Hi all, thanks for reading. I'm looking for advice on my Avenger build. Particular areas I'd like to improve are survivability and damage points. My current build is pictured:
Areas to note are Adapted MACO MkXII shields and deflector, I should get the impulse drive this week. The warp core is the Obelisk Subspace Rift, I don't know if there are any better ones than this around.
Will MkXII weapons make much of a difference? Where can I source these from? Also is it worth upgrading the Antiproton mag regulators to MkXII too? It would seem to be a massive investment in time/grinding to buy these things from the exchange.
Looking forward to your feedback.
Here are my duty officers:
I'm quite ignorant on these so anything anyone can suggest would be good.
My bridge officers are:
Powers are emergency power to shields I, extend shields I, torp high yield I, fire at will II, torp high yield III, torpedo spread I, engineering team I, reverse shield polarity I, directed energy modulation II, aceton beam III, science team I, tractor beam II.
My captain skill points have been spent as follows: tactical: both up to Lt Cdr level, engineering: all up to captain except the last which is one point off admiral, science: nothing on the first skill and commander level on the second.
I'm mainly doing PvE, particularly STFs.
As for the mag regulators, they stack so yes, it would be worth it. But save yourself the time and effort and apply instead to getting an invite to a tier 5 fleet spire and pick up the tactical vulnerability locators. Two sorts to choose from. Plenty of advice as to which is best, but inevitably you get a 31.+% increase in AP damage as opposed to 30 via the overpriced consoles via the exchange no matter which you choose.
Many will sell you cookie cutter builds (i.e. A2B; two piece borg set, etc...) so really, the best advice is to find what works for you and go with it. Just my two cents, especially if its just for PVE. PVP is a different story...
I have gone for a mix of elachi dis and nanite dis sual and dual heavy cannons, along with rear turrets, the cooky cutter build is good for giving your hull just that sxtra bit of strength, if your having issues with healing i would suggest plas leach to boost your power levels, and maybe a sif gen, and Neutronium armour, I ran mine through no win scenario and only died once through to level 7, and it doesnt realy have that great a gear set up tbh, The avegnger can be quite forgiving as long as you treat it right, I find using it like an escort works bets as its got the hull boost to make it viable, also the claok from the defiant/gal-x is also very usefull.
But even as it is now with the cannon build, it's a hard hitter, and with the BOFF seating I have, I can hit with CRF or CSV and just rip targets to pieces. And if there is a nice science ship around that can do gravity wells, well, it gets even better as I can shred a lot of targets quickly.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
If you PvP, set the ltcmdr attack pattern to omega, pve set it to beta. Yes, fleet Mk XII weapons are worth it. Get Spire MK XII Tac consoles too, locators are the best.
Talonxv (or anyone!): where do you get the Voth weapons from? I've been out of the game for a while so I'm not up to date on these.
i don´t know what Duty Officers you are using
BUT if you put in two purple Conn Officers [Tac Team]
you only need one "Tac Team 1" and you can add a "Torp Spread 1" or "High Yield 1"