I was a bit sad the Bonus Dilithium weekend event was coming to an end because it was great, far better than I expected when you removed the daily's. I thought losing the daily's would suck but I was wrong thus far.
But I now get a FREE Ferengi Shuttle for using ARC?! :eek: I wanted one for my Ferengi captain for over a year now!
Also getting FREE LOBI without having to buy Lockbox keys!?
This after the cool Khan outfits which I love and all the free items you've given us all year really.
Thanks guys, I really mean it.
I'm not being sarcastic and I am serious, I've played MANY MMO's and I've never found or even heard of one so generous. All these other MMO's want to do is take and give little to nothing in return. Many gamers don't appreciate what you and PWE do for us gamers. Please don't change, we love you as you are!
Furthermore, I have used steam daily for several years among other programs like it. I did not like EA's Origin, Actually, I hate EA period. Now I have been using ARC since it first came out and I like it very much since I play Neverwinter as well and I haven't had any problems with it.
I'm hoping the community members that also appreciate what you do for us voice their gratitude in this thread. BTW, I've been playing STO for years now and I've never really thanked you guys, Sorry:(. I seldom visit these forums because I'm too busy having fun in game. Your own fault Cryptic,

Thanks again for a great gaming experience and FREE gifts! Happy fourth Anniversary and may STO have many more to come.
-Captain Krow
The newist ARC gift is cool.
Thanks from me as well
I always give credit where credit is due. And Cryptic did something good this time around.
Mine Trap Supporter
i have 4 VA and 4 LG in game and a new toon at a low level i work on her from time to time ...
I am most thankful and most greatful, in my unbragworthy time in this game I have spent a fair ammoun, but I have gotten so much for free. In just the uniforom giveaways online, the giveaway events, and the arc giveaways I value what I have (can't be bothered to do actual math) as being easily 2k zen plus, maybe over 3k thinking about it, possibly more.
Its not always stuff I would have bought initially but allot of it has benefitted me in the long term.
Cheers dudes
"If this will be our end, then I will have them make SUCH an end as to be worthy of rememberance! Out of torpedos you say?! Find me the ferengi!".
Plus last year the free 500 lobi and a free carrier? Then the winter event? Yeah PWE is treating us well I'd say, unlike wargamming who says thankyou by handing over tier 2 tanks.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
Thanks Cryptic Awesome stuff
View The Zypex Revelation Mission Trailer
View The Zypex Intrusion Mission Trailer
View TECHNOBABBLE Mission Trailer
I sincerely hope that STO can survive for 4 more years, and sometime in the near future I will probably become a lifetime sub.
Oh, and BTW, I just downloaded Arc and it is night and day better than Steam. No bugs yet! **Fingers crossed**
Thanks once again!!!!!!:cool:
love the bonus weekends and thought it was a great idea from the start, most of the hourly stuff I never used but the one thing I miss is the academy event where you have to scan and collect the particles as it was a fun game to play, cant see how you would go about fitting that into a weekend?
maybe have it as a day long event where the player can see the guy who converts the particles into dilithium to pick up the one hour long mission per event, this would be cool as the player could do it with each toon he has, that would be a nice bonus if you could fit that in for one day a every month specially if in coincided with a bonus dil weekend.
don't listen to the naysayers and moaners, they don't seem to realise that sto has to change and grow to stay alive, though I might not totally agree with your choices all the time but I realise it is your game to fashion how you will, we players might voice an opinion but is up to you devs if you pick up and run with an idea though I know you are always listening even when you don't.
anyway, thank you guys.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
Also, tossing a thanks for continuing to get voice work from actors we love. All of them have been great, Tim and Michael so rapidly was just amazing.
Thank you all.
Thank you so much and keep up the great work.
If Arc is spyware and adware free and has no routines to spy on your PC then I'm not against it anymore. It doesn't really seem to take up resources either, it's negligible.
However, more bribes for it are always welcome.
For the glory of Tempus!
I am the hands of Shar!
Flames of Kossuth, protect me!
Oghma, grant me knowledge!
Lolth commands, and I obey!