It was mentioned in the guest blog thread that it is not inexpensive to get into PvP.
So I wanted to start a thread here with NOTHING but low cost builds.
I will start things up with 3 builds for Tac / Sci and Engi fed players that want low cost effective mirror ship builds.
Here is a Point form list of low cost suggestions from the thread.
- Use Free Mission Reward items (some very good free sets and a handful of weapons)
- If you have leveled your crafting consider crafting an Aegis 2 piece for PvP and perhaps crafting some for Profit.
- For Alts reuse items from other toons (may have to unlock account bank slots)
- Serach exchange for weapon types that are in current lockboxes. (Destabalizing Tetryon currently)
- Serach exchange for unpopular weapon types. (Tetryon Polaron) as you can often get good deals
- If you want to get good amounts of ACC on the cheap look at MK XI and even MK X
- Do Klingon contraband missions for quick EC
- When farming PvE For EC... replicate everything accept Deflectors/engines/shields as they are worth selling to a vendor
Cost of
Mirror Universe Patrol Escort - $85,000
Purple Polaron DHC MK XII [acc] [crth]x2 - $300,000 each = 1,200,000
Purple Polaron Turrets MK XII [acc] (other mods up to player) - $300,000 each = $900,000
Ship gear;
Aegis Deflector = $2,700,000
Aegis Engine = $2,700,000
Resilient Shield MK XII (Mods up to user) = $50,000
Blue Deuterium Stabalized Warp Core MK x [w->s] = $40,000
{couldn't add this core to the planner right now but it is a great option for a toon with out the omega amp 2 piece proc quite yet - and perhaps a great option until you can swing a Fleet Spire Core}
Blue Neutronium MK XI 70,000 each = $140,000
Blue RCS MK XI = $50,000
Blue Flow Capacitor $10,000 each = $20,000
Blue Polaron Dmg Consoles MK XI $35,000 each = $140,000
Blue Damage Control Doffs average cost $600,000 = $1,800,000
Blue Conn Doff 250,000 each = $500,000
Total EC cost of build = 10,248,500 EC
10 Million Ec doesn't seem super cheap... but keep in mind much of this gear is drop gear... and some of this stuff you will already have. Only real major costs are the Aegis set... as it accounts for almost 50% of the cost... (Cost could also be free on this set if you are leveling crafting on your toon) if you have already been doing STFs you could sub in a 2 piece borg set for the cost of the grind.
EDIT as mentioned by DDIS... you could sub in a Jem Hadar Deflector and Engine... for a savings of 5,400,000 ec. bringing the entire cost of the build from Scratch down to $4,848,500 EC. (just a note though I run aegis 2 piece on almost all my end game Escort builds these days... I love the +10% defense and its one of the few sets that has a Hyper engine which I do prefer if given the choice. The fleet engines are popular but I still like my aegis more myself)
The cost on this build can be dropped a lot if you run cheap blue weapons... I choose purple beams as they are inexpensive and polarons fit nicely on this build. For doffs run 3 blue deflector (gw/tykens/siphen) cool down doffs they are dirt cheap and almost identical to the purples. Long term shoot for upgrading to 2 Purple deflector doffs with a Purple Gravity Well doff. 2 Dmg control doffs should allow you to keep EPTA and EPTS up at almost all times. (if you find moving around to be a pain you can sub in EPTE over EPTA... as a sci ship though ETPA is nice for cloak detection)
Cost of Weapons;
Purple MK XII [acc] Beam arrays 500,000(avg) = 3,000,000
Cost of Ship gear;
Jem Set Mission Grind = 0
Blue Core = 50,000
Neutronium Consoles Blue MK XI 70,00 each = 210,000
Flow Capacitors Blue MK XI 10,000 each = 40,000
Polaron Dmg Conosles Blue MK XI 35,000 each = 70,000
Blue Deflector doffs 150,000 each = 450,000
Damage control doffs 600,000 each - 1,200,000
Ok First off, I know this is a hard one to put together and make people happy (at least everyone). I didn't want to post a full on Healer build... as I know many people that are new don't want to play full on healer (and to be honest to do super high end healer does take a good amount of EC)... I also didn't want to suggest some silly META style A2B build that also would not be cheap and frankly could get a nerf bat swung at it at any moment.
What I came up with is I think a good solid Control / Heal / DMG Jack of all trades type ship... that should be effective to pug with and be I hope somewhat fun to fly. The build has 2 major control skills... with Eject Warp Plasma... and a tractor beam. I would suggest asking a Science Friend to train a copy of Hazards 3 for you on this build... and if you don't have a BOFF with Aux To SIF 3 you may have to factor in another 50-500k to pick one up off the exchange.
This build will be fairly heal heavy with the Sif 3 + Hazards 3... along with a basic low level Extend. Somewhat tanky by having at least one RSP + your Engi captain skills. (also because there cheap 3 shield doffs turn your Brace for impact into another good oh no button.)
Unlike the other builds I would suggest going with Disruptor beam weapons... and picking up MK XI to keep the cost down until you can afford to upgrade them. I think the Disruptor proc will be a better team support proc to be spreading around with the FAW.
Updated super Low Cost Version
{This version has been updated to run a full zero cost Solane Set as well as Free Polarized Tetryon from the New Link Mission - New total cost with doffs a little over 1mil ec}
Cost of Ship;
Mirror Universe Heavy Cruiser = 100,000
Cost of Weapons;
Disrutpor MK XI Purple [acc] Avg 300,00 = 2,400,000
Cost of Ship gear;
Jem Set = 0
Field Stab Blue Core [W->A] = 50,000
Blue MK XI Neutronium 70,000 = 210,000
Blue MK XI Particle Gen 25,000 = 75,000
Blue MK XI Disruptor 200,000 = 600,000
2 Blue Conn Doffs 600,000 each = 1,200,000
3 Blue Shield distro doffs 150,000 each = 450,000
poloron weapons and telling them not to use the free jem set? hell, tell them to grind the set from the latest featured ep, thats great gear, then engine is actually proboly the best engine in the game when you dont consider set bonuses. as far as weapons go, the cheapest energy type mkX blue acc2 is the pvp entry level. deciding on an energy type should take into account the price of blue mkXI tac consoles though too. you can cut that tottal price down to like 3 or 4 mil proboly. that 10 mil price tag of yours for literal garbage is going to discourage more then help lol
poloron weapons and telling them not to use the free jem set? hell, tell them to grind the set from the latest featured ep, thats great gear, then engine is actually proboly the best engine in the game when you dont consider set bonuses. as far as weapons go, the cheapest energy type mkX blue acc2 is the pvp entry level. deciding on an energy type should take into account the price of blue mkXI tac consoles though too. you can cut that tottal price down to like 3 or 4 mil proboly. that 10 mil price tag of yours for literal garbage is going to discourage more then help lol
Great point see this is why I started the thread... what is the cheapest we could pull out a viable build. The one I posted isn't garbage btw... its about 95% of what I run now. lol (only thing I do different... is I have [acc]x2 [crth] wepaons a Fleet shield a fleet core and a few uni consoles.)
Also I choose polaron because they are dirt cheap. Not many other weapon types where you can grab Turrets and DHC Purples with ACC on them for under 300k each. (the fact that they are in fact a somewhat favored Weapon type is just a nice bonus... I love polarons on my Tac builds... most people run RESB shields there cheap and the Proc is in fact a very solid one)
Great point see this is why I started the thread... what is the cheapest we could pull out a viable build. The one I posted isn't garbage btw... its about 95% of what I run now. lol (only thing I do different... is I have [acc]x2 [crth] wepaons a Fleet shield a fleet core and a few uni consoles.)
Also I choose polaron because they are dirt cheap. Not many other weapon types where you can grab Turrets and DHC with ACC on them for under 300k each. (the fact that they are in fact a somewhat favored Weapon type is just a nice bonus... I love polarons on my Tac builds... most people run RESB shields there cheap and the Proc is in fact a very solid one)
pol is nice for sure, but if it were me, and it was when i leveled my rom, i used blue acc2 weapons till i upgraded to fleet, or in that case mkxii acc3 plasma cannons and turrets. nice thing about rom is you can grind out blue mkxi caustic plasma weapons on one of those elatchi missions, thats what i did. no need to spend more then a mil total for entry level pvp weapons, better yet find a grind source like i did.
all the consoles are garbage next to fleet stuff, a mirror ship is a poor excuse for a fleet or cross faction ship. only doffs are the true price barrier to new pvpers, and the hardest to amass knowledge about too
Good points DDIS... I guess my build is somewhere in between.
I am serious the build I posted is almost 95% of what I run now. Yes I run spire tac cosnoles... and embassy / Mine consoles. Really though there isn't all that much difference.
I run 2 Neut/turn cosnoles... which gives me one free console slot to stick a leech console it.
I run Embassy flow consoles... which are almost identical to cheap ones I just get a free Plasma dot which does almost nothing anyway.
Only real fleet gear that makes a major difference... are the shield and AMP core. Everyone is working on those though... so new player has to grind out a fleet shield and a fleet core. Just saying you can get buy as a tac a 30k Deut MK X blue core (the -15% power draw on it doesn't make up for AMP but to be honest it gets about half way there.)
As for fleet weapons... I find them highly overrated. I run none of the fleet weapons... the only ones I find to be Overpowered are the E disruptors. As far as all the [acc]x2 [dmg]x2 junk I see around... wouldn't trade my [acc]x2 [crth] or [acc] [crtd]x2 (on my roms) for any of them. The fact that you can get a full set of purple polaron DHC with those stats for well under 2-3million I find as a good reason to never bother grinding out fleet weapons. At least that's my thoughts on them... for a new player to grind out fleet weapons isn't a major thing anyway. A week or so and they could have a full fleet weapon set anyway.
Doffs are a major cost no doubt... which is why I tried to give a solid option for inexpensive blue doffs... Blue Dmg control doffs are almost identical to purples for much cheaper... and for a low cost escort a couple blue Conn doffs for -8s on evasive is not a bad option at all... its down right cheap... and many people will find they have those doffs in blues sitting on there toon after leveling up anyway.
Well, I wanted to try flying an escort and a cruiser for a change, and have built my MU Patrol Escort pretty cheaply as I don't have money nor the time to completely outfit them like my Fleet Recon SV (my favorite ship despite 2nd lowest hull)...
IMO, you can cut corners by picking purple Mk XI stuff instead of purple Mk XII. It's generally cheaper (usually at least half the price of Mk XII but depends on item), capabilities are similar to the blue Mk XI stuff but with one modifier more. I can post full build if interested as soon as I get into game.
Well, I wanted to try flying an escort and a cruiser for a change, and have built my MU Patrol Escort pretty cheaply as I don't have money nor the time to completely outfit them like my Fleet Recon SV (my favorite ship despite 2nd lowest hull)...
IMO, you can cut corners by picking purple Mk XI stuff instead of purple Mk XII. It's generally cheaper (usually at least half the price of Mk XII but depends on item), capabilities are similar to the blue Mk XI stuff but with one modifier more. I can post full build if interested as soon as I get into game.
Please do. Any thing you found that worked for cheap may help the next guy.
I've been budget pvping for well over 2 years now and doing well enough. It's totally possible and fun. If you win, you can blame your skill, if you lose you can blame your POS ship lol
But yeah, the solanae set is good and the engines are actually really good. It's like the omega shield proc but in an engine and you get a cool effect to let you know it's active.
Don't forget green TT and BFI doffs too..those are dirt cheap and really helpful.
DCE doffs prices change a lot. I've seen them at over 800k, and I recently bought some for only 300k each. So I think your estimated cost is a little high, but that's a good thing.
I've been budget pvping for well over 2 years now and doing well enough. It's totally possible and fun. If you win, you can blame your skill, if you lose you can blame your POS ship lol
That is a great line... lol.
Makes me think (I know people aren't to hot on pvp in general right now. However I know we have in the past talked about doing PvP in Mirror ships only at one point. With the new ship swapping features I wonder if we couldn't pull that off now.
But yeah, the solanae set is good and the engines are actually really good. It's like the omega shield proc but in an engine and you get a cool effect to let you know it's active.
Don't forget green TT and BFI doffs too..those are dirt cheap and really helpful.
DCE doffs prices change a lot. I've seen them at over 800k, and I recently bought some for only 300k each. So I think your estimated cost is a little high, but that's a good thing.
Great suggestions... ya didn't even really consider that new set... it is a solid option for free as well... on my engi build I suggested blue BFI doffs... there only around 150k right now but ya greens are darn close to as good as the blues as well. On the pricing ya I didn't want to say you could get a set of 3 for 700k knowing that they often drift up to that each.
Well then, here it is. I'll give 2 variations: my current build (which has some scrap items etc. from other ships, considering I'm maining FRSV) and improvements to it I think may be good.
I won't state doffs, as they may vary from abilities etc. and also I'm not yet familiar which doff setup works best.
Disclaimer: prices may have risen when I bough items.
Current build:
Fore weapons - Phaser Dual Heavy Cannons Mk XI (variable modifiers) avg 18,000 EC x3, Photon Torpedo Launcher Mk XI [CrtD][Dmg] 215,000 EC
Deflector - Positron Deflector Array Mk XII [InC][CMS][SubD] 60,000 EC
Engines - Combat Impulse Engines Mk XII [Aux][Spd][Turn] 60,000 EC
Warp Core - Hyper Injection Warp Core Mk XII [Eff][E->W][SST] 60,000 EC
Shield Array - Resilient Shield Array Mk XII [Cap][Dis][Pla] 55,000 EC
Aft Weapons - Phaser Turret Mk XI [CrtD][CrtH] 50,000 EC; Phaser Turret Mk XI [Acc] 8,000 EC x2
Engineering Consoles - Energy Signature Dampener Mk XII [+Res4b] (none on Exchange, Dyson Reputation reward); RCS Accelerator Mk XI 65,000 EC; Neutronium Alloy Mk XI 75,000 EC
Science Consoles - Power Insulator Mk XII [ShH][-Th] (Embassy console); Universal - Impulse Capacitance Cell (Escort Refit console - got free from Cryptic giveaway)
Tactical Consoles - Phaser Relay Mk XII 95,000 EC; Phaser Relay Mk XI 14,000 EC x2; Photon Detonation Assembly Mk XII 23,500 EC
Total price: 856,500 EC
As you can see, relatively cheap stuff. Photon Torpedo Launcher more-or-less covers the items that simply aren't on the exchange. I've tried the ship in Ker'rat and it fared pretty well while unoptimized; however, lack of damage is clearly visible against completely (reputation, fleet) equiped ships. Still, ship can hold on its own and is pretty capable of dogfighting - only captain is bad XD
Comments: Disruptors are currently cheaper on the Exchange (except for tactical consoles), and their debuff is force multiplayer, so... we're able to afford very rare ones. Solanae set simply because it's mission reward (and thus free) and its capabilities are actually pretty nice, especially for beginners to PvP (I'm using it as well on FRSV, at least until I find better sci-oriented set). Green Mk XI Disruptor Induction Coils provide 5,6% lesser boost than purple mk XII (24.4% vs 30%) but are insanely cheaper (12,000 EC vs 18,000,000 EC). Warp Core can be changed if required for about 60,000 EC (+- 20,000), Blue Mk XI core, depending on what the person wants.
Doffs could potentially add 1.5M EC to the cost.
Now, experienced captains... take that and improve it even more
Great example of throwing some stuff together. I think you made some good budget choices there. Not bad for low cost.
I almost always tell new people to avoid torps... but hey what the heck. Playing around with them on a cheap build is nice as the cost is super low.
One big advantage of playing around with inexpensive gear is you avoid the feeling of being tied to it. There isn't really any down side to dumping a torp you picked up for 200k or anything keeping you from trying out something else you get as a drop or cheap off the exchange.
Just wanted to point out for anyone playing completely new toons on completely brand new accounts.
Most weapons you pick up right now can be used again on Alt toons.
One way to keep the costs down for getting PvP toons ready is to reuse the lowbie gear you get on one toon.
Just throw a set of stuff you have in your account bank and use it on the next toon you are leveling. Gives you a little bit extra EC to spend on the next toon toon.
Just wanted to point out for anyone playing completely new toons on completely brand new accounts.
Most weapons you pick up right now can be used again on Alt toons.
One way to keep the costs down for getting PvP toons ready is to reuse the lowbie gear you get on one toon.
Just throw a set of stuff you have in your account bank and use it on the next toon you are leveling. Gives you a little bit extra EC to spend on the next toon toon.
Just don't forget Account Bank space is a 1-time 1000 Zen investment. An excellent investment, but can be a bit steep starting out... though getting Dilithium is way easier now than it's been since... the Ker'rat Hourly was nuked?
If you feel Keel'el's effect is well designed, please, for your own safety, be very careful around shallow pools of water.
Purple Polaron DHC MK XII [acc] [crth]x2 - $300,000 each = 1,200,000
Purple Polaron Turrets MK XII [acc] (other mods up to player) - $300,000 each = $900,000
First things first, I appreciate your effort:) But why are you suggesting only [acc]x1 DHCs? Due to todays insane defense ratings there is no point in running DHCs with less than two [acc] mods as long as you want to engage more than cruisers. Even with an [acc]x2 loadout your miss-rate is usually about 20-25%, speaking in terms of fighting escorts. I have no exact prices in my mind but I'm pretty sure, that at least a blue mk xi (_maybe_ xii) [acc]x2 loadout is not that expensive.
First things first, I appreciate your effort:) But why are you suggesting only [acc]x1 DHCs? Due to todays insane defense ratings there is no point in running DHCs with less than two [acc] mods as long as you want to engage more than cruisers. Even with an [acc]x2 loadout your miss-rate is usually about 20-25%, speaking in terms of fighting escorts. I have no exact prices in my mind but I'm pretty sure, that at least a blue mk xi (_maybe_ xii) [acc]x2 loadout is not that expensive.
New players don't have 20mil EC to drop on one [acc]x3 weapon.
Your point is valid... Hey if people get good deals on [acc]x2 weapons they should grab em up This is my view on ACC on escorts.
- I don't use anything other then one ACC on 90% of my toons. [acc] [crtd]x2 on all my roms right now... and [acc] [crth]x2 on a couple of my feds. I do sometimes run [acc]x2 [crtd].
- I do on a few toons have [acc]x3 turrets... because I like my proc nibbles to be hitting... but frankly I don't care if 20% of my DHC miss. When they hit they end things.
I look at it this way... if your targets defense is high enough to cause you to miss 20-30% of the time... you are either NOT doing what you need to do to kill there defense. Or you are shooting at them at completely the wrong time... I don't try to throw my alpha strike powered hits out when someone is burning all there defense buffs thats just dumb. Also yes change targets... why are you trying to kill an escort that is burning all that stuff. Wait till the local sci subnukes him and then kill him... at which time you could easily run no acc mods at all.
I understand what you are saying... I guess if your plan is to go and dog fight another escort with no support at all... going with a ton of ACC might make sense. If you are however planning to go and play team PvP you really don't need more then 1-2 ACC mods on your guns.
Do you really consider 10M cheap for new players? And why would anyone waste millions on nigh useless AEGIS gear when one can use either episode rewards or play something like 15 STFs to get the 2-part borg set?
Zero cost, yet useful weapons are
Plasma-Disruptor Hybrid Dual Heavy Cannons Mk XI
Plasma-Disruptor Hybrid Beam Array Mk XI
Antiproton Beam Array Mk XI [Acc]x2
Especially the AP beam arrays are interesting for new players because one does not have to pay for them and the obelisk warp core provides a damage boost to AP that is comparable to the one from elite warp cores. I think there is also a mission that offers Neutronium Alloy Mk XI as a reward.
(And of course your suggestions have the inherent problem of recommending gear from the exchange: If dozens or even hundreds of players follow your advice, the prices for those specific items will skyrocket. That's why I chose mission rewards and dil/fleet-store gear for the THG; this way players have a reliable way to acquire the gear at a price that does not change all the time.)
(And of course your suggestions have the inherent problem of recommending gear from the exchange: If dozens or even hundreds of players follow your advice, the prices for those specific items will skyrocket. That's why I chose mission rewards and dil/fleet-store gear for the THG; this way players have a reliable way to acquire the gear at a price that does not change all the time.)
Its a good point perhaps I should create a couple versions that use nothing but mission gear... all of it mission stuff. 100% free builds. Hmmm I like that. (there are misisons you can repeat for basic consoles even I think).
As far as driving up exchange pirces. I would hope people use it as a jumping off point. Use the idea and change weapon types ect based on what is cheap.
I doubt even 200 people all going with in a few hours to grab things like Neut armours would really drive up the price on them. There is just lots of supply.
On the weapons indeed I guess it is possible.
Perhaps I am out of touch with what low cost is... I don't know I haven't leveled a toon in a long time to see how much EC you really earn leveling. I know though that just doing PvE I can vender 1-2mil worth of junk every night... so I really honestly don't think 5-10mil is very much.
As for aegis being useless... not so much. I only suggested it for escort players... and yes I USE aegis right now on every escort on my account. The 2 piece aegis bonus is killer on an escort... The Deflector boosts mainly defense things like shield emitters... gives you a bit more shield power... and the Defense kicks in the second you start moving and even if someone manages to stop you the bonus doesn't turn off for a few seconds. That set has saved my butt many many times. The only other viable option for an escort engine IMO is a fleet Hyper. I can't stand all the other sets they slow you down way to much.
Well seeing as free gear has been talked about a few times... instead of changing builds around... I thought instead why not just list everything that is useful to PvP... that could be used for FREE, and how to pick it up.
All of the following are free Mission Replay items.
Great example of throwing some stuff together. I think you made some good budget choices there. Not bad for low cost.
Thanks It was fun looking at the Exchange with the pockets full of cca 2M EC (I didn't have more, I don't know how geniuses manage to earn 10M easily), waging the potential power of the weapon against its cost and picking out that offers most for their price.
I prefer to always have 1 torpedo launcher (or KCB instead of it) simply for the massive kinetic damage they offer. Yeah, torpedoes are weak if target has shields (and in PvP that's almost always), but once you manage to slam Torpedo: High Yield into shieldless part of the ship... damn that hurts.
I also think that the builds here are not exact builds set in stone, but more like guidelines on how to build cheap yet still effective ships - not only for PvP but for PvE as well. For example I built my MUPE on phaser type because I got Phaser Turret, 1 Phaser DHC and Photon Torpedo Launcher from drops, and as for "improvement" build because Disruptor and Tricobalt were the cheapest weapons on the Exchange on th Mk XI level.
One way of cutting corners when building ship is to use gear that is 1 mark lower and have same or 1 "level" higher rarity, hence the usage of Mk XI gear instead of Mk XII. This is best seen on consoles - for example Phaser Relay Mk XII, Phaser Relay Mk XI, Phaser Relay Mk X and Phaser Relay Mk IX have the same Phaser Damage boost of 24.4%
One merit of using Mk XI items against Mk XII is that Mk XI is dropped almost always as loot - which means that Mk XI based gear might even be completely free. I believe that's also the reason why Mk XI gear is few times cheaper than Mk XII on the Exchange.
Well seeing as free gear has been talked about a few times... instead of changing builds around... I thought instead why not just list everything that is useful to PvP... that could be used for FREE, and how to pick it up.
All of the following are free Mission Replay items.
I look at it this way... if your targets defense is high enough to cause you to miss 20-30% of the time... you are either NOT doing what you need to do to kill there defense. Or you are shooting at them at completely the wrong time...
50% Uptime on APO with 33% uptime PH rotation is not that uncommon.
With Embassy ROM BOFFs you can have a static +DEF bonus of up to +18% for a Fed/KDF and potentially +30% for someone RRW who went nuts with Reman SIs.
When I say static I mean that even standing completely still you will still have that defense bonus.
So it's quite possible to face situations where you need to brute force a kill with ACC due to either huge DEF or target being exceedingly hard to tractor.
If you are however planning to go and play team PvP you really don't need more then 1-2 ACC mods on your guns.
The parses I've taken and seen from a good buddy, show higher output with ACCx3, as well as higher Crit Rates than CritH mods - if you don't hit you can't Crit.
For the times you do strip your target's bonus DEF, you are most likely getting overflow bonuses from the now huge gap between your ACC total and their DEF total.
So in summary,
> ACCx3 bargains are available at the MK XI level.
> Is universally effective vs. both DEF stripped targets and targets you need to Brute force a kill on.
The only builds I don't use ACCx3 on are my AP builds.
There are a number of foundry farms where you can generate average 500k EC per day. If you have multiple toons, you can run this on them 1x per day as well.
Grinding STFs will provide about that much per night or more, as well as Dilithium you can sell for Zen for Keys/FSMs you can sell for ECs.
KDF Characters can generate Contraband from DOFFing, and then sell that contraband on the exchange for 30k to 50k EC each usually.
So about 20 days worth of effort, if you only have 1 character, should get you about 10 mil EC.
That's if you only have 1 character and only use 1 of the above methods - with 2 characters doing foundry farm and STFs you could probably generate 1 to 2 million EC per night.
Do you really consider 10M cheap for new players? And why would anyone waste millions on nigh useless AEGIS gear when one can use either episode rewards or play something like 15 STFs to get the 2-part borg set?
New players have a problem, and it's knowing what to spend EC on. When you start out, you just go and spend it on anything you think is good (which never is).
Advice to new players, you shouldn't spend anything on gear. You'll get all they need from drops. Anything extra, sell to Fed vendors (bartenders in SFA, consumable vendors in ESD, etc).
Frankly, accumulating 10mil EC isn't extremely hard, the problem is learning how to earn EC easily. Some people like amassing contraband like crazy and a KDF toon and selling it off. Others like spending 10-20 minutes doffing, and once in a while you get a purple Technician and it's instant EC. You could loot farm Ker'rat, but lately I have to do it at non-prime times because it's all FAW boats stealing cube kills left and right. Others like playing the market and buying underpriced things and turning a profit on them.
Getting the 10 mil is easy, it just takes discipline from new players to learn that you don't have to spend EC left and right on a whim.
About all the Acc talk, there are unorthodox ways (and I only call them that as they're unpopular) to reach at least [acc]x2 on, lets say, the new link tetryon weapons. Load up 4 of the Dyson rep consoles and add the nukara console. Add another piece of the nukara set, and you get extra tetryon damage.
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Perhaps this tread should be stickied. I know I would appreciate it if I were looking for a basic advice. There is the PvP help thread, yes, but still...
Science for the win. / Czechoslovak Fleet 1st Division
Good builds, I run similar escort builds on new characters as they do rep and don't want to invest a lot in escort gear if that character won't primarily use escorts after done grinding.
Only difference I really have is I think 2 copies of omega is needed unless its doffed as you are just asking to get vaped if you can't keep omega at global. So I would drop 1 cannon skill down a rank and replace beta 1 or delta 1 with omega 1.
Good builds, I run similar escort builds on new characters as they do rep and don't want to invest a lot in escort gear if that character won't primarily use escorts after done grinding.
Only difference I really have is I think 2 copies of omega is needed unless its doffed as you are just asking to get vaped if you can't keep omega at global. So I would drop 1 cannon skill down a rank and replace beta 1 or delta 1 with omega 1.
Its a good point... omega 3 + 1 + delta 1 would be almost always up extra defense. I think you would only really loose 15s there every second cycle on the delta... then again if its a tac toon tac init would cover the difference and keep the higher version cannons skill up anyway. I guess I have been spoiled by doffs. lol
This is a good basic all cannons build for escorts... I tried to keep everything as inexpensive as possible.
Cost of
Mirror Universe Patrol Escort - $85,000
Purple Polaron DHC MK XII [acc] [crth]x2 - $300,000 each = 1,200,000
Purple Polaron Turrets MK XII [acc] (other mods up to player) - $300,000 each = $900,000
Ship gear;
Aegis Deflector = $2,700,000
Aegis Engine = $2,700,000
Resilient Shield MK XII (Mods up to user) = $50,000
Blue Deuterium Stabalized Warp Core MK x [w->s] = $40,000
{couldn't add this core to the planner right now but it is a great option for a toon with out the omega amp 2 piece proc quite yet - and perhaps a great option until you can swing a Fleet Spire Core}
Blue Neutronium MK XI 70,000 each = $140,000
Blue RCS MK XI = $50,000
Blue Flow Capacitor $10,000 each = $20,000
Blue Polaron Dmg Consoles MK XI $35,000 each = $140,000
Blue Damage Control Doffs average cost $600,000 = $1,800,000
Blue Conn Doff 250,000 each = $500,000
Total EC cost of build = 10,248,500 EC
10 Million Ec doesn't seem super cheap... but keep in mind much of this gear is drop gear... and some of this stuff you will already have. Only real major costs are the Aegis set... as it accounts for almost 50% of the cost... (Cost could also be free on this set if you are leveling crafting on your toon) if you have already been doing STFs you could sub in a 2 piece borg set for the cost of the grind.
EDIT as mentioned by DDIS... you could sub in a Jem Hadar Deflector and Engine... for a savings of 5,400,000 ec. bringing the entire cost of the build from Scratch down to $4,848,500 EC. (just a note though I run aegis 2 piece on almost all my end game Escort builds these days... I love the +10% defense and its one of the few sets that has a Hyper engine which I do prefer if given the choice. The fleet engines are popular but I still like my aegis more myself)
The cost on this build can be dropped a lot if you run cheap blue weapons... I choose purple beams as they are inexpensive and polarons fit nicely on this build. For doffs run 3 blue deflector (gw/tykens/siphen) cool down doffs they are dirt cheap and almost identical to the purples. Long term shoot for upgrading to 2 Purple deflector doffs with a Purple Gravity Well doff. 2 Dmg control doffs should allow you to keep EPTA and EPTS up at almost all times. (if you find moving around to be a pain you can sub in EPTE over EPTA... as a sci ship though ETPA is nice for cloak detection)
Updated Super Low Cost version
{This version runs Polarized Tetryon Beams from New Link - and a Full Solane Gear Setup - New cost somewhere just over 1mil counting doffs and consoles}
Cost of Ship;
Mirror Universe - 90,000
Cost of Weapons;
Purple MK XII [acc] Beam arrays 500,000(avg) = 3,000,000
Cost of Ship gear;
Jem Set Mission Grind = 0
Blue Core = 50,000
Neutronium Consoles Blue MK XI 70,00 each = 210,000
Flow Capacitors Blue MK XI 10,000 each = 40,000
Polaron Dmg Conosles Blue MK XI 35,000 each = 70,000
Blue Deflector doffs 150,000 each = 450,000
Damage control doffs 600,000 each - 1,200,000
Total Cost of Build = 5,110,000
Ok First off, I know this is a hard one to put together and make people happy (at least everyone). I didn't want to post a full on Healer build... as I know many people that are new don't want to play full on healer (and to be honest to do super high end healer does take a good amount of EC)... I also didn't want to suggest some silly META style A2B build that also would not be cheap and frankly could get a nerf bat swung at it at any moment.
What I came up with is I think a good solid Control / Heal / DMG Jack of all trades type ship... that should be effective to pug with and be I hope somewhat fun to fly. The build has 2 major control skills... with Eject Warp Plasma... and a tractor beam. I would suggest asking a Science Friend to train a copy of Hazards 3 for you on this build... and if you don't have a BOFF with Aux To SIF 3 you may have to factor in another 50-500k to pick one up off the exchange.
This build will be fairly heal heavy with the Sif 3 + Hazards 3... along with a basic low level Extend. Somewhat tanky by having at least one RSP + your Engi captain skills. (also because there cheap 3 shield doffs turn your Brace for impact into another good oh no button.)
Unlike the other builds I would suggest going with Disruptor beam weapons... and picking up MK XI to keep the cost down until you can afford to upgrade them. I think the Disruptor proc will be a better team support proc to be spreading around with the FAW.
Updated super Low Cost Version
{This version has been updated to run a full zero cost Solane Set as well as Free Polarized Tetryon from the New Link Mission - New total cost with doffs a little over 1mil ec}
Cost of Ship;
Mirror Universe Heavy Cruiser = 100,000
Cost of Weapons;
Disrutpor MK XI Purple [acc] Avg 300,00 = 2,400,000
Cost of Ship gear;
Jem Set = 0
Field Stab Blue Core [W->A] = 50,000
Blue MK XI Neutronium 70,000 = 210,000
Blue MK XI Particle Gen 25,000 = 75,000
Blue MK XI Disruptor 200,000 = 600,000
2 Blue Conn Doffs 600,000 each = 1,200,000
3 Blue Shield distro doffs 150,000 each = 450,000
Total Cost of Build = 5,085,000
Great point see this is why I started the thread... what is the cheapest we could pull out a viable build. The one I posted isn't garbage btw... its about 95% of what I run now. lol (only thing I do different... is I have [acc]x2 [crth] wepaons a Fleet shield a fleet core and a few uni consoles.)
Also I choose polaron because they are dirt cheap. Not many other weapon types where you can grab Turrets and DHC Purples with ACC on them for under 300k each. (the fact that they are in fact a somewhat favored Weapon type is just a nice bonus... I love polarons on my Tac builds... most people run RESB shields there cheap and the Proc is in fact a very solid one)
pol is nice for sure, but if it were me, and it was when i leveled my rom, i used blue acc2 weapons till i upgraded to fleet, or in that case mkxii acc3 plasma cannons and turrets. nice thing about rom is you can grind out blue mkxi caustic plasma weapons on one of those elatchi missions, thats what i did. no need to spend more then a mil total for entry level pvp weapons, better yet find a grind source like i did.
all the consoles are garbage next to fleet stuff, a mirror ship is a poor excuse for a fleet or cross faction ship. only doffs are the true price barrier to new pvpers, and the hardest to amass knowledge about too
I am serious the build I posted is almost 95% of what I run now. Yes I run spire tac cosnoles... and embassy / Mine consoles. Really though there isn't all that much difference.
I run 2 Neut/turn cosnoles... which gives me one free console slot to stick a leech console it.
I run Embassy flow consoles... which are almost identical to cheap ones I just get a free Plasma dot which does almost nothing anyway.
Only real fleet gear that makes a major difference... are the shield and AMP core. Everyone is working on those though... so new player has to grind out a fleet shield and a fleet core. Just saying you can get buy as a tac a 30k Deut MK X blue core (the -15% power draw on it doesn't make up for AMP but to be honest it gets about half way there.)
As for fleet weapons... I find them highly overrated. I run none of the fleet weapons... the only ones I find to be Overpowered are the E disruptors. As far as all the [acc]x2 [dmg]x2 junk I see around... wouldn't trade my [acc]x2 [crth] or [acc] [crtd]x2 (on my roms) for any of them. The fact that you can get a full set of purple polaron DHC with those stats for well under 2-3million I find as a good reason to never bother grinding out fleet weapons. At least that's my thoughts on them... for a new player to grind out fleet weapons isn't a major thing anyway. A week or so and they could have a full fleet weapon set anyway.
Doffs are a major cost no doubt... which is why I tried to give a solid option for inexpensive blue doffs... Blue Dmg control doffs are almost identical to purples for much cheaper... and for a low cost escort a couple blue Conn doffs for -8s on evasive is not a bad option at all... its down right cheap... and many people will find they have those doffs in blues sitting on there toon after leveling up anyway.
IMO, you can cut corners by picking purple Mk XI stuff instead of purple Mk XII. It's generally cheaper (usually at least half the price of Mk XII but depends on item), capabilities are similar to the blue Mk XI stuff but with one modifier more. I can post full build if interested as soon as I get into game.
Please do. Any thing you found that worked for cheap may help the next guy.
I've been budget pvping for well over 2 years now and doing well enough. It's totally possible and fun. If you win, you can blame your skill, if you lose you can blame your POS ship lol
But yeah, the solanae set is good and the engines are actually really good. It's like the omega shield proc but in an engine and you get a cool effect to let you know it's active.
Don't forget green TT and BFI doffs too..those are dirt cheap and really helpful.
DCE doffs prices change a lot. I've seen them at over 800k, and I recently bought some for only 300k each. So I think your estimated cost is a little high, but that's a good thing.
That is a great line... lol.
Makes me think (I know people aren't to hot on pvp in general right now. However I know we have in the past talked about doing PvP in Mirror ships only at one point. With the new ship swapping features I wonder if we couldn't pull that off now.
Great suggestions... ya didn't even really consider that new set... it is a solid option for free as well... on my engi build I suggested blue BFI doffs... there only around 150k right now but ya greens are darn close to as good as the blues as well. On the pricing ya I didn't want to say you could get a set of 3 for 700k knowing that they often drift up to that each.
I won't state doffs, as they may vary from abilities etc. and also I'm not yet familiar which doff setup works best.
Disclaimer: prices may have risen when I bough items.
Current build:
Fore weapons - Phaser Dual Heavy Cannons Mk XI (variable modifiers) avg 18,000 EC x3, Photon Torpedo Launcher Mk XI [CrtD][Dmg] 215,000 EC
Deflector - Positron Deflector Array Mk XII [InC][CMS][SubD] 60,000 EC
Engines - Combat Impulse Engines Mk XII [Aux][Spd][Turn] 60,000 EC
Warp Core - Hyper Injection Warp Core Mk XII [Eff][E->W][SST] 60,000 EC
Shield Array - Resilient Shield Array Mk XII [Cap][Dis][Pla] 55,000 EC
Aft Weapons - Phaser Turret Mk XI [CrtD][CrtH] 50,000 EC; Phaser Turret Mk XI [Acc] 8,000 EC x2
Engineering Consoles - Energy Signature Dampener Mk XII [+Res4b] (none on Exchange, Dyson Reputation reward); RCS Accelerator Mk XI 65,000 EC; Neutronium Alloy Mk XI 75,000 EC
Science Consoles - Power Insulator Mk XII [ShH][-Th] (Embassy console); Universal - Impulse Capacitance Cell (Escort Refit console - got free from Cryptic giveaway)
Tactical Consoles - Phaser Relay Mk XII 95,000 EC; Phaser Relay Mk XI 14,000 EC x2; Photon Detonation Assembly Mk XII 23,500 EC
Total price: 856,500 EC
As you can see, relatively cheap stuff. Photon Torpedo Launcher more-or-less covers the items that simply aren't on the exchange. I've tried the ship in Ker'rat and it fared pretty well while unoptimized; however, lack of damage is clearly visible against completely (reputation, fleet) equiped ships. Still, ship can hold on its own and is pretty capable of dogfighting - only captain is bad XD
Improved build:
Fore weapons - Disruptor Dual Heavy Cannons Mk XI(variable modifiers) avg 100,000 EC x3; Tricobalt Torpedo Launcher Mk XI [CrtD][CrtH][Dmg] 100,000 EC
Deflector - Solanae Deflector Array Mk XII 0 EC (mission reward)
Engines - Solanae Hyper-Efficient Impulse Engines Mk XII 0 EC (mission reward)
Warp Core - Obelisk Subspace Rift Core 0 EC (mission reward)
Shield Array - Solanae Resilient Shield Array Mk XII 0 EC (mission reward)
Aft Weapons - Disruptor Turret Mk XI (variable modifiers) 80,000 EC x3
Engineering Consoles - RCS Accelerator Mk XI 65,000 EC; Neutronium Alloy Mk XI 75,000 EC x2
Science Consoles - Inertial Dampeners Mk XII 110,000 EC; Power Insulator Mk XI 80,000 EC
Tactical Consoles - Disruptor Induction Coil Mk XI 12,000 EC x4
Total Cost: 1,093,000 EC
Comments: Disruptors are currently cheaper on the Exchange (except for tactical consoles), and their debuff is force multiplayer, so... we're able to afford very rare ones. Solanae set simply because it's mission reward (and thus free) and its capabilities are actually pretty nice, especially for beginners to PvP (I'm using it as well on FRSV, at least until I find better sci-oriented set). Green Mk XI Disruptor Induction Coils provide 5,6% lesser boost than purple mk XII (24.4% vs 30%) but are insanely cheaper (12,000 EC vs 18,000,000 EC). Warp Core can be changed if required for about 60,000 EC (+- 20,000), Blue Mk XI core, depending on what the person wants.
Doffs could potentially add 1.5M EC to the cost.
Now, experienced captains... take that and improve it even more
I almost always tell new people to avoid torps... but hey what the heck. Playing around with them on a cheap build is nice as the cost is super low.
One big advantage of playing around with inexpensive gear is you avoid the feeling of being tied to it. There isn't really any down side to dumping a torp you picked up for 200k or anything keeping you from trying out something else you get as a drop or cheap off the exchange.
Thanks for posting what you been doing.
Most weapons you pick up right now can be used again on Alt toons.
One way to keep the costs down for getting PvP toons ready is to reuse the lowbie gear you get on one toon.
Just throw a set of stuff you have in your account bank and use it on the next toon you are leveling. Gives you a little bit extra EC to spend on the next toon toon.
Just don't forget Account Bank space is a 1-time 1000 Zen investment. An excellent investment, but can be a bit steep starting out... though getting Dilithium is way easier now than it's been since... the Ker'rat Hourly was nuked?
First things first, I appreciate your effort:) But why are you suggesting only [acc]x1 DHCs? Due to todays insane defense ratings there is no point in running DHCs with less than two [acc] mods as long as you want to engage more than cruisers. Even with an [acc]x2 loadout your miss-rate is usually about 20-25%, speaking in terms of fighting escorts. I have no exact prices in my mind but I'm pretty sure, that at least a blue mk xi (_maybe_ xii) [acc]x2 loadout is not that expensive.
New players don't have 20mil EC to drop on one [acc]x3 weapon.
Your point is valid... Hey if people get good deals on [acc]x2 weapons they should grab em up This is my view on ACC on escorts.
- I don't use anything other then one ACC on 90% of my toons. [acc] [crtd]x2 on all my roms right now... and [acc] [crth]x2 on a couple of my feds. I do sometimes run [acc]x2 [crtd].
- I do on a few toons have [acc]x3 turrets... because I like my proc nibbles to be hitting... but frankly I don't care if 20% of my DHC miss. When they hit they end things.
I look at it this way... if your targets defense is high enough to cause you to miss 20-30% of the time... you are either NOT doing what you need to do to kill there defense. Or you are shooting at them at completely the wrong time... I don't try to throw my alpha strike powered hits out when someone is burning all there defense buffs thats just dumb. Also yes change targets... why are you trying to kill an escort that is burning all that stuff. Wait till the local sci subnukes him and then kill him... at which time you could easily run no acc mods at all.
I understand what you are saying... I guess if your plan is to go and dog fight another escort with no support at all... going with a ton of ACC might make sense. If you are however planning to go and play team PvP you really don't need more then 1-2 ACC mods on your guns.
Zero cost, yet useful weapons are
- Plasma-Disruptor Hybrid Dual Heavy Cannons Mk XI
- Plasma-Disruptor Hybrid Beam Array Mk XI
- Antiproton Beam Array Mk XI [Acc]x2
Especially the AP beam arrays are interesting for new players because one does not have to pay for them and the obelisk warp core provides a damage boost to AP that is comparable to the one from elite warp cores. I think there is also a mission that offers Neutronium Alloy Mk XI as a reward.(And of course your suggestions have the inherent problem of recommending gear from the exchange: If dozens or even hundreds of players follow your advice, the prices for those specific items will skyrocket. That's why I chose mission rewards and dil/fleet-store gear for the THG; this way players have a reliable way to acquire the gear at a price that does not change all the time.)
Its a good point perhaps I should create a couple versions that use nothing but mission gear... all of it mission stuff. 100% free builds. Hmmm I like that. (there are misisons you can repeat for basic consoles even I think).
As far as driving up exchange pirces. I would hope people use it as a jumping off point. Use the idea and change weapon types ect based on what is cheap.
I doubt even 200 people all going with in a few hours to grab things like Neut armours would really drive up the price on them. There is just lots of supply.
On the weapons indeed I guess it is possible.
Perhaps I am out of touch with what low cost is... I don't know I haven't leveled a toon in a long time to see how much EC you really earn leveling. I know though that just doing PvE I can vender 1-2mil worth of junk every night... so I really honestly don't think 5-10mil is very much.
As for aegis being useless... not so much. I only suggested it for escort players... and yes I USE aegis right now on every escort on my account. The 2 piece aegis bonus is killer on an escort... The Deflector boosts mainly defense things like shield emitters... gives you a bit more shield power... and the Defense kicks in the second you start moving and even if someone manages to stop you the bonus doesn't turn off for a few seconds. That set has saved my butt many many times. The only other viable option for an escort engine IMO is a fleet Hyper. I can't stand all the other sets they slow you down way to much.
All of the following are free Mission Replay items.
Klingon War missions
Phaser Beam Array Mk XI [CrtD]x2 - Everything Old is New
Hargh'peng Torpedo Launcher Mk XI - The Doomsday Device - Klingon Faction Doff Mission - Romulan Mission Tradecraft
Plasma-Disruptor Hybrid Beam Array Mk XI - Past Imperfect Klingon Version - Second Star to the Right, Straight on 'til Morning Romulan version Smash and Grab
Plasma-Disruptor Hybrid Dual Heavy Cannons Mk XI - Past Imperfect Klingon Version - Second Star to the Right, Straight on 'til Morning Romulan version Smash and Grab
Wasteland missions
Purple Projectile Doff - A Fistful of Gorn
Piercing Tetryon Turret Mk XI - Installation 18
Piercing Tetryon Dual Cannon Mk XI -Installation 18
Piercing Dual Tetryon Beam Bank Mk XI -Installation 18
Romulan Mystery missions
Plasma Beam Array Mk XI [Acc]x2 - Project Nightingale
Plasma Dual Heavy Cannons Mk XI [Acc]x2 - Project Nightingale
Plasma Torpedo Launcher Mk XI [Acc]x2 - Project Nightingale
Tractor Beam Mine Launcher - Cutting the Cord
Cardassian Struggle missions
Polarized Tetryon Beam Array Mk XI - The New Link
Jem'Hadar Combat Impulse Engines Mk XI - Operation Gamma
Jem'Hadar Deflector Dish Mk XI - Operation Gamma
Jem'Hadar Resilient Shields Mk XI - Boldly They Rode
Empire Missions (Klingon)
Console - Science - Field Generator Mk XI (green) - Friend or Foe
Fek'Ihri Return (Klingon)
Console - Engineering - EPS Flow Regulator Mk XI BLUE - Blood of the Empire
Console - Engineering - RCS Accelerator Mk XI BLUE - Blood of the Empire
Console - Tactical - Plasma Infuser Mk XI BLUE - Blood of the Empire
Vigilance (Klingon)
Disruptor Turret Mk XI [Acc] [Dam] - House on Fire
From the Ashes (Romulan)
Console - Engineering - Neutronium Alloy Mk XI GREEN - Crossroads at Crateris or The Search for New Romulus
Vengeance (Romulan)
Caustic Plasma Beam Array Mk XI [Acc]x2 - Last Stand
Caustic Dual Plasma Heavy Cannons Mk XI [Acc]x2 - Last Stand
Caustic Plasma Turret Mk XI [Acc]x2 - Last Stand
Breen Invasion
Breen Polarized Parabolic Deflector Mk XI - Cold Call
Breen Transphasic Cluster Torpedo - Out in the Cold
Rapid Reload Transphasic Torpedo Launcher Mk XI - Cold Comfort
Breen Supercooled Combat Impulse Engine Mk XI - Cold Case
Breen Dielectric Oscillation Resilient Shields Mk XI - Cold Storage
Other Episodes
Solanae Deflector Array Mk XII - A Step Between Stars
Solanae Hyper-Efficient Impulse Engines Mk XII - A Step Between Stars
Solanae Resilient Shield Array Mk XII - A Step Between Stars
Solanae Overcharged Warp Core Mk XII - A Step Between Stars
Solanae Overcharged Singularity Core Mk XII - A Step Between Stars
Obelisk Subspace Rift Warp Core - Sphere of Influence
Omni-Directional Antiproton Beam Array [Acc] [Dmg] [Arc] - Sphere of Influence
I prefer to always have 1 torpedo launcher (or KCB instead of it) simply for the massive kinetic damage they offer. Yeah, torpedoes are weak if target has shields (and in PvP that's almost always), but once you manage to slam Torpedo: High Yield into shieldless part of the ship... damn that hurts.
I also think that the builds here are not exact builds set in stone, but more like guidelines on how to build cheap yet still effective ships - not only for PvP but for PvE as well. For example I built my MUPE on phaser type because I got Phaser Turret, 1 Phaser DHC and Photon Torpedo Launcher from drops, and as for "improvement" build because Disruptor and Tricobalt were the cheapest weapons on the Exchange on th Mk XI level.
One way of cutting corners when building ship is to use gear that is 1 mark lower and have same or 1 "level" higher rarity, hence the usage of Mk XI gear instead of Mk XII. This is best seen on consoles - for example Phaser Relay Mk XII, Phaser Relay Mk XI, Phaser Relay Mk X and Phaser Relay Mk IX have the same Phaser Damage boost of 24.4%
One merit of using Mk XI items against Mk XII is that Mk XI is dropped almost always as loot - which means that Mk XI based gear might even be completely free. I believe that's also the reason why Mk XI gear is few times cheaper than Mk XII on the Exchange.
And in addition to this, the list of all mission rewards is here:
Converting Dilithium to Zen, buying lockbox keys and selling on exchange....
or as KDF, selling contraband on exchange from Marauding and other DOffing.
A few points:
1st - Right now there are several under-loved energy types on the exchange where you can actually buy MK XII Purple ACCx3 for 5 to 7 mil each.
Yes that's still a lot, but it's not 20 mil.
2nd - MK XI ACCx3 can be had for a complete bargain sometimes.
Good places to look are under-loved non-FOTM energy types or current lockbox weapons (they tend to have more supply than demand and shoot up after).
Very often you are looking at 500k to max 1 mil EC for 1 DHC MK XI ACCx3 - they can sometimes even be as cheap as 300k.
Some items also drop more frequently than others, I just bought a MK XII ACCx3 Disruptor DBB from the exchange for 360k EC.
50% Uptime on APO with 33% uptime PH rotation is not that uncommon.
With Embassy ROM BOFFs you can have a static +DEF bonus of up to +18% for a Fed/KDF and potentially +30% for someone RRW who went nuts with Reman SIs.
When I say static I mean that even standing completely still you will still have that defense bonus.
So it's quite possible to face situations where you need to brute force a kill with ACC due to either huge DEF or target being exceedingly hard to tractor.
The parses I've taken and seen from a good buddy, show higher output with ACCx3, as well as higher Crit Rates than CritH mods - if you don't hit you can't Crit.
For the times you do strip your target's bonus DEF, you are most likely getting overflow bonuses from the now huge gap between your ACC total and their DEF total.
So in summary,
> ACCx3 bargains are available at the MK XI level.
> Is universally effective vs. both DEF stripped targets and targets you need to Brute force a kill on.
The only builds I don't use ACCx3 on are my AP builds.
There are a number of foundry farms where you can generate average 500k EC per day. If you have multiple toons, you can run this on them 1x per day as well.
Grinding STFs will provide about that much per night or more, as well as Dilithium you can sell for Zen for Keys/FSMs you can sell for ECs.
KDF Characters can generate Contraband from DOFFing, and then sell that contraband on the exchange for 30k to 50k EC each usually.
So about 20 days worth of effort, if you only have 1 character, should get you about 10 mil EC.
That's if you only have 1 character and only use 1 of the above methods - with 2 characters doing foundry farm and STFs you could probably generate 1 to 2 million EC per night.
New players have a problem, and it's knowing what to spend EC on. When you start out, you just go and spend it on anything you think is good (which never is).
Advice to new players, you shouldn't spend anything on gear. You'll get all they need from drops. Anything extra, sell to Fed vendors (bartenders in SFA, consumable vendors in ESD, etc).
Frankly, accumulating 10mil EC isn't extremely hard, the problem is learning how to earn EC easily. Some people like amassing contraband like crazy and a KDF toon and selling it off. Others like spending 10-20 minutes doffing, and once in a while you get a purple Technician and it's instant EC. You could loot farm Ker'rat, but lately I have to do it at non-prime times because it's all FAW boats stealing cube kills left and right. Others like playing the market and buying underpriced things and turning a profit on them.
Getting the 10 mil is easy, it just takes discipline from new players to learn that you don't have to spend EC left and right on a whim.
About all the Acc talk, there are unorthodox ways (and I only call them that as they're unpopular) to reach at least [acc]x2 on, lets say, the new link tetryon weapons. Load up 4 of the Dyson rep consoles and add the nukara console. Add another piece of the nukara set, and you get extra tetryon damage.
Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
Only difference I really have is I think 2 copies of omega is needed unless its doffed as you are just asking to get vaped if you can't keep omega at global. So I would drop 1 cannon skill down a rank and replace beta 1 or delta 1 with omega 1.
Its a good point... omega 3 + 1 + delta 1 would be almost always up extra defense. I think you would only really loose 15s there every second cycle on the delta... then again if its a tac toon tac init would cover the difference and keep the higher version cannons skill up anyway. I guess I have been spoiled by doffs. lol
These are Space Doffs you can pick up for free by completing chain missions.
Colony Chain Missions (Pick these chains up in the expanses and Nebula)
Tractor Beam Officer / Klingon - Arucanis Arm
Projectile / Klingon - Khazan Cluster
Energy Weapon (Sub System Targeting) / Klingon - Afehirr Nebula
Gravity Well / Klingon - Eridan Belt
Shield Distro (shields on brace for impact) / Klingon - Rolor Nebula
Tech Doff (This mission is popular) / Klingon - B'Tran Cluster
Deflector Doff (bread and Butter Sci doff right now) / Klingon - Azlesa Expanse
Projectile Doff - Chain Mission Ghosts of the Jem Hadar
Instigate Defection Mission (critical hit)
Conn Doff (Evasive) Federation
Energy Weapon (Sub targeting) Federation
Sensor Officer Klingon
Conn Officer (evasive) Klingon
System Engi (VM added system disable) Klingon
Reputation Purchases (not really free)
Development Lab (science Team cool down) - 125,000 fleet marks Dyson Rep
Research Lab (CPB Radiation) - 125,000 Fleet marks Dyson Rep
Research Lab (CPB Placate) - 125,000 Fleet Marks Dyson Rep
Projectile - 125,000 Fleet marks Omega Rep