and latency is simply a non issue for me. But then I'm on a fiber optic connection too. ANd lag or latency issues I ever had with STO or any other title are on end. Maybe because I have over 40 years of working with electronics and computer.

    As for you all doing your level best to once again claim "Not an issue" Guess what? Not only should it be an non issue, I want to make it even less of one.

    You children are scared of ghosts and goblins, and things that go bump in the night.. I can only assume it has to do with watch to many halloween movies, and seeing Fredy Kruger carve up some more teen agers.

    What your getting is.. No you do not have a right to "Prank" me. Or any one else. Doing it is bad for the community. It's bad for the game, and there will be consequences if it is not addressed. It's just a matter of time. None if any of you that have chimed in with negitive commentary have the experence to understand the ramifications. Your just to young.

    I'm not trying to hurt your fun. I just don't want you hurting mine. Mine a few hundred other people.

    One person said I don't understand what Social means..

    Here is a definition.
    The term social refers to a characteristic of living organisms as applied to populations of humans and other animals. It always refers to the interaction of organisms with other organisms and to their collective co-existence, irrespective of whether they are aware of it or not, and irrespective of whether the interaction is voluntary or involuntary.

    If you are playing STO, you are involved in a social activity. MMO's are a form of social media. I enguage specific, and knowing in social activity with other gamers.

    Social gaming commonly refers to playing games as a way of social interaction, as opposed to playing games in solitude.

    It all about the interaction. It is not about imposing one will or definition of up, down, left, right, any political view, or anything else... It come up of course. Were talking about REAL people. In my case, its defiantly NOT about imposing anything on any one. You don't want me imposing on you or dictating to you how to play STO. Ok, ya know, I'm totally down with that. Right on, all in favor, no disagreement what so ever. Party on dudes and dudettes!

    Now.. I don't like party amps, because they are flawed, and have bug and and a redily explotable (exploting a broken feature of the game IS a direct violation of the terms of use folks) Party amps have a big bug. Read the full tool tip. Now how they work may have indeed been the intent of whom ever pumped them into this MMO.

    But, specificly putting an item in a game that can be used to "Prank"? Wow, um, just wow.. that is such a raging stuoid thing to do. Its the equivelent of a bar owner handing out water ballons to thier customers to throw at each other.

    There is another fantasy MMO I play.. In that MMO you cannot avoid PvP combat. It has world PvP period. (it's not Eve by the by). It also has less then about 200,000 players and it is F2P.. it's also an import. If it were an american studio running the game it would have folded by now as being marginally profitable. One of the reasons its not as popular as it should be (IMHO) is because up untill just recently you could NOT avoid world PvP. This proved to be far more unpopular then predicted by the games Developers. They had to change the game.. Not only here, but in the products source nation of Korea. And the changes happened there first.

    Forceing players to do anything is something to be approched with a lot of thought. Say what you like. But party poppers, and the subspace party amps have chased customers away from STO. Make all the assuptions about those that have left you like.. justify all you want. All of that is utterly immaterial.

    The only important fact is they stopped playing STO. If they don't play, they are never going to buy anything. Not ever.

    We "social gamers" some of us, may not spend a great deal of effort on the rest of sto other then having in game dance partys.. talking dirty, flirting etc.. So what. If we are doing it in private channels, and your not seeing it unless YOU ELECT TO SEE IT. (your choice) how does it effect you?. No one is making you attend any radio DJ's in game parties. Unless you open a web feed all your going to see it a a bit inane chatter (generally far less offensive that any of the general trash talking potty mouth TRIBBLE you see on the screen around ESD on any given day) and a bunch of avatars running dance emotes..

    Thats it. If your hearing/seeing more then that, then you have to be activly bringing in that information.. SSR's audio feed is not broadcast to the game by Cryptics servers. (it could be... the game has built in VOIP capability.. since around the end of the first year of the game.

    DJ Grom, who runs a show for SSR chimed in on this thread. He is not an employee of Cryptic or PWI. He is how ever a consumer of this product,as am I and many hundreds of thousands of other players. He's doesn't have a super large listenership. His show is gutter comedy. not quite as good as Monty Python. or Saturday Night Live. (sorry Grom!) It's comedy, it's parody. Laugh at it, and let it remind you that you actually do not want the world to be like that. Comedy is made up of bad thing happening to people. If your taking his show seriously... You have got a problem separating reality from fantasy! Get Help!

    LEARN FROM IT. There are things you can learn.. if you choose.. But no one is forcing you to listen.. YOU CAN OPT OUT!

    I don't get to opt out of the effects of party amps, or attending an in game dance party and having players interposing their avatar over the top of mine to discomfit me, harass me, troll me. If it were something once in a long while. I get over it. But its not.. Every day, every week. Constantly. Certain players have apparently nothing better to do in the game then going and finding some one they can get away with harassing. I've been on the receiving end of this unsought, un asked for, attention for over a year now. I suppose I should be honered to be the focus of attention of one of the more infamous groups of trolling yahoo's in the MMO industry. Who have managed to get themselves BANNED wholesale from a quite a few MMO's.

    Ok, you know what? They win.. I want the ability to remove my self, and for other to have the same ability to remove themselves from the presence and negative fun killing influence of this minority.

    I'm not the one playing "Police man" THEY ARE! The proof of this is right here in this very thread. Star Fleet dental, Nerds of Prey and their satellite fleets. They are bad for the game, and they are worse for the community.

    "No, you can't fix the party amps.. they're a fun toy." I can show you a few hundred dissenting opinions on that.

    "*pointing of finger* His show is naughty, and they bad things, why they influence children to do X" Ah ya know.. Television programming is far far worse... There is a show called "Breaking Bad" that follows a ex Teacher.. who traded in his teaching credentials to make Methanphetamine and sell it. This show is glorifying criminal activity. Its on broadcast telivision, carried by a network. I've seen a few shows, not a fan. and thats much more on TV as bad, or worse in the message being put across.

    I want higher capacity on bridge instances so this entire debate can END! SO I don't have to put up with abuse in the game public areas. Dental et al, disproves, hey fine..we'll just happily remove our selves from the games public spaces and no body's bothered.

    Other then the slight side effect that we won't be there to party bomb any more. And we wont be moaning and groaning about it on the forums. We can go to a private instance and party our way. No one forced to see or take part in it. And if someone wants to engage in negitive aspect social activity under the opinion of the party host, such as party bombing, avatar crowding etc. then that persons avatar can be booted from the private instance.

    Any other social issue, or internal group politics are the problem and responsibility of the attendees who are present entirely and totally electively, and voluntarily.

    What dental considers their solemn mission they can go continue role playing how wonderful they are with out it impacting on my game play.. and any one else that want away from them.. or any other group of players that think they have a right to impose their views on some else.

    Dental's "Shtik" is purely made up garbage. Their "immortal leader" or what ever they call him doesn't exist. It's just make believe. It's no more real then any of us actually being star ships captains. It's no more real then DJ Groms show. Honestly I find what they do, at my grand old decrepit age of 56 (57 in a couple months.. I got grand kids playing STO!) really kinda dumb, and childish... just my opinion. As an adult I'm more concerned if I have any concern, with someone taking what they do seriously then I am about anything happening with the dance party crowd.

    Maybe that explains it better to some of you. I don't want to be "pranked" any more. It is RUDE.. it is mean.. it is not funny.. it is not humorous. And I've been putting up it for about 3 years now in STO, and I just don't get the joke any more. And I and other have had to put up with our in game social events being party amp bombed since last summers Risa event. Part of it is because we choose to be visible. The rest of it is because they can get away with it. It's that simple.

    These folk party bombing etc do quite the opposite of what we dance party types are doing. We are not purposely trying to create a negative social space. We are not trying to impose any point of view or anything else on any one. We just want to dance to the music. If anything, we are being openly social.. Come dance.. listen some naughty jokes.. role play, be a little deliciously naughty. Be friendly. Be nice to each other. Got an issue in game with the interface, controls etc?.. Ask! Might get some help with it! We're almost all pretty knowledgeable there.. being able to communicate is important to our style of play.

    Look at the posting of Dental and associated members in these forums and in this thread. They purposely obfuscate the issues, and collude to side track and smoke screen anything which might even prevent them from continuing their chosen activity which is to prank other players and otherwise create a hostile social environment in game.

    *long heavy sigh*

    I'm going to keep playing STO... they do not get to chase me from this MMO. And I will not willingly let then chase anyone else away either. What they do is bad, and it is wrong, and harm full to the game, and to the community. In the end it does negatively impact on how the game is viewed, and how PWI, and Cryptic studio's is viewed. These folks crossed the line long ago. They're clever, and they are manipulative, and they have managed to develop a pretty effective strategy toward masking what the do, and how they go about doing it. Fairly close to the standards and practices of several public fronts for terrorists groups world wide. Some one obviously made a point of studying how insurgency groups can have an impact far out of proportion to their numbers. I even have a small amount of admiration for them.. ( a very small amount). They are very effective. But what they do is still a bad thing.

    Cryptic Studio's and PWI is obviously not going to do anything about em. That's a very poor decision on Cryptic part. I don't know their reasons, and I pretty certain I would disagree with them strenuously if I did know the why of it. I'm not going to speculate here. I just know what is obvious. Studio and the GM's aren't going to do anything. They have not in the past, they will not in the future.

    Fine.. Raise the pop cap on the only real private cross faction instances in the game so that those of us not wanting to be subjected to this can remove ourselves from the public shared social zones. And it can be someone elses' problem.

    "I aim to misbehave" - Malcolm Reynolds
  • psycholandlordpsycholandlord Member Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    um... you know... I can play in any of the combat zones in the game with acceptable playable frame rates. But then, I happen to know how to keep my computer clean and operating at optimal efficiency.

    You guys e-peen over computer systems and specs and don't get it. It's not the hardware. It's the set up. I can run any and all PWI and Cryptic titles no problem. They are all quite playable.

    For all that the computer hardware I run the game is "Below spec" that is an ego based assumption. It's above minimum spec for STO.. not by much admittadly. But I have never had a spot of problem playing sto because of my hardware. I happen to know how to keep thing lean and mean on my end. *pats self on back* Throwing better hardware at the problem is the solution one takes AFTER one has exausted lesser solution.. like cleaning the TRIBBLE out of the registry, eliminating TSR apps. etc.

    The party toys don't cause my computer to lag out. AT ALL! It doesn't effect me. The FPS I noted is the lowest FPS I've ever recorded playing STO.. not the average.. In play I run about 32 FPS and thats in the most insamely crowded busy fights. I don't full graphis options, but I don't need all the eye candy... It's pretty, but its not needed. Lag and latency is simply a non issue for me. But then I'm on a fiber optic connection too. ANd lag or latency issues I ever had with STO or any other title are on end. Maybe because I have over 40 years of working with electronics and computer.

    As for you all doing your level best to once again claim "Not an issue" Guess what? Not only should it be an non issue, I want to make it even less of one.

    You children are scared of ghosts and goblins, and things that go bump in the night.. I can only assume it has to do with watch to many halloween movies, and seeing Fredy Kruger carve up some more teen agers.

    What your getting is.. No you do not have a right to "Prank" me. Or any one else. Doing it is bad for the community. It's bad for the game, and there will be consequences if it is not addressed. It's just a matter of time. None if any of you that have chimed in with negitive commentary have the experence to understand the ramifications. Your just to young.

    I'm not trying to hurt your fun. I just don't want you hurting mine. Mine a few hundred other people.

    One person said I don't understand what Social means..

    Here is a definition.
    The term social refers to a characteristic of living organisms as applied to populations of humans and other animals. It always refers to the interaction of organisms with other organisms and to their collective co-existence, irrespective of whether they are aware of it or not, and irrespective of whether the interaction is voluntary or involuntary.

    If you are playing STO, you are involved in a social activity. MMO's are a form of social media. I enguage specific, and knowing in social activity with other gamers.

    Social gaming commonly refers to playing games as a way of social interaction, as opposed to playing games in solitude.

    It all about the interaction. It is not about imposing one will or definition of up, down, left, right, any political view, or anything else... It come up of course. Were talking about REAL people. In my case, its defiantly NOT about imposing anything on any one. You don't want me imposing on you or dictating to you how to play STO. Ok, ya know, I'm totally down with that. Right on, all in favor, no disagreement what so ever. Party on dudes and dudettes!

    Now.. I don't like party amps, because they are flawed, and have bug and and a redily explotable (exploting a broken feature of the game IS a direct violation of the terms of use folks) Party amps have a big bug. Read the full tool tip. Now how they work may have indeed been the intent of whom ever pumped them into this MMO.

    But, specificly putting an item in a game that can be used to "Prank"? Wow, um, just wow.. that is such a raging stuoid thing to do. Its the equivelent of a bar owner handing out water ballons to thier customers to throw at each other.

    There is another fantasy MMO I play.. In that MMO you cannot avoid PvP combat. It has world PvP period. (it's not Eve by the by). It also has less then about 200,000 players and it is F2P.. it's also an import. If it were an american studio running the game it would have folded by now as being marginally profitable. One of the reasons its not as popular as it should be (IMHO) is because up untill just recently you could NOT avoid world PvP. This proved to be far more unpopular then predicted by the games Developers. They had to change the game.. Not only here, but in the products source nation of Korea. And the changes happened there first.

    Forceing players to do anything is something to be approched with a lot of thought. Say what you like. But party poppers, and the subspace party amps have chased customers away from STO. Make all the assuptions about those that have left you like.. justify all you want. All of that is utterly immaterial.

    The only important fact is they stopped playing STO. If they don't play, they are never going to buy anything. Not ever.

    We "social gamers" some of us, may not spend a great deal of effort on the rest of sto other then having in game dance partys.. talking dirty, flirting etc.. So what. If we are doing it in private channels, and your not seeing it unless YOU ELECT TO SEE IT. (your choice) how does it effect you?. No one is making you attend any radio DJ's in game parties. Unless you open a web feed all your going to see it a a bit inane chatter (generally far less offensive that any of the general trash talking potty mouth TRIBBLE you see on the screen around ESD on any given day) and a bunch of avatars running dance emotes..

    Thats it. If your hearing/seeing more then that, then you have to be activly bringing in that information.. SSR's audio feed is not broadcast to the game by Cryptics servers. (it could be... the game has built in VOIP capability.. since around the end of the first year of the game.

    DJ Grom, who runs a show for SSR chimed in on this thread. He is not an employee of Cryptic or PWI. He is how ever a consumer of this product,as am I and many hundreds of thousands of other players. He's doesn't have a super large listenership. His show is gutter comedy. not quite as good as Monty Python. or Saturday Night Live. (sorry Grom!) It's comedy, it's parody. Laugh at it, and let it remind you that you actually do not want the world to be like that. Comedy is made up of bad thing happening to people. If your taking his show seriously... You have got a problem separating reality from fantasy! Get Help!

    LEARN FROM IT. There are things you can learn.. if you choose.. But no one is forcing you to listen.. YOU CAN OPT OUT!

    I don't get to opt out of the effects of party amps, or attending an in game dance party and having players interposing their avatar over the top of mine to discomfit me, harass me, troll me. If it were something once in a long while. I get over it. But its not.. Every day, every week. Constantly. Certain players have apparently nothing better to do in the game then going and finding some one they can get away with harassing. I've been on the receiving end of this unsought, un asked for, attention for over a year now. I suppose I should be honered to be the focus of attention of one of the more infamous groups of trolling yahoo's in the MMO industry. Who have managed to get themselves BANNED wholesale from a quite a few MMO's.

    Ok, you know what? They win.. I want the ability to remove my self, and for other to have the same ability to remove themselves from the presence and negative fun killing influence of this minority.

    I'm not the one playing "Police man" THEY ARE! The proof of this is right here in this very thread. Star Fleet dental, Nerds of Prey and their satellite fleets. They are bad for the game, and they are worse for the community.

    "No, you can't fix the party amps.. they're a fun toy." I can show you a few hundred dissenting opinions on that.

    "*pointing of finger* His show is naughty, and they bad things, why they influence children to do X" Ah ya know.. Television programming is far far worse... There is a show called "Breaking Bad" that follows a ex Teacher.. who traded in his teaching credentials to make Methanphetamine and sell it. This show is glorifying criminal activity. Its on broadcast telivision, carried by a network. I've seen a few shows, not a fan. and thats much more on TV as bad, or worse in the message being put across.

    I want higher capacity on bridge instances so this entire debate can END! SO I don't have to put up with abuse in the game public areas. Dental et al, disproves, hey fine..we'll just happily remove our selves from the games public spaces and no body's bothered.

    Other then the slight side effect that we won't be there to party bomb any more. And we wont be moaning and groaning about it on the forums. We can go to a private instance and party our way. No one forced to see or take part in it. And if someone wants to engage in negitive aspect social activity under the opinion of the party host, such as party bombing, avatar crowding etc. then that persons avatar can be booted from the private instance.

    Any other social issue, or internal group politics are the problem and responsibility of the attendees who are present entirely and totally electively, and voluntarily.

    What dental considers their solemn mission they can go continue role playing how wonderful they are with out it impacting on my game play.. and any one else that want away from them.. or any other group of players that think they have a right to impose their views on some else.

    Dental's "Shtik" is purely made up garbage. Their "immortal leader" or what ever they call him doesn't exist. It's just make believe. It's no more real then any of us actually being star ships captains. It's no more real then DJ Groms show. Honestly I find what they do, at my grand old decrepit age of 56 (57 in a couple months.. I got grand kids playing STO!) really kinda dumb, and childish... just my opinion. As an adult I'm more concerned if I have any concern, with someone taking what they do seriously then I am about anything happening with the dance party crowd.

    Maybe that explains it better to some of you. I don't want to be "pranked" any more. It is RUDE.. it is mean.. it is not funny.. it is not humorous. And I've been putting up it for about 3 years now in STO, and I just don't get the joke any more. And I and other have had to put up with our in game social events being party amp bombed since last summers Risa event. Part of it is because we choose to be visible. The rest of it is because they can get away with it. It's that simple.

    These folk party bombing etc do quite the opposite of what we dance party types are doing. We are not purposely trying to create a negative social space. We are not trying to impose any point of view or anything else on any one. We just want to dance to the music. If anything, we are being openly social.. Come dance.. listen some naughty jokes.. role play, be a little deliciously naughty. Be friendly. Be nice to each other. Got an issue in game with the interface, controls etc?.. Ask! Might get some help with it! We're almost all pretty knowledgeable there.. being able to communicate is important to our style of play.

    Look at the posting of Dental and associated members in these forums and in this thread. They purposely obfuscate the issues, and collude to side track and smoke screen anything which might even prevent them from continuing their chosen activity which is to prank other players and otherwise create a hostile social environment in game.

    *long heavy sigh*

    I'm going to keep playing STO... they do not get to chase me from this MMO. And I will not willingly let then chase anyone else away either. What they do is bad, and it is wrong, and harm full to the game, and to the community. In the end it does negatively impact on how the game is viewed, and how PWI, and Cryptic studio's is viewed. These folks crossed the line long ago. They're clever, and they are manipulative, and they have managed to develop a pretty effective strategy toward masking what the do, and how they go about doing it. Fairly close to the standards and practices of several public fronts for terrorists groups world wide. Some one obviously made a point of studying how insurgency groups can have an impact far out of proportion to their numbers. I even have a small amount of admiration for them.. ( a very small amount). They are very effective. But what they do is still a bad thing.

    Cryptic Studio's and PWI is obviously not going to do anything about em. That's a very poor decision on Cryptic part. I don't know their reasons, and I pretty certain I would disagree with them strenuously if I did know the why of it. I'm not going to speculate here. I just know what is obvious. Studio and the GM's aren't going to do anything. They have not in the past, they will not in the future.

    Fine.. Raise the pop cap on the only real private cross faction instances in the game so that those of us not wanting to be subjected to this can remove ourselves from the public shared social zones. And it can be someone elses' problem.


    A poor player
    That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
    And then is heard no more.
    It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury
    Signifying nothing.
  • tenelltenell Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    um... you know... I can play in any of the combat zones in the game with acceptable playable frame rates. But then, I happen to know how to keep my computer clean and operating at optimal efficiency.

    You guys e-peen over computer systems and specs and don't get it. It's not the hardware. It's the set up. I can run any and all PWI and Cryptic titles no problem. They are all quite playable.

    For all that the computer hardware I run the game is "Below spec" that is an ego based assumption. It's above minimum spec for STO.. not by much admittadly. But I have never had a spot of problem playing sto because of my hardware. I happen to know how to keep thing lean and mean on my end. *pats self on back* Throwing better hardware at the problem is the solution one takes AFTER one has exausted lesser solution.. like cleaning the TRIBBLE out of the registry, eliminating TSR apps. etc.

    The party toys don't cause my computer to lag out. AT ALL! It doesn't effect me. The FPS I noted is the lowest FPS I've ever recorded playing STO.. not the average.. In play I run about 32 FPS and thats in the most insamely crowded busy fights. I don't full graphis options, but I don't need all the eye candy... It's pretty, but its not needed. Lag and latency is simply a non issue for me. But then I'm on a fiber optic connection too. ANd lag or latency issues I ever had with STO or any other title are on end. Maybe because I have over 40 years of working with electronics and computer.

    As for you all doing your level best to once again claim "Not an issue" Guess what? Not only should it be an non issue, I want to make it even less of one.

    You children are scared of ghosts and goblins, and things that go bump in the night.. I can only assume it has to do with watch to many halloween movies, and seeing Fredy Kruger carve up some more teen agers.

    What your getting is.. No you do not have a right to "Prank" me. Or any one else. Doing it is bad for the community. It's bad for the game, and there will be consequences if it is not addressed. It's just a matter of time. None if any of you that have chimed in with negitive commentary have the experence to understand the ramifications. Your just to young.

    I'm not trying to hurt your fun. I just don't want you hurting mine. Mine a few hundred other people.

    One person said I don't understand what Social means..

    Here is a definition.
    The term social refers to a characteristic of living organisms as applied to populations of humans and other animals. It always refers to the interaction of organisms with other organisms and to their collective co-existence, irrespective of whether they are aware of it or not, and irrespective of whether the interaction is voluntary or involuntary.

    If you are playing STO, you are involved in a social activity. MMO's are a form of social media. I enguage specific, and knowing in social activity with other gamers.

    Social gaming commonly refers to playing games as a way of social interaction, as opposed to playing games in solitude.

    It all about the interaction. It is not about imposing one will or definition of up, down, left, right, any political view, or anything else... It come up of course. Were talking about REAL people. In my case, its defiantly NOT about imposing anything on any one. You don't want me imposing on you or dictating to you how to play STO. Ok, ya know, I'm totally down with that. Right on, all in favor, no disagreement what so ever. Party on dudes and dudettes!

    Now.. I don't like party amps, because they are flawed, and have bug and and a redily explotable (exploting a broken feature of the game IS a direct violation of the terms of use folks) Party amps have a big bug. Read the full tool tip. Now how they work may have indeed been the intent of whom ever pumped them into this MMO.

    But, specificly putting an item in a game that can be used to "Prank"? Wow, um, just wow.. that is such a raging stuoid thing to do. Its the equivelent of a bar owner handing out water ballons to thier customers to throw at each other.

    There is another fantasy MMO I play.. In that MMO you cannot avoid PvP combat. It has world PvP period. (it's not Eve by the by). It also has less then about 200,000 players and it is F2P.. it's also an import. If it were an american studio running the game it would have folded by now as being marginally profitable. One of the reasons its not as popular as it should be (IMHO) is because up untill just recently you could NOT avoid world PvP. This proved to be far more unpopular then predicted by the games Developers. They had to change the game.. Not only here, but in the products source nation of Korea. And the changes happened there first.

    Forceing players to do anything is something to be approched with a lot of thought. Say what you like. But party poppers, and the subspace party amps have chased customers away from STO. Make all the assuptions about those that have left you like.. justify all you want. All of that is utterly immaterial.

    The only important fact is they stopped playing STO. If they don't play, they are never going to buy anything. Not ever.

    We "social gamers" some of us, may not spend a great deal of effort on the rest of sto other then having in game dance partys.. talking dirty, flirting etc.. So what. If we are doing it in private channels, and your not seeing it unless YOU ELECT TO SEE IT. (your choice) how does it effect you?. No one is making you attend any radio DJ's in game parties. Unless you open a web feed all your going to see it a a bit inane chatter (generally far less offensive that any of the general trash talking potty mouth TRIBBLE you see on the screen around ESD on any given day) and a bunch of avatars running dance emotes..

    Thats it. If your hearing/seeing more then that, then you have to be activly bringing in that information.. SSR's audio feed is not broadcast to the game by Cryptics servers. (it could be... the game has built in VOIP capability.. since around the end of the first year of the game.

    DJ Grom, who runs a show for SSR chimed in on this thread. He is not an employee of Cryptic or PWI. He is how ever a consumer of this product,as am I and many hundreds of thousands of other players. He's doesn't have a super large listenership. His show is gutter comedy. not quite as good as Monty Python. or Saturday Night Live. (sorry Grom!) It's comedy, it's parody. Laugh at it, and let it remind you that you actually do not want the world to be like that. Comedy is made up of bad thing happening to people. If your taking his show seriously... You have got a problem separating reality from fantasy! Get Help!

    LEARN FROM IT. There are things you can learn.. if you choose.. But no one is forcing you to listen.. YOU CAN OPT OUT!

    I don't get to opt out of the effects of party amps, or attending an in game dance party and having players interposing their avatar over the top of mine to discomfit me, harass me, troll me. If it were something once in a long while. I get over it. But its not.. Every day, every week. Constantly. Certain players have apparently nothing better to do in the game then going and finding some one they can get away with harassing. I've been on the receiving end of this unsought, un asked for, attention for over a year now. I suppose I should be honered to be the focus of attention of one of the more infamous groups of trolling yahoo's in the MMO industry. Who have managed to get themselves BANNED wholesale from a quite a few MMO's.

    Ok, you know what? They win.. I want the ability to remove my self, and for other to have the same ability to remove themselves from the presence and negative fun killing influence of this minority.

    I'm not the one playing "Police man" THEY ARE! The proof of this is right here in this very thread. Star Fleet dental, Nerds of Prey and their satellite fleets. They are bad for the game, and they are worse for the community.

    "No, you can't fix the party amps.. they're a fun toy." I can show you a few hundred dissenting opinions on that.

    "*pointing of finger* His show is naughty, and they bad things, why they influence children to do X" Ah ya know.. Television programming is far far worse... There is a show called "Breaking Bad" that follows a ex Teacher.. who traded in his teaching credentials to make Methanphetamine and sell it. This show is glorifying criminal activity. Its on broadcast telivision, carried by a network. I've seen a few shows, not a fan. and thats much more on TV as bad, or worse in the message being put across.

    I want higher capacity on bridge instances so this entire debate can END! SO I don't have to put up with abuse in the game public areas. Dental et al, disproves, hey fine..we'll just happily remove our selves from the games public spaces and no body's bothered.

    Other then the slight side effect that we won't be there to party bomb any more. And we wont be moaning and groaning about it on the forums. We can go to a private instance and party our way. No one forced to see or take part in it. And if someone wants to engage in negitive aspect social activity under the opinion of the party host, such as party bombing, avatar crowding etc. then that persons avatar can be booted from the private instance.

    Any other social issue, or internal group politics are the problem and responsibility of the attendees who are present entirely and totally electively, and voluntarily.

    What dental considers their solemn mission they can go continue role playing how wonderful they are with out it impacting on my game play.. and any one else that want away from them.. or any other group of players that think they have a right to impose their views on some else.

    Dental's "Shtik" is purely made up garbage. Their "immortal leader" or what ever they call him doesn't exist. It's just make believe. It's no more real then any of us actually being star ships captains. It's no more real then DJ Groms show. Honestly I find what they do, at my grand old decrepit age of 56 (57 in a couple months.. I got grand kids playing STO!) really kinda dumb, and childish... just my opinion. As an adult I'm more concerned if I have any concern, with someone taking what they do seriously then I am about anything happening with the dance party crowd.

    Maybe that explains it better to some of you. I don't want to be "pranked" any more. It is RUDE.. it is mean.. it is not funny.. it is not humorous. And I've been putting up it for about 3 years now in STO, and I just don't get the joke any more. And I and other have had to put up with our in game social events being party amp bombed since last summers Risa event. Part of it is because we choose to be visible. The rest of it is because they can get away with it. It's that simple.

    These folk party bombing etc do quite the opposite of what we dance party types are doing. We are not purposely trying to create a negative social space. We are not trying to impose any point of view or anything else on any one. We just want to dance to the music. If anything, we are being openly social.. Come dance.. listen some naughty jokes.. role play, be a little deliciously naughty. Be friendly. Be nice to each other. Got an issue in game with the interface, controls etc?.. Ask! Might get some help with it! We're almost all pretty knowledgeable there.. being able to communicate is important to our style of play.

    Look at the posting of Dental and associated members in these forums and in this thread. They purposely obfuscate the issues, and collude to side track and smoke screen anything which might even prevent them from continuing their chosen activity which is to prank other players and otherwise create a hostile social environment in game.

    *long heavy sigh*

    I'm going to keep playing STO... they do not get to chase me from this MMO. And I will not willingly let then chase anyone else away either. What they do is bad, and it is wrong, and harm full to the game, and to the community. In the end it does negatively impact on how the game is viewed, and how PWI, and Cryptic studio's is viewed. These folks crossed the line long ago. They're clever, and they are manipulative, and they have managed to develop a pretty effective strategy toward masking what the do, and how they go about doing it. Fairly close to the standards and practices of several public fronts for terrorists groups world wide. Some one obviously made a point of studying how insurgency groups can have an impact far out of proportion to their numbers. I even have a small amount of admiration for them.. ( a very small amount). They are very effective. But what they do is still a bad thing.

    Cryptic Studio's and PWI is obviously not going to do anything about em. That's a very poor decision on Cryptic part. I don't know their reasons, and I pretty certain I would disagree with them strenuously if I did know the why of it. I'm not going to speculate here. I just know what is obvious. Studio and the GM's aren't going to do anything. They have not in the past, they will not in the future.

    Fine.. Raise the pop cap on the only real private cross faction instances in the game so that those of us not wanting to be subjected to this can remove ourselves from the public shared social zones. And it can be someone elses' problem.


    Seriously TL;DR

    Considering that you are trying to justify SSR as a popular channel let me give you a small update NoPPS currently has 6,256 registered members and it continues to grow everyday and its creation was about a year ago with more people joining in the spirit of free gear it has only two rules and it moderates itself easily we also get on a daily basis +1000-+1200 users online regularly. Everything runs smoothly without problems and even if there is one people laugh it off in the channel since you really cant take this >Video Game< seriously.

    On another note didn't you mention that no matter how many posts that you make nothing will happen because they don't care and the only thing that matters is money? :rolleyes:

    But please go ahead and continue to beat on the dead horse by all means and continue to play the victim card where most of the community or even a large portion of it said that they really don't care about it. Also another thing looks like the Sub party amp is getting a buff called Emergency power to Party that gives you buffs for just standing under it for 10 seconds.

    P.S if you don't believe I can provide Screenshots showing the channel and current users that are online of course editing out for no forum rule violation as per the usual.
  • heraanheraan Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Fairly close to the standards and practices of several public fronts for terrorists groups world wide.

    Fairly close to the standards and practices of several public fronts for terrorists groups world wide. Fairly close to the standards and practices of several public fronts for terrorists groups world wide. Fairly close to the standards and practices of several public fronts for terrorists groups world wide. Fairly close to the standards and practices of several public fronts for terrorists groups world wide. Fairly close to the standards and practices of several public fronts for terrorists groups world wide. Fairly close to the standards and practices of several public fronts for terrorists groups world wide. Fairly close to the standards and practices of several public fronts for terrorists groups world wide. Fairly close to the standards and practices of several public fronts for terrorists groups world wide. Fairly close to the standards and practices of several public fronts for terrorists groups world wide. Fairly close to the standards and practices of several public fronts for terrorists groups world wide. Fairly close to the standards and practices of several public fronts for terrorists groups world wide. Fairly close to the standards and practices of several public fronts for terrorists groups world wide. Fairly close to the standards and practices of several public fronts for terrorists groups world wide. Fairly close to the standards and practices of several public fronts for terrorists groups world wide.
  • spacegoatcx#8996 spacegoatcx Member Posts: 175 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    [3/20] [SSR] x: y come here
    [3/20] [SSR] x: *slaps ys butt*
    [3/20] [SSR] x: lol
    [3/20] [SSR] y: giggles carefull a (insert my fleet here.) member will report us all for ERP (oh Nos!)
    [3/20] [SSR] y: not with out a rubber and a doctor standing by thank you.. and I'll think about it...
    [3/20] [SSR] z: Yeah...that's why I'm not at that party...

    Above we see an excerpt of SSR chat which you, an over 50 male identified as "y", are engaged in sexualized dialog with another mid 30s male, identified as "x".

    This is a very very small example of your regular conduct in what is a public channel and is fairly normal for SSR in general.

    Also yesterday you had the good sense to go talk to yourself a bit pretending to speak to former community moderator Branflakes, who as I may remind you has no ability to ban or influence on such decisions.

    You are a seriously disturbed man at best and possibly the most antisocial individual in this entire game, and worse yet, you cannot even stand to face your own actions.

    Your inane giant rant above, TL;DR. Your PC is horrible and the sort people who want to be able to quickly destroy the contents of a drive use, you are as said antisocial, overly self-entitled, and frankly outright disgusting and disturbing. Absolutely no single point you ever raise lies with the community, but rather with your own self.

    Next time you feel the need to go off like that, use the time to instead seek the professional help you dearly need.
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