So, I had a bunch of lobi left over from the Season 8 FE, and nothing else looked interesting on the Lobi Store (as usual). So I spent about 200 Lobi on Qmendations to get the new Solanae Class Dyson Destroyer (judge me :P ). Anyway, my fleetmates and I were messing around in Sol at one point and I noticed that my Hazard Emitters ability causes a shield drain when I have the secondary deflector equipped... but that isn't an ability that should apply to, is it?
This is definitely minor, compared to the whole black-room bug in the FE mission, but I just wanted to see if this is a problem, and if I'm the only one experiencing it.
I'll let you know in 13 days since I want to use the ship for drains. Question, since HE is usually used on yourself or teammates, it it draining your own or a teammates shields?
That is correct. The effect is minor, since HE isn't a shield-drain power (meaning the drain only comes from the secondary deflector's abilities), but it is there.
Still, it's a bug that needs squashing. I hope the drain isn't enhanced by flow caps. A drain boat healing a hull and draining the shield would be bad.