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Daleks vs Borg

jmaster29jmaster29 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited February 2014 in Ten Forward
So, who would win, the daleks or the Borg?

Daleks (I'll put in a youtub vid or few for people who don't watch Doctor Who) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBSOhODoch0 and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9aSZsJrkM4.

Borg: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPzJSBHG4pI and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDa6qc93nNs.

So, who do you think will win? The battleground is the Galaxy!

Explain, explain!!
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    theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 5,990 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    In a straight up fight, i'd say the collective has the edge for one reason, the daleks use energy weapons so the borg can easily adapt
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      -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
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      artan42artan42 Member Posts: 10,450 Bug Hunter
      edited February 2014
      Sigh. Daleks.

      They weaponised time and were winning against the lords of TIME.

      They have their own nonoprobes that can even convert the dead.

      They have shielding and armour that can (possibly) block Borg Tubs.

      They curbstomped the Cybermen (4 against a few million, later a 100 or so against a few million).

      The Cybermen had control of a whole galaxy at one point. It took the destruction of an entire converted galaxy to stop the Cybermen, and this is a race the Daleks could squash without looking.

      DW universe Humans have an empire consisting of at least 3 whole GALAXIES, and they are nothing compared to even the Cybermen.

      Daleks are capable of creating a ship that can wipe out reality its self, the largest scifi apocalypse attempted.
      Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
      JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.


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      jmaster29jmaster29 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
      edited February 2014
      In a straight up fight, i'd say the collective has the edge for one reason, the daleks use energy weapons so the borg can easily adapt

      Well, (as another poster said) the Daleks pwned the Cybermen, who are not easily beaten.
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      theanothernametheanothername Member Posts: 1,504 Arc User
      edited February 2014
      With bouth at their peak of power I'd say Daleks. Whatever the result it will probably be the most devastating 1 second war ever. As soon as the Daleks will realise the potential threat of the Borg master-assimilation tech they'll whipe them out. Theres a very slim chance the borg might be able to adapt quickly enough to assimilate a dalek before they realize the borg threat; at that point I assume its reversed with the borg whiping the dalek in a second.

      Then bouth realize they had been fooled by a holodeck, modified by the Doctor (that one, not that one) on the Enterprise and walk away in shame ;)
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      kojirohellfirekojirohellfire Member Posts: 1,606 Arc User
      edited February 2014
      Daleks. From what we've seen of them, Daleks are a universal threat that were able to wage a war that spanned both time and space against the Time Lords themselves. Meanwhile, the Borg have only managed to be a major threat in a single galaxy.

      If we use the Kardashev scale, the Daleks would be a Type IV civilization, capable of utilizing the energy of all possible galaxies and rewrite time itself (heck, these days, individual Daleks have personal time travel devices in their armor). The Borg are merely a Type II civilization, as they have not yet achieved the ability to utilize all power available in even a single galaxy, only multiple star systems.

      The Daleks would eat the Borg for lunch.

      However, if we're talking early Daleks, that fight might be a bit more even and interesting to watch.
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      brok3nmindbrok3nmind Member Posts: 51 Arc User
      edited February 2014
      Davros versus Alice Kreig as the Borg Queen?? I'd pay money to watch that - she has a thing for mechanicals (e.g. Data) so I wonder what she'd do with "meals on wheels" Davros?? LOL
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      orondisorondis Member Posts: 1,447 Arc User
      edited February 2014

      * Fully time travel capable. Even had their own dimensionally transcendental time machine in The Chase and Daleks Masterplan.
      * Borg-like assimilation nanites that spread through the air (Asylum of the Daleks).
      * A single saucer can blow up a planet (Asylum of the Daleks).
      * Can teleport a planet across time and space (Stolen Earth).
      * Can encase a planet in a forcefield (Stolen Earth and Asylum of the Daleks).

      At the end of the day though, it's not really fair to either of them, since their universes have different rules and sci-fi hardness. It's the same reason the Federation would wipe the floor with the Vorlons and the Shadows, since Babylon 5 tries to go for a more "realistic" approach. You could stick two Birds of Prey into Battlestar Galactica and they'd defeat both sides at the same time.
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      maxvitormaxvitor Member Posts: 2,213 Arc User
      edited February 2014
      With early Daleks, the Borg would win, but later Daleks are so ridiculously overpowered the Borg wouldn't have a chance.
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      quintarisquintaris Member Posts: 816 Arc User
      edited February 2014
      The Borg are superior in only one respect - they are better at dying!
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      timeladykatietimeladykatie Member Posts: 86 Arc User
      edited February 2014
      Even trying your hardest to level the playing field, the edge goes to the Daleks for one reason: the casing. In order to assimilate a Dalek, it would have to be nearly dead to begin with, because the single Dalek would self-destruct before letting its technology fall into enemy hands, so long before the Borg could even assimilate the Dalek's shell, it'd blow itself and the drones up, and leave cleaning up the mess to it's comrades.

      It would take the Borg overwhelming numbers and some seriously nerfed Daleks in the interest of fair play for the Borg to get even one added to the collective.
      Vice Admiral Meria Farron
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      lilchibiclarililchibiclari Member Posts: 1,193 Arc User
      edited February 2014
      Aside from the Borg's higher adaptability, the Borg are more properly the counterpart of the Cybermen, and they have similar strategies (assimilating everyone and everything that is of any use to them, and considering such assimilation to be a "benefit" to those who are assimilated). Indeed, the Cybermen were saying "Resistance is Useless" in the 1960s.
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      sander233sander233 Member Posts: 3,992 Arc User
      edited February 2014
      It's kind of an unfair matchup, isn't it? I mean, Daleks, from what I've heard, have only grown more powerful as the IP's progressed, whereas the Borg keep on getting weaker.

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