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There are of course many items you may wish to change based on circumstances and it's always handy to have some alternatives in your inventory if in a private pvp match as quick equip will not work from the shipyards there.
Fleet Galaxy Dreadnought - USS Sir Lancelot IIFULL BUILD ON STOACADEMY
This latest version of the Galaxy Dreadnought or Galaxy-X (GX for short) is the most impressive yet.
In the recent reboot Cryptic have added a hangar deck and saucer separation. The fleet version of the ship has 10% more hull and shields, with a borg Mk XII set this gives:

making it a fairly tanky ship even when set up like this one for maximum damage.
It is possible to get a reasonably high Critical Chance with this ship providing you buy the two tactical Romulan bridge officers from the embassy. With the right consoles you can get it up to around 16-20% CrtH.

Whilst it's never going to compete with OPulans, it's still a pretty respectable number that will see a fair few critical hits with the lance.
Changes to the Lance
The original lance is exactly the same as it's always been, inaccurate, not that powerful and a very long cool down or recharge time. Despite many requests for improvement nothing has been done and they have never once addressed the issue. It is now my opinion that they do not know how to improve it, the fact that when it misses it doesn't indicate a miss on screen suggests this is bugged.
The Wide Beam Lance
The new Wide Beam Lance or shotgun lance is a different story, it is sublime and very powerful. It never misses and will obliterate all in it's arc. Here are the last few kills made with this lance.
Your Phaser Spinal Lance - Wide Beam deals 139403 (86186) Phaser Damage(Critical) to Tholian Recluse.
Your Phaser Spinal Lance - Wide Beam deals 102949 (88929) Phaser Damage(Critical) to Negh'Var Warship
Your Phaser Spinal Lance - Wide Beam deals 65304 (59154) Phaser Damage to Morah.
Your Phaser Spinal Lance - Wide Beam deals 138615 (119647) Phaser Damage(Critical) to Voth Bastion Cruiser.
Your Phaser Spinal Lance - Wide Beam deals 42731 (48863) Phaser Damage to yorod.
USING 4 X Locators, CrtH at 16.6% CrtD at 78%
Your Phaser Spinal Lance - Wide Beam deals 69750 (105039) Phaser Damage(Critical) to ToeJam.
Your Phaser Spinal Lance - Wide Beam deals 94104 (87019) Phaser Damage(Critical) to D'Test.
Your Phaser Spinal Lance - Wide Beam deals 53141 (99244) Phaser Damage(Critical) to J.B
Your Phaser Spinal Lance - Wide Beam deals 52468 (98353) Phaser Damage(Critical) to J.B
Your Phaser Spinal Lance - Wide Beam deals 42327 (93955) Phaser Damage(Critical) to J.B..
Your Phaser Spinal Lance - Wide Beam deals 55439 (72809) Phaser Damage(Critical) to Aolara.
Your Phaser Spinal Lance - Wide Beam deals 40670 (77780) Phaser Damage(Critical) to The Evil Queen Joll.
Your Phaser Spinal Lance - Wide Beam deals 44694 (74514) Phaser Damage(Critical) to Ka'Las
Your Phaser Spinal Lance - Wide Beam deals 71101 (115001) Phaser Damage(Critical) to Haase (bug).
Your Phaser Spinal Lance - Wide Beam deals 30771 (56606) Phaser Damage to Princess Irulan
Your Phaser Spinal Lance - Wide Beam deals 56117 (101057) Phaser Damage(Critical) to KODAN. (bug)
Your Phaser Spinal Lance - Wide Beam deals 65081 (81197) Phaser Damage(Critical) to Topper Bottoms
Your Phaser Spinal Lance - Wide Beam deals 48476 (81459) Phaser Damage(Critical) to Khann.
Your Phaser Spinal Lance - Wide Beam deals 38622 (43751) Phaser Damage to Doctor Chaotica
The last 8 hits were sequential, as you can see, a lot of crits, there were no misses in between
The Wide Beam Lance is available once the saucer has separated, the power tray icon changes accordingly.
Separated Characteristics
Once separated the ship feels more like a large escort, it has a very respectable turn rate of around 23 deg/sec, and is able to bring weapons to bare much faster than when connected. The lack of a Lt Cmd BOFF station though seriously reduces the abilities available with the cannons.
The Saucer has it's own mini lance and I have seen it hit for 15K, however 95% of the time it hits in the high hundreds, the rest of the damage it does is pitiful compared to other pets in the game such as the Scimitar Drones. The mini lance also misses a great deal of the time, once again suggesting a bugged mechanism.
Yellowstones are a great addition to the hangar, and whilst expensive they do a very nice job of holding down your target making up for the slower turn rate of the separated ship when fighting something really quick.
Lance Attack Tactics
Really this is the same as before whether separated or connected. Buff up, subspace jump, tractor, fire lance, finish off with BO2, cannons and point defense. The Aceton Beam 3 is absolutely fantastic for removing the target's damage potential, it lowers the target's damage output by 75% unless cleared by hazard emitters, so time it to start after their HE is finished. The build makes use of additional energy weapon damage using weapon batteries and the appropriate DOFFs, as well as DOFFs for beam overload adding shield penetration.
Skills and other settings
The rest is self explanatory, but do reply below if you have any questions.
Bridge Officers
Weapon/Console layout
Captain Skills
Duty Officers (1 slot available from the Fleet Spire)

Good to see something different!
How does using 3 eptx abilities work?
Do you PvP with this build? If so how on earth you deal with tractor beam? Seems the biggest weakness of this ship.
One can easily chain (up to four, I believe, haven't tried it in a while) EPtX abilities if timed right for 100% uptime. As for tractor beams, EPtE is the current OP ability, giving a flat speed boost no matter what's going on to your ship.
Also, could you please put your build on http://www.stoacademy.com/tools/skillplanner/ so its easier to compare?
Thank you
The Gravimetric Photon Torpedo is from the Dyson Reputation chain and available at Tier 2. The Phaser Dual Heavy cannons are, in all likelihood, standard Mk XI-XII Phaser DHC's that can be found as drops often sold on the exchange.
Assuming an Engineer captain, which ship would you choose for fun and flexibility -- the Avenger or the new Galaxy bundle?
Every time I think "I'll get that one!" I hesitate and go back to the other one. The hanger adds some flexibility to the Gal-X, as does the saucer separation. And the lance looks fun.
The Avenger has that more attractive Lt. universal slot and a fun-looking gimmick console for solo content, as well as a better turn rate and three cruiser commands. The Lt.Cdr. tac slot is appealing.
Really, this is just a question to anyone that's flown both for a bit and wouldn't mind offering me an honest opinion on overall fun in STF, Fleet Action, and Foundy/Solo/Duo content.
Wish I could try them both out for an hour. No test drives in the future, I guess. Thanks!
Edit: for reference, I really love the Vesta: so much flexibility.
they're two totally different ships...not even comparable. I fly both the Avenger and Galaxy-X. They require totally different play styles.
... not quite sure what your point here is... who said they weren't?
Edit: and now that I say that out loud, I wonder - just how different do you think they are? They both are most effective with very similar builds (in my experience), and I'm not here slamming the Dreadnought by any means - it was the first c-store ship I purchased and have had some very effective builds with it in the past. But that being said, different or not, it's simply not in the same league as the Avenger in terms of sheer effectiveness - it just can't be given it's current state.
I'm sorry for derailing the thread ... we all get pretty passionate about our favorite ships, but I appreciate the responses.
@mattjohnsonva -- thanks for taking the time to write all of that: it does help, and it gives me some things to think about. I think the work you've done with building the Galaxy-X is really fantastic.
Looking at your weapons first you've got two Dual Heavy Cannons up front, but no cannon skills to make them very effective. You've got that one turret in the back to improve your forward damage along with the cutting beam, but then you also have a Phaser Beam Array and a Quantum Torpedo Launcher back there as well which just don't work very well together. This mix just makes the ship's damage weak from all angles of attack. Even the foward arc after the Lance is blown isn't very impressive.
On the bridge officers you've got three EPtX abilities which leaves one EPtX skill completely useless most of the time and then Aceton Beam which is pretty terrible on its own.
This build just seems very dependent on the Lance/Point Defence killing the target in an ambush. Other then that it would just be a big/slow floating target with very low damage. I mean what would you do in a team pvp match after you've de-cloaked and killed a target? Just run away and wait 3 minutes for your Lance/Point Defence to recharge? Because I can't see this build being very useful to a team after the initial alpha. It has no staying power at all.
You never really specify if this is for PvP or PvE. I'm just assuming PvP because in PvE things get even worse for this build.
I feel like I'm being mean here, but it's really not very good. Unfortunately, I wouldn't advocate anyone using this build.
Well first off Ker'rat isn't a very good measure of a ships ability. Particularly if your a fed because generally there are a lot more federation ships flying around then there are Klingon. From my experience it's basically whomever has the most ships that ends up dominating that area through strength in numbers. So yes I can see this ship sneaking up and lancing someone who's already engaged with enemies or who isn't expecting it. After you initial alpha you've got a very odd set up of weapons that offer no sustained damage from any approach arc.
As I said I'm sure your lance and point defence damage are great, but after that I don't see much in the way of sustained damage. What exactly are you parsing? I can't see this build doing more then 7k sustained and I think that's generous.
I can judge it on the fact that I know the mechanics of the game and how to build ships. This build seems to be much akin to the vapers you see around Ker'rat and in PvP in general, but it's weaker in almost every single way possible. Most of the vapers have great ways to escape after a vape attempt, successful or not and have much higher burst damage after the initial strike, which atm is using proton barrage+BO. This Dread build doesn't have the escape options nor great burst damage after the lance point defence strike. Your going to have to stay around after a vape attempt and if your target has buddies around your going to be in a lot of trouble. Particularly since this build has no defence against cc.
As for your list of kills that doesn't really prove much. The skill level in Ker'rat varies considerably from very skilled to terrible.
If you think my opinion doesn't matter that's fine, but as I said drunk also posted in the Galaxy Beef thread he didn't really see this as a very good build either. He's a well known ship builder and I agree with his assessment. Why don't you post this build in the PvP forum and see what they have to say about it? I'm sure the response over there will be thrilling.
I flew the Gal-X for the longest time and had been waiting for them to add a fleet version for a while.
With the release of the "revamp" I'm back in my ship and an enjoying it much more than my Fleet Avenger or other fleet cruisers. The Wide-Beam Lance is a BEAST (See sig) and with the saucer off and the 2-piece set the ship turns better than a Defiant (18 base turn rate, vs 17 on the Defiant). My fleet is fairly surprised at the damage and survivability I've had in this thing.
Highest Wide-Beam Lance hit 240k, and my highest DPS 28.5k is in ISE (More than my Fleet Avenger)
I really like this ship.
Please enable us to buy a token with Zen to faction change a 25th Century FED to a TOS FED.
The build could possibly be focused more heavily on the initial alpha, 3 DHCs and a DBB, 3 Turrets and KCB, but flexibility would be lost there. After the Alpha, though, it's be no better in a fight than a Blue Whales with a Bushmaster Autocannon just behind the blow hole. Not unless you give up toughness and whatnot with 4 fleet RCS consoles.
My name is Rage, and I too support a revised Galaxy family.
LOL that's not me (I wish it was). That's a random woman I saw online doing an eye glass ad. She looks just like my anime character named "Queen Scora Intel".
...Anyway if you're this good with galaxy class, I love to see what you'll do in a Guramba siege destroyer. Here's my biggest hit: Your Javelin deals 222992 (103940) Disruptor Damage(Critical) to Assimilated Carrier. (Truly a glass cannon sadly)