I know these have been posted before, but maybe now that the ship is actually bringing in some revenue, it'd be worth taking a look. I apologize for the low-quality screenshots. My graphics card RMA is still being processed.
Both:Venture-class variant is missing windows on the lower saucer.
Picture 1Exploration Cruiser:Monarch-class variant's saucer can't use Fleet windows.
Picture 1Venture-class variant's saucer can't use Fleet windows.
Picture 1Dreadnought Cruiser:Galaxy-class additions are off-center in relation to the rest of the ship.
Picture 1,
Picture 2
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Pylon ventral beam arrays do fire from the pylons. Dorsal aft beam arrays fire at that puny spot.
The Ambassador does a GREAT job with aft beam fire by using the arrays on the saucer.....Arrays that should be used on the Galaxy for aft dorsal beam fire!!!
BTW: this is a very very very old problem .
It wasn't posted, but CaptainSmirk addressed it during his meet and greet.
They are now in our bug-list.
33.33% of the STO Ship Art team.
100% of the new guys on the STO Ship Art team.
Please. This would be great.
Is there any way to get the name display on a separated saucer to keep my ship name instead of renaming itself "Federation Saucer" (although honestly I'd like to see better NPC fed ship names all around - why aren't these plugged into the name randomizer? U.S.S. Cruiser is just silly)?
Hmm, sounds like you might just have run into a bug. My saucer (almost) always displays as my ship's name - and when I can finagle close enough to look at it - it has my ship's name stamped on the hull. There are times when it glitches a bit and displays 'Federation Saucer' but they're pretty rare.
Another point to be made in regards to PWE/Cryptic not taking communications seriously. If it's not on the forums, I don't read it.
So if there's tweets, facebook responses, community meet and greets, and podcast/radio interviews, it all needs to be condensed and thrown into a digest on the forums.
Please bring some sanity back to keeping your playerbase informed, guys.
Blah blah blah the tech blah blah blah, but a guy can dream.
The MVAM Prommy pets use the same name as the ship. Same goes for the Oddy and Bortasq'. I surprised they didn't address this with the Galaxy "reboot".
Bridge Commander modders got the ship right back in 2006. We're almost 8 years later and the Galaxy/Gal-X looks like a child's toy. The lance problem, window issues, and the shape of the deflector and the neck :mad:
Seriously, needs a major overhaul at this point.
Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
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I'm sorry, but calling that a reboot ... really sorry, I know you guys work hard, but it gets more and more embarassing. There is no effort to customize the animations in any way shape or form, yet it's announced big and wide and offered for roughly 40 bucks.
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The Known issues list would need three posts in the Release Notes each week to make everyone happy. They will get to it when they get to it.. They are busy on ESD, when season 9 launches in 3.5 Weeks it will then be back towards the top of the list.
Actually the ship and environment artists are different people, so the people developing ESD and the new space maps wouldn't be the same group as those who design and skin ships. The ship artists are certainly busy on the new Undine vessels and art, and I can appreciate and accept that, but after well over a year (Nearly two on the Venture's behalf) - finally having an admission that they need work is something I will keep active. I won't be a pest about it, but I will keep it active.
Don't get me wrong, I do not expect, nor do I want a running commentary on everything they are doing, I want them working on ships, but when we get no response at all to pages and pages of posts regarding issues with ships graphics, it pretty much looks like the ship devs are simply ignoring the forums.
Can the Galaxy and Venture PLEASE go to the top of the art list now? Or could we have a guesstimated date of when this is going to be worked on at the very least?
Known Issues:
Galaxy Dreadnought Additions completely off center
Venture Saucer missing windows
Galaxy Model looks a lot like it was rendered by an N64
When the time becomes available this will be remedied, until then.
33.33% of the STO Ship Art team.
100% of the new guys on the STO Ship Art team.