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FBP OP like first days ?



  • borgresearcherborgresearcher Member Posts: 451 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    at least the tac consoles exploit should be corrected.

    im seeing too much noobs using it, "battlenoob to the noob" "why nobody shoots noob?"
  • pulserazorpulserazor Member Posts: 590 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    10/char repost
  • pulserazorpulserazor Member Posts: 590 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    FBP should not be enhanced by Tactical consoles such as Beam damage and Cannon damage consoles, you might justify one or the other but it definately can not be a cannon and a beam at the same time. Its Exotic damage, should only be boosted by Part gens.

    While a fbp is only truly a threat with full consoles, (and acually a detrimental skill without, as it allows a tac to get a free controlled GDF if its a weak fbp) and is mitigated by the sacrifices to survivability etc you make by slotting sci consol slots, i still think the skill needs a balance pass, as it seems to be tailored for pve and thus overpowered in pvp. No single skill in the game should get the distinction of being able to wipe someone out in less then a second. If I am alpha'd up and firing at a target, the chain of shots already out can be enough to destroy me even if I do react instantly to the buff.

    Its too powerful of a skill to be in pvp, its basically an I win button, or more specifically a 'you cant win button' that Forces players to pick another target on penalty of death, and gives the whole team less targets to have to spread cross heals on, the only way to truly beat fbp is a snb/spike coordination , hence why you see the skill so much among Arena players, and rarely among Capture and Hold players where ther are more targets and more objectives then killing other players.

    A skill that deals damage based on the fact that you are getting shot at is pretty lame in any game. (anyone recall 'Iron Maiden', in Diablo 2?) I think a big problem I personally have with the skill is how many new pvp'ers it has spawned who boast about their skills, because they can all of a sudden stay alive for a few moments in an arena match. There are a of players who would all of a sudden be terrible again if fbp got the balance pass it deserves. Do these players a favor and consider balancing the skill, or at least fixing the tac console element, so these no-talent FBP hacks can acually learn to play.
  • paradise1killerparadise1killer Member Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited July 2013

    Your Mine Explosion deals 7531 (6530) Kinetic Damage to
    Your Mine Explosion deals 6813 (5907) Kinetic Damage to
    Your Mine Explosion deals 8730 (7570) Kinetic Damage to
    Your Mine Explosion deals 9118 (7907) Kinetic Damage to
    Your Mine Explosion deals 6447 (5591) Kinetic Damage to
    Your Mine Explosion deals 7521 (6522) Kinetic Damage to
    Your Mine Explosion deals 7540 (6538) Kinetic Damage to
    Your Mine Explosion deals 7148 (6198) Kinetic Damage to
    Your Mine Explosion deals 6331 (5489) Kinetic Damage to
    Your Mine Explosion deals 7655 (6638) Kinetic Damage to

    I WIN

    Most premade now carry a kinetic dps user , this will in fact sniff out the most vulnerable and its usually the FBP user wells thinking there all safe....

    Theres a counter to everything; its STO, Mix&Match, lets move on.......

    ps Kdf drain teams will also drain away all aux = FBP safety a fantasy
    Nova Core

    House of Beautiful Orions
  • crownvic351crownvic351 Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    FBP is not OP.. Yes all tac skills should affect it. Its simple you want a way to be able to vape some one with out them having some defense. Well tough. Now FBP and every one is hindered cause proton energy doesn't get sent back.. That's some bull... Yes it pens shields that's fine but its still a energy weapon and deserves to be sent back!!! There is no real defense when proton barrage is used unless you have a paid item. Now that's OP over 80k crits with that and not a dime of it gets sent back..

    For all you people saying its a stupid skill and takes no skill well what do you call alpha ganks? When its the only thing you can do and then use battle cloak to run away and lick your wounds when a slow moving ship can't cloak or run away, its supposed to just sit there and let you shoot it?? FBP when alpha is used is like ganking the ganker. You take the risk of ganking some one you take the risk of getting ganked back. Stop complaining about it.

    If you don't want to get hurt so bad watch who u gank and watch what skills they have up when you fire.. YOU ONLY HAVE YOURSELF TO BLAME.
  • rylanadionysisrylanadionysis Member Posts: 3,359 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    FBP is not OP.. Yes all tac skills should affect it. Its simple you want a way to be able to vape some one with out them having some defense. Well tough. Now FBP and every one is hindered cause proton energy doesn't get sent back.. That's some bull... Yes it pens shields that's fine but its still a energy weapon and deserves to be sent back!!! There is no real defense when proton barrage is used unless you have a paid item. Now that's OP over 80k crits with that and not a dime of it gets sent back..

    If you don't want to get hurt so bad watch who u gank and watch what skills they have up when you fire.. YOU ONLY HAVE YOURSELF TO BLAME.

    Necro threads are OP, plz nerf.
    Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
    Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
    Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
  • heizlueftaheizluefta Member Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Whats the point in pushing a 7 month old thread and complaining ? Hmm....anything happened tonight?
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    heizluefta wrote: »
    Whats the point in pushing a 7 month old thread and complaining ? Hmm....anything happened tonight?

    Just the initial onslaught of a Zombie Apocalypse.
  • hurleybirdhurleybird Member Posts: 909
    edited February 2014
    FBP might be OP if it didn't share a CD with TSS... but it does.
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