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The current PvP environment IS 'working as intended'

newromulan1newromulan1 Member Posts: 2,229
edited March 2014 in PvP Gameplay
Call me a conspiracy guy, but I am quite convinced that the current state of pvp is working as cryptic intends it to. Removal from the game by long-term attrition.

It just seems so obvious that pvp and it's players are being forced out the door. Eventually the metrics will conclude that there is not enough left to warrant any future development.

Maybe I am just cynical or maybe I am right? Just the mass amount of vets about to or already throwing in the towel would be one indicator of a attrition plan that was working as intended.

OK going to go put my tin foil hat back on.
Post edited by newromulan1 on


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    rylanadionysisrylanadionysis Member Posts: 3,359 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    It certainly seems this way. Im pretty stubborn, but the last few weeks or so of constant broken TRIBBLE (why lately so much I wonder) has been killing pvp for me on a nightly basis.

    The number of matches to quit button is getting fewer and fewer each day.
    Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
    Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
    Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
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    brandonflbrandonfl Member Posts: 892
    edited February 2014
    It certainly seems this way. Im pretty stubborn, but the last few weeks or so of constant broken TRIBBLE (why lately so much I wonder) has been killing pvp for me on a nightly basis.

    The number of matches to quit button is getting fewer and fewer each day.

    I hit that threshold about 2 weeks ago... ya know, when the hot-swapping feature was added. I just don't see any possible solution to the problems that currently face PvP. Cryptic won't TRIBBLE off the PvEers by re-tuning anything they paid $$ for. That means the scimi is gonna stay as it is, uni consoles will never be balanced and never have any restrictions placed on them, they won't retune older ships to be competitive in the current game full of lockbox/lobi ships. They just won't.
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    antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    brandonfl wrote: »
    {Snipe}... won't retune older ships to be competitive in the current game full of lockbox/lobi ships. They just won't.

    Of course they will... I am going to put on my Carnac hat now.

    Season 9 Tier 6.0
    Every Fleet ship we have now.... + a couple new ones (recycled art of course with a new skin material that will be the bees knees)
    Elite Fleet Ships - 10 Consoles + 2 Universal Console only slots. +shields and +hull of course.
    - Secondary Deflectors for Elite Fleet Science ships (you didn't think we where all getting for free right)
    - Targeting computer for Escorts
    - New Elite Cruiser commands for T6 ships.

    Lockbox ships will of course get upgraded. (and perhaps the sci destroyer as it has a secondary deflector).

    I know they have said they will just upgrade all the sci ships... but there is no Profit in that I'm sure someone will talk some sense into them before they give that away.

    :) what can ya say the game is sort of this type of joke. (not sure if bad or just cheesy lol)
    -> My favorite Carnac Joke ever
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
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    brandonflbrandonfl Member Posts: 892
    edited February 2014
    Of course they will... I am going to put on my Carnac hat now.

    Season 9 Tier 6.0
    Every Fleet ship we have now.... + a couple new ones (recycled art of course with a new skin material that will be the bees knees)
    Elite Fleet Ships - 10 Consoles + 2 Universal Console only slots. +shields and +hull of course.
    - Secondary Deflectors for Elite Fleet Science ships (you didn't think we where all getting for free right)
    - Targeting computer for Escorts
    - New Elite Cruiser commands for T6 ships.

    Lockbox ships will of course get upgraded. (and perhaps the sci destroyer as it has a secondary deflector).

    I know they have said they will just upgrade all the sci ships... but there is no Profit in that I'm sure someone will talk some sense into them before they give that away.

    :) what can ya say the game is sort of this type of joke. (not sure if bad or just cheesy lol)
    -> My favorite Carnac Joke ever

    :P That's why I threw in the "to be competitive" caveat.
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    redsnake721redsnake721 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    one solution to keep some form of working PVP alive is for the Players to take the situation into their own hands. Create private queues where the rules are set and clear and broken or abusable mechanics are not allowed.

    I have been a part of a few of these and they were great albet limited in the number of participants.
    More communitation and orginization and planning can make these things happen on a regular basis. I know its hard to do. To have 20 people in a channel, some with voice comms, some without, all trying to talk at once. Then try to plan a battle and be clear on what can be used and what can't. You'll have someone asking a qustion that someone just answered 2 seconds ago because he was not listening. You'll have a troll talking non-stop noise in the background while someone is trying to get the match started etc. You'll have one person mad because he will want to use a banned console/ship and want to argue the point for 20 min.
    But with some paitence it can and has been done from time to time. One or several of the top PVP Fleets/players needs to sit down with one another and hammer out a time/place to go over the rules and restrictions, create a channel and start having some no-hack matches.
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    therealmttherealmt Member Posts: 428 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Dont we all love single player games? Thats why STO is the abbrev of Star Trek Offline ;P

    A Massive Single Player Role Playing Game! Person versus Environment, or Computer controlled opponent if you will :p

    Its EASY thats why its fun!

    Isnt it awesome to see the same ship explosion animation for 3 years in a row? BOOOOOOM
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    brandonflbrandonfl Member Posts: 892
    edited February 2014
    deokkent wrote: »
    Well I think new players will just take over, starting a whole new cycle of l33t players who are fine with the current state of the game.

    I honestly believe that this is what Cryptic really wants, that way they don't have to listen to us vets complaining about how they are ruining the game.
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    mancommancom Member Posts: 784 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    brandonfl wrote: »
    that way they don't have to listen to us vets complaining about how they are ruining the game.
    I have a lifetime subscription. This means that I have the right to complain as long as the servers are still active. And I shall do that!
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    brandonflbrandonfl Member Posts: 892
    edited February 2014
    mancom wrote: »
    I have a lifetime subscription. This means that I have the right to complain as long as the servers are still active. And I shall do that!

    Me too, Hilbert, me too... or until I get banned, whichever comes first. I don't have alt accounts like so many others.
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    dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    i'll never be gone, thanks to my lifetime. but boy have i dialed it back lately. theres just a console and equipment and rep and set overload, and the pursute of grinding it all is NOT FUN. its not why im here, im hear for the pvp gameplay. i dont care that the rewards are TRIBBLE, much, i want the excellent game play. but i can barely see it anymore, it buried under a mountain of TRIBBLE.
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    ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Call me a conspiracy guy, but I am quite convinced that the current state of pvp is working as cryptic intends it to. Removal from the game by long-term attrition.
    Problem with that theory applying to PVP is that the same thing is happening in PVE too.
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    newromulan1newromulan1 Member Posts: 2,229
    edited February 2014
    Problem with that theory applying to PVP is that the same thing is happening in PVE too.

    No it does apply as pve is getting constant updates and new maps. In addition npc's are not able to frustrate players with cheese piled ontop of cheese and call it a feature.
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    timezargtimezarg Member Posts: 1,268
    edited February 2014
    one solution to keep some form of working PVP alive is for the Players to take the situation into their own hands. Create private queues where the rules are set and clear and broken or abusable mechanics are not allowed.

    I have been a part of a few of these and they were great albet limited in the number of participants.
    More communitation and orginization and planning can make these things happen on a regular basis. I know its hard to do. To have 20 people in a channel, some with voice comms, some without, all trying to talk at once. Then try to plan a battle and be clear on what can be used and what can't. You'll have someone asking a qustion that someone just answered 2 seconds ago because he was not listening. You'll have a troll talking non-stop noise in the background while someone is trying to get the match started etc. You'll have one person mad because he will want to use a banned console/ship and want to argue the point for 20 min.
    But with some paitence it can and has been done from time to time. One or several of the top PVP Fleets/players needs to sit down with one another and hammer out a time/place to go over the rules and restrictions, create a channel and start having some no-hack matches.

    I find the best PvP is either in places like Ker'rat when you DON'T have pre-made teams rolling through while slinging cheese and overpowered/broken BS, or in private queues that get organized in channels like Tyler Durden, etc. The obvious pug queues are a train wreck most of the time.
    tIqIpqu' 'ej nom tIqIp
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    bobtheyakbobtheyak Member Posts: 374 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Removal from the game by long-term attrition.

    You hit the nail on the head there. +1
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    voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Sadly this is true. :( Sometimes I find myself alarmingly close to seriously throwing away all my gear and giving up to all but chat, roleplay, and the foundry. I desperately want to do PvP still, but the sheer amount of garbage it's buried under is too much. I've decided to just not grind for anything else.

    I don't really care if I fall behind the competitive level, PvP is dead to me.
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
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    sneyepersneyeper Member Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Not to be mean about it, but I have found the pvp crowd to be the most delusional set of players in the game.

    Let's take an objective look at pvp. For the last 3.5 YEARS Cryptic added no new maps to the pvp system. There remains JUST 1 capture and hold fvk space map.

    While I generally think the pvp crowd whines way too much about imbalance and things being broken, even after all that, the crowd just keeps hoping they might be listened to.

    The pvp UI is, as far as I can tell, the oldest unchanged UI in the game - even in worse shape than crafting.

    AFTER 4 YEARS, Cryptic finally added a new map - for shuttles. The PVP crowd should utterly be rejoicing with praise for something new - it's about time right? Yet the same old ... "Cryptic doesn't care about us". There is even a thread on how this new pvp addition is dead and unused. So the one piece of content added is underutilized. To splash a dose of reality on it, Cryptic's metrics will show that the roi on the content was poor and hence reaffirm that no new money is to be made in adding to pvp.

    It has been 4 years - Cryptic obviously looks at the metrics and guess what ... the metrics indicate that apparently it isn't worth their time improving pvp. The pvp race - the Klingons - was never a big hit. People wanted the Klingons to be a full race - not a pvp race. Cryptic listened (why can't pvper's get that?). I don't remember Picard rushing out to PVP Janeway ... and so it might fall on deaf ears that Star Trek was never about pvp and this game was never centered around pvp. It clearly doesn't make Cryptic money to bother with pvp, so if it is pvp that you crave, why not go to a game actually designed for pvp?

    If you have found yourself grinding the same exact 6 maps plus Kerrat for the last 4 years, and only now coming to the conclusion that its getting stale ..... if you still find yourself enjoying that ... well I just don't think there is much hope in helping ya.
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    c1cer0c1cer0 Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    First I want to say that I agree with everyone who said PVP in STO needs an "Upgrade" after 4 Years! And that there are nasty things that needs a fix.

    But, at least I remember that Cryptic has fixed a lot of stuff because it was overpowered in PVP. SNB Doffs for example or FAW... ah.. no scratch that...but i think at least they try.

    Anyway, a "Buuhu, no one likes PVP" Thread is not helpful.
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    newromulan1newromulan1 Member Posts: 2,229
    edited March 2014
    With the new removal of shared cd on team clears cryptic has removed sci captain powers from.the game. 100% immunity from 1 sci captain attack and almost 100% from 2 Sci captain attacks WITHOUT any help from someone. Removal of the pvp player base is continuing and 'working as intended'
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    lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
    edited March 2014
    With the new removal of shared cd on team clears cryptic has removed sci captain powers from.the game. 100% immunity from 1 sci captain attack and almost 100% from 2 Sci captain attacks WITHOUT any help from someone. Removal of the pvp player base is continuing and 'working as intended'

    Yup, between ET+ST, you just spam those over and over and are immune to sci boff powers

    If they go ahead with this junk then its:

    RIP Science - 2/6/2014
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    iskandusiskandus Member Posts: 1,062 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    To add insult to injury, with A2B, all team abilities will be reduced down to 21 sec from 30 sec. Then if you equip one doff for each ST, TT and ET, you will keep all 3 at GCD of 15 seconds, meaning you can spam ST, TT and ET every 15 seconds with only 5 seconds gap between each activation. Throw in Keel'el which cleans all debuffs at near 100% occurrence with each EPTX, which can have each 15 sec, this will create a quasi perfect immunity to everything.
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    brandonflbrandonfl Member Posts: 892
    edited March 2014
    iskandus wrote: »
    To add insult to injury, with A2B, all team abilities will be reduced down to 21 sec from 30 sec. Then if you equip one doff for each ST, TT and ET, you will keep all 3 at GCD of 15 seconds, meaning you can spam ST, TT and ET every 15 seconds with only 5 seconds gap between each activation. Throw in Keel'el which cleans all debuffs at near 100% occurrence with each EPTX, which can have each 15 sec, this will create a quasi perfect immunity to everything.

    Except for pure damage, Minimax is in heaven.
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    zyphoid7zyphoid7 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    iskandus wrote: »
    To add insult to injury, with A2B, all team abilities will be reduced down to 21 sec from 30 sec. Then if you equip one doff for each ST, TT and ET, you will keep all 3 at GCD of 15 seconds, meaning you can spam ST, TT and ET every 15 seconds with only 5 seconds gap between each activation. Throw in Keel'el which cleans all debuffs at near 100% occurrence with each EPTX, which can have each 15 sec, this will create a quasi perfect immunity to everything.

    LOL pretty much yep. If anyone thought premades were unkillable before, you haven't seen anything yet.

    Oh sci captains, about to be as useful as engineers. It's funny that Cryptic lured the sci captains in with buffs to grav well and tykens only to club them like baby seals with this cooldown removal. The WORST part is the reason they are doing this is in a craptastic attempt to make the Galaxy class more attractive and generate more sales.

    Instead of, you know, fixing the Galaxy slots so it isn't so failtabulous.
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    mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    iskandus wrote: »
    To add insult to injury, with A2B, all team abilities will be reduced down to 21 sec from 30 sec. Then if you equip one doff for each ST, TT and ET, you will keep all 3 at GCD of 15 seconds, meaning you can spam ST, TT and ET every 15 seconds with only 5 seconds gap between each activation. Throw in Keel'el which cleans all debuffs at near 100% occurrence with each EPTX, which can have each 15 sec, this will create a quasi perfect immunity to everything.

    Only that you cannot have all of those at the same time.

    3 Technicians for A2B
    1 CD reduction DOFF for each 'team' ability (3)
    1 Keel'el
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
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    iskandusiskandus Member Posts: 1,062 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    mimey2 wrote: »
    Only that you cannot have all of those at the same time.

    3 Technicians for A2B
    1 CD reduction DOFF for each 'team' ability (3)
    1 Keel'el

    Thanks for pointing that out. But no matter, I found a way around it already using your favorite skill, mimey : Photonic Officer.

    I posted this elsewhere so I will just quote myself :
    iskandus wrote:
    So let me throw this at you. We know each Team skill has a purple doff that can reduce their CD by 8 seconds and their their GCD is 15 seconds each. To cover the rest of the gap, one only need to equip a Photonic Officer I, which offers an effective CD reduction of another 20% on all boff powers, which of course, includes all Team skills. PO I only requires a Lt. Sci slot, which virtually every single ship has, so widely available. Now, PO runs for a whole minute and it can cycle those much reduced team skills many times over within that minute, even more efficiently than A2B. Think about it, one copy of A2B has 27 seconds CD. If you activate it immediately after all Team Skills went into CD, they will run into their next cycle in 15 seconds, about 12 seconds before A2B is even off its first CD so you will run into a gap problem quickly because team skill are off their accelerated CD much quicker than one copy of A2B can cope. But with PO, you solve that problem because it runs constantly for a whole minute. This got to be heaven for the healers or those Bug ships who want to be unkillable now. Ideally, the Bug Ships and their Healers want to finish off their target within that minute. But even if they don't, no problem, there is a way to work around PO's lengthy CD too, by using Cryptic's newest P2W console - Alpha Deception Field console. By the press of a magic button, you immediately recharge PO and have it ready to go again - don't forget PO is a BOFF ability. See, where I am getting at? You don't even need a Photonic Studies Scientist, no need for that. Oh and to add insult to injuries, you can have as many Alpha Deception Field console in your inventory... I don't think I need to say anymore.

    So in summary, we need the following doffs (assumed all are purple)

    1 Conn Officer
    1 Maintenance Engineer
    1 Development Lab Scientist
    1 Warp Core Engineer (Keel'el)

    + 1 console space for Alpha Deception Field console

    Still have 2 active space duty doff slots left for other things. The Healer just needs to use an Elite Fleet Deflector for 10% additional Sci CD reduction and perhaps the MACO 2 pieces for an extra 5%, combined with PO 1 so that even HE will be on GCD as well. Remember, HE is normally 45 seconds CD but its GCD is 30 seconds, so it only needs to shave off 33% to reach GCD.

    Voila, endless TT, ET and ST every 15 seconds + HE every 30 seconds + Keel'el. By the same token, endless TSS every 30 seconds as well. Oh and A2SIF almost at GCD as well, actually 1 second short of actual GCD. What else, yes, Extend Shields! I think I covered everything, whee!!! You know what's the best of all that - no need to worry about Aux drain anymore when using A2B because PO doesn't drain Aux. Finn can now keep his Aux at 135 and laughing. Actually if he wants to laugh, he can use his Commander Sci slot for Photonic Officer III, now everything is guaranteed to be on GCD everywhere, all EPTX, including A2SIF and Extend Shields.

    Super Healers, the premades are going to be in heaven now, that is if they enjoy playing matches that will now never ends.
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    mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    iskandus wrote: »
    Thanks for pointing that out. But no matter, I found a way around it already using your favorite skill, mimey : Photonic Officer.

    I posted this elsewhere so I will just quote myself :

    So in summary, we need the following doffs (assumed all are purple)

    1 Conn Officer
    1 Maintenance Engineer
    1 Development Lab Scientist
    1 Warp Core Engineer (Keel'el)

    + 1 console space for Alpha Deception Field console

    Still have 2 active space duty doff slots left for other things. The Healer just needs to use an Elite Fleet Deflector for 10% additional Sci CD reduction and perhaps the MACO 2 pieces for an extra 5%, combined with PO 1 so that even HE will be on GCD as well. Remember, HE is normally 45 seconds CD but its GCD is 30 seconds, so it only needs to shave off 33% to reach GCD.

    Voila, endless TT, ET and ST every 15 seconds + HE every 30 seconds + Keel'el. By the same token, endless TSS every 30 seconds as well. Oh and A2SIF almost at GCD as well, actually 1 second short of actual GCD. What else, yes, Extend Shields! I think I covered everything, whee!!! You know what's the best of all that - no need to worry about Aux drain anymore when using A2B because PO doesn't drain Aux. Finn can now keep his Aux at 135 and laughing. Actually if he wants to laugh, he can use his Commander Sci slot for Photonic Officer III, now everything is guaranteed to be on GCD everywhere, all EPTX, including A2SIF and Extend Shields.

    Super Healers, the premades are going to be in heaven now, that is if they enjoy playing matches that will now never ends.

    *reads, looking everything over* That...that does seem to fit the bill, and fit it extremely well. If these changes go through on Thursday to Holodeck, I might log in and mess around with it. I have a dedicated healer and boat to PO when I did my testing, and kept it in case I ever did more testing.

    Though the thought of knowing people can abuse console-swapping makes me a bit sick to my stomach. Not at you Iskandus, just in general. That stupid Alpha Deception Field is a bit insane.

    Still, I see what you are saying with the whole thing. You basically ignore the long CD of PO by using ADF console, allowing for a much higher uptime overall. Without ADF, you still deal with the weakness of PO's long CD, and thus only have it up 50% of the time.

    I dunno if it'd be worthwhile enough to give up a Cmdr slot for PO 3, considering that it means no big Extend Shields 3 or A2SIF 3 (I use a Recluse for my testing, which is why I bring that up). Even so, ES 2 or A2SIF 2 at global is useful indeed.
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
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    newromulan1newromulan1 Member Posts: 2,229
    edited March 2014
    Awfully quiet, are things still working as intended?
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Awfully quiet, are things still working as intended?

    Did you ever wonder...what if things weren't so spammy? Earlier I was going to drop out a post in the Build section about the lack of Eng/Tac BOFF abilities compared to Sci....but as I was typing it out, it struck me - if things weren't as spammy, then there would not be an issue with either Eng or Tac in relation to Sci. Which led me to wonder about the spammy nature of the game - not helped in the least by Team changes; but it appears (like it does in many cases, imho) that there was Design Goal A...forgotten about and a bunch of stuff from Design Goal B slapped on - without redesigning - just a jury-rigged mess all about. So when you take a look at PvP, eh...is it any different? Have they tried to go all MacGyver, chewing gum wrappers, paper clips, rubberbands...trying to get from Design Goal A to Design Goal B while saying, "sure, sure - it's working as intended!"
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