I purchased the black lobi suit for my kdf allied romulan, alas the head works, but the torso remains unchanged, the legs are invisible save for pouches on the sides and she has odd shoes on.
Jorhana Kreig: KDF, Tal'is: Romulan Fed, Shona'a: Romulan KDF, Johan Paul Kreig: Fed
There seems to be a lot of issues on the EV suits. My romulan has a regular EV suit. Only the legs shows up to show an EV suit is used. The body remains unchanged, and my head is removed. So I'm walking around headless.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
Yes I have this issue as well. The normal Solanae suits work fine. I bought the Sentinal Lobi version and only the head will display with some of the leg visuals (the rest of my legs are invisible) and the torso is whatever normal item I have on at the moment. Very irritating as I really love the look of the Sentinal suit but cannot see it on my Romulan captain. :mad::mad:
So you decided to attack some spelling error to don't have to deal with the contain and when you did you didn't have the brain to can answer it.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.